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15938686 No.15938686 [Reply] [Original]

Is censoring science for moral reasons good policy?

>> No.15938690

>censorship of any kind
pick one.

>> No.15938700
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No, but if you're a trained geneticist your view points on economics means fuck all. The inverse is also true of an economist trying to speak on genetics.

>> No.15938972

It doesn't take a PHD in economics to predict that the future of any nation where the average iq is below retard level isn't going to be very bright

>> No.15939110

His son disowned him too.

Never have kids. They will betray you.

>> No.15939148

People tend to get the kinds of children they deserve.

>> No.15939152

He is correct that the difference is probably genetic in part, but he doesn't seem to have knowledge on the particulars of the BW gap. He was just talking out of his ass, and the libtards jumped on him for it.

>> No.15939233
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Let’s take the politics out of it and go back to the basics of biology.

Take two populations of the same species. Not humans- let’s say rabbits.

Isolate them genetically for a significant period (usually such isolation is caused by geography but it doesn’t matter why so long as interbreeding is minimal and is over enough generations for natural selection and genetic drift to occur).

Will there be a divergence of traits between the two populations?

The answer is yes, of course. Some traits will diverge becasue of natural selection, some because of sexual selection and some just becasue of genetic drift.

After all that is how evolution works - it simply must be the case.

Evolution isn’t just about when two populations diverge so greatly that a new species or sub-species forms - it’ happening daily for all sorts of traits and characteristics of an animal.

And the traits that most directly impact on fitness will tend to be subject to strong selection.

So wind it back to humans.

Have certain populations of humans being genetically isolated from each other for many generations?

Yes. We tend to call them ethnicities.

Will their traits vary as between population groups?

Yes. Hair type, blood group, eye colour, facial features, ability to digest certain foods, average height, body shape etc. All these traits demonstrably differ between ethnic groups.

Is intelligence a trait of humans that will likewise vary?

You can logically only choose one answer:

A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

B) No - intelligence is a special trait - alone amongst all traits it’s not possible for it to vary between groups at all - all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.

If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.

>> No.15939244

People who deny eugenics/evolution are uneducated, willfully ignorant, dangerously overemotional people.

We are held back by them.

>> No.15939253

eugenics doesn't follow from this

>> No.15939256

>Will there be a divergence of traits between the two populations?
>The answer is yes, of course.
The answer is not necessarily yes or no. Consider swans, ducks, coots and grebes: they live in the same environment, superficially they have different traits but all survive and reproduce well in their own intelligent way. The problem is that we don't value the way niggers are intelligently surviving and reproducing because niggers don't build smartphones and whites don't like living in huts and banging on drums anymore.

>> No.15939265

Yes it does. You can totally (hypothetically) better the human species by selective breeding. It just doesn't work due to emotional investments. We're not lizard people.

>> No.15939267

You suck at reading lol

>> No.15939269

Science is inherently political.

>> No.15939271

>they have different traits but all survive and reproduce well in their own intelligent way.
>in their own intelligent way.
I would call that divergent traits of uniquely built intelligence. Convergent basics of intelligent survival is something else.

>> No.15939272

For such a genius he has such a shallow view of the world, he seems to think those socialist policies in the 60s-2000s were born the west's good heart to help Afrika and are not simply a facade as the west implemented a neo-colonial world order to exploit the Africans.
If he was smart he would namedrop a cerain tribe.

>> No.15939275

i think intelligence should increase on its own (albeit slower) if we spend our time and effort increasing quality of life.
there would obviously be costs to implementing any sort of eugenics. it would take a lot of time and resources, and it might cause unrest which would need to be controlled.
it just seems like a strange thing to FORCE, when it ought to correct itself in the long term if we're headed in the right direction.

>> No.15939276

>it just seems like a strange thing to FORCE

Did I stutter when I said "It just doesn't work due to emotional investments."?

The whole 'eugenics wouldn't work in humans' argument is inherently stupid since the reason WHY is inherently obvious. You do NOT tell who to fuck who.

>> No.15939279

i see
i do hate those weaponized self-fulfilling prophecies, it's concerning how many of those there are if you look around.
i'll think about this further

>> No.15939285

Convergence / divergence doesn't matter because the argument is about how to interpret variation in traits. There's a silent assumption that underperforming in a particular trait, like the ability to use logic and reason is an inferior way to be overrall.

>> No.15939286

>There's a silent assumption that underperforming in a particular trait, like the ability to use logic and reason is an inferior way to be overrall.

The ability to think critically is vital, and is what separates us from the hedonistic monster who only lives for himself. There are things greater than happiness, especially your happiness.

>> No.15939288

>You do NOT tell who to fuck who.
Arranged marriages have been common throughout history, and people have largely been fine with it.

>> No.15939293

Arranged marriages are political as well as social, not for the sake of biological betterment. Look at the Habsburgs.

Meanwhile, selective key-trait breeding by Ashkenazi women retained the brilliance of the Jews, while the Victorians lost give-or-take 15~ IQ points since the Victorian period, if we go by that one 2013 study on reaction times.

