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File: 87 KB, 800x259, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15931207 No.15931207 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a cure in the works for this?
Living with someone with autism is one of the worst things that could happen. Aspergers specially.
I don't see the point ot people like this existing. They exist only to suffer and to make other people suffer.

>> No.15931256


>> No.15931259


>> No.15931264

H-C\equiv N

>> No.15931284

I don't get it

>> No.15931285

You are low IQ.
How does the asspie cause you suffering?

>> No.15931288

stop vaxx-maxxing children. simple as.

>> No.15931294

>I don't see the point ot people like this existing. They exist only to suffer and to make other people suffer.
sounds like 99% of 4chan

>> No.15931302

Autists are healthy the rest is brain damaged from lead deficiency (theneocortex shuts down)
Compare with nonwestern societies and the past. People are basically savages compared to maybe not even a century ago.

>> No.15931305
File: 60 KB, 1166x237, asperger sibling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15931332

That's like accusing the weather of causing suffering: normies hold on to a rigid frame of reference to which everyone and everything else needs to adhere to. Because of this inflexibility normies are also on the spectrum of autism and narcissism. Alas the standard of mental health is whatever thought and behaviour dominate society.

>> No.15931338

you make me suffer, all day every day.
Having you as my sibling is a complete disgrace.

>> No.15931367

at least it's not bpd. consider yourself lucky.

>> No.15931399

>Living with someone with autism is one of the worst things that could happen. Aspergers specially.
Yeah man, I mean there are severely autistic non-verbal adults who need 24/7 care and go into violent tantrums where they destroy property and hurt family members but having a socially awkward roommate who really likes legos is just THE WORST

>> No.15931508

>Aspergers specially.
Give them some exclusive personal space and they'll be better than normal people.

>> No.15931513

Most anons are asperger.
Let that sink in.

>> No.15931519

That's just someone else saying they cause suffering without saying how

>> No.15931548


>> No.15931550

OP has to be baiting
Why would aspergers be worse than low functioning autists that need male handlers to stop them from beating their mom?

>> No.15931755

because they suffer more. trauma.
I hope you never have to deal with someone with aspergers.

>> No.15931778

Are you OP?
>because they suffer more. trauma.
Why do you hide behind their supposed suffering after that OP bait? coherence...

>> No.15931891

You're right, I'm convinced.

>> No.15932070

>I hope you never have to deal with someone with aspergers
NTA but my wife was diagnosed with that and she's the most lovable person you could imagine, only at times she has some crisis but she has learned how to deal with them too
Aspergers is really not that much of an issue, but low functioning autists really are a thing
I've met a few, and you would think at first that is just a mumbling retard, because IRL they are not like in the movies where they just ignore people while arranging things in certain orders, they can have some really weird compulsions and yeah, tbf, they tend to be retarded too

>> No.15932118

>NTA but my wife was diagnosed with that and she's the most lovable person you could imagine, only at times she has some crisis but she has learned how to deal with them too
yeah, male aspergers are completely fucked up, women can go their whole lives undiagnosed.

>> No.15932132

>Take away technology
>Give creatine
>Teach them to work out
>Don't let them eat refined sugar or grains
This will fix 90% of the issues associated with autism

>> No.15932174

feed them cannabis

>> No.15932190

girls are taught to blend in and get along, boys are supposed to taught to be their own men and get what they want. which unsurprisingly results strange men being more visible and obviously problematic than strange women.

>> No.15932202

life is hell

>> No.15932226

zoomers and their insistence on the hamburger menu has been a disaster for the human race

>> No.15932230

This would just result in stronger, even more dangerous retards

>> No.15932240

>girls are taught to blend in and get along

I feel it's less that girl are simply *taught* this, and more that girls are driven to care about their social position, while boys are driven to rebuff society in order to forge their own path. It seems to by a much more innate thing than you're implying, otherwise way more women would go out of their way to reject the social values of other women around them to give themselves more freedom like men do.

>> No.15932252

I hope someone finds one soon. My nephew does not talk, only screams or mumbles, hurts everyone, I mean everyone, breaks anything he can get his hands on and starts laughing manically when doing so.
I am the only person in my whole family whom he will not hurt or fuck around with because I am the only one who yells at him or hurts him back (forcing his face down into the ground, grabbing his neck and humiliating him etc.) when he does something retarded like spits on somebody, tries to sexually assault someone, throws food down on the ground, all kinds of shit he will not do around me because I ruin him when he does.
For some fucking reason, nobody else does this, I've seen people treat other retards the same as my family, just letting them do whatever "because they are autistic aww they don't mean it". It infuriates me, I make sure to treat every retard very badly if they slip up at all because I know nobody else is, and guess what anons? The retards listen to me, they are calm around me, they realize there are consequences for their stupid faggot actions.

Maybe that's the cure for autism actually, brutally harming and humiliating them until they get snapped into a state of constant submission.

>> No.15932253

I think they're driven to care about it more because they're forced to confront it more directly from an early age. Strange appearance or bad manners in girls have historically tended to be aggressively criticized in young girls, by parents, teachers, peers, et cetera, while boys are usually given some leeway to be rude or even aggressive, at least to other boys their age.

There are obviously hormonal differences that affect behavior and maybe more subtle neurological ones as well but I'd be surprised if anything had much effect on behavior before puberty. I think it's largely a matter of certain behaviors transferring themselves to younger generations.

>> No.15932256

there is treatment that can help them adapt and be functional, especially in more mild cases. but this is not a cure. honestly autists should drop acid and smoke weed and see if that makes them cool chads.

>> No.15932281

>I'd be surprised if anything had much effect on behavior before puberty.
Then be surprised, because we know behavioral drives differ between the sexes from an infant age level.

>> No.15932363

Diagnosis typically requires (and is preceded by) significant life impairment or distress. Women don't experience either of those.

>> No.15932438

vaccines don't cause autism though

>> No.15932454
File: 281 KB, 640x588, R.D. Laing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism develops in large response to enviroment, one of the reasons autism continues to rise is not only because what we consider autism has broadened to include more behavioural traits but because as industrial society flourishes it continues to create enviroments where people are likely to develop autism:
>Screaming media advertising.
>Parental or other socially unstable enviroments (i.e. intelligent children will learn to be loud and belligerent if they see a parent getting what they want from being loud and belligerent)
>Poor education and hands off parenting involving sticking children in front of digitial technology.
>Autism acceptance being code for mass therapy and over medication so bad parents can get an excuse for their bad parenting while the psychiatric industry makes money off of it.

