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15942922 No.15942922 [Reply] [Original]

"Gender identity" is a non-existent sham and "transgender people" should be admitted to a psych ward/treated for schizophrenia in general

Only brainwashed wokies that believe in their wishy-washy fairy tales of "YAAYY I CAN CHANGE MY GENDER" will try to argue this.

Trannies are a product of their own degeneracy/mental illness. Had they ALL been raised by wolves since they were put outside the womb, they would not in a million years think they're some they/them pronoun shit or have mk ultra "gender dysporia".

>> No.15943036

>"Gender identity" is a non-existent sham
Do you have a degree in neurobiology perchance?

>> No.15943071

All of this is true

>> No.15943105

Did someone fap to a tranny on accident?

>> No.15943108

What’s funny to me is that they want MORE than mere identity—they want to erase biology altogether.

I will call you a woman if you want to be called a woman, but you are NOT a real biological woman. Identity is more important in this case. Why do they want to attack biology too?

But it gets even more annoying with the semantics and the pronouns. To the average bloke on the side of the road, sex and gender both mean the same damn thing.

You only don’t need a fourth set of pronouns. You only need he/she, or they/them, WHICH CAN BE USED FOR LITERALLY ANYTHING. Fuck. “They’re cringe as fuck”.

>> No.15943118

Funny how many threads on /sci/ are staunchly anti-science and reject the most common, repeatable, and agreed upon research findings

>> No.15943587
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>> No.15943593

What about gender roles? Are they biologically predetermined as well?

>> No.15943601

when robot bodies become available (to switch to from frail human bodies) they will be androgynous. there's literally zero reasons to have it any other way. male/female is a bio necessity, apart from bio it's irrelevant.

>> No.15944134 [DELETED] 


>> No.15944139

in robo synthetic body there's no need for sex or "roles" or anything having to do with all that bullshit. that doesn't exist outside of biology.

>> No.15944146

Gender roles are a part of identity of a person, the gender itself is not.

>> No.15944151

so having a dick has nothing to do with identity? are you retarded anon?

>> No.15944155

if I raise you as a girl since the day you are born, your identity will most likely be the of a girl. Your identity is mostly influenced by education

>> No.15944158

>Your identity is mostly influenced by education
by information. education is information inoculation. but kept to your own means (say tarzan or some shit) you'd go by the only available information.
let alone the whole biochemistry detail which pumps hormones like crazy.
I am willing to entertain some of your bullshit but stop getting all retarded about it. it's flat earth level theory. some of the shit might make some sense, completely isolated of other factors etc

>> No.15944161

>>15944158 (me)
and just for the record, I hate all of your spectrum equally, "normal" men/women included. all are shit
my position is that human consciousness has biological layers on top of it, and that can get modulated, by chemistry or "inoculation". once removed, we're all the same shit.
gender is basically bloat outside of bio

>> No.15944201 [DELETED] 

Yes, there are people with that body oart who don't identify as a male apparently.

>> No.15944208

especially after pumping themselves with hormones and having their brain washed and peer pressured into it and incentivized as fuck. eventually you do get more than you historically had.
you can bully people into suicide, just because you can do it doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.15944210

Identity is more like something in your mind, body/gender is a physical fact.

>> No.15944211

yeah I mentioned it here: >>15944208 you can apparently brainwash people into almost anything. should you?

>> No.15944217

Yeah people should identify as what they really are biologically. I don't want to brainwash anyone into the madness of wokeism.

>> No.15944219

well there is a utilitarian argument to brainwashing the ones who randomly are not aligned to their sex. makes more sense for the group rather than brainwashing all kids into confusion then selling them a bunch of shit, for life. the more they want exactly what they are not the more sales and political power for whoever runs that shitshow

>> No.15944379

How will I ever recover?

>> No.15944380

Gender roles are a social construct. It's the role that society prescribes a man/woman to take, obviously they vary from time period to time period and from culture to culture

>> No.15945032

its good if those people are your enemy

>> No.15945036

i think 4-5 years ago, this thread would have been removed for being political

>> No.15945523
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>> No.15945529

The Swedes are getting exterminated, and this turd and Chris Moriarty are going to get tortured for a lot more years than they've been alive already. Those are some more facts.

>> No.15945823

Why psych ward and not regular genocide? Why don't just to line time up in front of a wall and shoot them?

>> No.15945828

>Do you have a degree in neurobiology perchance?

Why would you need one ? Gender identity isn't based on neuroscience in anyway , shape or form , it's based on social construction theory a sociological theory , nothing to do with medicine at all.

Or science.

Now that's not to say that there haven't been brain structure /brain activity experiments in regard to gender identity.