Humans have been breeding pretty poorly in the last century.

>> No.15939297

>Look at the Habsburgs.
If it's possible to make people marry inbred freaks, surely it is possible to make them marry anyone?

>> No.15939300

Peer pressure is a hell of a drug.

>> No.15939303

So if your peers believe in eugenics, there should be no problem, rigtht?

>> No.15939306

You can't hold on to that attitude in a modern world of scientific "freedoms", anon. Emotions are running wild without the logic to temper them.

>> No.15939307

Are you saying that the argument is that "our culture is not conducive to eugenics", not "eugenics is infeasbile"?

>> No.15939309

Both halves of the same hair. Eugenics works, humans just don't want it to.

>> No.15939311

>humans just don't want it to.
If the Habsburgs managed to do what they did, I'm sure we could too.

>> No.15939312

>The ability to think critically is vital
Only in the context of your current situation and society overall. If a tiger enters your room right now your IQ goes out the window. That's what the JP and Shapiro neocon types don't seem to understand when they rant against relativism.
>what separates us from the hedonistic monster
No. Art, music and science are pleasures that you place higher in an imaginary hierarchy. It is unclear why people are wired to pursue different kinds of pleasures but the ability to logic and reason don't correlate well with those pursuits. Intelligent artistic and scientific people also tend to use drugs for example.

>> No.15939314

the libtards favorite excuse for why africa is a mess. you'd think they'd have figured out how to fix shit by now.

>> No.15939318

"We must keep the bloodline pure, even if the bloodline has gone to shit" is a good example of inferior genetic mining, sure.

>> No.15939320

>That's what the JP and Shapiro neocon types don't seem to understand when they rant against relativism.

Oh, you're one of those denier types.

>> No.15939322

Libs still refuse to accept that African slavers provided the Europeans with live stock.

>> No.15939323

leftists conspiracy theories are so lame

>> No.15939324

I don't think you understand what critical thinking is.

Not taking the Covid vaccine was critical thinking. Noticing governmental hypocrisies is critical thinking. Thinking for yourself is critical thinking. Entertaining that you're wrong is critical thinking. Acknowledging that your happiness is inferior to your child's happiness is critical thinking.

>> No.15939327

>If a tiger enters your room right now your IQ goes out the window.

........What? "Don't pet the tiger" isn't a sign of intelligence?

>> No.15939329

the truth is very often quite lame.

>> No.15939332
File: 1.49 MB, 1200x1990, VC_OC_The-Worlds-Top-15-Economies-Through-Time_20072023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet a country like Saudi Arabia has better economy than Greece despite a near 15 IQ point gap.
And yet a country like Nigeria has better economy than North Korea despite a near 30 IQ point gap.

Countries like Japan with a 105-106 IQ and Germany with 100-101 IQ are projected to get mogged by countries with IQs at or lower than 80 like India in 2050 and Brazil by 2075.

There is more to economics than IQ. And despite high IQ countries like South Korea seem to not be able to save themselves from being non-relevant cause they can't figure out how to have more kids.

>> No.15939333

>like India in 2050 and Brazil by 2075.
Good morning sir superpower by 2050 britisher mad

>> No.15939335

I am with you but bringing up edge cases like this is not a good argument
>And yet a country like Saudi Arabia has better economy than Greece despite a near 15 IQ point gap.
You know why this is true
>And yet a country like Nigeria has better economy than North Korea despite a near 30 IQ point gap.

And ironicall enough it's better to live in North Korea than most places in Africa, it's cleaner with better infrastructure, just goes to show how long I.Q goes in making good places to live.
This is also why Japan is so much better than most other countries depite having lower GDP than France or the U.S

>> No.15939336

Bangladesh has larger economy than New Zealand.
Racists just can't stop losing.

>> No.15939338

Which is the use of logic and reason because any statement is comparitive / relational: one thing in comparison / relative to another thing which is also the process of discerning and noticing (in)consistencies. Again: the usefulness of this ability is relative to your environment. You need that discernment now more than ever because your own species has become predatory and you have little to no other kind of power.

>> No.15939339

More consistent/work-minded mentalities that don't have to rub or butt heads with contrasting outliers or immigrants that don't want to work or just take advantage of (and damage) the system.

I use the word "mentality" because consistent genetic nations like Japan are becoming depressed and their traditions are dying out. For some reason the more prosperous and complacent you are, the less incentive you have to do anything, even procreate.

"The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russel

>> No.15939340

per capita? no way. also bangladesh is a shithole whilst New Zealand is one of the best places to live in.
I get an existential crisis thinking about Bangladesh or Africa because I fear I might reincarnate there. absolute nightmare.

>> No.15939341

Funnily enough, there are several African countries where GDP per capita is lower than in NK.
They have no socialism no sanctions yet they make worse country. It's impossible to explain this without IQ.

