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15938470 No.15938470 [Reply] [Original]

I believe you can raise your IQ by couple of points, like 3 to 5 points, but nothing absurd like raising 15 points, I do considered that IQ has strong genetic component. But still, I'm open minded, does anyone know a study that was done showing that you can raise IQ?

>> No.15938539

Yes, it is practically trivial to do so but there's a series of filters that, although aren't technically difficult whatsoever, are so unfamiliar and strange that most quickly fall back down their same-old concentration gradients. I don't want to just give you the answer, as you won't do anything with it, so instead lets take this step by step:

What do you think the inside of an "intelligent" persons mind might be like? Write a list of attributes if you want, i.e:

> Vivid visualisation that can be manipulated at will
> Ability to hold a large number of concepts in memory at once and leisurely play around with them
> (...)

Now go down the list, is there anything you think you can do to get each attribute? Are there people online who have already found a way to self-augment and gain this ability? That's all. If, at the end of this process, you still care about IQ as a metric over the quality of your internal world then you did something wrong.

>> No.15938546

>T. Never dealt with people with actual mental deficit and thinks people intelectual power are equal and even distributed

Those people live on a intelectual buble and think all people works the same, the hallmark of a person with world experience.

>> No.15938550

No because IQ measure isn't really standard

>> No.15938553

I've really no idea what you're saying my friend, I'm not addressing the mentally disabled nor did I say intellectual power is evenly distributed, whatever that means.

>> No.15938565

3-5 points is within the margin of error. I took a proctored IQ test when I was well-rested and got 10, but about a year after I took a test over a discord call at 12 AM and got 132.

>> No.15938567

According to studies high IQ people literally have a different neuron structure than us stupid people.

>> No.15938572

Not sure about increasing IQ, but you can get your mind to work in an optimal state by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. People that say that that doesn't work or either not doing enough or overdoing it.

>> No.15938616

>and got 10

typo, meant 140

>> No.15938619 [DELETED] 

https://www.writingtoiq.com/ says your IQ is 86

>> No.15938689

>If, at the end of this process, you still care about IQ as a metric over the quality of your internal world then you did something wrong.
Wrong. You'll just find at the end of your process that most of the intellectual attributes listed can't be changed and are a result of high IQ. At most you'll get local, specific results (e.g. you can increase your ability to remember strings of numbers but not your ability to remember in general).

>> No.15938980

There is no reason why it can't increased.
Of course I don't mean practicing to IQ tests because that's just making the results invalid. But by doing intellectual pursuits, practicing math, physics, programming, some philosophy, etc that extends beyond what you are used to, you can practice abstract thinking, pattern recognition, problem solving, etc and that will mostly likely result in increasing your IQ.

>> No.15939060

According to https://www.writingtoiq.com/ you can improve your IQ by up to 70 points by using a thesaurus

>> No.15939319

If that was true then your average English major would be genius level just because they write well.

>> No.15939325

That's correct. As it happens, I am an English major. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.15939334

>Don't hate the player, hate the game.
That's exactly what I'm saying.