But if you actually read these studies you'll find they don't prove what "science!" Articles say they prove.

The gender faggots always lie , time after time with no shame , they lie so much people assume they couldn't possibly lie this much they must be genuine.

Nope , lying is just all they do

>> No.15945830

Regardless of whether or not you think being transsexual is real, it's delusional to think surgery can change someone's outward sex. Medical science just isn't there yet and today's results are nightmare tier bad.

>> No.15945832

Stop lying cunt , all the literature points to the exact opposite.

Gender liars - thats all they do

>> No.15945836

>Gender identity isn't based on neuroscience in anyway
Then why are there dozens of papers that look into how exactly neurobiological processes affect gender identity?
>The gender faggots always lie
Some retards being retards on the internet doesn't discredit a whole field of research.
Why are you so angry at the fact that trannies simply exist?
I don't think anyone (worth taking serious) is thinking that. To me it feels like half this tranny "debate" is just about semantics, people talking past each other, using the same words to mean different things. And nobody willing to explain their side or listen to the other side's explanation.

>> No.15945840

No it's determined by God. The role of the man and husband as well as the woman and wife are laid out in God's Word.

God made them male and female and that is (still) supported by all known science, as well as that life only comes from life a.k.a. the law of biogenesis (anything else is a miracle, like God creating life or the materialist's claim that life came from nonlife -- yet the materialists have no miracle maker which makes their view scientifically unsound and illogical since they profess so many miracles).

More likely for being too laughable that nobody would take it seriously as passing for scientific discussion nor it being something worthy of discussion. It's all just a huge waste of time trying to reason with the mentally unwell who've indulged in their sodomite crossdressing and humiliation fetish too much that it gets to the point of public displays of crossdressing, drug abuse, and surgical castration/mutilation.

>> No.15945852

>Then why are there dozens of papers that look into how exactly neurobiological processes affect gender identity?

See , this is a lie , that's not what the studies do , they merely establish a correlation between the subject "performing as another gender' and the brain waves.

Now since you such an expect on neurobiology , you would understand just how hard it is to establish causation.

But that's redundant, gender identity as I said before and you ignored isn't a medical/scientific theory[sic] it's sociological.

Also , I'm a few years uncurrent but there were only 2 studies I was aware of they both didn't show causation because it was outside the scope of the experiment.

>Some retards being retards on the internet doesn't discredit a whole field of research.

Of course not , it's the hypothesis of gender identity that discredits itself from being science , it's subjectively defined and subjectively identified and is not falsifiable.

So that's done and dusted , gender identity can be dismissed without any further consideration, unless you want to make a special pleading argument.

>Why are you so angry at the fact that trannies simply exist?
Im not angry , and my emotions are irrelevant to my argument,

Why do you always have to lie ?

>> No.15945880

>God made them male and female and that is (still) supported by all known science,.

I reject gender identity as a concept but this makes you look retarded Nd you should be ashamed of just how stupid and inadequate you are.

Then use that shame to motivate yourself to learn about actual science and why invoking scientific proof of super natural beings intentions makes you the message board equivalent of the guy masturbating on the bus.

>> No.15945927

homosexuality is masturbation

>> No.15945951

if gender is a "construct" then you can be brainwashed back into accepting whatever the fuck life gave you.
if gender isn't a fucking construct then why tf are so many trannies popping up in the US all of a sudden? and why the fuck does this shit starts happening in my country (eastern europe) while kids start asking for hormones on reddit? how the fuck does this coincidence happen? they get source for hormones, some shady guy in some apartment, then lady boys turn up in some time.
trannies are being literally assembled by cultural pressures and also chemically supported by drug dealers. this is fucking insane.
it either is a fucking construct in which case you should be brainwashed into accepting the body you have, either it isn't in which case you are mentally ill and you need therapy (i.e. brainwashing). either way you need to be brainwashed into accepting whatever the fuck you have.
they took that away from you, and you will pay your whole life in the hopes of getting it back.

>> No.15945957


>> No.15945989

And one only says "one" when speaking in third person about what many could or would do.

>> No.15946219

>Then why so many trannies in US ...
Dude, they all drink and eat from softened plastic that contains estrogen analogou which will get from package to food when it's warmed up.

Literally you have estrogen mimicking forever chemicals in every product ranging from keyboard to paper.

What a sad thing.

>> No.15946520

holocausting trannys is not genocide because trannys are not a race, they have no common genetics, they're just a interest group of degenerate pedophiles

>> No.15946983

>Gender liars - thats all they do
Non Christians do not believe in "thou shalt not lie" that commandment is strictly a Christian belief. Everyone who isn't a Christian does not feel compelled to be honest

>> No.15947132

They're just men who live as women and women who live as men. You can have that without language like "gender identity", "change my gender", "gender dysphoria."