If you want to help people with autism then you have to change their enviroment to one that is more conducive to their growth, one without technology and industrialization, free of loud noises but also with an emphasis on teaching them the skills they need.
You have to think outside the box, yes there are more incorrigble cases of extreme autism but seldom is anything beyond solving, and the second you give up or shill out to pharmacology and the psychiatric industry then you've lost. Thats not to say psychiatry doesn't offer good techniques but you have to use it for what its worth while also going outside the autism box to discover unqiue solutions for the individual in question. There is no cure for human behaviour, stop trying to medicate and start trying to live with it.

>> No.15932605 [DELETED] 

>one without technology and industrialization,
Why woould that be vetter for people with autism? Also see >>16032259

>> No.15932609 [DELETED] 

>>one without technology and industrialization,
>Why would that be better for people with autism? Also see >>>/his/16032259

>> No.15932611

>one without technology and industrialization,
Why would that be better for "people with autism"? Also see >>>/his/16032259

>> No.15932635

Zyklon B you illiterate idiot! It's a poison! Remove the problem!

>> No.15932667

>struggling with a one sided relationship
>toxic relationship
entirely on her. this shit was known as antisocial disorder for years. you only have a relationship with these people if they want it. her autistic family member just wants to be alone and vibe with himself but the dumbass probably won't give him any space. they have primitive brains, respect a wild animals boundaries or you'll get bit.

>> No.15932673

>her autistic family member just wants to be alone and vibe with himself
Autists are too intemse for neurotypical people. Isolation only occurs after they give up otlr burnout from being repeatedly shunned for being too bothersome.

>> No.15932831

my aspie brother is the one who always start talking, I livr him alone, but he text me for 16 hours straight
I wish he wasn't born.
His life was completely fucked up, now he's trying to make everyone else miserable.
It's worse than down syndrone.
What a shitty condition.
I want to murder him.

>> No.15932837
File: 21 KB, 448x603, cypyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy. Now cut your penis, is good for you, do it right now!

>> No.15932911

He's just lonely. You can't understand.

>> No.15933020

Do normies just always completely evade a fully logical question, nay, SERIES of questions? It fits with the normie M.O. to have entirely feelings based understandings between each other.
Here are my guesses how the aspie causes "suffering" (jeez louise, what kind of melodrama is such language?):
- he is quick to anger if you interrupt his high-priority routines, or act in an unpredictable illogical manner. However, he may be quick to anger, but he also never stews on it. Anger =/= resentment. Solution: use your brain.
- he has low responsiveness, talks monotonely, etc. Alright, this hurts relationships, but try to talk with him about it. If you tell him his lack of engagement hurts your feelings, it suddenly becomes a salient or even priority issue in his mind, because you clearly explained it, rather than just having some implicit miasma of feelings around the house. So if you tell him "let's go for a walk" due to this, it'll be worthwhile in his mind.

>> No.15933026

Imagine a paradise where we were dominate, and the cattle-brained were still scene as an abnormality?

>> No.15933038

>4chan is autism central
>4channers spend their lives offline resenting non-autists.
>Vaccines cause autism.
>4chan is anti-vaccine.

>> No.15933066

You sound smart. Can you suggest a parenting book?

>> No.15933085

Oh, it's you again. Still haven't considered cutting contact with your brother because he does nothing but inflict suffering on you and actively rejects any possible avenue of improvement? I mean, I know a bunch of self-righteous twats said that was a "Jewish" suggestion, but surely you can see it's a better alternative to murder?

Also, again, another reminder, your brother has way, way, bigger problems than asperger's. Don't put it all on his diagnosis.

>> No.15933341
File: 9 KB, 243x208, Laing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enviromental influences will overload their systems, this is true of not just technological enviroments but social ones. Autistic people need a place with more calm and a deliberate emphasis on focus and learning, but not just learning as it is traditionally defined by contemporary societal and cultural frameworks (As without going into that argument our education "System" is not conducive to the growth and evolution of the indiviudal human being) but a learning enviroment that teaches them to intake the things around them without getting overloaded, giving them a foundational education that will help them cope with extreme industrial enviromental pressures and expectations (Your basics like math and language) but also enough self reflection that they can operate in these enviroments without feeling the need to lash out (As self reflection is not something that can be taught in a choatic enviroment).

I do not recomend parenting books as they are catered to a particular social framework and as such they generally lack perspective, though I can list some psychology authors I've enjoyed and list the pros and cons of both, in addition to some research materials on the history of autism that I found interesting.

>R.D. Laing
Experimental psychiatrist who placed more emphasis on understanding the world as the patient percieves it as opposed simply conforming the patient to our expectations of they ought to behave, his experiments in communes might have been chaotic as he was not prepared to reconcile completely incorrigible individuals, that said his work with understanding the schizophrenic cannot be understated (Refering to his most famous testament with the 10 schizophrenic women who he "Cured" by just talking to them like a human being, but those same women relapsed to schizophrenic behaviours upon returning to their family units.)

>> No.15933370
File: 43 KB, 500x653, Karen Horney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Julian Silvermans paper Shamanism and Acute Schizophrenia.
No one should be completely deluded into thinking autistic people are superhuman shamans or anything like that, thats not what this paper is about nor do I think anyone here would believe that. This paper does however paralel the behaviours of schizophrenics to shamanistic behaviours in stating that mental illness is the way that it is in large part due to how we view it, and it is relevant in the case of Autism as Autism used to be considered largely (And still to some degree today) a manifestation of psychosis much like schizophrenia, these considerations I give to you if you're curious at all of the more anthropological side of things.

>Karen Horney
I don't agree with a lot of her psychology stemming from freudianism but her work on self analysis is an important question to ask, the degree to which self analysis can be achieved is something that is relative to the individual but detrimental to the functioning of the autist.
See: Self Analysis, Our Inner Conflicts.

>Terence Mckenna
I mainly cite him and his work in the book Food of the Gods, I think this is relevent to the extent you can rely on pharmacology and external agents to achieve a degree of stability but not to the point where you are so dependant on these substances that you cannot function without them.

I do acknowledge that none of these sources directly pertain to autism, my point in citing them is to state that you will never get a full perspective of what we consider mental illness from any one source (Acknowledging that autism is treated like a mental illness, although some people might delineate the two) be it parenting guide of psychology as a whole. So shop around, explore and experiment. The individual autist is still a living breathing person meaning you can never find a description of them in the cold death of jargon, you have to be proactive in educating them.

