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15927209 No.15927209 [Reply] [Original]

How do I fix this shit

>> No.15927211

you dont, play games until you burnout and get bored

>> No.15927223

>consooming instead of creating
you are a dumbass. it can't be fixed. sorry

>> No.15927299

idk. you eventually get bored of videogames because life is the best game when you are an adult with agency. if you are an unfulfilled wageslave then there is no exit path.

>> No.15927911

Learn programming. I find it makes me a bit happier because I'm actually trying to make useful stuff instead of just playing games all day

>> No.15928401

By being afraid to lose a comfortable life.
You probably aren't afraid of that because of your parents.
So what DO you do? Go to a job centre and get a job. Where's the problem now?

>> No.15928995

These things are designed and supposed to cause an addiction (and are actively harming you anon) so you keep consuming them.
I advise you to forcefully whitdraw from these practices and breath some fresh air for a few weeks to days lest you spent the next months on doing nothing.

>> No.15929003

Why don't you try prodoocing instead of consooming

>> No.15929658

There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re normal.
Swap this meme with a human in a natural environment.
>nature brain
>wind that literally blows constantly through innumerable leaves
>animal calls
>bird songs
>river flowing nearby
>tribe member singing
>another playing an instrument
>roaring fire going
versus the complete and total sterility that is presented to your senses by the indoor experience. you are normal. The people who can sit in total silence, and often prefer it, are the ones who have fucked up melted brains.

>> No.15929694

read books instead
go on a walk to the park every now and then

>> No.15929702

start smoking weed and trying focus on something productive like studying,coding or whatever it really helped me a lot

>> No.15930175

Kill yourself

>> No.15930183

That's a federal crime dipshit.

>> No.15930198

ADHD isn't real, it's just bad conditioning that lead to maladaptation. This is likely caused by some form of neglect.
Pharam sells meth to kids to solve this, when it's just an accumulation of bad habits.

>> No.15930204

>when you are an adult with agency
>went to college
>still have zero agency at 21
it's so fucking over, also I have the adhd retard brain and I'm bored of videogames already, I haven't played in years because they're as boring as reading books now. I'm also slowly getting bored of youtube and tv.
It's crazy, I used to read book a lot when I was younger, but school really made me hate reading.

>> No.15930206

You're right being productive and making something out of yourself is the federal crime, instead we should just smoke weed and be lazy and lower our IQs.
Because weed is slowly being legalized in every state.

>> No.15930209

weed doesn't lower your IQ. weed predisposes you to unproductive behavior, but it's not a must.
you can smoke and learn shit, or have a hobby, and get smarter as a result. depends on personality and shit. if YOU can't do it doesn't mean nobody can. that's a you problem

>> No.15930248

Studies show it lowers your IQ, and smoking ruins your cardio vascular system which will also lower your IQ.
I wish they would go back to executing druggies like you and relegalize cocaine, a gentleman's drug.

>> No.15930252

Weed makes you stupid and fat

>> No.15930253

Federal law supersedes state law dipshit. All that weed addle your brain completely?

>> No.15930258

What difference does it make if it lowers your IQ, you still ended up in the same place as that stoner anon, wasting your time on this dogshit website

>> No.15930264

>mutt forgets other countries exist again

>> No.15930272

keep your evangelist shit to yourself.

>> No.15930273

studies are either retarded either drew the wrong conclusions. at most you get retarded as a consequence of the behavior the weed predisposes you to.
if you stimulate you mind while high, by reading, or doing something, designing PCBs or whatever, that shit boosts your creativity and understanding which in turn boost your IQ. I KNOW this. I don't give a shit about your studies, they're wrong.

>> No.15930278

it's the food you eat and the lack of exercise for getting lazy. it's not the weed dude, it's you.

>> No.15930289

IQ is not creativity. And you're not as smart as you think you are, you're just fucking high.

>> No.15930293

I didn't say IQ is creativity.
>And you're not as smart as you think you are
but why did you feel the need to say that?

>> No.15930358

>but why did you feel the need to say that?
wow I didn't mean to bring up your trauma, I meant it literally. When you're mentally impaired you're judgement is terrible. That's why you're not supposed to drive when you're under the influence of drugs. You're literally not as smart as you think you are.
If weed is destabilizing you and allowing you to be less stressed (sometimes does the opposite if you have a reversed personality) then it means lowering your stress is what is helping you. You don't need drugs to do that you need a lifestyle change.

>> No.15930373

>You're literally not as smart as you think you are.
I'm just asking because I never had this internal compulsion to blurt it out, nervously, at strangers on the internet. seems like a very particular feeling you got there. I was wandering what made you have it, out of the blue.
>If weed is destabilizing you and allowing you to be less stressed (sometimes does the opposite if you have a reversed personality) then it means lowering your stress is what is helping you. You don't need drugs to do that you need a lifestyle change.
you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. not sure what you read, I was just relaying experimental data. I also had a period when I ran at night in a local park, on weed. dosage is key of-course, not sure what you are imagining, but that's your problem anyway. seem to be having quite a few actually.