Let's discuss why the medical/legal system chooses to let people do that instead of institutionalizing them or treating them for schizophrenia. I think it's because they tried that and it didn't work, or else we'd still be doing that.

>> No.15947136

if they can turn regular people intro troons they can turn troons back into regular people. simple as

>> No.15947144

It depends on what's going on underneath. It's possible that some people don't have a strong feeling of what sex they need to be, while other people don't.
The regular people that turn into troons, if they're ambivalent about what sex they need to be, then they stay trooned. Otherwise, they detroon when they realize their mistake.
There are people who detroon so we know that you can't turn any regular person into one.

>> No.15947151

yeah maybe a bit forced on my part. if that shit forms in early years and that's when they chemically attack you, you might be set for life.
god fucking damn it I fucking hate predatory humans. feeding on the weakest of the bunch

>> No.15947902

sorry niggers but it's impossible for trannies to be women no matter how many definitions you switch around

>gender is biological sex

then trans women are still biologically male, and therefore not women

>gender is brain sex (that is, the neurological features associated with being male or female, as revealed by MRIs)

then trans women would still be men, because despite being shifted towards the female sex, they are still closer to male neurology (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/))

>gender is social roles associated with the sexes

then gender nonconforming women cannot be called women, nor can men who act in feminine ways be called men

>gender is determined by identification

identification with what? If it is just identifying as being a woman and nothing more, then the idea of womanhood is circular and communicates no information. If it is with any of the above, then the above refutations still stand

>gender is an incoherent concept

then the statement "trans women are women" is meaningless and can be discarded.

>> No.15947942

>Let's discuss why the medical/legal system chooses to let people do that instead of institutionalizing them or treating them for schizophrenia. I think it's because they tried that and it didn't work, or else we'd still be doing that.

Well you might "reckon" that , but it's all been documented , first of all it's the only mental illness which treatment involves other people affirming their delusions.

We know that the reason "gender dysphoria" was declassified from a mental illness, we KNOW it wasn't because new information or data came to light , we KNOW it was changed for illegitimate reasons.

How do we KNOW , because they told us their reasoning , they wanted to normalise it and take away stigma.

Neither of these are appropriate reasons for changing a classification, feelings before facts if you will.


>The WHO justifies have taken gender incongruence out from mental illness, first of all, because at present there is greater normalization and knowledge about the diversity and gender variants that separate them from mental illness. Secondly, by eliminating this condition from the mental disorders chapter, the stigma which in our culture is more associated with mental disorders decreases

>> No.15947995

Tell me you're scientifically illiterate without telling me.

>> No.15948005

That's because tourists from other boards keep coming here trying to prove something wrong or whine about whatever it's causing their butthurt..

>> No.15948303

You're slagging of others intelligence but you couldn't even make a clear point.

>> No.15948313

I am so glad I never watched YouTubers growing up.

>> No.15948391

>What about gender roles? Are they biologically predetermined as well?
Can a woman inseminate a man and make him pregnant? That's right, she can't. To answer your (extremely basal) question: yes, gender roles are biologically predetermined.

>> No.15948487

Trannies may not be women but in some societies they're allowed to be recognized as women, as an exception. In the US, judges will allow a male to change his name to a female one, and in most states he can get his ID documents to say he is a female. Contrast that to Thailand where trannies cannot change the sex on their ID.
The statement "trans women are women" is more like saying that trans women are to be recognized as women.
Whether trans women are [to be recognized as] women is more of a societal thing rather than a biology thing.

>it's the only mental illness which treatment involves other people affirming their delusions
I guess someone decided that a male living as a woman is acceptable, but it isn't acceptable to starve yourself to death (eating disorder) or chop your arm off (BIID).
I wouldn't say they're delusions similar to schizophrenia or psychosis, since antipsychotics don't cure gender dysphoria. (Although I guess it's possible that during a psychotic episode someone has the delusion that they're a tranny...)
>>With the publication of DSM–5 in 2013, “gender identity disorder” was eliminated and replaced with “gender dysphoria.” This change further focused the diagnosis on the gender identity-related distress that some transgender people experience (and for which they may seek psychiatric, medical, and surgical treatments) rather than on transgender individuals or identities themselves.
They're just saying that it's a mental illness if gender dysphoria bothers you, but it isn't a mental illness to be a tranny who no longer bothered by gender dysphoria.
I guess they didn't want to suggest that it's wrong to live as the opposite sex. That's up for the people to decide, I guess.

>> No.15948591

>someone posted something I disagree with, that must mean…
>they're all out to get me!!!

>> No.15948643
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I wonder why dementia trannies forget their gender. Guess it was delusion after all.