>> No.15939342

I mean a history of civil wars and colonialisme explains it. North Korea hasn't collapsed because it had the continous support of one of the world's largest economies.

the real redpill is that the current state of the world is the result of a chaotic system that played out we call that system history. small changes to intitial states could have had masive changes to the outcomes.

Just look at Rawanda went from one of the world's shitttiest countries to clean and borderline liveable in 20 years, nothing changes about their ethnic make up or I.Q, imagine if they had been putting in simillar effort since their indpendence?

>> No.15939343

Civil wars themselves are partly a result of people's psychology and behavior. And no, if anything colonialism benefited Africa.

>> No.15939344

>Just look at Rawanda went from one of the world's shitttiest countries to clean and borderline liveable in 20 years, nothing changes about their ethnic make up or I.Q, imagine if they had been putting in simillar effort since their indpendence?

>> No.15939346
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It may have been shittiest during the brief period of civil war but it wasn't exactly remarkable before or after that either

>> No.15939352
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HDI is better indicator. They took massive leaps and like I said if they've been putting the same effort since their independance they could've acheived good things.

>> No.15939354
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Yes, jews should be censored everywhere in white lands

>> No.15939356
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Next time you drink coffee or eat chocolate, remember to thank the Africans.

>> No.15939357
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NK for perspective

>> No.15939359

Except edge cases like this is a good argument because it fundamentally exposes the problem with depending on a single factor like IQ.

Why are countries like Greece and North Korea acting like fucking idiots with 91 and 98 IQ? Higher IQs is supposed to indicate better observation, pattern and reasoning skills. So why would a country like North Korea behave in a manner that isolates them to oblivion? Why would a country like Greece handle their economy so badly that they would have multiple bankruptcies? No one expects perfection but the lack of competency being displayed here questions the sheer importance IQ is suppose to have.

Yes Saudi Arabia has oil but Japan mogged them with little to no resources. Can't Greece do the same? Isn't Greece being around 15 IQ points higher than Suadi Arabia enough? That's been the argument for shit like why American Whites are academically and financially better than American Blacks.

>> No.15939373
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>So why would a country like North Korea behave in a manner that isolates them to oblivion?
They're biding their time. A generation or two, and they can just walk south to reunite Koreas.

>> No.15939375

If I.Q explains 90% of the variance between people and countries and you have to bring up North Korea and the Gulf Stare of all things then that's definitley does not help your argument.

I think it's more interesting to focus on causation, and understand that like I said, history is a chaotic system and small changes like one political leader being assassinated could have made all the difference.

Africa was set up to fail in my opinion, they are deginitley dumber than europeans and that doesn't help but did that have to be the end of it? if they had gotten their fair share of the natural resources, strong social, education programs, since their inception, they could've been doing way better even with the 15 I.Q gaps but their problem was corruption, civil unrest, due to haphazardly created nations with no institutions, being designated as a stage for Soviet Union and U.S.A proxy wars...ect

I don't want to get too deep into conspiracy but it wouldn't suprise me if global coporations and western governments actively sabotaged Africa for the neo-colonialism schemes. But that still begs the question? why are latin america, the gulf states and north Africa doing wat better. Didn't the west and globlal capitalism sabotage them too? perhaps I.Q is the answer to everythin after all.

>> No.15939391

No, thanks though.... I will happily live frogged....

>> No.15939392

History literally explains eveything. Countries that had empires, prescensce of civilisation before the creation of the neo-nation in the 1960s were able to manage decently.
Counties that had no prior intstutuions or civilizations due to the tutsi flie and were just given guns and told to figure shit out, left as easy prey for coporations and other powers, well you got the clusterfuck that you would expect.

>> No.15939420

>tutsi flie
this is literally the most hilarious libtard cope of all.

>> No.15939437

>perhaps I.Q is the answer to everythin after all.

If it was then the constant breaks in consistency via economic outlook wouldn't be happening before our eyes. The real issue at play is the extreme importance people are placing IQ here. I bring up North Korea and Greece to show why the logic in its absolute form is faulty. I brought up the pic with economic projections for 2050/2075 involving Japan, Germany, India and Brazil to show why the logic in its general form is also faulty.

This isn't about trying to disqualify IQ as a contributing factor to the economy either. It's about highlighting the faults of using it as the only factor or the most important factor at play.

>I don't want to get too deep into conspiracy but it wouldn't suprise me if global coporations and western governments actively sabotaged Africa for the neo-colonialism schemes.

There's supposed to videos floating around talking about the need for Africa/Sub-Sahara Africa to stay poor in order to maintain a source for low cost raw resources. It makes sense on paper but to what degree it's true is another story.

>But that still begs the question? why are latin america, the gulf states and north Africa doing wat better.

It depends on how you want to assess them, Latin America seems to be reliant on two core countries. The first is Mexico, who is becoming the more preferred manufacturering alternative to China for America/Canada due to locality and more agreeable political/ trade relations. The second is Brazil for their agriculture, mining, manufacturing and over all land size. These two countries alone also make up slightly more than half of all Latin America in its entirety. So that can explain that part of the question.

