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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15930845 No.15930845 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15930942

Every time I go outside I see zombies on the street, on the subway, literally everywhere.

>> No.15930948

Maggots and heat.

>> No.15930957

They’re not.

They’re a product of genetic engineering

>> No.15930960

The concept of zombies, as popularized in fiction and horror genres, typically refers to reanimated corpses with a hunger for human flesh. While zombies make for entertaining stories, the idea of traditional zombies, as portrayed in movies and literature, is considered impossible based on our current understanding of biology, physics, and medical science. Here are a few reasons why:

Lack of Vital Functions: Traditional zombies are often depicted as reanimated corpses, but real-life death involves the cessation of vital functions such as respiration, circulation, and brain activity. Once these functions stop, it is not possible for a body to spontaneously come back to life.

Decomposition: After death, the body undergoes decomposition, a natural process where tissues break down. This process is irreversible, and reanimated corpses do not align with the biological reality of decomposition.

Energy Requirements: Movement, especially coordinated and purposeful movement, requires energy. Once a body has died, the processes that generate energy (such as cellular respiration) have ceased. Reanimating a corpse would require a source of energy, which is not available in a deceased body.

Brain Function: Consciousness, awareness, and complex behavior are associated with brain function. Once the brain has experienced irreversible damage, as is the case in death, it is not capable of driving conscious thought or purposeful action.

Infection and Spread: In many zombie scenarios, an infectious agent, often a virus, is responsible for reanimating the dead. While viruses can cause various diseases, the idea of a virus reanimating the dead and turning them into aggressive, flesh-eating creatures is not scientifically plausible.

>> No.15930972 [DELETED] 

They are not only impossible, but regularly occur. The person doesn't die when the neocortex fails. The lower parts of the brain keep going through the person's routines, and are even capable if talking in a sort of chatbotty way. It seems like you quite can't grasp what they want to say. They don't want to say anything, they just do.

>> No.15930977

Dead zombies - thermodynamics

Magic zombies - obvious

Viral zombies - hypothetically plausible

Fungus zombies - exists but only in invertebrates

Golem - exists, Juden Peterstein

>> No.15930978 [DELETED] 

They are not only impossible, but regularly occur. The person doesn't die when the neocortex fails. The lower parts of the brain keep going through the person's routines, and are even capable if talking in a sort of chatbotty way. It seems like you quite can't grasp what they want to say, or the reverse. They don't want to say anything, they just do.

>> No.15930981

They are not only impossible, but regularly occur. The person doesn't die when the neocortex fails. The lower parts of the brain keep going through the person's routines, and are even capable of talking in a sort of chatbotty way. It seems like you quite can't grasp what they want to say, or the reverse. They don't want to say anything, they just do.

>> No.15930983

The boss of gpt has spoken

>> No.15931005

Because zombie arguments are circular / assuming the conclusion:
>imagine same physics no consciousness
>therefore consciousness is not physics
>because same physics no consciousness is possible

Now consider the /pol/tard argument:
>zombies lack independent thought
>/pol/tard thought is dependent on (reacting to) something
>therefore /pol/tards are zombies too

Another version of the /pol/tard argument:
>zombies are more compliant than non-zombies
>non-zombies are more compliant to being non-compliant
>therefore everyone is a zombie

Zombies are a contradiction: the living dead, beings that should not be.

>> No.15931013

animals are basically zombies, they have no qualia, they are just unconscious robots reacting to stimuli based on their evolutionary programming

>> No.15931032

No that's you trolling vegans and SJW's.

>> No.15931046

>they are just unconscious robots reacting to stimuli based on their evolutionary programming
Prove to that this isn't an apt description of everyone in the world besides me.

>> No.15931062

No they are not, at least the mammals are not.
It's possible to tell who is and who isn't. It isn't possible to formalize a test, as they would just learn it.

>> No.15931067

How is it that trannies are so horribly triggered by /pol/ that they feel the need to bring it up literally all the time regardless of the context? How did that board manage to hurt you this badly?

>> No.15931070
File: 1.26 MB, 638x668, zombie bug_noaudio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have literal zombie bugs today where parasites run the body leading to their death and run the body after its death towards the goal of the parasite's procreation/spread.

>> No.15931131

because people differently to the same stimulus

>> No.15931177

Why are trannies on your mind Anon?

>> No.15931360

I see no refutation of p-zombies. Only a /pol/ strawman.

>> No.15931439

Off the top of my head Orcas and Crows have abstract thought, self-reflection, symbolic language, distinct cultures, and the ability to transmit history to newer generations. There's plenty of other examples. Even some arthtropods show examples of higher thinking.
You can't prove anything about what goes on inside someone else's head but you might as well go full solipsism with that mindset.

>> No.15931759

you forgot Philosophical Zombies (all of us)

>> No.15931796

Viral zombies are somewhat plausible, rabies is honestly not that far off - it cause many of the people and animals who are infected to become mindlessly aggressive and violent, and spreads by biting. Of course it shows that the zombie types that only spread by biting are not a serious risk to organized society; even before effective medical treatment for rabies it was a minor cause of death.

Now airborne rabies? That would be scary as fuck.