>> No.15933393

Of my own experience with autism and the people I've known, be they friend or family member who has lived with and raised autistic children, the success and failure I've seen has been largely determined by the parents own ability in raising them, the more extreme manifestations of autism tend to arise from negligence
I think the testament of this anon can speak to this. Most people are not equipped to raise autistic children and will usually just let them do whatever they want to an extent because "Thats just how they are." Of course anon may be right in disciplining them but thats only a short term solution. The kids need the ability to self reflect and achieve maturity without anyone telling them how to, and that comes only through a lot of work (Just like raising any other kid)
Autistic kids aren't easy to deal with, and to a large extent they have no place in this world of ours, but that does not mean you should give up.
Be consistent and disciplined yourself, and remember that everything the autist sees they will attempt to emulate. If you act a certain way and teach them to do the same they will follow you, they're not morons, but they're not simple products either. Find what works for you.

>> No.15933458

Not lonely, more likely just hyperfixated on one specific person in his life. normal people do need to be around people all day to not feel lonely, most people should and do take a few hours for themselves everyday to stay sane. Fucking autists will get a panic attack if they can't be around their favourite person anymore.

>> No.15933481

interesting, especially about the "curing" them just by talking to them. perhaps an ai could be programmed to do this, it would be more accessible then any human teachers who would require training.

>> No.15933497

Perhaps, although I think AI sets a dangerous precedent. Laing advocates human interaction and meaningful cohabitation, if you remove the human element in favor of AI then that may just exacerbate the neglience of most people when it comes to raising children, that children are a thing to be produced and managed and not a living creature with agency. In effect AI would treat the symptoms of the children, or rather the symptoms of the childs enviroment, rather then actually changing the enviroment in any meaningful way, just like medication.

>> No.15933786

>Also, again, another reminder, your brother has way, way, bigger problems than asperger's. Don't put it all on his diagnosis
I know, he has lots of stuff.
A complete trainwreck.
I'm sure he's the most miserable person that ever walked this planet.
Anyway, he's back to living with me, he was crying every day living with our parents.
I just said he's not allowed to live our house, otherwise he's dead to me.

>> No.15933805

btw what exactly do you think he has and how to fix it?

>> No.15934219

That's nonsense.
Autists are the remaining normal people after the society collapsed in the 60s in America (or usually later elsewhere)
The latter is normal, they get fixated on the one or a few who are usually at least somewhat autistic themselces, so some semblance of a relationship can occur. Or perhaps some "neurotypical" person who serves as a saner looking version of talking with a plush toy.
You can't understand it because you are asocial.

>> No.15934381

What part of it is nonsense? Just citing alternative views, nothing is definitive nor was I making any defintitive claims.
Normal is a relative to the culture/society that defines normalcy, what is normal for you may not be somebody elses normal.

>> No.15934385

>somewhat actual autism discussion happening
Can anybody actually explain to me if hyperfixation is actually real, as in it's always felt like "hyperfixation" is just a label for when personal interests fall outside the norm. People who know a fuck tonne about cars, a particular sport, celebrities, pop culture shit, history, certain broader fields of science or engineering would never be considered as hyperfixated. The only thing anybodies ever said that seems abnormal is that autistics get interested in something at random, learn everything, then move on like they never even cared in the first place.

>> No.15934405

Autism is literally normal. Calcineurin can't be activated without lead, so everybody got schizophrenia.

>> No.15934409

Goblin Slayer-san look: wolves are eating our sheep! Is that so? Yes please hurry wolves are eating our sheep right now! Are there goblins? May be I don't know I haven't seen any but there are wolves eating sheep as we speak! So no goblins? No but I'll pay a handsome reward if you please stop the wolves from eating the sheep right now! Do you have any quests involving goblins?

>> No.15934426

Did all that, didn't fix shit. It just made me a gym and nutrition autist. But at least I get to sperg with MDs on twitter and shock normies with how restrictive my diet is

>> No.15934430

>The only thing anybodies ever said that seems abnormal is that autistics get interested in something at random, learn everything, then move on like they never even cared in the first place
I did that alot, even with my diploma, which fucked my career. I just can't care about something once I lost interest. And I can't stop obsessing about something once I'm interested. That's probably why I trooned and detrooned too. I just stopped caring about gender after 3 years. I wish I could make this stop somehow

>> No.15934451

From what I remember from the last thread, OP's brother has completely given up on life, spends every day wallowing in self-pity and insists on making all his family members part of that every hour he's awake, refuses therapy, refuses to find employment or to get an education, refuses to even go outside, insists he's tried everything already and nothing works, insists that everyone hates him and wants him dead for no reason, and apparently finds ways to antagonise people every time he sets foot outside the door to the point of provoking violence, but we only have his unreliable narration regarding the exact circumstances.

I'm not sure what went wrong with him but if I had to give a diagnosis I'd say "hopeless case". Asperger's is not that hard to live with. A lot of people go most of their lives before even getting a diagnosis because they're able to live normal lives quite well. But this guy has some toxic blend of learned helplessness and self-loathing leading to self-sabotage and perpetual victimhood. We're not looking at fixing it, but at mitigating the damage. I'd say his family needs to turn him over to the state and limit contact.

>> No.15934478

>refuses therapy
he spent the last 15 years in therapy. It didn't work
>refuses to find employement or education
he's a STEM graduate. He started working at some companies but it didn't work as people are mean to him, and he's too sensitive.
>refuses to even go outside
I wish, I try to make him stay inside because I know he has a target on his back.
It's one thing to have meltdowns on his room, outside it could be dangerous.
>provoking violence
I mean, people yell at him out of nowhere, he almost got ran over... it seems like he's just extremely unlucky. Or cursed.

Anyway, I think I'll need something extreme to fix him. He won't last much more living like this.
What can I do? What are the most extreme meds? The most powerful solutions? The scariest treatments?

>> No.15934482

>Living with someone with autism is one of the worst things that could happen.
My girlfriend is autistic and she's awesome. What's the problem?

>> No.15934486

Especially the distrustful/agressive types. Fucking hell, literally. I dated a woman like that for a while she was STUNNINGLY beautiful, perfect body, but there would not be 30 minutes without an attack or a fight, it was maddening. Never again, ever.

>> No.15934515

>I mean, people yell at him out of nowhere, he almost got ran over... it seems like he's just extremely unlucky. Or cursed.
Or he's provoking them and not telling you what actually happened.

