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15929126 No.15929126 [Reply] [Original]

can urban sprawl such as this be undone?

>> No.15929133 [DELETED] 
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>reeeeeee i hate civilization and human industriousness!!!
>i am the savior of mother nature!!
>its MY planet and nobody else should be allowed to use it!!!

>> No.15929134

Leftypol says this and looks like this despite being communist, they're a contradicting joke

>> No.15929136
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>>reeeeeee i hate civilization and human industriousness!!!
The lake cities were simply superior, anon.

pic-related is before

>> No.15929137
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and after

>> No.15929140
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>> No.15929141
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There has to be a way to undo this damage. But how?

>> No.15929152

Did you know you can live outside of cities?

>> No.15929156
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The thing is, I'm kinda obsessed with this particular lake. I don't even live in mexico, I'm not mexican. I just think it's a real shame to see this thing destroyed in the last 150 years or so.

Can the damage be undone?

>> No.15929161

Yes, fuck humanity.

>> No.15929162
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Of course! However genocide is a requirement.

>> No.15929167
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>I want to see thing changed, despite having nothing to do with it
>undo damage
Why are you so full of wishful thinking? Are you female?

>> No.15929169

Why do goypigs bootlick so hard?

>> No.15929174

No, anon, I just want to know if such an action is possible. It's purely academic speculation. The project would be enormous, but could it be done?

>> No.15929188
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Not that anon but clearly you’re ignoring genocide on purpose for some bizarre reason.

>> No.15929195

If it can, its not damage. you can dug out the padded soil, bring back the water, but where do these rubble go? another lake perhaps.
But anyways, given enough time, nature reclaims everything.

>> No.15929282

If we nuke the place, the archaeological sites will be destroyed. That's no good.

>> No.15929298

>could it be done
Yes, over a very long time, you just invest a lot of money developing the city center and disregard the outskirts and let them decay, encourage people to move to the center

>> No.15929320

Jesus what a weird response - someone’s got an agenda

>> No.15930034 [DELETED] 


>> No.15930085

Yes, but it requires depopulation and time.

>> No.15930097

no, it requires building towers in city centers and just increasing the population density vertically so that it takes less area, it saves a lot of resources having to build shorter roads, sewers, subway lines, etc.
Most US suburbs will decay as they cant pay for their own upkeep, they have too many miles of roads and pipes without enough people to pay for their repairs

>> No.15930100

There are too many people either way.

>> No.15930104

i want to add that vertical construction does not have to mean pods and poverty, theres no space limitations vertically but practically speaking the urbanization problem gets solved with 10 story apartment blocks, the apartments can be big, it doesnt matter, at 10 stories you get 10 times more people on the same area, above this height you can get into construction problems and doesnt do any better

>> No.15930106 [DELETED] 

>There are too many people either way.
Too many non-whites you mean

>> No.15930108

so why aren't you offing yourself if you're so concerned about that?

>> No.15930113

Suicide doesnt solve overpopulation

>> No.15930179
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If you want to solve overpopulation, then advocate for the following.

>Destruction of international NGO's.
>Ceasing all American funding of the world economy.
>Ceasing American patrols of international waters.
>Stop exports of food away from America.

Most of the worlds bulk population starves. The warlords will be a drop in the bucket compared to that famine.

>> No.15930194

Tenochtitlan must've been comfy as fuck (unless you were being sacrificed). Imagine living surrounded by temples, wetlands and flowers all the time.

>> No.15930202

The only way to 'solve' 'overpopulation' is increasing the number of high IQ humans alive.

>> No.15930218

No no no. All 8 billion humans are his close personal friends, and he cares deeply about all of them (except for leftists, those ones he wants dead).

>> No.15930223 [DELETED] 

God I hope all you gaynigger CIA glowfags die in a fucking fire with your pedophile freemason owners

The world would be so much better without all of you that i bet imagining it gives you pain, because you know it's the truth
You are, on this Earth, a curse

>> No.15930225

It'll be solved on it's own by declining EROEI and depletion of non-renewable resources. What that looks like to the average person on the ground is, well, party on Garth (not).

