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15921986 No.15921986 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make sense in light of the fantastic effort they are willing to put in to prevent the spread of other viruses?

>> No.15921989

Your fundamental mistake was in expecting political gerrymandering to make sense

>> No.15922035

do we remember how the monkeypox thing went down? they quickly realized that something like 95% of the people who contracted it were gay men, but CA politicians were still too afraid to suggest that maybe having anonymous bathhouse butt sex with multiple dudes every night was contributing to the spread of the disease

>> No.15922066
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they cornered the gay market. faggots will be getting monkeypox vaccines every year before pride month.

>> No.15922130

A good question. Someone should ask r/lgbt, but it's pointless since the thread would get nuked into oblivion.

>> No.15923142

you could get away with it if you phrased the question the right way, just pretend you're concerned about the plight of faggots instead of being honest about how disgusting you think they are

>> No.15923906

>hey guys, is anyone else worried that laws like this might lead to harmful effects for the gay community like it did back in the 1980s & 90s?

>> No.15925599

yeah its not hard to do if you're not low IQ

>> No.15925611

Try it. I guarantee they shut you down for "concern trolling".
The modern thinking on this sort of thing (although they won't admit it) is that risky unprotected sex with many partners is a fundamental part of homosexuality and therefore any objection to it is a kind of bigoted homophobia.
It's the same thing with blacks and stealing.

>> No.15926788

When are the fags going to be locked down to prevent the spread of AIDS?

>> No.15926802

if it doesn't kill you why would they do anything to limit the spread? that just means more sales.
>they wouldn't
sure buddy

>> No.15927689
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there are no such thing as viruses

>> No.15927724 [DELETED] 

We'll see soon enough

>> No.15928649

the experiment has now been pulled off, no bans or deletions were issued, 20 different end users replied for a total of 36 overall posts

>> No.15928662

>they quickly realized that something like 95% of the people who contracted it were gay men,
And subsequently children and household pets, so everyone forgot about it.

>> No.15929427

You just need to kick up your skill level a little

>> No.15930165

Its like that because faggots are sooo totally oppressed, thats why they don't get locked down and are freely allowed to spread disease

>> No.15930172

burgers why don't you cut to the chase and vote for the purge in the whole of us? the rest of the world grabs popcorn. you know you want to do it, we know you want to do it, just fucking do it.

>> No.15930180

>get into car wreck
>need blood transfusion
>doc is a "terrain theorist"
>hope you don't mind getting a transfusion with blood from an AIDS patient, germs don't exist after all.

>> No.15930857

Massive moneymaker for the people selling AIDS drugs

>> No.15931990
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praise fauci
praise science

>> No.15932468

>but CA politicians were still too afraid to suggest that maybe having anonymous bathhouse butt sex with multiple dudes every night was contributing to the spread of the disease
CA politicians have anonymous bathhouse butt sex with multiple dudes every night

>> No.15933798

Kevin McCarty is a well known homosexual and all that bohemian grove faggotry is gay af

>> No.15934993

Nancy Pelosi's husband had that incident with a homosexual prostitute in their house too. CA is 100% gay with AIDS

>> No.15935673

adam schiff fucking the dead negro boy, the current mayor of sf is a former gay prostitute/porn actor named london breed

>> No.15936626

Because homosexuals are a protected class

>> No.15937393

fauci mass murdered fags in the 80s & 90s and he mass murdered NPCs with the vax. the guy is based, deal with it

>> No.15938411

Dr. Mengele was widely condemned for carrying out similar experiments on toxic societal parasites. Why is it OK when Fauci does it, but not when Mengele does?

>> No.15939815

San Francisco is an open sewer

>> No.15940264

HIV isn't a death sentence anymore. It's a shackle. You'll be fine as long as you take your meds, which means you'll be fine as long as you get in your pod and slave away like the wagie you are.

>> No.15940276

this helps the virus spread without it looking like you're actually a mass murderer

>> No.15941109

So they want people to get HIV so that the pharma bros will have a source of revenue

>> No.15942005

medicine is a business, they're not doing it to help people, they're doing it to make money.

>> No.15942759

Doctors always say "I went into medicine to help people" because they're unwilling to be honest about why they really went into medicine, which was for money and to a lesser extent, access to drugs

>> No.15943658

letting them all die of self inflicted STDs isn't protecting them from anything.

>> No.15944973

letting them mass murder themselves is good