The other part of the question concerning the gulf states and North Africa is that they together are considered the core countries of Islam/Arabia. So cohesive behavior in terms of politics/religion and similar trade practices via oil could explain that.

>> No.15939446

The CIA supported Soviet decolonization in Africa that sought to subvert Franco and Salazar. If they still get “exploited” after getting independence it’s their own fault. You can also say all international dealings are “exploitation;” the term is meaningless.

>> No.15939449

I mean even if they got independence with no strings attached, no civil wars, no exterior meddling in your politics all things being fair.

You wouldn't theoretically expect them to do any good. These are nations that were created out of thin air in the 1960s, it's like you opening a buisness and being expected to compete with Amazon. That's all things being fair and things were definitley not straightforward or fair.

>> No.15939479

Sure, but the standard isn’t that they be on par with the first world. It’s that they become self-sufficient. They all (literally, to my knowledge) still receive and depend on foreign aid. The political corruption and retarded infighting from the thousands of ethnic groups stop any progress from being made. These stem from cultural issues that would take 300 years to fix. Africa (generously, only Sub Saharan) is a shithole and always will be because it’s full of Africans.

>> No.15939489

USSR helped stoke racial tensions in african countries. Communist subverters native to western countries naturally did have and continue to undermine anything nice. Leftists are just assholes, only two subcategories; idiots and evil cunts.

>> No.15939492

I mean if there were no strings attached maybe then you would expect them to be self sufficient but a 40 decades of constant civil wars, who can build a nation out of scratch under those circumstances.
If Africa were ever to be in anyway viable there should have been a strong concentrated effort to built the continent since independance, not just ''Here you go figure shit out, while global companies pay chump change for your natural resources"

I mean how much aid does africa get really? 40 billion a year for a population of 400 million people? What's that one hundered dollars per citizn a year? most of it ends up in the pockets of politicians? there was never an attempt to build a viable civilization there from the start. They were always fucked, now their lower I.Q plays part in it but a lot of it is factors beyond the average citizen's control.

>> No.15939495

I presume we can agree that all of Africa should be left alone to get on with it. No charity, no intervention, leave the shitheap be.

>> No.15939502

Sure thing. You can't do anything for them now, these effects snowball and right now if you want to fix africa you might as well bulldoze the whole thing and start over.
If there was time to fix Africa it was the 60s when these nations were created outta of thin air. Yeah bro just give 100 million people with 6 high school graduates a nation, I am sure that will work out alright.

Damn white people are evil, what they did to Africa was so horrible but it is what it is, it's in the past now.

>> No.15939505

and you are inherently a fucking retard

>> No.15939508
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I mean you are giving Congo 700 million dollars which is like 1% of their GDP.

Yet you seem to have in your head the idea that "these damn lazy africans we give them billions of dollars and they can't help themselves"

I am sure any country can do away with 1% of thier budget. just end the facade already.

>> No.15939516

Genetics isn't everything like he claims

>> No.15939518

Is it really that low? damn and all this time europeans were pretending to be saints. they exploited these people for 100 years, gave them nations and plunged them into civil war for decades, collaborated with corrupt politicains into exploiting them and then they turn around and have the audacity to go "we give you so much money"

so much money: literally 1% of their (the african countries) GDP

>> No.15939521

No one wants to be screwed over because of things entirely beyond their control, accident of birth. Most people are unable to face uncomfortable truths that negatively effect them personally and specifically.
The only reason 99% /pol/yps advocate for race realism so much is because they feel like no matter what the outcome is they are at the top of the racial hierarchy and won't be negatively effected by any eugenics based policies.

t. black racial realist.

>> No.15939523

Civilisation can be put in terms of complexity.
Civilisational complexity is a product of genetics. Africans don’t have the right genetics for complex civilisation, until the genetics of africans is modified to allow for complex civilisation to develop, we ain’t gonna see any.

We’ve two ways to modify their genetics: Either wait for the natural environment of africa to change to something similar to europe, so good traits are selected for.
Alternatively use artificial selection via genetic engineering.
Both ways are pretty hopeless, one’s waiting for geology, the other’s waiting for leftists to fuck off and die so we can have some progress.

Africa, like the middle east, will remain shitholes for at least our entire lives.

>> No.15939526

This. "race realists" just want to bask in reflected glory while they themselves are inbred retards that provide no value to society.

>> No.15939532
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Africans are not capable of creating civilization but they are definitley capable of running one or contributing to one as raw man power.