>> No.15934575

>Or he's provoking them and not telling you what actually happened.
that would be a possibility if I hadn't witnessed it first hand dozens of time

>> No.15934580

I dunno man, this story doesn't add up. There's something he's not telling us, or there's something you're not telling us.

>> No.15934586

no cure cause it's not a disease
also you are annoying me so I think you shouldn't exist.

>> No.15934588

Well, he has an aspie face, he's always anxious, people notice and he gets more anxious.
Hopefully he won't leave our house until 2025 so I can relax a bit.

>> No.15934592

>cure for autism
doesn't exist, and like everybody said more is clearly wrong than autism. he needs to see somebody and gets some strong anti depressants, and some strong anti psychotics that reduce violent behaviours. iirc they give autistic kids risperidone (an anti psychotic for schizophrenia) to reduce violent fits. I've also heard ritalin or other ADHD meds can help autists be more aware, though others have just said it gives them crippling amounts of social anxiety. and also cognitive behavioural therapy (and an actual desire to change) to change his basic thinking patterns so he can change his mindset away from hopeless depression.

>> No.15934594

>I don't see the point ot people like this existing. They exist only to suffer and to make other people suffer.
Only because society doesn't make a playground for them to go be retarded in and die. They force us together like a mouse utopia. Many autistic people are brave souls in a terrible world.

>> No.15934622

people with aspergers get angry easily, and also are unable to pick up on others anger. being socially unaware it's very likely he's saying things to piss people off, or annoying people who don't have the time for it without realising. if they get confrontational it'll very likely result in physical conflict. hence why people get angry and "attack" your brother, as he'll do nothing to diffuse a situation only elevate it. He also probably appears feeble enough for people to confidently push around. Take that one anons advice about getting your brother fixed on body building autism, this will stop all conflict as people will just put up when he says something heinous.

>> No.15935156

>He also probably appears feeble enough for people to confidently push around
Autistic people tend to be better built and younger looking than what is normal, sometimes to the point of appearing threating, especially men.

>> No.15935196

I personally think it's an individual question, and to a large part a confirmation bias/pygmalion effect type of thing, where if somebody who is labeled autistic expressed this behaviour then we use it to reinforce our impression of that person as autistic, whereas if anyone else does this we just say they're passionate about something/lose interest in something. It's okay to oscillate between the two, some people take a long time to find what they like and experimentation is normal for everyone.

If he's capable of learning this behaviour then he's capable of learning other behaviours. Sounds to me like he needs a reason to really care about doing something with his life, and for so long as he doesn't see that reason he can't be galvanaized into any form of action. If ever you want to incite somebody to do better, you first should demonstrate exactly how what you're doing is better and not just respond to that person by equally playing the Woe is me Victim card, sounds to me like he learned that behaviour from his family. Medicating the issue is akin to avoiding it, the way out is through...

I wasn't trying to make the claim that it was abnormal, I was simply citing some alternative perspectives that might lead somebody into a course of action they haven't tried before.
Honestly most responses to autism are the defintion of insanity, just trying to same shit over and over and being frustrated when the person doesn't understand it, I think at that point there is just cause to seek a different perspective.

>> No.15935201

People though I was autistic for awhile, I wasn't, but when they thought I was that was everybodies recomendation was to medicate and subjegate myself to therapy, I tried it, didn't work as well as simply going outside in nature and reading books. Pharmacology does not breed the indiviudal skills to handle ones emotions on ones own, it breeds further dependence onto pharmacology and theraputic practices for support. You'll end up creating more problems for yourself.
And guess what? If the qualifications for autism and other mental health has changed in the past it will continue to change, there is no such thing as innovation or precision in this art, only constantly changing variables.
I'm not anti-psychiatry, it has it's uses, but the further you try and suppress an emotional response to something the more damage will be done when that emotion finally explodes.

>> No.15935513
File: 115 KB, 700x700, a1129004102_65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know some aspies are so low functioning they smear their shit on the walls and attack their caretakers right? Even the high functioning autists occasionally do stuff like rape their demented mothers.

>> No.15935527


>> No.15935541

>Ai Cure
It explored waters for sure, Its going to most likely to do more harm then good. What they need is a good paddling from grampa.

>> No.15935547

The other dogs bite the runt of the litter...

>> No.15935632

Chris-chan is schizophrenic.

>> No.15935734 [DELETED] 

The problem is that you can't do anything with the majority that is schizophrenic. Neurotypicality is identical with paranoid schizophrenia. Everything has meaning for them. They think they can see or hear your thoughts. One look, and they know everything. (so they don't understand the need to communicate)
You won't be able to dress on your own, because you can't know what the schizos see on the clothing, no svhizo will help you, and each of them sees something different anyway. A schizo sees meaning with evrrything, so if they got bullied by someone with a cowboy hat, for example, they can't understand that the hat is a thing tgat has no connection to what us happening to them, and will learn that wearing a cowboy hat means you are a bully. But it happens only to them, another schizo may see something completely different.
They will think that you are defective because you can't see what they see. They will think that you are stupid because you don't get what their delusions told them. They will mock for what you don't do, laugh at you for beliefs that you don't have, and accuse you of wrongdoings that you didn't commit.

>> No.15935736

The problem is that you can't do anything with the majority that is schizophrenic. Neurotypicality is identical with paranoid schizophrenia. Everything has meaning for them. They think they can see or hear your thoughts. One look, and they know everything. (so they don't understand the need to communicate)
You won't be able to dress on your own, because you can't know what the schizos see on the clothing, no schizo will help you, and each of them sees something different anyway. A schizo sees meaning in everything, so if they got bullied by someone with a cowboy hat, for example, they can't understand that the hat is a thing that has no connection to what is happening to them, and will learn that wearing a cowboy hat means you are a bully. But it pertains only to them, another schizo may see something completely different.
They will think that you are defective because you can't see what they see. They will think that you are stupid because you don't get what their delusions told them. They will mock for what you don't do, laugh at you for beliefs that you don't have, and accuse you of wrongdoings that you didn't commit.

