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15941218 No.15941218 [Reply] [Original]



>The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report Four (AR-4) of 2007, concerning the influence of rising levels of CO2 on global increases of tropical cyclone (TC) activity is inaccurate and a disgrace to the scientific community. The public expected there would be rigor and objectivity coming out of such an important document which shared a Nobel Peace Prize with former US Vice President Al Gore. The summary of TC activity of this report was based on discredited peer-reviewed papers whose lack of authenticity was known before the report was released. A select cadre of global warming advocates (with little TC knowledge or experience) bent their objectivity to drive this report toward a desired (but faulty) conclusion that global TC activity was increasing in frequency and intensity. They further implied that a large portion of this alleged TC increase could likely be attributed to rising levels of CO

>> No.15941219

>There is no physical basis for assuming that global tropical cyclone intensity or frequency is necessarily related to global mean surface temperature changes of less than ±0.5oC. As the ocean surface warms, global upper air temperatures also increase to maintain conditionally unstable lapse-rates and global rainfall rates at their required values. Seasonal and monthly variations within individual storm basins show only very low correlations of sea surface temperature (SST) with monthly, seasonal, and yearly variations of hurricane activity. These correlations are typically of the order of about 0.3, explaining only about 10 percent of the variance. Other factors such as tropospheric vertical wind shear, surface pressure, low level vorticity, mid-level moisture, etc. play more dominant roles in explaining hurricane variability on these shorter time scales. Although there has been a general global warming over the last 10 years, the SST increases in the individual tropical cyclone basins have been smaller (about half), and according to the observations have not brought about any significant increases in global major tropical cyclones except for the Atlantic where a shift has been made to the positive phase of the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation. No credible observational evidence is available or likely will be available in the next few decades which will be able to directly associate global temperature change to changes in global tropical cyclone frequency and intensity.

>> No.15941220

>Dr. William M. Gray has been studying, teaching and forecasting tropical cyclones (TCs) for over 55 years. He holds MS and Ph.D. degrees in meteorology and geophysical science from the University of Chicago. Both MS and Ph.D. theses were on TC topics. He had his first research aircraft flight into a hurricane in 1958 and has been the major advisor to 50 MS and 20 Ph.D. students, the majority of whose theses were on hurricane-related subjects. Dr. Gray was delegated to conduct a personal UN-WMO sponsor survey trip of all the 28 global TC forecast and research centers in 1977-78. He organized the first UN-WMO International Workshop on TCs (IWTC) workshop in Bangkok in 1985 and attended the following five workshops. He instigated and has been involved with the issuing of seasonal Atlantic basin hurricane forecasts for the last 28 years. These forecasts have had extensive coverage from the media. He is presently an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University where he has been in residence since 1961.

>> No.15941228

>Grist for corporate ponzi schemers and assorted bloated religious cultists.
Anything else you'd like to contribute?

>> No.15941280 [DELETED] 
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>>Grist for corporate ponzi schemers and assorted bloated religious cultists.
>Anything else you'd like to contribute?

>> No.15941312

cope, the global warming soiyentists' doomsday predictions about increased hurricanes completely failed to materialize, just like all their other doomsday predictions. this proves that global warming is a false narrative and that it is not taking place.

>> No.15941495

there was one abnormally active atlantic hurricane season in the last 50 years, a statistically like likely occurrence because one sample out of 50 has to end up being the outlier, and the climate soience community embarrassed themselves by trying to blow that one season up into meaning something that it clearly did not since the most active pacific typhoon season was in 1964

>> No.15941983

>the most active pacific typhoon season was in 1964

>> No.15942752


>> No.15943583

Colorado State is the world's leading school when it comes to forecasting tropical cyclone activity

>> No.15944112 [DELETED] 

>the global warming soiyentists' doomsday predictions about increased hurricanes completely failed to materialize
But they still got a Nobel prize for their terrible science regardless

>> No.15944164
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You lost all credibility.

>> No.15944407

>global warming being fake and gay again
as always

>> No.15945371

Al Gore sure has turned into a major lardass

>> No.15945730

He has an eating disorder, which means he is mentally unwell

>> No.15946713

>which means he is mentally unwell
also physically

>> No.15946958

>one sample out of 50 has to end up being the outlier
2013 was the other end of the spectrum for outliers, it was the weakest Atlantic hurricane season in the past 50 years

>> No.15947297
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imagine winning a completely undeserved nobel prize, how disgraceful

>> No.15947333
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>an eating disorder
Eating too much isn't a disorder, it's a bad choice.

>> No.15948368

> it's a bad choice.
so is homosexuality
so is suicide
people make bad choices because they are mentally unwell

>> No.15948830

pure coincidence that the last 3 previous democratic presidential administrations all received nobel peace prizes while instigating overseas warfare.

>> No.15949701

Sissified wimps who hate people larger than themselves out of fear are incapable of making that distinction because of their insane fixation on body size

>> No.15949962

Never an excuse to never not play like you are losing.

>> No.15950887

If homosexuality is a choice, why have I seen dudes crying oprah that they don't want to be gay?

>> No.15950893
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>comic sans
Also this thing is older than the average /pol/ack

>> No.15951552

So where are all the gigehurricanes that the global warming hysterics were promising?

>> No.15951556

>what is Hurricane Katrina

>> No.15952195

that was what the IPCCs 2007 report was based on, they were claiming more of the same was imminent and instead hurricane activity slacked off substantially.
which just goes to show that the IPCC and the rest of climate science have no idea what they're talking about

>> No.15952202

Then we need more climate research cause this tards are clueless

Rinse and repeat and if you are stupid enough to reject more climate research we require you to step down or we will lose money and lives.

>> No.15952431
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>> No.15952438

Thanks for nothing, Al Gore.

>> No.15952767

Adult who believes in human caused global warming here: to be fair, katrina was just the storm that parked over a backward ditch buy the ocean, squarely parked over a city, which everyone was waiting for to happen and knew would eventually come.

>> No.15953625

>one storm 20 years ago