Anyway Africans contributions to the arts alone prove their humanity and justify their existence

>> No.15939537

>You do NOT tell who to fuck who.
Funny thing actually happening if you believe Charles Murray's main thesis of the Bell Curve is a segregation of the most intelligent having kids with the most intelligent and the least with the least so in a way we don't have to tell who to fuck who, it is naturally happening in society in a means that is causing an inequity in genes associated with General Intelligence (G) to coagulate among the "intellectual elite". I wonder if there is any contemporary evidence newer than the 1980s-1990s of the class based breeding patterns suggesting a continuation in its segmentation. I'd also wager the birth rate among the left side of the distribution is much higher than the right side regardless of racial characteristics which would suggest a decreasing G factor over time as the genetic traits associated with it becomes less prevalent in the population. The real question of eugenics ought to be how do we reduce the birth rate among those with low IQ rather than wasting time on the lost cause of trying to get high IQ individuals to reproduce.

>> No.15939543
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So let's be clear about one thing concerning Africa's independence. Most countries in Africa are fucked up and plagued with constant civil wars because of the political boundry lines screwing up with tribal/ ethnic territories.

An argument could be made for the possibility of better functional countries if they were broken down to smaller portions of land with respect to dominate ethnic/religious/language attributes. Or in cases like Ethopia returned to pre-soviet boundaries that allowed them to have their costal access back instead of being in conflict because of Eritrea's existence locking them out.

But it's possible that boat has already sailed now that there are major infrastructure projects involved for these countries.

>> No.15939546

>proven wrong
>keeps trying to push his beliefs
>gets told to STFU
>somehow this is "censorship"

>> No.15939553

Palestine is losing

>> No.15939559

Is it really that low? I need to know. I thought we were doing so much for Africa out of the goodness of our hearts.

>> No.15939561

>If a tiger enters your room right now
good morning, saar!

>> No.15939564

Overrated gay nigger

>> No.15939588

What you’re seeing is the overarching doom that is dysgenics. Desirable traits like intelligence are plummeting in the west as a direct result of their high complexity civilisations.

As we get dumber, people become more accepting of state interference in the market. The further you stray from a free market, the worse you’re economy gets. West’s economy is going in the shitter cuz it’s becoming ever more statist.

Chinks were getting a better economy because they slackened off the statism a bit. Now the evil CCP wants to be cunts again it’s going to shit.

>> No.15939609

> For some reason the more prosperous and complacent you are, the less incentive you have to do anything, even procreate.
Product of the dysgenic effects of complex civilisation.

> even procreate.
It seems that the smarter you are the more susceptible you are to the environment. Where smart people might get depressed about living in a shithole, dumb people simply don’t notice and carry on fucking. This results in an even stronger dysgenic selection pressures, probably speeding collapse.

Side note: don’t be fooled into thinking low birth rates will result in human extinction as leftists like Kurzgesagt suggest. All that’ll happen is a boiloff/distillation effect; people with a genetic predisposition to fuck loads will be selected for. They will inherit the earth.

>> No.15939614

Exactly. In a shithole like India they may beat you to death for being a smartass and that's how useful your intelligence is. While dying you will regret not spending more time on /fit/ instead of /sci/ because being a dumb nigger is sometimes more useful than being a mathematician.

>> No.15939620

> Why are countries like Greece and North Korea acting like fucking idiots with 91 and 98 IQ?
I think because other traits that are equally influenced by genetics as intelligence are at play. E.g impulse control. So intelligence might not explain 100% of the variance, but that doesn’t mean the problem isn’t heavily a matter of bad genetics.

I do agree that government meddling ruins life for everyone long term.

>> No.15939624

Soviet Union went from agricultural to space faring in 40 years.

>> No.15939627

I'd disown my grandpa too if he went this senile.

>> No.15939634

> Yeah bro just give 100 million people with 6 high school graduates a nation, I am sure that will work out alright.
If all africans could be magically armed with guns they might have a chance at sorting themselves out; less corruption would be possible. Of course the major hurdle to that is they lack the correct genetics to maintain complex supply chains to allow for ammunition factories etc, so even if you could magically arm them it wouldn’t last sadly.

Genetics determines civilisational complexity.

>> No.15939640

>less corruption would be possible.
that is not possible without education. lack of knowledge + environment conditions DICTATE what happens. all that other bullshit is fiction.

>> No.15939644

>these damn lazy africans we give them billions of dollars and they can't help themselves"
Personally I think the populations of africa have some strong genetic hurdles to overcome. I also think people poking their heads into the shitheap doesn’t help at all. Even good meaning intervention is detrimental. If I just dumped $700 million worth of food into that place, any local farmers scraping by are fucked; they have to compete with free food.I suspect we agree on thinks somewhat.

>> No.15939648

Nicely set out. I’d suggest a simple way to explain why intelligence is genetically influenced is to point out that raising a dog or a chimp or a horse in a human environment has never resulted in them gaining human intelligence; thus intelligence is genetic.

>> No.15939652

Yep and sadly it’s the current culture. Means we’re fucked cuz dysgenics is destroying us. Worse is leftist policies make it even faster.

>> No.15939659

Christ on a bike
> i think intelligence should increase on its own (albeit slower) if we spend our time and effort increasing quality of life.
Sweet summer child. Go watch Edward Dutton. You’re utterly tragically wrong.