>> No.15935803

C can make 4 bonds
nitrogen 3

>> No.15935834

Not from the peole I've met.
Whenever I have a conversation with these individuals I'm struck by the vibrancy with which they percieve the world, you can't help but get pulled into a world rich with symbolism and so much Meaning that our normal world tremendously lacks. Of the most hostile individuals I've met they are only ever hostile if you're disrespectful to them and their world, if you insult them or condescend or contradict, but if you can immerse yourself in their world without losing yourself you may find that you can establish a repport with them, not one based on edifying or patronizing but one of mutual trust. If you can prove that you respect their world then often times they will show respect to yours. I think so many of us are set on correcting "facts" and solidfying objective reality we lose sight of imaginative play and subjective variables, and in this respect the schizophrenic (And the autist by association) are uncompromising, and unreasonable. I should point out that your every criticism is something most people reflect and project onto the schizos and the autists. Just think, if your inner world was under constant attack from day one, wouldn't you become unreasonable? If the world around you is always hellbent on edifying you, the schizo almost has to put up these defenses to remain existent. Compassion and understanding are not made by conforming other to how we believe they ought to act, but by allowing ourselves to experience things as others experiences them beyond our notions of the world. If their testament is worth anything, it may serve to remind us that any prescription made about the world and the people within it, is invariabley a projection of ourselves.

>> No.15935917

Your aswer sounds very botty. Nevertheless, my inner world isn't under constant attack, since I am not schizophrenic. When you are sane there is no major suffering of such kind, since when your world is at odds with the reality, you just change it to conform to the reality. It only happens to the schizophrenic, who build their existence around some bullshit, then try to mend the reality to conform to that bullshit. (In the modern world holding the belief us often enforced with a threat of life ruining consequences, so it's not a big surprise that some people react irrationally to what contradicts it)

>> No.15936065

>You know some aspies are so low functioning they smear their shit on the walls and attack their caretakers right?
By definition not asperger's then (not that that's even a diagnosis any more)

>> No.15936066

Autist cope. Spergs tend to be physically underdeveloped.

>> No.15936450

And yet to them our reality is just as much bullshit as theirs is to us. Ironic that you'd make the point about simply conforming your reality to what is commonly accepted, yet your calling Me botty...

>> No.15936503

Any dietary supplements to suppress autism behavior and though processes?

I do know that drinking beef milk with only the A2 protein exclusively helps.

>> No.15936523
File: 98 KB, 554x716, drama queer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuude i gots muh diagnosis!!!
>now i'm officially a special snowflake!!! with a doctor's note an everything!!!
>i finally have an excuse for being a total loser!!
>now i can commit myself to a life of being a unwanted burden on society and an unpleasant annoyance and a total failure!!
>i'll never have to try hard at anything again, especially not self improvement!!
>thank you science!!!

>> No.15937155
File: 48 KB, 580x1020, 1703276543590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15937175

>do as I say bitch, I want to exploit you!
eat shit

>> No.15937194

>Is there a cure
is there a cure for disloyalty or a man being a coward?

>brain damaged
this is the hardest thing to fight through. much more difficult then a broken ankle or wrist

>normies hold on to a rigid frame of reference
they're all loyal to the establishment.

it all stems from disloyalty you fuck face

>> No.15937200

that's kinda subjective tho. varies with function.

>> No.15937205

I'm right brain dominant. i think normies are just left brain dominant.

why does every hood nigga feed off evil? it's like all they know how to do

>> No.15937208

people that are disloyal are awful. it's like trying to teach a dog math

>> No.15937211

>that's kinda subjective tho. varies with function
but people are tribal as fuck and will go correction officer on your ass if they think they got the drop on you

>> No.15937216

that usually means going along with horrible shit so you get fed.

>> No.15937442

>Ironic that you'd make the point about simply conforming your reality to what is commonly accepted,
No I don't. Are you a bot, or one of the schizos who think that truth is a social construct?

>> No.15937471

Aajonus Vonderplanitz already cured it

>> No.15938106

I'm not bot, but I prefer meaningful conversation to the usualy circle jerk of Known Facts. If I need to define myself by anything let is be Experientialism as put fourth by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, which is a stance that the Subjective just as much as the Objective holds value, but not to the detreiment or dominance of one above the other. There are personal Truths and then their are objective truths, what is true for me and you may not be whats true for the world at large, but at the same time some truths of the world would apply to both of us.
My argument would also be that social constructs such as psychiatry and just about every other system of communication will often posit itself as an objective truth, whilst overlooking the fact that a psychiatric outlook could only arise in a particular social climate (This is to in part explain why there are different schools of psychiatric thought) and as such its perspective is limited to that climate and should not be taken as a reflection of objectivity, but in as subjective input can be valued equally as much as the objective, then I to would see value in these systems of communication rather then dismissing them outright because they don't agree with me, unlike how most people dismiss autistic or schizophrenic behaviour because it does not agree with them.
If you were to argue that schizophrenics were demigods or something deluded like that I'd be quick to play the devils advocate.
My point is that all people have precedence on this earth and we shouldn't overlook that value by assigning them to some generality of "Needs to be Helped/Cured/Killed" because if we expect anyone to recognize our existence we should first attempt to recognize theirs.

>> No.15938148

>There are personal Truths and then their are objective truths, what is true for me and you may not be whats true for the world at large
No. Give examples of truths that are only true for some people.

>> No.15938243

It depends on your enviroment. A behaviour conducive to survival in Egypt is not a viable behaviour for Eskimos in the far north, as such Truth becomes a variable that changes depending on where you are and what your doing/need to do for survival. Taking this example as a macrocosm, we can then understand that on an individual that existential survival and individual well being depends on that individuals enviroment and physiological chemistry. Everybodys bodies function differently, as well as there psychology. To give you some harder examples: Some people can withstand more pain, most people produce insulin but diabetics do not, some bodies are better for endurance based challenges while some are more inclined to raw physical strength, etc etc.
As such, the individual psychology required from each individual to meet the demands of both their enviroment and their unique physiology will require it's own unique form psychology to satisfy these demands. Not everyones enviroment is the same either, every family unit operates off of different dynamic that requires different behaviours in response to each member of that family unit, and when you expand this to measure the wide array of enviromental influences people endure you can understand that there is no one size fits all for human behaviour (Unless you want there to be, but thats another question entirely). >

The obvious is that yes, there are anatomic facts, variables of human enviroment that could be called irrefutable objective reality: Temperature regulation, food and water, excersize, proper nutrition. But even amongst these, if you search for outlying examples you will find them (Refering to monks that can fast for weeks on end and set themselves on fire), everyones different, and in that fact we are all the same.

