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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15936679 No.15936679 [Reply] [Original]

Why have Greeks, Italians, Germans, English, and French contributed much more to the hard sciences than any other group of peoples? aren't desi, jewish, black, oriental, arab, persian, turkish men ashamed of themselves?

>> No.15936695

Jews have contributed more to science than all other races combined. We're literally the master race.

>> No.15936703

no you haven't, this is just one of those phrases you repeat enough times and it becomes a truth. The only master race is the white race, come up with your own phrases.

>> No.15936710

>The only master race is the white race
What are the social and political implications of this, in your opinion? Does it involve enslaving or genociding all other races per chance?

>> No.15936713

Not really, Jews started being relevant in science in late 19th century. English have been relevant since 12th century

>> No.15936714

>Jews started being relevant
they aren't and never were. their media monopolies have been circulating the lie that they're relevant since 1900 or so

>> No.15936715

What have YOU contributed to the hard sciences? Have you done anything other than dickride other scientists and try to take credit for their accomplishments because they're the same colour as you?

>> No.15936716

>English have been relevant since 12th century
If we are couting that far back, Arabs and Persians were scientifically relevant from the 9th to 15th centuries.

>> No.15936719

and the Greeks/Italians since when? 1000BC?

>> No.15936724
File: 72 KB, 978x640, Religion_of_Nobel_Prize_winners_between_1901_and_2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. We're the chosen people for a reason.

>> No.15936728

>my heckin shiny award!!
bragging about Nobel Prizes is some of the most gay midwit shit ever. Did Newton receive a nobel prize? how about Kepler? Euclid? Archimedes? Pythagoras? Your gay awards mean nothing, it's just jewish nepotism.

>> No.15936736

Deterministic feudal imperialism.

>> No.15936739

Choseness has nothing to do with science or contributions to development and you'd know this if you were jewish.
They were, yes. But the English have been for longer and with more force.

>> No.15936747
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And Indians were relevant since the time Greeks were. I don't deny European achievements since the early modern period changed the world forever, but there are some questions to be raised: If this is a mainly racial matter, it's weird that Europeans, specially northern Europeans, waited so long to discover and formalize the fundametal aspects of calculus, algebra and motion pysics? All these results were obtained in a 200 year time span. ´Wich you could very well consider as another proof aof White superiority, but it may well be interpreted as that not always White societies had the necessary development to birth such achievements. Take algebra for example, all evidence points that the fundamental ideas of equations were first created in the semitic near east, Mesopotamia, to be sure. Then among the Greeks only one fringe mathematician, Diophantus, developed systems and types of equations further, while the rest of the ancient Greek mathematical milleu ignored this venue of inquiry (wich also begs the question of how such a superior race could miss the mathematical potential of something it would serve as the foundation of mathematical expressions in our age). Later on, Arabs and Persians also made progress with algebra wich as only then taken on by Europeans in the 15th century onwards. Likewise, Indians in the 15th century already knew of infinte series and its relation to the calculation of areas under the curve, a result that would be later rediscovered by Leibniz and Gregory in the 17th century. It's all good but maybe it's fair to argue that while non-Whites may have potential to create, by harnessing cognitive capacity of their best minds, only Whites have the average high cognitive capcity to develop societies that will enable long term preservation and innovation. But this takes us again to the question I previously raised: Why did Whites take so long to develop such societies if they are so much more superior in cognitive ability ?

>> No.15936778

Not science!

>> No.15936792


>> No.15936840

Northern Europe was a frozen shithole with like 5 people living there until relatively recently.

>> No.15936841

You can't be serious. Hundred of years of persecution and being forced into finance jobs made them smarter than the average by a whole standard deviation.
Look, I'm a French gentile and I struggle with captcha. I'm not even sure this message will get through

>> No.15936849

Nah, the Jews are at the forefront of being genocidal child murderers now.

>> No.15936850

yeah thats what ive been saying its like sped up evolution. nothing against jews but theyre buffed asfff

>> No.15936852

didnt indians and arabs invent like all of math lol

>> No.15936855

I wuz chozen to get lit tf up!

>> No.15936856

I heard somewhere that algebra was arabic in origin, but you know, low-hanging fruits...

>> No.15936886
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>aren't desi, jewish, black, oriental, arab, persian, turkish men ashamed of themselves?

No, probably because they weren't the one's responsible for giving the world ultra processed foods and feminism.

>> No.15938137

most of it is for economics lol