Improved living standards is dysgenic. Low child mortality is dysgenic. Sewers, running water, trade networks, all dysgenic.

Ask yourself which groups are breeding the most; dumb people, or smart people. See how fucked we are? Rome’s ultimate collapse was set up by their high complexity civilisation; their increased standards of living destroyed their genetics and so their civilisation.

>> No.15939676

All the woke demons must be exterminated no matter the price. Don't even talk to them, instead cut their evil tongues for they produce nothing but lies, and cut their hands for all their deeds are evil.

>> No.15939681

LMAO, imagine believing a filthy dimwit economist, practically a trained monkey that barely manages to not shit itself, is at the same level of the finest geneticists.

>> No.15939694

> prove their humanity and justify their existence
I’m not interested in murdering people or suggesting that africans should be treated as animals.

> Africans are not capable of creating civilization
means they are also not capable of maintaining it. In just the same way that the western counties are decaying and will collapse as our genetics decline due to dysgenic selection pressures. They are not capable of running a complex civilisation or rather, not capable of running a civilisation above a complexity determined by their genetics.

> contributing to one as raw man power.
Small populations of genetically poor individuals can contribute in a civilisation where there is a larger population of genetically rich people. I don’t think they’d along well. Social cohesion would be low, this happens when groups are genetically distant to each other, it’s a contributing factor for why parts of the USA are so crime ridden.

Watch Edward Dutton/The Jolly Heretic to get more info on how genetics effects human behaviour.

>> No.15939695

And the souls living in the place throughout that time weren’t happy bunnies. Statism doesn’t work, so please don’t suggest it to try and improve peoples lives, it’s the ring of power tempting you.

>> No.15939703

>without education
That can be carried out by their parents or by private schooling, no need for the state to intervene. When it does, priorities drift away from whatever the parents think best and pay for, to whatever the government wants to drill into them; hitler youth, X ethnic group are subhumans, general Ungubunga is a god, etc.

> lack of knowledge + environment conditions DICTATE what happens.
Add genetics to that equation and i’d agree. Also, things like “everyone now owns guns” is a change in the environment, one that would improve crime reduction.

>> No.15939729

>They will inherit the earth
and Hell with it when the intelligence to maintain modern agriculture vanishes and 95% of humans starve to death.

>> No.15939731

Correct, as I’ve been repeating throughout this thread: Complex civilisation creates dysgenic selection pressures that cause it’s own collapse.

This is the cycle of civilisation. Only way to stop it is some form of eugenics.

>> No.15939734
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cocoa was discovered in the new world and taken to africa by aryans moron. Do you seriously think being able to grow crops is some monumental achievement? Perhaps we should give them a nobel prize for being able to spell their names as well

>> No.15939735

with the Phoenician/Latin alphabet (because they never developed one of their won) I might add

>> No.15939759

They still have a chance if they exterminate all jews on sight and exterminate the most retarded among them. Otherwise it will happen the same as the last time, after all compassion is an ugly sin.

>> No.15939833

Humans will always prefer feelings to truth and honesty

>> No.15939857

yeah because it ties into our limitations and weaknesses.
if you want to remove the behavior you need to remove what it causing it. which is not the feelings framework, rather the limitation which triggers the bad feelings. subjective reality is literally cope, and I'm not saying it sarcastically, not attacking anyone.

>> No.15939860

>if you want to remove the behavior you need to remove what it causing it. which is not the feelings framework, rather the limitation which triggers the bad feelings

How about some humility? There. Done. Stop being a triggered idiot. The only thing causing this to be an issue is pride.

>> No.15939865

>How about some humility? Stop being a triggered idiot.
this is the paradoxical shit I'm talking about, and fits the model.

>> No.15939896

>implying that truth and honesty are not rationalizations for exercising your will over others
Honestly I think you're an asshole. That's not an insult. That's just me being truthful about how I think right now. Objectively speaking, no matter how we look at it subjectively, the world would be better without assholes.

>> No.15939910

wait, how did you get IQ data from north korea?

>> No.15939967

There's several websites like https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country that report on IQ averages for most nations using data from researchers. But you can easily figure it out yourself if you remember that North Koreans and South Koreans are the same people/ genetic stock. So their IQs are depressed due lack of education and maybe medicore diet conditions.

They also probably test the defectors from North Korea after they do health check up.

>> No.15940091

Words can't change reality

>> No.15940271
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>he post a chart showing raw GDP as the metric
>"Brazil and India are projected to have bigger economies than Germany and Japan"
>anon thinks it's some big revelation that high population countries rich in natural resources have large GDPs.
Great anon. Go look up QoL by country and whether most people would prefer to live in Germany/Japan or Brazil/India then get back to us.

>> No.15940391

The idea that there are no genetic differences that fall along common racial lines and relate to intelligence is an extraordinary claim that is widely accepted with no evidence. The scientific community largely accepts that there are genetic differences that fall along common racial lines when it comes to physical attributes and susceptibility to certain medical conditions but intelligence is just too taboo.

