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15923943 No.15923943 [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances that objective science lines up exactly with what LGBT wants it to say? If I recall correctly, the agenda came before the scientific findings no?

>> No.15923951

Social "sciences" aren't objective or real sciences if that is what you are asking.

The main reason they aren't sciences is that they aren't objective.

So psychology sociology etc are bullshit. Gender isn't real. There is only sex, people used to use gender and sex as synonyms.

>> No.15923955

To add to it.

One of the main things of science is that they are measurable the experiments can be done again with the same results.

Psychology isn't like that it is just literature.

Gay.people cannot be treated though so they should be left alone, trans people would mutilate themselves if not gender reassigment, but their mental illness shouldn't he pushed onto others.

>> No.15923959

how exact are we talking?

Most of the arguments on one side or the other boil down to value judgements. Some facts are in dispute (for instance, whether or not being gay is a choice), but a lot of things have no objective answer. There's no experiment you can do or theory you construct that tells you what pronoun someone should be referred to with, or what sets of people should be allowed to get married. You need more assumptions; "you should only use X pronoun when people are Y", "marriage should only be allowed when Z", and so on, and all of those are still going to be fundamentally non-falsifiable and thus unscientific.

Basically, science taking a bow and letting the ideologues fight things out for themselves is what we're probably going to be looking at. But if that challenges the implicit assumption that tradition is based on scientific fact, that's still points in the favor of LGBT.

>> No.15923965
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>objective science
only exists in fairy tales, kid. real "science" is strictly created for political propaganda purposes.
they teach kids about the mythological "objective science" meme as a means of tricking them into later believing in the political propaganda.
they teach schoolchildren about journalistic ethics for the same reason. same story about the hypocritical oath, they're all just manipulative lies and trickery.

>> No.15923967

Objective science exists, even if most of what's claiming to be it isn't. If you're not able to tell the difference then I just feel sorry for you.

>> No.15923975

This other than "social sciences" science is objective even if sometimes wrong.

>> No.15924058

Gender refers to the range of masculine to feminine. Sex refers to male or female. They used to be synonymous but about 50 years ago gender stared to be defined differently. It's because male and female have a word that includes both things, which is sex. But masculine and feminine, which is a different concept, had no such word so gender was used

>> No.15924297

>What are the chances that objective science lines up exactly with what LGBT wants it to say?
Pretty high considering both are based on mutual shared reality. It's the exact reason neither of them agree with you.

>> No.15924539

True, that's how they want to redefine gender, but gender and sex still means the same thing.

That's why ftm atheletes cannot compete with women or cannot give birth, also the reason why an ftm sharing bathroom with women can be problematic, they are a lot stronger.

Changing the meaning of words won't change these.

Gender is entirely subjective to the place it is from. My native language has no gendered words, so calling an ftm a he cannot happen here.

You could say that gender is about how you dress, but it isn't. Wearing skirts in my country is a girls thing to do, but in some countries like in Scotland men do it too.

So gender is an american political/social construct, not at all objective by anymeans. It is a great example for social science, they cannot be treated as objective because 90% of the time they aren't, while real sciences 99% are.

People shouldn't think social sciences as objective like biology/physics/chemistry/math/etc., because they aren't like that.

>> No.15924673

"gender" = "sex", simple as. they are exact synonyms.

>> No.15924686

Gender has always been the social role distributed to each sex. How can you pull out of your ass "the range"? Are you gonna claim that intersex is "in the range of male and female sex" as well?


>> No.15924690

Came here to post this. Reality has a Queer Theoretic bias.
LGBT beliefs follow naturally from reality, whereas chud delusions are based mostly in schizophrenia.

>> No.15924750

>LGBT beliefs follow naturally from reality
from personal reality not shared reality. humans evolved with hyperrealism which means they are biased to wrongly interpret reality. science helps us discern what's bullshit and what isn't.
your view is that the "science" of lgbt follows from personal experience, with zero(!) consideration for shared reality/group perspective.
conveniently discarding what imposing ALL your personal views, as dictated by your feelings, doesn't make it magically work, just ignores the whole idiotic dissonance and fucked up shit that comes up at group level.
the whole thing is figuring out what you want, see what it generates at upper levels, go there and try and force that bullshit into something, which in turn pops up even more at even higher levels, and then you go there trying to mask that shit, somehow.
you are constantly pushing the payment higher and later, amounts to a fuckton bill that inevitably has to be paid, at some point, it will pop.
that being said, your view of the world is fucking retarded. it does not follow objective reality.

>> No.15924917

>t. schizo chud
meds, sweaty

>> No.15924924

Doesn't exist. There are better and worse ways to look at things.

>> No.15924936

My endocrinology professor dunked on trannies the very first day of class saying that sex chromosomes determine what you are.

>> No.15924948

>but my feefees