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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15936810 No.15936810 [Reply] [Original]

>failed calculus 2

how over is it for me ?

am cs major

>> No.15936816

You will never build a chip, but you'll be a fine front end dev.

>> No.15936821

just go again

>> No.15936825

Not over at all. You hardly ever use it in a typical IT job regardless (linear algebra and discrete math is far more useful), so hang in there anon.

>> No.15936859

it's over. Commit sudoku naow

>> No.15936920

You can retake it for graduation purposes.

What part of calc 2 was giving you trouble? Was it primarily the integration or the later parts that focus on sequences/series/ODEs?

>> No.15936927

what percent of CS majors honestly ever use any calculus in their career?
I'm not saying "hurr they shouldn't make people learn math" but honestly making people go up to linear algebra when they're 99% sure to be writing some company's website is kinda bullshit.

>> No.15936939
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>You will never build a chip, but you'll be a fine front end dev.
I will, the roastie with the 50 question derivative test like I was doing them everyday for the past three years cannot stop Irish ingenuity
All OSes will be destroyed

>> No.15936956

you're doing derivatives in calc 2? what'd you do in calc 1?

>> No.15936964

I don't remember the only thing I know is I've been tormented by every math teacher in my life and entering calc 2 and being hit with three pages of 3rd dimensional donuts wrapped around themselves and okay 3 quizzes this week kids by some insane woman everyone beloves yet took the class three times I was pretty fucking pissed
What the fuck are they teaching really? Brute force algebraic? Torment men who watch chicks kill themselves slutting out while passing math class simultaneously. Fuck that man, I'm going to take my time reading Godel and not brainwash myself with this have sex slop.

>> No.15936970
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Filtered calc friends one day I will avenge all of you. They fuckin programmed the stupid of us with star trek and the 8 year old will be doing calculus 4 on the space ship.
Why do they do this to the children? Why do they take the daylight away?

>> No.15936978

Calc 2 is hard if you didn't have a rigorous Calc 1. Pirate a copy of Stewart's Transcendentals and make sure you know the preceding chapters well before trying the course again.

>> No.15937016

Cal 2 is the great STEM filter. My Chinese prof at university told us one time a guy took cal 2 seven times before he passed.

>> No.15937047

>CS major
don't worry it was already over

>> No.15937051

>most basic baby tier calc book for engineers and physicists
Read Courant instead, and don't pirate it, the digital versions are always fucking awful for courant.
I've heard Apostle's calculus is good for beginners too
filter classes don't exist. This is just an meme where an undergrad calls every class they failed or thought was hard a "filter class"
>calc 1-3 is a filter class
>linear algebra is a filer class
>diffyQs is a filter class
>proofs is a filter class
>intro analysis is a filter class
>engrish 101 ish feerter crash
In reality all these classes were easy to most people with high IQs.
I got a 4.0 in all these classes without trying.

>> No.15937056

Sucks to be you. I remember very well the warning the Professor gave us: pay attention from the first day or you will not be able to understand anything later.

>> No.15937058

>pay attention from the first day or you will not be able to understand anything later.
Cause it's only real in their minds genius.

>> No.15937066

What part caused you problems? Tell us what was not clear and me or someone else will attempt to clear some of the mystery.

>> No.15937074

The problem is that the curriculum is taught in a way that sucks out all motivation. For starters, calculus was built via infinite series from the ground up. The gist was finding infinite series of polynomials that approximated some functions and it was known back then how to find the area below polynomial functions. Transcendental functions like logarithms are also introduced in a really obscure way, almost arbitrarily. The real way, and this is how it happened, was that Newton found out the infinite series for 1/(1 + x) via the generalized binomial theorem and since he knew how to compute area under polynomial functions, he realized the area function had logarithmic properties. Oddly enough, I don't think there's a single calculus book that does this, that is building calculus historically, which is the most intuitive way to think about it, and the most beautiful too. If you know one, let me know.


>> No.15937105

If someone wants their degree to act as a vocational training course and doesn't want to learn any maths that isn't strictly necessary to write websites, they shouldn't study BSc Computer Science.
Lots of universities offer less theoretical, more hands-on alternatives (BSc Software Engineering etc).

>> No.15937137

I mean you don't even need algebra for the majority of software jobs.
that's true though you can just do SWE instead of CS.

>> No.15937139

It depends. What colour are you?

>> No.15937145

high effort post

>> No.15937146

Just tell the Prof to take the square root of your negative test score and IMAGINE that you passed instead as long as he's just making up fake numbers that don't exist.

>> No.15937149

Except STE(M) believes that they don't benefit from actually learning mathematics, and because mathematicians have zero pull at universities it affect how their students learn too.

>> No.15937171

it's over.. it's finally over.....

>> No.15937179
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>logarithms are also introduced in a really obscure way, almost arbitrarily.
I don't know if I was sick the first day in high school or something when we learned logarithms but I remember being lost until I actually found out they were used to derive unknown indices. At which point I was like, "Oh, why the fuck didn't you just say so?!" It's like we started in the middle or something, I swear.
>I think you should lead with that next time

I tested in the top 2% of mathfags in my state and was ruling the computer network at that point, so it wasn't like I lacked the intellectual capacity. I just missed that little detail and didn't understand why we were doing any of the operations we were doing for like a week. Had a really old skool math teacher too who made use log tables, (which you Zoomies obviously never even heard of):
>"What if your calculator batteries go flat?", (his actual excuse for that torture).
>"My solar-powered calculator you mean?"
My recommendation in that eventuality, just forget it. I don't care if the Apollo 13 astronauts are stuck on the Dark Side of the moon and all the negro women got lost on the way to the only distant restroom they're allowed in, just let them fucking die.

>> No.15937275

i never studied or went to class for calc 1-3, just showed up for exams and got an A+ every time
this isn't even a shit post, i'm genuinely confused why you were filtered
what's so hard about calc 2?

>> No.15937304


>> No.15937347

I never even read your post, I just knew what it said because I'm so smrat.