>> No.15940463

there isn't one. All national IQ datasets use CIA estimate of literacy rate.

>> No.15940470

Not thanks to socialism

>> No.15940617

>grandpa makes groundbreaking scientific discoveries
>is hailed as the founding father of modern genetics
>countless lifesaving medical discoveries have been made as a result of his theories
>uh oh
>grandpa just uttered a verboten opinion
>he is now worth less than the dogshit on the bottom of my boot
This is actually genuinely mental illness tier behaviour.

>> No.15940625

No it isn't. Historically speaking, scientists have been eccentric and reclusive oddballs who don't pay much attention to the affairs of regular people, so to speak. The forced injection of politics into the natural sciences is exclusively a modern phenomenon.

>> No.15940627

he'll regret it if he hasn't already. social pressure is a big problem for the youth these days. people don't much like being lonely.

>> No.15940628

No, it doesn't, because a PhD in Economics is worthless.

>> No.15940630

considering the flynn effect, it's obvious that IQ is not entirely genetic.

>> No.15940644

given that IQ tests are supposed to be secret, there is clearly a large issue with them

>> No.15940675

>Objectively speaking, no matter how we look at it subjectively, the world would be better without assholes.
Assholes makes shit happen and aren't afraid of offending people. That is objectively a good thing. If you're running an organisation you must be an asshole a lot of times. You can't take into account other people's feelings all the time. That would just stagnate the whole operation.

>> No.15940710

>That would just stagnate the whole operation.
Exactly. People would be distracted by conflict instead of being productive based on the norms and values that they do share. There are carrots managers and stick managers. The latter still bosses around a bunch of kids in the grocery store I used to work with. That's about as far as assholes go irl.

>> No.15940767

Some of the most competent and productive researchers I've ever met are gigantic assholes to work for. As far as I can tell, you've got it backwards (at least as far as STEM goes). Asshole managers seem to be in way more competitive and meaningful positions of power as compared to ones that are non-confrontational.

>> No.15940807

You have absolutely no real working experience do you?

>> No.15940836

The Flynn effect is retarded/in-reverse, lol

Biology/evolution is never not affected by the environment btw

>> No.15940839
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>white people lose 10-15 iq points over a hundred years
>"the flynn effect!"

>> No.15940848


>> No.15940859

Where does that pic information come from?

>> No.15940878

Stupid moron.

>> No.15940923

Are you claiming Bagladesh doesnt have racists? I am assuming what you mean when you say "racist" is white people. Where has any white person ever wanted Bangladesh to have a failing economy? I am also assuming you just made this up because you are the racist

>> No.15940962
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>> No.15940964

I was being sarcastic. Why did nobody catch that?

>> No.15941113

retards doing retard things for retard reasons to retard ends

let's be retarded

surely nothing can go retarded

>> No.15941353

And where does the environment and the lack of knowledge come from? Inherited Genes.

>> No.15941389


>> No.15941972

i love how leftists think humans are magical creatures somehow excused and exempt from nature

>> No.15942064

his son is probably like 60, bro

>> No.15942979

And there's literally nothing you can say to them that will change their mind.

>> No.15943200

Economics is far higher when applied as widely as it can be. Genetics is literally just number plugging.

>> No.15943560
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>> No.15943805

i wouldn't associate those things with quality of life, i probably should have been more clear. i meant "quality of life" in a more metaphysical sense. material conditions might be a small part of that, but economic conditions probably contribute negatively if anything.
and to be clear, i think quality of life AND "standards of living" have been dropping steadily for decades. "if we spend our time and effort increasing quality of life" would require a massive amount of work to implement.
i agree that increased "standards of living" generally make people dumber, and that complexity is very fragile (read about permaculture and the application of permaculture principles for more about this).
my intuition says that "quality of life" can be achieved without too much complexity and without separating people from their environment (mostly synonymous).
i'm not well-read enough to say what caused the collapse of rome, but i want to believe it wasn't PURELY the complexity of their civilization. maybe that's naive, but it seems arrogant to say there's no way to have a complex civilization without this happening. if there's some deeper, REAL problem which no one has been able to grapple with, it would be a tragedy to give up on complex civilization instead of rooting it out.

>> No.15943827

Economics without genetics is useless. Genetics without economics is fine.

>> No.15943829

>i'm not well-read enough to say what caused the collapse of rome

Being a wordcel won't help you. It was dysgenics, low birth rates among the smart fraction, sexual liberalization, and immigration/freeing of slaves. Pretty simple sociobiology.

>> No.15943850

i'm saying ALL of those things are SYMPTOMS of something which we've yet to identify

>> No.15944433


>> No.15945268

it depends on the topic at hand

a geneticist is maybe the MOST appropriate person to speak about iq differences, and he clearly states that the average iq difference is GENETIC

knowing that, even an ordinary person can speak about basic economic assumptions and observations
example being - (insert x race that has lower iq) makes less money than (insert x race that has higher iq)

oh my god, how could i have ever made an econonic statement/observation, im not an economist, im losing my mind

help me niggerman

>> No.15945319
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why are you lying to these people?

