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15925072 No.15925072 [Reply] [Original]

Starting to look like anti-cholesterol medications dissolve your brain

>> No.15925074 [DELETED] 

Posting random screenshots of social media posts by random people with no expertise should be a bannable offense.


>> No.15925283

You have a weird definition of "starting to look like."

>> No.15925848

Thank you science for providing us all with your wonderful miracle drugs and for selling them to us at a massive profit.

>> No.15925853

Yeah statins are associated with alzheimers disease, we've known this for a while. Unfortunately they're one of the only drugs which are effective at preventing progression of atherosclerosis. However it's nonsense that a low cholesterol diet would cause dementia.

>> No.15926945

No it isn't, the brain is made of cholesterol

>> No.15926964

>my dad in his 50s is already complaining of cognitive issues
>hes been on statins for 20 years

Fucking dammit im going to have to change his diapers arent I

>> No.15927887

have you let him know that his drugs are dissolving his brain because his brain is made of cholesterol?

>> No.15928197

if you’re over 70 and have low cholesterol it indicates you’re going to die
you need cholesterol

>> No.15928215

why is the cross associated with medicine?

>> No.15928252

> Unfortunately they're one of the only drugs which are effective at preventing progression of atherosclerosis
This was debunked by Dr. Aseem Malhotra years ago, the benefits of statis are negligible and not worth the side effects, its just a money making scheme like “flu vaccines”

>> No.15928255

You can manage to get your nerves myelinated, but really alzhaimer's is caused by accumulated of beta-amygdolides.

Screlosis multiplex is demyelination thing.

>> No.15929143

just ship him off to india, they let you shit wherever and whenever you want there. they live like farm animals

>> No.15929148

So giving eggs to Alzheimer patients would cure them?
Pharma isn't science it's satan

>> No.15929158

The body can produce cholesterol naturally you fucking bonehead.
When you inhibit cholesterol you're killing yourself.
Atherosclerosis is a complicated issue and just eating too much steak is the most generic popsci journo speak trash ever.

>> No.15929159
File: 22 KB, 714x464, Statins-and-their-ability-to-permeate-the-blood-brain-barrier-BBB-listed-with-generic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lipophilic statins cross the blood brain barrier and do extra damage to the CNS. It was actually already well known that they cause dementia. It's just less certain how bad the other options are.

>> No.15929172
File: 234 KB, 1080x1080, 1686693666931886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the solution to elderly care? Just ship them off to India. Interedasting.

>> No.15930136
File: 30 KB, 440x960, 733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like that because atheists invented everything good about science and medicine

>> No.15930187

No, you're very wrong, as it's that nobody dr

>> No.15930190

Why do Indians live like farm animals? They seem to thrive in filth

>> No.15930193

As is*

>> No.15930395

> but really alzhaimer's is caused by accumulated of beta-amygdolides.

>> No.15930760

lol wat

>> No.15930765

What happened to nicotinic acid?

>> No.15931647

It increases reverse cholesterol transport if you take a shitload of it. But the problem is good HDL in the general pop is correlated with good diet and exercise so nicotinic acid won't cover those benefits.

>> No.15931650

What's your dad's vaxx status?

>> No.15931652 [DELETED] 

I'm not being arrogant. I'm deeply hurt and was confused about this and more until now. I have skimmed passed translative figures concerning my father and 'his type of sign's but haven't until now took it seriously. It's down to general interest through injury and circumstance. Will be sure to be less arrogant. So that's your sign eh? 3 in and back/down.

>> No.15931655

>Unfortunately they're one of the only drugs which are effective at preventing progression of atherosclerosis.
bullshit statard lies

>> No.15932399

Right, somehow or other, the most profitable drugs are always the only decent available option

>> No.15932452

I have a hereditary condition where my liver produces many, many times the normal amount of LDL cholesterol. Before statins existed most of my ancestors died from heart attacks around 50 years old

>> No.15932458

Kill yourself, idiot troll.
>The ancient Greek and Roman philosophers and physicians associated old age with increasing dementia.[23] It was not until 1901 that German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer identified the first case of what became known as Alzheimer's disease, named after him, in a fifty-year-old woman he called Auguste D.

>> No.15933666

What does any of that have to do with the fact that anti-cholesterol medications dissolve your brain?

>> No.15934305

Nothing whatsoever, but seeing OP made me angry and emotional so I wanted to spew some profanities and pose like I'm knowledgeable on this topic even though I am not.

>> No.15935229
File: 817 KB, 1102x743, low iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you did that presumably because you brain was dissolved by anti-cholesterol medications?

>> No.15935249

If there's any source I trust, it's a tweet that looks like it was written by a tech-illiterate boomer female who thinks Alzheimers = demyelination

>> No.15936386

thanks for the update on your personal emotional activity pharmabot

>> No.15936804 [DELETED] 

>if you don't take boomer tweets as scientific evidence you are a shill for pharmaceutical companies
Total boomer genocide now.

>> No.15936879

We've known for ages that this is caused by calcium binding to cholesterol. The greatest way to reduce atherosclerosis is by reducing chronic inflammation, intaking more vitamin k2 and fixing the gut bacteria. Maybe eat less carbohydrates, less seed oils, more animal fat and protein. OMG it's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.15936893

>We've known for ages that this is caused by calcium binding to cholesterol.
could you explain further? Why is it only seen in the arteries?

