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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 310x686, Collin Far-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1594299 No.1594299 [Reply] [Original]

ok /sci/ wat is the scientific explanation for why there aren't any funny women?

pic unrelated

>> No.1594303
File: 53 KB, 692x409, LSfactoryline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- hypothesis refuted.

>> No.1594307 [DELETED] 

A mathematician walks into a bar and orders a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/2 of a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/4 of a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/2 of a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/8 of a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/16 of a beer.

The bartender says "FUCK IT!" and pours two beers.


>> No.1594308


>> No.1594312

I actually lolled good one.

Calc BCfag here

>> No.1594313

Because having tits and a vagina is all thats required for men to fuck them. Well I guess they don't even need tits, just look at asian women. Being funny provides no extra incentive to fuck them. And this is the evolutionary reason that women are so worthless outside of the bedroom.

>> No.1594318

yep. also not funny.

>> No.1594320

A mathematician walks into a bar and orders a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/2 of a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/4 of a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/8 of a beer.
Another mathematician walks into a bar and orders 1/16 of a beer.

The bartender says "FUCK IT!" and pours two beers.


>> No.1594321

that adds up to 2 and 7/16ths not 1 and 15/16ths

>> No.1594328

you tricky bitch. still not funny, sorry

>> No.1594331

fixed it before you called it.

>> No.1594354

my apologies, female tripfriend. your humor is not very good. why do you think that is?

>> No.1594357

Because I'm a tripfag.

>> No.1594364

No, because you are an engineer.

>> No.1594369
File: 80 KB, 640x480, womenMath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1594386

Not only only are you a tripfag, but you are a tripfag whose general information is known. You are a bit chubby and go to UNR. You have just enough of a face to inspire extra rage.

>> No.1594398
File: 30 KB, 315x382, 6213_576890911054_222304401_4817484_7542401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that women are less funny, it's that men and other women laugh at women's jokes less. Humour is a gendered activity, as long as passivity and politeness are engendered in women it will be harder for them to compete in this male-dominated world. Much the same as women will always be more conditioned by patriarchy to go for careers in paediatrics rather than open heart sugery. As long as there are threads like this, perptuating the distinction between male and female humour there will be the problem that the men are brought up to make the women laugh.

>> No.1594401
File: 40 KB, 500x333, u_still_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1594417

/any gender threads on 4chan

>> No.1594437

Mad I am 400 miles away from you? Damn straight I am.

>> No.1594445

Are you in las vegas or in oregon?

Because if it's the one of those two that I think it is, then i'm going to be very close to you in just a few years.

>> No.1594461

Hey Jenny, will you have sex with me? I'm really smart.

>> No.1594471

Vegas. However, I am going to be getting as far away from here as I can ASAP.

>> No.1594490

I give a pre-test before intercourse. You must score at least a 95.

>> No.1594502

Hey Jenny, will you have sex with me? I have $1,000,000,000.

>> No.1594523

Make a Cheritable donation to the Jennie fund and I may consider going out with you.

>> No.1594541


So you're a whore by profession or just as a hobby?

>> No.1594546

May I have this test of yours?

>> No.1594548

>implying i accept money as a form of payment for sex.

>> No.1594607

I'm bored and trying to figure out who you are. My friend is an engineer at UNR, and I was hoping he'd be a mutual friend on the Facebooks. No such luck. Of course, he's civil, and if your school is anything like mine, civils and electricals don't mingle much. Anyway, I can't seem to figure out who you are so either a) my stalking skills are rusty, b) you aren't on fb or c) Jennie is purely a pseudonym.

>> No.1594684

Because being funny doesn't make samiches.

>> No.1594690

Hitchens explains it quite well

>> No.1594708

You like cum?

>> No.1594715

...because they're supposed to be in the kitchen.

>> No.1595192

OP here. thanks for shitting up the thread attention whore.

>> No.1595264

Try a staring contest against a few people you know. Lock eyes until someone smiles, laughs, or breaks eye contact. Men are much better at this game than women. Through a complex combination of nature and nurture,

1. We are programmed to find men socially superior to women
2. We are programmed to show deference to our social superiors
3. We are programmed to consider laughter a form of deference if it is caused by the superior's actions

It's also likely that men simply have better senses of humor, but I'd guess women are much closer to men at writing humor than they are at speaking humor.

>> No.1595287

"The problem with female comedians is that they tend to be dykes or Jews..."
Hahha, so lulzworthy

>> No.1596449


Aaah yes, conditioned by the evil patriarchy. Not by, y'know, the endless eons of evolution. Nah.

Women have a better sense of humour than men but men are funnier.

>> No.1596476

> implying the thread wasn't shit right from the start

>> No.1596490

Nice creeping, you scared her off! Jennie must be her real name.

>> No.1596495

Jennie, where's that test of yours?

>> No.1596502

Jennie, look out your window and wave for the camera.

>> No.1596503


>> No.1596505

I thought this was /sci/, not /x/?