>> No.15945564
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you might want to take a look at the /sci/ catalog
this board went to shit because no one is willing to deal with these straight faggots who won't stop spamming the same thread over and over and over.
you call it censorship, i call it a retard noise filter

still waiting for him to publish his next paper, no one is stopping him.
he claims he has the evidence, let him formally present it just like everyone else

>> No.15945591

>moral reasons
never take them at their word

>> No.15945614

You >>15945268 see >>15939332

His take doesn't translate in terms of economics. Primarily because there's more to economics than IQ and if IQ is the primary factor why are high IQ countries acting stupid and can't get themselves out of debt or low birthrate traps?

>> No.15945619

>And despite high IQ countries like South Korea seem to not be able to save themselves from being non-relevant cause they can't figure out how to have more kids.
>place is twice as big as estonia clay size related.
>has 50 million bodies vs 1 million
you demographic doomers are the epitome of short sighted retards without no point of references to realities on the ground

last thing places like s.korea and japan needs is more bodies. same goes for CHYNA and pajeetia

>> No.15945819

It does not translate completely, you're right.
But we can speak in probabilities.

Thats why while Saudi's and Nigeria have better economy, they might just be exceptions.. there are countless low iq countries that are helpless - great resources, high population but even future projections dont look too good (DRC for example).

And while high IQ can be a predictor of HIGHER PROBABILITY of success, its not going to be the sole factor which will save Japan/Germany/South Korea.
You're right, they still need good policy and so on.
But again... IQ is not a useless stat and WE CAN make economic statements using it.
Maybe high iq is what makes Japan, Germany and South Korea not complete shitholes yet, it might be a crucial driver of their economic success... again - not discounting the policy, right place right time in terms of colonization etc..

>> No.15945938

Just wait until everybody will be microwaving his I-Phone 20 Pro with betavoltaic battery to summon succubus or something, and you'll see that laymens needs atleast safety instructions how to shield themselves from scientific discovery.

>> No.15945954

Next 10 years, and you'll be talking about germanistan, the musslim country differently.

>> No.15945971

Why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.15945972

i hope so
looking at all the gays, trans bullshit and women voting
id welcome sharia

>> No.15945973


>> No.15946018

Sharia is far too fetched, just hanging trannies would serve purpose more than sharia, they are butthurt when someone talks bad about prophet. What a bunch of boypussies.

>> No.15946022

Liberals and muslims could annihilate each other, and for far right, living in white peace can be bright future.

>> No.15946047

Only non whites, if a white person does poorly in school they laugh at him and call him dumb white trash. Lefitst arent good people, they are evil anti white racist scumbags.

>> No.15946053

When a white does something they think only a black should be able to do, it is “racist”
But when a black man does the reverse, it is “okay”

>only blacks can voice black characters, guys
Even though black people voice white characters and Asians all the fucking time in cartoons

That they are blind to this double standard is incredible

>> No.15946058

Do you know that black has unique skin gene? That can be targeted by spike protein which targets lung and skin at same time, therefore we'll have flu and niggers will have ebola.

Dear Satan, Santa or how your people call you, provide.

>> No.15946062
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It’s a sign that they lack empathy, since they cannot (or refuse to) put themselves in another’s shoes.

“What’s the problem? Why is it bad that a black man is playing a white comic book character? You racist bro?”

But then…

“Woah, the black panther is a BLACK guy, you can’t have him be played by a white man, you racist”

These people cannot entertain the polar.

>> No.15946063

>These people cannot entertain the polar.
“What do you mean? I did ate breakfast dis’ morning”

>> No.15946065

They are evil as I said, we have studies confirming genetic black sport supremacy and this doesnt get questioned, but any genetic evidence of white superiority gets censored and hushed up.

>> No.15946086
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>they lack empathy
Just like how Asians are soulless bugmen who cheat on tests right? Funny how that works right?

>> No.15946091
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Sure thing.

>> No.15946095

Asiatics have a robotic absence of empathy akin to literal insects thats why they can have advanced technology but also human rights violations in many areas of their nations. Most non whites hvae sadistic absence of empathy they get pleasure from the suffering of others its not he same as asians.

>> No.15946098

The bug men have always lacked empathy, Mao just made it 10x worse

>> No.15946102

I find it weird how Asians and Indians both love torturing baby monkeys. There are endless videos on YouTube of it.

>> No.15946104

> moral
Means nothing

>> No.15946159

Just google up race and intelligence correlation and you find that blacks are retarded.

>> No.15946259

All I am finding are endless “the revival of racist science and why this is a bad thing and WRONG” articles

It’s almost like they’re trying to cover it up

>> No.15946287

I'm not suprised you can't find it, if you have tailored google experience for yourself and you watch black on white porn or there's incidence of it on your network, you won't have racist google.