>> No.15932388

The first and second laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.15932418

Imagine hurling yourself down the stair with no care for your well being or tripping and slamming headfirst into the concrete. Imagine tripping and having a horde of people walk over you. Imagine having horrendous fractures and injuries but instead treating them you let them fester and just stand outside in the elements all day, every day and have bugs and birds slowly feast on you. The human body is just not strong enough to take this kind of abuse and remain functional. So even if there was some magical parasite or virus that made zombies possible, mindless zombies shuffling through a city would quickly end up as immobile sacks of rotting meat and broken bones.

>> No.15932469

Dumbest answer in this thread

>> No.15932473
File: 31 KB, 694x968, soyence bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15932525

So the zombie disease will be a GMO toxoplasmosis gondii?

>> No.15932884

Either that or GMO airborne rabies.

>> No.15932889

they aren't technically. if you ask why some particular zombies are not possible I suppose you need to tell us which ones, as in from what movie. but having that behavior shouldn't be impossible, just that sure, they'd need some sort of energy source, apart from humans. like have them be omnivores. if you don't they'll just die, they're pretty retarded and would get outsmarted by almost any human. they'd lack energy and just die at some point.

>> No.15932923
File: 302 KB, 460x276, shaun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever watched 'shaun of the dead'? I think it's a good depiction of what a "real" zombie could be. extremely retarded and slow.
Sorry for making this thread here, but /x/ schizos only talk about magic or some mentally ill shit

>> No.15932947

The Democrats helped to create entire generations of zombies.
People who don’t work; they only exist to reproduce, eat, sleep, collect welfare checks, and vote for Democrats.

>> No.15932982

"traditional zombies" come from voodoo, not from shitty burger novels.
Its quite a process to create one.
The witch doctor picks a victim and poisons it with tetradotoxin from a pufferfish. The TTX is a neurotoxin that blocks the Na channels in neurons, effectively stopping muscle movement including breath.
If the dose is just right, the victim doesnt die from it, but stays in a suspended animation for a few days, appearing dead but will in time recover.
So that victim is declared dead and buried. Then the witch doctor comes by and digs up the "corpse". While recovering, he next doses some scopolamine from nightshades. This is a deliriant that causes realistic hallucinations, memory loss and makes the victim highly suggestible. Now the "zombie" is kept as a workslave, doing manual tasks for the witchdoctor, who keeps dosing the scopolamine.
Anyone who sees the zombie " knows" he died, therefore is obviously a resurrected zombie.
When US soldiers were stationed in Haiti, they encountered these "undead" and heard the local explanations for it. Then they got back to the states and wrote shitty horror novels that hollywoo picked up and turned into shitty horror movies.
Fast forward and people on best korean rocketry forums talks about shitty scifi concepts, how you could create an actual undead, brain eating zombie.

>> No.15933071

The CIA loves that shit, they regularly use it on little girls and boys to use them as sex slaves.

>> No.15933079

Well, this can't happen with mammals... yet... maybe in a few billion years.
In the other side insects had a lot more time to evolve into very resilient creatures.

>> No.15933091

nope. I didn't watch any zombie movies. I only saw the last of us series and I know those zombies are not "regular" zombies.
neither me nor my friends or people in general, around here, are fascinated by zombies. I personally think it's a burger mental disease stemming from your bullshit. it's...dumb and retarded.

>> No.15933123

>The witch doctor picks a victim and poisons it with tetradotoxin from a pufferfish.
If that's the case then everyone involved needs to be silenced forever including suspicious family members, police, lawyers, doctors and morticians..
>So that victim is declared dead and buried. Then the witch doctor comes by and digs up the "corpse".
The victim will die from suffocation in the underground coffin before the witch doctor has a chance of digging up the victim.
>Now the "zombie" is kept as a workslave, doing manual tasks for the witchdoctor, who keeps dosing the scopolamine.
When drugged the victim can not perform tasks effectively.
>Anyone who sees the zombie " knows" he died, therefore is obviously a resurrected zombie.

>> No.15933139

Truth is the highest ideal and both science and magic are part of that. Those that know this cross between boards and have become resistant to whiney bitch-types like you that cry about everyone needing to go back to x or y respective board in half of the threads on the catalog of any board in any given day.
Hardmode: No buzzwords from your overused script

>> No.15933173

>everyone involved needs to be silenced forever
everyone involved is haitian and beliefs in voodoo and zombies. There is no sceptics involved and even US soldiers bought it.
>suffocate in the coffin
He's in a near death state with almost non existent heartbeat and breathing. Recovery is not guaranteed, but the oxygen in the coffin is not the critical factor here.
In Japan, when someone dies from TTX poisoning after a badly prepared fugu neal, they put them into a room for a couple of days before burial, because people are known to recover.
>can not perform tasks
They cannot perform work that requires mental capacity. Easy physical labour is no problem.
They are not incapacitated, only highly delirious and suggestible.

Read "the serpent and the rainbow"

>> No.15933192

if the CIA is capable of doing that shit, they can easily simulate a zombie apocalypse

>> No.15933217

they are VERY interested in mind control: projects MKultra and monarch
But they totally stopped doing that in the 70s, pinkie swear

>> No.15934136

>Magic zombies - obvious