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File: 90 KB, 1200x675, elonmusk-provides-starlink-service-to-ukraine-as-russian-invasion-disrupt-internet-1645953159-1229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15921287 No.15921287 [Reply] [Original]

why did the let him pollute our orbital space lanes with thousands of stupid satellites for a network only ~1% of the population will ever use?

>> No.15921296
File: 65 KB, 540x960, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our orbital space lanes

>> No.15921300

>can't afford starlink
>so delusional he thinks he owns "space lanes"

>> No.15921305

It's okay, in 20 years when spaceX is bankrupt and gone, the satellites will go out of orbit and crash or burn up

>> No.15921313

musk only upsets you because he ended the left wing political censorship at twitter. you're not concerned about ">muh orbital space lanes" because you're not planning to launch your own satellites

>> No.15921318

Not just the ending of left wing political censorship, but also "the narrative" itself is crumbling in live around the society.

People are finally waking up and seeing that castrating yourself, your children, isn't actually healthy or sound way of living the life.

>> No.15921368

> will ever use
Source: your ass

>> No.15921374

Yeah it's not for you, sweaty. Calm down and let the adults take care of this.

>> No.15921689

>our orbital space lanes
>with thousands of stupid satellites for a network only ~1% of the population will ever use?
What percentage of the population will ever use "our space lanes"?

>> No.15921692

satelite observation of the goyim

>> No.15921694

>~1% of the population will ever use?
Isn't that around 100 million people?

>> No.15921698

for he's a jolly good weirdo
for he's a jolly good weirdo
for he's a jolly good weirdo-o
can't wait till he dies on Mars

>> No.15921700

The COVID narrative also collapsed and now they're just trying to play it off like it never happened. The only really strong Marxist/Identity Politics website left that gets any traffic is of course Reddit. The radical left is losing ground everywhere else. Even the radical right is losing ground to some extent, but that makes sense considering they are direct reaction to the radical left. The radical right has always been sovereign citizen militia types that just want to be left alone.

>> No.15921707

It's also way more people than who might otherwise use those orbits.

>> No.15921909
File: 600 KB, 868x509, bootlicking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space belongs to billionaires
What flavor of shoeshine is that?

>> No.15921919

>space belongs to me
keep dreaming fag

>> No.15921954

are you at least consistent and angry about the big pharma capture of medicine and medical research or just a tribalist hating on your political camp's current goldstein figure?

>> No.15921973

It belongs to whoever sends the shit up there stupid commie

>> No.15921983

You were sucking this guy's dick 5 years ago same as every other liberal.

>> No.15922031

Why would the US let its cheapest rocket launch system go to waste?

>> No.15922136

Technically, it all belongs to the state.

>> No.15922273

>Says others are licking billionaires boots
>Does literally nothing but promote the ideology and actions of corporations and consume.

>> No.15922278

It belongs to whoever can take it. Just because I can't doesn't mean that others shouldn't.

>> No.15922301
File: 35 KB, 768x399, CBDC-CENTRAL-BANK-DIGITAL-CURRENCY-REVIEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bcz the only way pic rel works is for an always on 24/7 any where and every where real time connected network. International terrestrial infrastructure is not ready for it.

>> No.15922999

He's giving the US Space force GPS-on-steroids for the upcoming world war, Starlink as a commercial/civilian telecom provider is a red herring

>> No.15923126
File: 141 KB, 600x923, USSF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The digits check out. USSF orbital bombardment scheduled for 2025 (delivered in 2033).

>> No.15923136

Like there aren't a million good reasons to hate the man. That this is the reason your mind leaps to tells us more about the reason you have for liking him: he's furthering your agenda.

>> No.15923137
File: 58 KB, 960x600, ouchies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if every Starlink satellite secretly contained a couple of Rods from God. Quite an interesting first strike weapon.
>The highly elongated shape and high mass of the projectiles are intended to enhance sectional density (and therefore minimize kinetic energy loss due to air friction) and maximize penetration of hard or buried targets. The larger device is expected to be quite effective at penetrating deeply buried bunkers and other command and control targets.
>The weapon would be very hard to defend against. It has a very high closing velocity and a small radar cross-section. The launch is difficult to detect. Any infrared launch signature occurs in orbit, at no fixed position. The infrared launch signature also has a much smaller magnitude compared to a ballistic missile launch.
As long as you knew the location of your enemy's top capital assets, you'd be able to take them all out with close to zero warning. Such knowledge might not be possible and I'm curious as to the effects if the enemy has numerous submarines. How well would such weapons work on submarine targets and what impact would it have on coastal areas?

>> No.15923139

List them.

>> No.15923144

Purchased the right to call himself the founder of a company he didn't found and uses it to sell overpriced shitty cars that catch fire
Doesn't care about flawed self-driving software endangering others in traffic
Shot a rocket at wildlife
Killed a public transit project by offering to build a "hyperloop" - delivered a Tesla going slowly in a narrow tunnel with no emergency exits
Pledged to fix world hunger, reneged as soon as an actual plan was suggested (which was within his means to afford)
Plegded to fix the water in Flint, MI, which still has undrinkable water
Called someone a "pedo guy" in a childish tantrum for saving a whole class of stranded children before he could build a robot to do it much later and less efficiently.
Personal friend of Ghislaine Maxwell.
Generally an unsufferable cunt, a grifter, and a liar who promises the world and consistently underdelivers but gets away with it because the one thing he's good at is marketing his public image.

>> No.15923161

>Shot a rocket at wildlife

>> No.15923163

The only thing to like about Musk is that, by broadcasting his incompetence far and wide as he continues to fail upwards, he single-handedly discredits the myth of meritocracy.

>> No.15923341

>communiggers when someone is approaching them on the bootlicking quota

>> No.15924028

True, Musk just got lucky, therefore I hate him. If I had the trillion dollar given to me by his trillion dollar family, I'd be greater than him as well. I know Im better because only he's the one thats the most incompetent person

>> No.15924178

What did YOU do to advance anything useful?

>> No.15924184

>powered by George Soros/Larry Fink bot

>> No.15924195

when i read faggot shit like this it genuinely makes me feel better about myself, thank you anon

>> No.15924273

this must be bait right

>> No.15924399

It's for the military

>> No.15924495

are you retarded lmao

>> No.15924560
File: 687 KB, 868x726, Worker_Bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pollute our orbital space lanes

You are insane. Imagine throwing a few thousand bottles into the ocean and saying "The ocean is now polluted" . You could spend years looking for just one of those bottles.
Space is a lot bigger than the oceans!

>> No.15924589

>le lick boot
you could not have fit in less well if you tried, i usually make fun of people who call others redditor for no reason, but holy shit man, please go the fuck back, you don't belong.

>> No.15924590

>poster in question feels no shame or embarrassment whatsoever
a tale as old as time.

>> No.15924596

Leftists can only tear down and devour, they are incapable of constructive thought

>> No.15924775
File: 37 KB, 475x618, moderator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not consider false at their source.

>> No.15925494

starlink is probably a US military black project for global surveillance

>> No.15925499

Also doesnt work at all because you cant fucking aim them

>> No.15925580

The Starlink sats or Rods of God in general?