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15934786 No.15934786 [Reply] [Original]

tfw turnitin result 80 percent

>> No.15934818

is there a pdf of it?

>> No.15934852
File: 30 KB, 960x623, E63EEC0E-D28A-431D-8D02-21294A0418C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me so mad that even today there are golden cows in academia. If anyone else did what this stupid bitch did, they would be banished from academia immediately. It’s a shame that Harvard is deciding to pull a Catholic Church, eg:

>if we admit wrongdoing, the general public will loose faith in our institution
>better stick our heads in the sand and pretend nothing is wrong

>> No.15934864
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Private schools, can't trust them!

>> No.15934866

and they try to say that being a black woman isn't a privilege

>> No.15935039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15935062

>>if we admit wrongdoing, the general public will loose faith in our institution
If admitting fault will cause people to lose trust, it means they never had any to begin with.

>> No.15935063

>tfw turnitin result 80 percent
I don't understand your schizobabble, but the women in your OP is a fraud.

>> No.15935066 [DELETED] 

The point to which everything has been degraded, it's no longer a tragedy but a comedy.
This 85IQ sheboon's whole career is a sham, she is there only because she is a low IQ lying dishonest nigger.
Everything has been turned to dust just because of these absolute scum of creatures.

>> No.15935069

It's quite amusing because when I attempted to Google it, the story didn't appear. Instead, the first page showcased all her "significant contributions" to science. Only after including the word 'scandal,' an article surfaced, making the following claim:
> 'On December 9, the Fellows reviewed the results, which revealed a few instances of inadequate citation.'

>> No.15935141


I love seeing Harvard with eggs on their face. These universities are usually extremely anal with their citation policies.

>> No.15935624

This stupid race studies mumbo jumbo bitch who cant even cite her stupid word salad "research" correctly needs to go already. She has no place in any university let alone Harvard. If anybody did what she did they'd be told to find a new career immediately. She's making the rest of us (blacks) look bad.

>> No.15935631

Harvard took the whole 'Gay niggers from outer space' a bit too seriously

>> No.15935634

>If anyone else did what this stupid bitch did, they would be banished from academia immediately.
This makes me incredibly mad. A single instance of what she has done dozens of times would have put me on immediate academic suspension even at the bachelor's level. Instead, for her they will hand wave it as "inadequate citation" and let her revise it.

>> No.15935660
File: 48 KB, 596x631, duplicate language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being racist! Its not plagiarism. Its "duplicate language"

LMAO. The euphemism is hilarious

>> No.15935728

idk, this doesn't seem that bad to me. Keep in mind all these allegations came out after she refused to police antisemitism as hard as some people wanted

>> No.15935811

When will you guys start to see the bigger picture? In last 3-4 decades this whole country was radically transformed - socially and demographically, everything we believed has been turned upside down, all these institutions have been hijacked, we lost everything, there is no point in performative outrage, no one believes in values anymore, it's literally OVER

>> No.15935822

Just because you can't get a girlfriend doesn't mean "it's over". Meritocracy was always a lie, white university presidents plagiarized just as frequency - it just didn't make the news because they weren't black.

>> No.15935827

> it was always this bad
> We always lived in a 85IQ mongrelised turd world hellhole
> we never went to the moon
> white people never existed
> science and civilisation is a myth
> ......
I have read about similar endings through out history.
It really is OVER, there are cities in America, that no longer have clean water supply.
The elite have given into self destructive nihilism.

>> No.15935830

Not a surprise, 75IQ chimps who didn't even have a written language when Europeans discovered them wallowing in mud believe that civilisation never existed, honesty is fake and above 100IQ people are a myth.

>> No.15935837

The difference here is that the people going after her are buttmad isralis, and thus any action to resist their retardation is justified

>> No.15935882

It's not that fault of others if whites turn themselves into self hating sterile tranny faggots.
You guys destroyed your society and country.

>> No.15935885

gotta say it makes me happy that US unis are finally losing there worldwide reputation.

>> No.15935940

reminder that academia is a nepotistic scam

>> No.15935949

Academia is nothing but a front, it is easy to construct it, given the ample supply of sterile midwits and rich boomers who don't know what to do with their gorillions.
The real business is as always money management (endowments)

>> No.15935962

It's late stage civilisation, rotten worthless institutions full of unproductive parasites.
It's all about money, there is no value in the facade itself.

>> No.15935975

Where is the turnitin report?

>> No.15936014
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This. I want to believe, but I don't.

