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15942138 No.15942138 [Reply] [Original]

is it bad that i'm waiting until i'm like 25 to get my wisdom teeth removed (broke no insurance etc)? i've read about shit like nerve damage that lasts for months and i'm terrified of that
one of them already grew in but the other three, especially the bottom two absolutely do not have room. they haven't really caused any problems yet (i'm 24 next week)

>> No.15942154
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>> No.15942157

hi :3

>> No.15942162

it's only 50% blogpost i'm asking medfags a question....

>> No.15942272

Don't they have a dedicated general on this very board?

>> No.15942274

Get them removed before they fuck up your dental arch, otherwise you're either stuck with crooked teeth or will have to spend time and money on braces.

>> No.15942278
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That is only a problem if you have an underdeveloped jaw, and that happens only if you didn't use your teeth to chew food properly when you were a kid, or you didn't ate hard foods like nuts, seeds, peanuts, hard meats that need a low of chewing, etc.

>> No.15942311

might want to go in for a basic dental exam with xrays. they'll tell you whether there's enough room for them to come in or if they should be removed before they permanently fuck up your teeth requiring braces and wearing a retainer for the rest of your life.
i personally got mine out anyway because i didnt want the risk of fucking up my (nearly) perfectly straight teeth.

>> No.15942343

Had three wisdom teeth. Got the 1st removed at age 22 and the last at 26. They were difficult to clean and brush because they were so far back in the mouth. As such they caused lots of problems, and I had infections in two of them. Getting rid of them was quick and painless mostly... So yea I would recommend getting them removed in your 20's.

>> No.15942362

where they specifically do not answer med questions? Yes.

>> No.15942367

Ducks are cute

>> No.15942421
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Wisdom tooth removal is a scam, just like circumcision. Don't get them removed at all unless you absolutely need to.

>i've read about shit like nerve damage that lasts for months and i'm terrified of that
This is because (((doctors))) use scare tactics in order to coax people into getting medical procedures they don't need.

>they haven't really caused any problems yet (i'm 24 next week)
Exactly. You straight up admit they aren't causing you any problems, and there's a good chance they never will, so you would be getting them removed for nothing. The only reason you feel compelled to do it is because some (((doctor))) scared you into it, and you don't actually medically need it.

>> No.15942487

green is a common kike name

>> No.15942764

Wisdom teeth CAN become problematic, in which case it's better to remove them early before their roots grow into other teeth for example. Because when that happens, you can't just remove the wisdom teeth. It's a tedious operation.
The recommended practice already changed from "just remove 'em lol" to "check whether it's really necessary, otherwise let them in" many years ago. If a doctor just removes them "because that's how we do it", that doctor is a scammer or an idiot.
Same with circumcision obviously, since you mention that. Sometimes it's necessary. In the vast majority of cases, it's not and babies should never fucking ever be subjected to that fucking mutilation without medical necessity.

>> No.15942839

I got two of mine removed a couple of days ago and I'm 27. Idk about nerve damage, but I have pretty regular, but also very mild, pains even 4-5 days later. Personally, I wouldn't have removed them if I didn't have pretty strong tooth ache beforehand.

>> No.15943099

I never got them removed.
It's from malnutrition.

>> No.15944245
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>5 years ago
>"oh no anon there's not enough room for your wisdom teeth to come in"
>removing wisdom teeth is a 500 billion dollar industry
>do nothing
>nothing happens