>> No.15948712

Why don’t we just flip the script and say people who are anti-trans are schizophrenic and need to be committed. What is the response?

>> No.15948873

>the point

>> No.15948924

Precisely the type of post that I'm talking about.

>> No.15949501

Can you show how you got from "dementia trannies forget their gender" to "it was delusion"?

I can take a guess on how you might have come to that assertion:
- There is a concept of gender hardwired into the brain, that dementia won't change or destroy
- Trannies exist because their hardwired brain gender doesn't match their sex
- Because dementia trannies forget their previously incongruent gender, then that means they were delusional

Let delusion mean
>a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions.

If you view the tranny as just needing to live as the opposite sex, then it wouldn't be a delusion.

I would go through how schizophrenia is diagnosed, and show that just being anti-trans doesn't fit the criteria for schizophrenia.

>> No.15949518

I am romantically and sexually attracted to myself as a woman and this causes my "gender dysphoria", although it's more like a preference for the female phenotype over the male one. I'm sort of indifferent to being a male, as long as I look vaguely androgynous.

>> No.15949571

ingesting the feces of a homosexual will turn you into a homosexual. fact.

>> No.15949625

do you have an argument? or are you just whining?

>> No.15950098
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>> No.15950147


>> No.15950169

>scientific facts
>any statements about psychiatry


>> No.15950614

Yes I do, but you seem to be to stupid or to stubborn to get it

>> No.15950846

cry more then. if you're not willing to state it outright, then it probably wasn't a good argument anyway. Prove me wrong or kys like the other trannies.

>> No.15951058

I did state it outright you big baby, but >>15947902 clearly shows you're too retarded to understand it.
Some rando retard on the internet is not entitled to my time. That's even if you'd take anything I say in good faith

>> No.15951081

link the comment or kys tranny

>> No.15951638

>why are there DOZENZZ of papers that look into how exactly neurobiological processes affect gender identity?
because useful idiots are useful, and useful idiots make useful stupid fraudulent evidence

>why are you so angry at the fact that trannies simply exist?
because insanity should not be normalized lest you want fall of the roman empire 2
stupid trannigger

>this whole tranny "debate" is just about semantics
gee i wonder which side youre on tranny hcfanny

>> No.15951645

You never denied that accidentally fapping to a tranny sparked your shitpost. You just linked my post and continued on your tirade.

It's okay anon. Alex Jones does it, so you can too.

>> No.15951657

There's no such thing as a "female brain in a man's body."
If you're a man, you have a man brain.

>> No.15951688

I did not make such claims.

>> No.15951918

>one case of an elderly tranny who semi-detranses because of unaccepting family, claims to wear men's clothing but points at women's clothing while doing so, etc.
lol ok

>> No.15952034

>i wonder which side youre on tranny hcfanny
Used to think it's all stupid make belief, because of many internet trannies being deranged retards who have no idea what they are talking about and also mix it up with the 64 Pokemon gender narrative (which is bullshit)
Then I read some of what actual biologists have to say on the topic and now I'm aware that trannies are in fact real and that half of the confusion comes form nobody seeming to know what the words they say actually mean

>> No.15952075

We've been trying to heal cancer for decades and most of the time it doesn't work, only slows down the decease. Should we just stop trying then?
That it is nonsensical. How does it match for schizophrenia.
It's hardly a scientific matter. 80% of the discussion pertains to the humanities. Sex cannot be changed, and gender is in fact a social construct. A social construct that deserves to be upheld, although it is now being dissolved as yet another symptom that western civilization is losing cabin pressure.

>> No.15952105
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>"Gender identity" is a non-existent sham
>"transgender people" should be admitted to a psych ward/treated for schizophrenia in general
Not all of them. Actual trannies do exist, in fact, they are the biggest victims of this whole gender identity thing because many degenerate and deranged "people" are using their condition as a label, much like autism and >neurodivergent "people", the whole fake depression thing, etc.

Now here's a scientific FACT that matters: Humans need moments to think and moments to not think, the moments to not think are usually during exercising, sports practicing and other physical activities. The moment humans stopped exercising and working on computers all day they started thinking more. And thinking more is bad, because eventually you will think about useless stuff that makes you feel bad. Yes, the gymbro meme of "Just exercise bro" actually helps you in the long run, both with physical and mental issues. That voice in your head should not be on 24/7, for your own good, learn to turn it off.

>> No.15952399

>We've been trying to heal cancer for decades and most of the time it doesn't work, only slows down the decease. Should we just stop trying then?
We should try to look for cures of gender dysphoria that don't involve transitioning. I'm not sure if anyone's working on that, or they can't for lack of money or political reasons.