>> No.15936085

Shes being accused of nothing burgers, like copying ENTIRE SENTENCES in works that span hundreds of pages

>> No.15936091

>Its "duplicate language"
Its not plagiarism when you write one sentence using the same wording as your sources in something as long as a book

>> No.15936096
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This guys gets it. Humanity peaked in the 20th century that was the big show, everything after the 90s is just a footnoe of humanity.
It’s not jus this harvard lady. All modern academia is very sad, geniuses like Edward Witten and Perelman added nothing of value to humanity, there hasn’t been a breakthrough in physics in 50 years, technology is stagnating it’s soo over.

>> No.15936127 [DELETED] 
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I wonder why that happened...

>> No.15936352

google was modify search results to make minority non-white public figures look less bad

>> No.15936354


>> No.15936417

If the white race allowed itself to be subverted, then it is inferior. It's survival of the fittest, not the honest or noble.

>> No.15936569

>t. indian or chinese living in the US

>> No.15936833

it's harvard anon, do you honestly think know one knew all of this when they hired her to be their president? of course they fucking knew. the only reason it's surfacing now is because she or her faction are out of favor.

>> No.15936858

hory shiet! me slant eye

>> No.15937272

see >>15935728

>> No.15937299

Technology stagnated starting from 70s.
We couldn't find any purpose and now cope by watching HD porn on le heckin smart phones.

>> No.15937302

The stagnation started around the same time de-industrialisation happened and demographic growth nose dived.
American cities became absolute shitholes.
Just go and see any Tech magazines from 70s and 80s, you will understand.

>> No.15937363 [DELETED] 


>> No.15937507

it is, if it's a direct citation and doesn't have quote marks

>> No.15937508

There was still computing and telcomminication engineering to figure out in the 80s-2000s and everything moved very fast. It's the 2010s where things stagnated very hard, 13 years of minimal progress.

>> No.15938643

imagine being so low IQ or so lazy and entitled that you're incapable of at least paraphrasing from the source you're copying from.

>> No.15939944

>demographic growth nose dived.

>> No.15940454

At least its willing to admit that jews are not white

>> No.15940798

The fact that a sheboon found her way into a position that would naturally be filled by someone with an IQ of 130+ is a clear sign of foul play.

>> No.15941369 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15941448

sadly google gave up on search a long time ago. the results you get usually aren't real and it makes it easy to downrank or scrub anything for any reason.

>> No.15941950
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>> No.15941959

Ayo man she dindu nuffin, she was a good academic

>> No.15942431

Turn out this nigger also tampered with the data to get whatever result she liked.
Social soiences try to attach themselves to the successes of hard sciences to sound legitimate but it's just a religious mumbo jumbo.

>> No.15942455

why wont he name (((them)))?

>> No.15942478

We need to start actively persecuting more academic frauds. With modern data science it's pretty trivial to sniff out fraudsters.

>> No.15942481

They're only going after her because she said criticism of Israel was free speech.

>> No.15942499

she didn't even cite it.
>A Globe review of a passage from Gay’s dissertation found her language matched, nearly verbatim, the language from a 1996 paper from Harvard academics Bradley Palmquist and Stephen Voss, with only minor changes of word choice and punctuation. The language was not set between quotation marks and their paper did not appear to be cited anywhere in a full-text PDF of the thesis reviewed by the Globe.
even if it's one sentence lifted from a source without citing it, that's academic dishonesty for which a student would be expelled. meanwhile for madam Gay, it appears she's only guilty of "duplicative language" and is merely has to update her papers with impunity.

>> No.15942531

this nigga looking zesty

>> No.15942940

Shit, I don't even know if we need data science
This could've been caught by the most basic plagiarism checker they use for undergrads
For some reason this software doesn't seem to be part of the peer review process

>> No.15942973

>pull a Catholic Church
Look at how many Jews there are in Harvard. Especially leading roles. Then think about your statement again.

>> No.15942981

A colleague stole images and results from me for her PhD thesis. I told the boss, he didn't care. What should I do? My current plan is to keep a low profile until my own PhD thesis is done and accepted (probably happens in the next months, I'm close to having it finished). But then what?

>> No.15943007

Turnitinis academic text matching software. When assignments are submitted it generates a similarity report. 80% would be extremely high. OP is making a joke.

>> No.15943374

Depends on how much you really care. Are you prepared to go to prison?

>> No.15943475

I don't see how that could happen. I can prove it because she stole from two of my papers. There are also witnesses from her defense presentation who saw her using the content and saying she did it.

>> No.15943482

In that case you should just let it go.

