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15923458 No.15923458 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to create a pregnancy virus, scientifically speaking?

>> No.15924147
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viruses literally don't real

>> No.15924163

Bullshit premise since pregnancy isn't harmless and it does cause health problems.

>> No.15924385

>you think abortion is wrong, huh?
>well what if an underage gemeni girl whose parents are an illegal immigrant and a time displaced soldier from 100 year war gets hit with an alien beam that makes her consent, but only if she cannot integrate simple polynomials……..
>Still pro life, huh?

>> No.15924393

It's beyond our current tech level, but soon.

>> No.15924394


>> No.15924396

Hmmm reproductive cells are different than common cells

>> No.15924658

Sperm gun!

>> No.15924709

>What if this thing that doesn't happen, did happen, you would think differently about things that do happen, right?

>> No.15924732

>life is a gift
>actually you're not worth anything more than a literal resource. no guaranteed rights. you're actually a slave with some leeway, nothing else
>but ye, life is a gift, as long as you are a resource
the dissonance on these fools

>> No.15924765

Yes, impregnating someone against their will is rape, and it's literally impossible to do it without invading the woman's privacy or personal space.

>> No.15924950

yeah this
>Killing kids for convenience or just for fun is ok because in this convoluted scenario in my head there exist some rationale.

>> No.15924957 [DELETED] 

Such a system actually exists in nature. Haplodiploid species give birth to females when impregnated, and males when not impregnated. The sex only switches the gender to female.

>> No.15925009

i wish people would spend more effort preventing abominations, rather than spending that effort creating thought experiments about abominations.
self-fulfilling prophecies everywhere.

>> No.15925010

I regularly create viruses in the lab as tools for my experiments. They are real.

>> No.15925012

>have sex
>get pregnant

>> No.15925015

Yeah, but ummm what if there was a virus that made it so that children would become murderous psychopaths? You would probably support abortion and the execution of children in the streets in such a scenario.
Hahaha, I win again.

>> No.15925024

I don't get the first one. That's not a hypothetical, genetic diseases that massively harm quality of life already exist, and the question of whether this justifies abortion is (and should be) treated as a different ethical dilemma from the allowance of elective abortion of a normal pregnancy. One is the question of whether a hypothetical person's existence is more important than their quality of life, the other is the question of whether the rights of an unborn child supercede the desires of its mother.

>> No.15925045

How retarded do you have to be to write this holy lol

>> No.15925106

You might be able to modify the ovum to contain a full genetic sequence instead of just half and undergo the chemical changes that usually occur only after sperm has entered but I don't think we have that capability at present.
In any case you could still prevent pregnancy by using birth control, tying off the fallopian tubes, sterilization or any other method that prevents the ovum from implanting or reaching the womb.

Incidentally this guy's premise is bullshit, impregnating someone against their will or even knowledge is definitely a violation regardless of the methodology used. And while I don't think killing is always morally wrong and in fact sometimes killing is morally an absolute necessity, unlimited consequence free baby killing because of your continual poor life choices is not a good way to set up a society.

>> No.15925150

>niece starts going to the kindergarten
>everyone she gets in contact falls ill
sure, virus don't real :^)

I'm sure calling them something else will surely show the germ theory who's boss.

>> No.15925298

>You might be able to modify the ovum to contain a full genetic sequence
You really can't since egg cell progenitors are haploid before a girl is even born. I guess theoretically you could genetically engineer a woman such that her dayghter had diploid eggs, but I doubt they'd be viable.

>> No.15925302

we took their women and made them despise motherhood.

>> No.15925514

>Is it possible to create a pregnancy virus, scientifically speaking?
yeah dude they're called black guys