>> No.15930243

Sure just raise the sea level about ten feet.

>> No.15930334

it's 7200 feet above sea level

>> No.15930458
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It can be physicaly be undone, but who's going to pay for all those people's moving expenses? And to where? And what about the demolishing? The cleanup? The detoxification of the soils?

>> No.15930558

>And to where? And what about the demolishing? The cleanup? The detoxification of the soils?
I was kinda hoping you would come up with something. Any ideas?

Obviously it would help to officially move the capital somewhere else nearby, I think.

>> No.15930850


>> No.15930901
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>> No.15931034
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>Any ideas?
Central banks can print money, governments have power to manage economies and implemement investment programs. Invest in other areas to create employment there, divest from the areas to be de-sparwled.
It's not really a problem with how, It's a problem with want. People don't want it, or they don't want to undergo the sacrifices involved. If desling with global warming, for example, has provem so difficult to do in yhenlast 40 years, imagine dealing with the relocation of billions of people away from sprawling, low-density urbanism and into high-density, high-efficiency high-rise cities.
I support that idea, I'm in.

>> No.15931054

>encourage people to move to the center
people aren't evolved to live in areas where there is 1 human per sq meter of space in a population of 100 million people confined to a fixed perimeter.
its not healthy.

>> No.15931055 [DELETED] 


>> No.15931086

Yeah all those mosquitoes would have been so fun

>> No.15931172

use a neutron bomb

>> No.15931611

Christ, I knew someone would start whining about mosquitoes. I have to tell you, I'm not convinced they'd be such an issue. People used to warn me about the mosquitoes in Florida when I lived back in Ohio and I have to say NO. I rarely encounter mosquitoes here, but Ohio is PACKED with the fucking things.

>> No.15932377 [DELETED] 


>> No.15932789

you don't even need to encourage
just stop outlawing blocks of flats and people build and buy apartments in big blocks of flats naturally, as it is just cheaper
urban sprawl in US is caused by big government bribed by automobile companies and other groups of interests

>> No.15933381

well the thread is about how to stop sprawl not about a defense of sprawl as being healthy

>> No.15933713


>> No.15933755

good job missing the point
US urban planning sucks ass, with no convenience stores and too little high density areas, all that enforced by retarded laws

>> No.15933785

Mexican here, many people don't know this but the lake isn't irrepairable, Mexico City has ginormous pumping systems actively draining out the absolute fuckhuge quantity of water of the basin actively fighting to return to its normal water level. The actual problem is that now there's a city in the way so it can't be allowed to return to being a lake.
The way to "fix" this is actually pretty simple put another way, empty the city and turn off the pumps and the lake returns in a few years.

>> No.15933791

how addicted to meth are you?

>> No.15933801

You are talking to a bot that accidentally found its way here following links on reddit.

>> No.15933860

What makes that different from a regular nuclear bomb?

>> No.15934157

Irradiates a city but doesn't blow up the buildings.

>> No.15935000 [DELETED] 


>> No.15935153

I wonder how vulnerable these hydrological systems are to sabotage.

Like, what if a coordinated group maliciously sabotaged all drainage systems during a huge storm until the whole region was FUBAR. I wonder if such a thing is possible.

But who would have the guts to put that much blood on their hands. Quite an incredible scenario.

>> No.15935166
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>But who would have the guts to put that much blood on their hands. Quite an incredible scenario.

>> No.15935712

who's plane is that?

>> No.15935997

if you had an idea of how much fucked this shit is you wouldn’t even believe it

>> No.15936060

>imagine dealing with the relocation of billions of people away from sprawling, low-density urbanism and into high-density, high-efficiency high-rise cities.
Urbanization was such a movement, farms are out, slums in, now its time for the high rise

>> No.15936492


>> No.15937188