>> No.15943502

The problem I have here is that I don't want to perpetuate this scam behavior in academia. Additionally, obviously, I have those images and results in my PhD thesis as well. What do I do when at a later point in time someone accused my of plagiarism? I can't say "well I can prove it's all mine but I did not see her using it in her thesis" and deny having talked about it with both my boss and her. You know?
No, I'm not killing/raping her or anything similar.

>> No.15943517
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Yeah but a lot of people here are autists to some degree or another , normies perceive admitting being wrong as weak , rather than it being a strength.

It's and Donald buy how many anons had the experience growing up of being completely honest with a teacher/cop/parents and the authority figure thinking you were still lying.

I learnt pretty early (5 - 6) you had to do this little performance where you had to lie at first then "be broken down" by the authority to the admission to be believed.

>> No.15944654

70s sem about right

We were in dep stagnation well before that.

>> No.15944659

Wait until she reaches a position of power.
And I hope you made a recording of your talk with your boss (assuming it is allowed where you are). Always keep all evidence safe.

>> No.15944672

Harvard can’t be considered reputable, because of accountability until they get rid of this bitch.

>> No.15944676

You could take them to civil court

>> No.15944713

Just give it up. No one gives a shit. You guys are apparently working for the same professor and as far as the outside world is concerned he gets credit for anything the two of you do anyway. And probably neither of you have a future in academia.

>> No.15944738

Not allowed and I didn't record it. I have the original vector graphics, she used screenshots or pngs I had lying around on the institute server.
But should I? I feel like it's an overreaction, but on the other hand, I really loathe this kind of behavior. She plagiarized more in the work, but the two victims are long gone into the industry.
Yes and no. Intellectual property is very clearly always tied to the creators. She may have a career in academia, as she's good "friends" with another woman who got a professorship through, well, unknown means. Her complete work was deconstructed and demolished at a conference where I heard a talk about her main research. It was bad. Really bad.

My main problem is this; If I stay silent, I feel like I am complicit in pushing liars and narcissists into academical power positions. If I don't, I don't know what kind of avalanche I might cause.

>> No.15944807

>My main problem is this; If I stay silent, I feel like I am complicit in pushing liars and narcissists into academical power positions. If I don't, I don't know what kind of avalanche I might cause.
This is a classical case of cost/benefit and risk analysis.
Your cost can be high, the benefit is unikely to be much, especially in a world that doesn't sanction frauds until it is inescapably necessary and even then it is all about dragging heels. So the risk to you is too high. Wait and keep waiting until the tide turns.

>> No.15945509

>get a liberal political appointee judge from a liberal university law school (aka all judges)
>lose because the judge is biased in favor of the defendant

>> No.15946499

This, a Harvard graduate judge will never rule against a fellow Harvardite.

>> No.15946551

At this point. I think the only way to end this stalemate is for a student to be expelled for plagiarism and who sues the school over the matter demanding reinstatement while citing Claudine Gay's favoritism and condoning of obvious honor code violation as basis for why their own "violation" is merely "duplicative language" and therefore subject to be allowed for revision.

Harvard is playing with fire, and the courts are the only way this now gets addressed. Because its clear they're not going to remove her, as she has threatened the board that she'll sue them under grounds of it being a hate crime, by using her racial characteristics as an advantage despite the accusations and evidence proving that it has nothing to do with her race and entirely to do with her poor judgement and character, support of hateful content, and a total lack of honorable academic conduct.

>> No.15946572

I intend to deny review of any school engaged with DEI and a fund of over a billion dollars.

>> No.15946577

I'm not talking about humanities nigs in particular. It's not that hard to run checks on raw data to tell if it's unnaturally uniform or tampered with.

>> No.15947213 [DELETED] 

>At this point. I think the only way to end this stalemate is for a student to be expelled for plagiarism and who sues the school over the matter demanding reinstatement while citing Claudine Gay's favoritism and condoning of obvious honor code violation as basis for why their own "violation" is merely "duplicative language" and therefore subject to be allowed for revision.

thats never going to happen and you know it. you were brainwashed since early childhood with the ideas of "muh equality" fair treatment for everyone, but that clearly isn't how things work. the brainwashing gave you the misguided sense that everyone is entitled to play under the same rules however diversity cases are not held to the same standards you will be and thats just the way things are and nobody is going to do anything to fix it, it will only get worse and worse from here on out because your brainwashing was just another part of the white genocide agenda.

>> No.15947960

A steady drip of plagiarizing csaes against her will cost the university a lot. The largest ranking lists are edited outside the US. Ties Higher Education has a heavy Oxbridge bias but will not see any problems in tanking a US university.
One may wonder if a reputation for fraud will help Harvard in attracting Chinese students from CCP families.