>> No.15938331 [DELETED] 

>It depends on your enviroment.
Is that true for you, me, or the world at large?
>A behaviour conducive to survival in Egypt is not a viable behaviour for Eskimos in the far north,
Is that true for you, me, or the worod at large?
>Everybodys bodies function differently, as well as there psychology. To give you some harder examples: Some people can withstand more pain, most people produce insulin but diabetics do not, some bodies are better for endurance based challenges while some are more inclined to raw physical strength, etc etc.
Is that true for you, me, or the world at large?

>> No.15938334

>It depends on your enviroment.
Is that true for you, me, or the world at large?
>A behaviour conducive to survival in Egypt is not a viable behaviour for Eskimos in the far north,
Is that true for you, me, or the world at large?
>Everybodys bodies function differently, as well as there psychology. To give you some harder examples: Some people can withstand more pain, most people produce insulin but diabetics do not, some bodies are better for endurance based challenges while some are more inclined to raw physical strength, etc etc.
Is that true for you, me, or the world at large?

>> No.15938406

The world exists where as other planets have not formed life due to circumstance, or God or whatever you believe that seperates us from the rest of the cosmos.

If I go to Alaska I'm going to act differently then if I went to Egypt, thats not to say your entire personality is going to change but you'll have to perform objectively different actions to stay alive in one climate over another.

I'm assuming your body is different then mine, your chemistry, potential injuries, abilities. I can verify that quite easily but just looking around at other people.

There are still objective variables, so I would say that generally yes it is true to you me and the world at large share these things (Althogh semantically we may define them differently) and this is objectivity, but even then there are (refutable) testaments of people who have gone without these objective requirements (Or at least mitigated the necesity of them) That doesn't mean we base are reality on either what works for the collective or one particular individual, but what works for you specifically. And where this ideology ends is at the point where one person tells another person "You Have to behaviour the way I've decided you ought to". The ideal is that we find a way for everyone to exist symbiotically regardless of their experiential preferences and we manage this without medication or mass edification and instead raise people to be individuals, meaning the Schizophrenic as well as the Sane man (Or every other archtype of person in between) must both take responsibility in learning how to achieve a new reality.
What you need to survive might share values with my needs, but I'm sure we can find more then a few exceptions either psychological or physiological.

So do you actually want to have a conversation or what man?

>> No.15938436

how restrictive is your diet?

>> No.15938442

>i le shock'd muh normies
>i am such a unique special snowflake
>everyone else is a mere normie
you're not autistic, your narcissistic
you have a ridiculously self flattering outlook on life
"i'm better than everyone else because of what foods i choose to consume" just screams of someone who has never accomplished anything significant or meaningful in life other than eating.
>dude, i sleep in a bed without a box spring!!
>i'm sooooooo much better than the stupid normies!!!

>> No.15938443

https://www.writingtoiq.com/ says your IQ is 82

>> No.15938541

What's the verdict on the Safe and Sound Protocol and the polyvagal theory? Is it placebo, pseudoscience, harmful or actually effective? Some people say it works well but I am sceptical

>> No.15938887

>So do you actually want to have a conversation or what man?
The problem is that you don't seem to understand the meaning of "reality" and "truth" correctly. I think this makes debate with you impossible. It's not that I'm unwilling, I see no way how.
I'm not a native speaker, that tool is bullshit, and so is IQ as such.

>> No.15938912
File: 32 KB, 640x360, For you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or perhaps I'm wondering why you would come to a messaging board and not be prepared to attempt the issues of discorse.

Most of these discussions are semantic ones.
I comprehend Reality and Truth as you define them, and I'm not refuting that, but social truths (As I understand them) are not objective truths because they do not exist invariably, they are objective in that they exist however and they have precedence and objectivity where they do exist, but they are malleable and subject to change and only occur in the context of enviroment, a symptom of enviroment if you will. If reality was otherwise one dimensional it would be irrefutable, the fact is subjectivivity in the perception of reality is detrimental to prevent the kinds of dogmatic scientific/religious or otherwise idealogical one world order hellscapes, as such behaviours alternative to a particular social climate are necesarry (This is not to say they are any more or less important then any other course of behaviour)

Terence Mckenne has a great bit about going schizophrenic for a few months, the point being that everyone can experience so called insane states of mind and still return to themselves, that the full range of human capacity is available to all of us, and in that claim no one is truly "Special". It's a matter of will, to go into these alternate states of mind for the value they possess in granting oneself a wider perspective on the way things work.

How can anyone make any claims to understand autistic, schizophrenic, or any other alternative behaviours if they have not experienced these states of mind for themselves? Particularly when these individuals don't use language the way most people do. To recomend a course of action (*Treatment) from this state of ignorance is a disasterous affair, and rather then try and constantly correct and edify these things why not find a place for them to exist? Because objectively these people and these states of mind will continue to exist >

>> No.15938919

No matter what we do to prevent it, why not try to work with it as opposed to fight a tiring never ending losing battle.
I advocate conversation over debate, I'm not trying to win any points with you here, but I genuinly believe the only way these issues can be reconciled is through a cooperative attempt to relay our individual experiences without putting eachother down. Meet me in the middle here.

>> No.15938975

>Or perhaps I'm wondering why you would come to a messaging board and not be prepared to attempt the issues of discorse.
No, I'm not ready to debate soneone who doesn't comprehend the concept of reality. I'm just not.

>> No.15939024

Explain it to me. What do you mean when you say reality. How do you define it?

>> No.15939029

"Reality" is impossible to define with words that aren't either synonyms, or themselves defined by it. Reality is what all knowledge is defined from. Any verbal definition will be necessarily circular. It's like trying to define 1, you can't.
Nevertheless, normal people have no difficulty comprehending either, you probably can't understand it because you are schizophrenic.

>> No.15939750

How many churches claim to know what realtiy is? How many scientific insitutions, schizophrenics, or other organizations make the exactly same claim that reality is self evident.

If you can't define it or say anything to dilineate what your saying is reality from people saying things are reality that are not, then I have no way to differentiate you from anyone else who claims to know what reality is, you are in this behaviour no different from those schizophrenics who claim that they know reality, or dogmatic religious orders, or scientific organizations that don't allow criticism.
By not defining reality you're simply insulating your perspective from criticism, all the while making surface level claims that you can't (Or aren't willing) defend.
So again, if you aren't prepeared to define reality, then you aren't prepared to have a human conversation, so why do you even bother coming to messaging boards? Unless of course you're a troll, in which case more power to you.

>> No.15939756

objective reality vs subjective reality. our condition is of subjective reality and we use science to get a sense of the objective one.
we are sort of "best effort" systems so we crap out eventually.
science is also not complete, so we don't know how much of our reality is subjective or objective, but we do have a sense of part of the objective one, through science.