>> No.15930374


>> No.15930406

it's too late, the weed already made him retarded

>> No.15930413

on a mix of opium and morphine and elephant tranquilizer and I'd still manage to find an argument

>> No.15930637

Can you think of something that you have a slight interest for? Like WW2, space flight, Presidents, film, hunting, wood working, etc? Take that small spark of interest, hide your phone under a pillow and read an article, book, whatever about the topic. Start small and work up. When it comes to the not so fun stuff, here's the way I deal with it. Deprive yourself of the stuff you'd rather be doing. Like when I'm studying for some bs class, sometimes I think "id rather be doing/watching/playing X", but if I physically can't do X, ill become bored and my only alternative to studying is to sit and do nothing. In that sate you go "might as well" and just get it done.

>> No.15930643


>> No.15930648

>if I don't like a disease, it doesn't exist
I've decided cancer isn't real, pharma sells radiation to kids to solve this, when it's just an accumulation of bad cells

>> No.15930674

all the things i dont want to do are on the PC. i have too many notes to make it viable to print them out and study off of physical notes. as soon as i go through a few lectures, i procrastinate for the rest of the day.

>> No.15930799

You'll grow out of it

>> No.15930808

As long as these notes aren't hundreds of pages long or are the notes you've already built for studying some entrance exam (MCAT, DAT, LSAT), I'd encourage a shift to physical notes. Start of small, use pen and paper for normal classes (aka: has a scheduled final). I don't know what'll work best for you, but I know what works for me. You've got to find that for yourself by experimenting. If your prof. records his lectures (I take "as soon as i go through a few lectures" to mean lecture recordings), attend the lectures and write down quick notes of what you expect will be showing up on the exam, but focus on just listening/gaining comprehension of the lecture material. Try to get a bullet point down every three minutes or so. This keeps me from daydreaming. If the class is easy enough and you've got the time, don't bother taking notes during class. I make more detailed and useful notes while watching the recordings after having already heard the lecture in person (I know what to expect now) and any gaps in understanding from the first go around can be filled here. If time is an issue and you see not making your primary notes during the lecture a wasted opportunity, disregard and work with a system that suits you. I'm lucky enough to only work part time so i've got the time. You may not.
I'd recommend making a format for your notes regardless of the time issue. Something simple like how bullet points are organized in Word. Topics are underlined, and notes for that topic are indented into the page for easy recognition of the info relation to the topic it's under. Kind of like code.
>i procrastinate for the rest of the day
Everyone procrastinates. Next time you find yourself doing it, find reasonable ways of depriving yourself of it.
>Games on your desktop?
I uninstall all the games I never play, keep two or three I really like, drag them into a folder, and get that folder off my desktop. If you have the option, move their data to an external HD.

>> No.15930810

I couldn't fix it but someone randomly came into my life and I found that my attention problems were resolving themselves in the context of this person. Different for everyone but I needed a real person to pull me out of it. I got lucky. But if I lose said person I'm gonna spiral into an abyss, that's for sure.

>> No.15931123

Go outside, bringing only your house keys and a bottle of water. Start walking.

>> No.15931136

Is "adhd" the burger system's diagnosys for lack of discipline?

>> No.15931179
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>> No.15931183

Pic related it's you

>> No.15931187

I get headache when I try to do anything with a video "in background", my absolute limit is watching something with 4chan on second monitor and pausing it to type my latest shitpost. You are just a retard, just don't do 10 things at the same time, it's that easy.

>> No.15931200

unironically sensory deprivation

>> No.15931205

huh thats weird, i ALWAYS have a fan on. Didnt know that could be related to ADHD

>> No.15931219

For me it's tinnitus.

>> No.15931281

>Weed makes you hungry and lazy
>It's not the weed dude!
Okay retard

>> No.15931388

How did you know about the fan though?

>> No.15931426

I don't get it. Why the fan?

>> No.15931646

Read a book instead of watching TV or playing video games. The point is to deprive yourself of your constant dopamine rush.

>> No.15931712

This is normal - your natural environment is packed with sensory information. Being able to turn your brain off and sit comfortably in total silence is not normal.

>> No.15931780

Nu male take

>> No.15931786

Numale take is that you need quiet to think.
Caveman take is that lots of noise is normal and people who need silence are oversocialized.
Which way western man?

>> No.15931808

ADHD comes from a damaged/undeveloped frontal lobe, or a lack of blood flow to the frontal lobe, not """genetics""" like we're told.

I wrote a long ass effortpost in /x/ about it like a week ago, if I remember I'll link it in here later. In case I don't: being completely sober, developing your frontal lobe, cardio, and eliminating environmental triggers are the only things that can actually cure ADHD. Yes it will be hard because you literally have to regrow parts of your brain.

t. retarded zoomer who was tired of ADHD brain and did a lot of digging to find the real reason and build a reversal protocol for himself that changed his life.

>> No.15931869

Might as well be, since the frontal lobe's primary function is regulating impulsive behavior.