>> No.15948466

Those university rankings are just paid advertisements, they aren't meaningful. If they were then the high ranking universities would be cranking out all sorts of wonderful scientists who produce important discoveries and inventions, but they don't.

>> No.15948509

>It’s a shame that Harvard is deciding to pull a Catholic Church, eg:
>>if we admit wrongdoing, the general public will loose faith in our institution
>>better stick our heads in the sand and pretend nothing is wrong
Literally all institutions ever after they outlive their founders

>> No.15949438

>If they were then the high ranking universities would be cranking out all sorts of wonderful scientists who produce important discoveries and inventions,
> but they don't.

>> No.15950067 [DELETED] 

prove that they do

>> No.15951100

I can't

>> No.15951353

go talk to the Dean after you have your PhD and if they don't budge tell them you are going to the press

>> No.15951405
File: 993 KB, 500x371, WTF_I_Have_Questions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Harvard suppose to punish a student for even one plagiarized sentence in a homework project when their President has examples of plagiarism in her THESIS !! ???

>> No.15951644
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Easily, they're leftists.

>> No.15951692
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Reminder, this isn't misattribution of quotations. Its plagiarism. She modified some words in the middle of the sentences to make it appear hers.

This is just one of the 40+ cases of plagiarism thats been found.

>> No.15952114


>> No.15952135

Just bomb her house we're all heading down that road anyway as a society

>> No.15952508


>> No.15952523

It's a real shame that racist, sexist bigots unearthed dirt on this strong woman, and not the previous old white guys who ran the university. Of all the people with skeletons in their closet, the bigots chose to tear down this strong woman. Making her have the shortest tenure in Harvard's university --- a mere 6 months.

>> No.15952696
File: 1.24 MB, 768x1166, Data _Is_Racist_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racist, sexist bigots

Anyone who DARES question a BLACK QUEEN'S qualifications is by definition a bigot!

>> No.15952747

Based jews reminding all non-whites in academia that everyone knows how you got where you are. It wasn't by merit or intelligence and everyone treats you with kid gloves because they know what you are. It doesn't matter how high you go, the stain will never leave you.

>> No.15952758
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>based jews
You mean the same ones who knowingly allowed a black immigrant woman married to a white guy to plagiarize the work of conservative native born black academics and get the president role?

Are those your "based" people?

>> No.15952893

Will Black Science Man get the job?

>> No.15953007 [DELETED] 

She plagiarized her resignation letter from the Stanford president who got busted for the same thing

>> No.15953029

This proud black woman looks like she has a "hah-HAAAAH" laugh, very sassy and confident. Isn't that what really matters? *waggles finger at racism*

>> No.15953031

Document and save for future blackmail otherwise just get over it.

>> No.15953642
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>I look like that and I say that

>> No.15953685
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get on my level

>> No.15953718

>Insulting the goy... sheesh.
>Allowing insults to go unpunished against God's Chosen? OYYYYYYYYY VEYYYYYYYYYYY *PULL IT*

>> No.15953899

How did Kornbluth (MIT) avoid resignation while Gay (Harvard) and Magill (UPenn) got so disgraced they had to resign?

>> No.15953902

is the answer jews?

>> No.15953906

Whatever happened to jew admin (mit) that was funneling daf money to his wife's non-profit.

>> No.15953910

>Political Scientist
Oh so she was a fraud to begin with.

>> No.15953912

If you watch their answers
>Kornbluth: direct answers, says she hasn't witnessed such statements, if they're made they would be investigated as harassment
>Magill: shit eating grin while deflecting incessantly
>Gay: identical phrasing as Magill deflection. Tries to words words words her way out
I think that's why Kornbluth escaped. Then again, MIT has a different funding base than Harvard and UPenn. Some of the funders stated very publicly they'd pull back if the presidents didn't resign.

>> No.15955163 [DELETED] 

Nothing, all the charges were dropped

>> No.15955177 [DELETED] 

Pedo religion defenders on my /sci/?

>> No.15955751

Twum should be the next president of Harvard

>> No.15955908 [DELETED] 

Say what you want about catholics but they're historically pretty good at getting rid of jews

>> No.15956360 [DELETED] 
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>black privilege

>> No.15957352

The MIT guy got away with it because he is a jew, the other two got fired because they didn't support Israel

>> No.15957384

Ouch. Pretty much an open and shut case. Her room-temp IQ is showing.

>> No.15957390

those AI detectors are highly inaccurate

>> No.15957773 [DELETED] 

not in this case

>> No.15957811

You do not belong on this board.

>> No.15957819

You do not belong on this board, you and your kind are everything that is against science

>> No.15957862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15957913 [DELETED] 
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It's the jews.