>> No.15939782

>work in tech
>work with aspies
>incredibly petulant
>always making regard faces showing off their emotions
>disgustingly narcissistic and lack of self awareness
These people are proof god doesn’t exist. Academia needs be more rigorous so that these people can’t get into engineering and medicine, having the reasoning skills of a retarded manchild has certainly killed people from malpractice

>> No.15939784
File: 5 KB, 318x159, Blind men and elephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we use science to get a sense of the objective one.
There is objectively some sort of sqeezable rope and bendy sharpness. Trumpet noises too.

>> No.15939888
File: 50 KB, 578x605, Oro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If science is the art of discovery how could it ever be complete?
Take the example of the elephant, even if you describe the individual componenets of trunk, tusk, tail, leg, and you manage to relay to everybody every component of the elephant there will eventually be new considerations of the elephant that would enter in: DNA, details of it's reproduction, everything down to the Atom, and even if you manage to describe these things then another consideration will enter into the component of the elephant (Objective reality) then another and another.

Unfortunately science is not without bias, because it's impossible to ask a question free of intention. It is in how you ask the question that determines the results of what you find.

Objective reality could be defined by what is shared. Or perhaps it's the very limitations of our language that inhibits us from understanding the issue. Perhaps the distinction of Subjective and Objective is a misconceptualization.

I agree he probably shouldn't be working in a job he's not skilled for, but I've met plenty of quote "Normal" people who are equally as fucking incompetent in their occupations, narcisitic, disregard for others, etc etc.
This behaviour is not specific to autistic people, I'm sure you can find plenty that act this way but you'll find plenty more people without autism that act the exact same way.

>> No.15939890

>even if you manage to describe these things then another consideration will enter into the component of the elephant
not really. past a certain resolution it doesn't matter. the elephant is not described by its complete atomic arrangement, the elephant is less than that.

>> No.15939898

>>15939890 me
all the elephant is, is compressed and encoded in its DNA. that is enough to fully describe the elephant, as minimum information. which is way less than the total number and position of quarks in the elephant.

>> No.15939929

When has the world we occupy ever been a limited collection of things? Science uncovers new things constantly, there is no completion because there is no end to the number of variables there is to discover. The only way you could say you defintively know all there is to know about the eEephant is to stop looking for more details, but then how would you know whether or not your looking at the complete picture or still looking at the trunk thinking it's the full picture? How would you when you've reached the end?

>> No.15939935

>The only way you could say you defintively know all there is to know about the eEephant is to stop looking for more details
what do you mean there is no end to an elephant? that's weird. seems like something you'd like to be true to fit other shit in your framework.
an elephant is absolutely finite, as "blueprint"/concept and as individual ones. you can absolutely capture everything an elephant is, even a particular one (as in its genes unpacked in time and with "time"s effects over it).
you can't just say no, as an argument, you need to explain why

>> No.15939996
File: 27 KB, 657x1000, Solaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what I'm asking you. It's a decent metaphor. How do YOU know whether you have the full picture or you have a blind fold on? Dont you think every person with a blind fold on would say that just that one part of the elephant is all that there is?
How does an elephant think and feel, do they perhaps have some sense that we don't? Do they even percieve time the way we do?
We measure reality with the five senses, but whos to say there is not other senses that some animals possess that others do not.
I'm not making any claims that these things do or do not exist, the whole point of what I'm asking is to ask at what point do you know, at what point do you discover all that there is and theres nothing left, and if you know everything and there is nothing left to discover then why would you, so certain as you are, even waste your time in conversations over the things you already know?

If you can find the point at which there is nothing left to discover, what do you have left to do?

>> No.15940151

>Thats what I'm asking you. It's a decent metaphor. How do YOU know whether you have the full picture or you have a blind fold on? Dont you think every person with a blind fold on would say that just that one part of the elephant is all that there is?
you think holding certain beliefs without scientific proof is cheap or even free. but it is not.
we don't go about reality by supposing there is something without any proof of it, of some sorts. it might mathematically work out as it maybe existing, which is some evidence.
you can believe an elephant is more than we think it is atm, but that doesn't mean there is anything more to it. especially with zero evidence for such a thing.
asking me to respect whatever you imagine as being there is a bit of a stretch.
>woah buddy hold on, what if I imagine there's more with absolutely no evidence? see now you are the retard, there is I just can't explain it to you

>> No.15940185

I'm saying there might be evidence, but in may not exist in a way science can comprehend.
A blind man clinging to the leg of an elephant with his hands and saying there is no proof of that elephants trunk. You have to be willing to reach out into that supposed darkness if you want to grasp the whole meaning, which would mean relying on other faculties of human experience beyond pure rationality.
Even if I managed to relay to you evidence of these other things they would be pointless to you if you don't experience these things yourself.

>> No.15940229
File: 263 KB, 554x716, autism master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be quiet, neurotypical troglodyte swine. Us spergs are the mustard race

>> No.15940278

triggering the inferiority complex of normies isn't a good idea retard.

>> No.15940293
File: 265 KB, 1000x1481, MV5BMjQwOTQ4NDk5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzM0Mjk3Mw@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the solution, but it's in pre-prototype (aka concept) stage. And it's been there for over a decade. I'm sorry, brother, I am an asperger and suck at convincing people to fund my projects.
I wanted to add a picture of the quote "if you're understood you're not doing anything new" but I couldn't find it. So here I have a better one. The lady portrayed in that movie is still alive, so maybe you want to contact her.

>> No.15940517

So, you know the way different ethnic groups speak different languages? It's kinda the same with autists and normal people. I don't understand why you're not smart enough to draw the connection and recognise that autists aren't fundamentally broken, but rather, communicate in a manner you find incomprehensible. Unfortunately, normgroids like you aren't very good at self-awareness and metacognition, as proven by their herd-like behaviour, propensity towards groupthink, and inability to observe and analyse situations from a third-person perspective.
>I don't see the point ot people like this existing.
Say what you want about autistic people, but the vast majority (85%+) of allistics are the human equivalent of houseplants. They exist and they consume. That's about it.

>> No.15940521

Your nephew is retarded. Yes, autism and mental retardation have a very high comorbidity rate, but they are not one and the same. Lil' bro just got dealt a bad hand of cards. If it makes you feel any better, the IQ distribution of autists has an extremely high standard deviation, so it's equally likely he could've been born a genius. Unfortunately, he was born a retard.
>Verification not required.