>> No.15936910

Mood, Personality, and Behavior Changes During Treatment with Statins

Though statins are widely tolerated, they may be among the growing list of prescription agents that, in some participants, may increase the risk of serious psychiatric events and/or behavioral changes. In the cases cited here, these adverse experiences posed risks to the safety of self and others—sometimes, tragically, adversely affecting marriages and careers, or culminating in death.

>> No.15936975

the problem with that model is you can increase or decrease calcification just by manipulating mineral intake
high sodium, low potassium = higher calcification
high potassium, low sodium = lower calcification
and that's just one powerful factor that is independent of inflammation
>Why is it only seen in the arteries?
it's not. calcification can happen all over the body. this is because collagen and calcium phosphate naturally go together--this is the basic process by which collagen tissue is converted to bone tissue in human fetuses and infants. sodium concentrations modulate the rate of this process as well.
since arteries are heavily laden in collagen and get direct access to everything in the blood they have limited ability to resist poor diet or systemic disorders over time.

>> No.15936979

This is why I eat fat. In the witcher 3 toussaint DLC the truth about food is blatantly laid out.
You are meant to eat the fat. You are meant to enjoy the animal, the gathered food. The grain and preservation.
Everything else is poison. It's obvious what is god's design.

>> No.15937084

>Published: 29 December 2015
so they've known about statins destroying people's brains for a long time

>> No.15938037
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, but they make a lot of money on them since no alternatives have been developed so…

>> No.15938830
File: 117 KB, 776x768, yZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get no gainz from those library workouts if you don't have suitable cholesterol in your diets.
just like you need protein to add muscle, you also need cholesterol to get the brainz gainz
sorry vegans, but you will always be unhealthy and weak both physically and mentally

>> No.15939042

The most basic alternative is ezetimibe which blocks cholesterol absorption in the intestine. It works great to reduce serum cholesterol but they never prescribe it as a first course because of privileged position statins have.

>> No.15940165

>but they never prescribe it as a first course because of privileged position statins have.
Why are statins preferred? Is ezetimibe less profitable?

>> No.15940181

>The greatest way to reduce atherosclerosis is by reducing chronic inflammation, intaking more vitamin k2 and fixing the gut bacteria. Maybe eat less carbohydrates, less seed oils, more animal fat and protein.
It's wild how the average person starts drawing these sorts of conclusions after developing a casual understanding of topics that are far too complex for them to actually understand. If you're thinking of "carbohydrates" as a single nutritional unit that should simply be reduced then you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

You will never understand a topic if you don't study it directly. Getting all your information via biased third parties is fucking moronic. Spend the next 6 months reading research papers and maybe you'll be qualified to have an opinion.

>> No.15940203

>Pharma isn't science it's satan

>> No.15940279

multiple companies with multiple statin drugs that can push studies and policies and consumer information that favor themselves

>> No.15941114

Sounds like there is a lot of money to be made by dissolving people's brains

>> No.15942004

People who "trust the science" don't have brains to begin with

>> No.15942008

You didn't make a single actual argument in that extremely effeminate rant.

>> No.15942757

You also get to make money selling them medicine for their dissolved brains after the statins have done their damage

>> No.15942778

When you're patching a wound with plasters, you used to do that with two of them crossed for extra stability because the adhesive wasn't that well.

>> No.15943634
File: 461 KB, 1440x1394, 1703706194424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more evidence that people who trust the soience are literally retarded

>> No.15944932

Doctors are mere drug pushers, thats the only reason they exist. They don't serve any useful purpose

>> No.15945154

My mother got prescribed a cholesterol medication and she gets confused and messes up basic tasks sometimes. It's heartbreaking seeing her like this and I don't know what to do.

>> No.15945716

You could try telling her that her brain is made of cholesterol and that medications are melting her brain, but if she is too far gone she won't understand.

>> No.15945721

nigga say hi to your dad before he doesn't remember you anymore

>> No.15945866

it is

>> No.15945936

Can you smash your data also for sklerosis multiplex? That's the antimyelization dissasse, alzhaimers is misproprely folded protein dissease, learn the diference.

>> No.15946228

People have been getting Alzheimers since long before anti-cholesterol medications existed.

>> No.15946234

But low cholesterol is somethigng they also could have had before.

>> No.15946522

not at the rate they are today

>> No.15946604

The beta amyloid theory has lost a lot of footing in recent literature. It definitely isn't the whole story

>> No.15947167
File: 722 KB, 3024x4032, eggless man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that explains all of the anti-egg propaganda in ((the media))

>> No.15948182

whoops, looks like "life saving medicine" fucked up and killed a whole bunch of people by accident again

>> No.15948304


how is this caused by doctors? americans take chlorestrol medicine because they are fat and refuse to diet

>> No.15948322

look up the knights hospitalier

>> No.15948329

Malcolm Kendrick can tell you quite a lot a about manipulation of study data to push drugs

>> No.15948815

stop being fataphobic and xenophobic, fat shaming is bigotry just as bad as racism, sexism or racism.

>> No.15949678

the people who love to slander people big than themselves safely from behind an internet connection are always too cowardly to do the same in person. sissified wimps all hate big people because they fear big people.

>> No.15949853

Oh man, think before you type anon.

>> No.15950296

wow, the pharma industry poisoning their customers to make a quick buck? how unusual, must be a day ending in y

>> No.15950304

Hypercholesteremia... you a jew?

>> No.15951165

>t. ignorant

>> No.15951954

Wow, is all of modern medicine really based on Christian principles just all all of modern science is? Gosh those Christians sure have given a lot to modern civilization.
What aspects of modern civilization come from atheists? What are their contributions?