>> No.15940599

Cure? The cure is in the caregivers. People with this twisted mindset >>15931305
that autistic people are somehow at fault for their disability are not actually the problem though.

The problem is the lack of fresh thinking on how to take care of autistic children. You really have to think of them like a fair puzzle game. There are rules and cheating is not allowed. When you figure it out once, you've figured it out every time. Your objective in that "game" is to find out how to communicate to him or her.

How can YOU talk and behave, to MAKE them understand? If you fail at this, you weren't creative or smart enough to think of the right approach. And a lot of adults, absolutely hate that feeling, to feel insecure in their own competence at taking care of their child is vile and repulsive to them. They don't feel like they deserve to ever have to feel that way, and as a result it gets taken out on the kid.

Like if you couldn't get the special needs kid to learn, you try something else!! You keep trying until you figure it out and you get better at it. Don't feel frustrated to have to do things different than you wanted to or planned on. You're not autistic so you have the superpower to just change your mind or think about something from another angle. The majority of autistic people REALLY struggle with imagining how other people think, even in a basic way. You always have that over them, in your mind you can simulate the thoughts of all kinds of people and have a soft understanding of how social interactions will go without thinking hard. Autistic people cannot do that.

tldr: People simply give up because they do not live life expecting to give that level of caregiving to their kids, since they didn't need it themselves or observe adults doing that when growing up (this is another reason why raising kids should involve grandparents and extended family, so the mom and dad don't burn out)

>> No.15940603

pretty solid idea if you want the human race to die off. normals need proper leadership and education to function healthily. the trouble, of course being, the system of today that gives them security is fundamentally flawed in every regard.

>> No.15940614

From personal experience,
Every time I've met someone from one of these countries, they've came across as having sub-clinical autism. I don't know why, but my spergdar ALWAYS starts pinging when I interact with Scandinavians, Dutchies, and just mountain people in general.

>> No.15940623

Those are peak intellect countries, so whether your sensor is flawed or peak intellect makes people aloof from your bs as if they were autists.

>> No.15940685

>The majority of autistic people REALLY struggle with imagining how other people think, even in a basic way.
This has been refuted to the extent that so called "neurotypicals" just as much struggle with taking on the perspective of the autistic subject. You are essentially recommending "neurotypicals" to do something that they themselves are incapable of doing, getting to understand someone who thinks "differently".

>> No.15940689

Otherwise, if the so called "neurotypical" had no problem whatsoever with connecting to the "autistics", why then remain "autistics" so dysfunctional in social settings? It's not just that "normal" people don't want to accommodate them. They literally can't.

>> No.15940735

>Autistic people cannot do that.
Thet isn't true. Neurotypical people are those who are fucked in the head, and have no empathy. It's only an act.

>> No.15940746

i can imagine myself in others shoes so well that i have this entire general worshipping my existence and was granted illuminati royalty future king status

>> No.15940918

>a full fucking thread and not one(1) actual drug/medicine suggested

>> No.15940939

>I'm irresponsible but I have X/Y/Z made up disease
>need drugs

>> No.15940958

There is flaws in both the typical and the autistic, but communication isn't impossible, it's hard, a just cause for us to innovate the way we raise our children rather then raising bland people with common core hands off edification.

Pharmacology is the biggest scam in human history, as has been mentioned it sedates the problem without addressing it. If you want to be dependant on a foreign agent the rest of your life go right ahead, but you won't be much better off for it.

>> No.15940973

truth is: he will never get better.
never, ever.
aspergers should not exist. this is no way to live.
I give up.

>> No.15941463

Neurotypical people have a certain kind of strong empathy with others of their 'tribe' who think and make judgements similarly to them, but are hostile to those outside of their cultural experience and quick to judge.

Autists have far less in group loyalty, and will far more frequently push back against "what the group wants" but are much likely to be consistently kind and non judgemental to those who are kind and hospitable to them without engaging in political backstabbing.

>> No.15941523

No, neurotypical people have no empathy with anybody, they only put up fake gestures of empathy.

Autists would have loyalty to the group, there typically isn't any, since neurotypical people don't form relationships. It's a constant fight of all against all, with at best temporary alliances.

>> No.15941529

>neurotypicals are soooooo lame!!
>I'm such a super special snowflake because I got muh diagnosis!!!
>I'm soooo much better than neurotypicals

>> No.15941530

Thinking you are better than brain damaged people doesn't make you a narcissist.

>> No.15941798

most people diagnosed with autism do not have faulty wiring and are just pressured and taught autistic traits via a lack of parenting and public schools. its not a bug, but a feature of the nuclear family. you are not autistic. stop larping

>> No.15941799

>Living with someone with autism is one of the worst things that could happen.
No it isn’t. Unless it’s low functioning they have it pretty good. All autists need to do is drill into their special interests like most of them do anyway. It really isn’t that bad of a mental disorder to have. The autists who cry about how hard it is probably are not that autistic anyway, they seem more like socially anxious narcissists whose dysfunction probably stems from childhood trauma moreso than autism (see: 100% of zoomer autists)

>> No.15941801

Misread but my point still applies to
>I don't see the point ot people like this existing. They exist only to suffer and to make other people suffer.
Whoever you live with probably fits more into the socially anxious narcissist thing than autism if it’s so bad. They might even have a personality disorder or something, I know it’s common for people with BPD/NPD to claim they’re autistic nowadays

>> No.15942939

Diagnosed by two different doctors thousand miles away from each other who never had contact.
He could be/have all that you said, ans many more things, but the root cause is asperger.

>> No.15942990

Lysergic acid derivates

>> No.15943594

>Autists have far less in group loyalty
because when people think of loyalty it usually means to go with some bad shit for petty neurotypical reasons. it's when they force you do something against your ethics and peer-pressure you into doing it or else you show no "loyalty" and you're cast out of the group.
that's what loyalty actually means to normies.

>> No.15944307

Neurotypical people don't want friends, they want goons.
For example, when one of them gets stabbed to death in self defense when he was trying to beat somebody up, they expect you to pretend and bullshit everyone that a nazi sought him, and murdered him.

>> No.15944366

>just learn to serve and obey the autismal better
>why are you oppressing us? all you have to do is make sure we're never inconvenienced and always catered to!
No. Total Autistic Death.
They are self absorbed demons with exactly two moods "ayo gibsmedat" and "REEEE". They should all be put down.