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15919562 No.15919562 [Reply] [Original]

has never been tested on large populations in a double blind placebo environment
despite this, tens of billions of doses have been given over the last century

how do we know vaccines are safe when the most popular adjuvant hasn’t a single study proving its safety?

>> No.15919567

PhDs are more likely to be anti-vax than any other demographic
because when you look into the research - there isn’t any

the regulatory market for vaccines is completely captured

>> No.15920239

Schizo conspiracy theories are not /sci/ence or math.

>> No.15920624

how is it a conspiracy?

>> No.15921484 [DELETED] 

There is plenty of studies showcasing the changes in behavior and sociality among lambs after suffering an aluminum adjuvant reaction, the evidence is all there. Once we correlate these studies on lambs behavior to humans, we receive the answers we are looking for. We arrive to the truth.

>> No.15921488

There are plenty of studies showcasing the changes in behavior and sociality among lambs after suffering an aluminum adjuvant reaction, the evidence is all there. Once we correlate these studies on lamb's behavior to humans, we receive the answers we are looking for. We arrive to the truth.

>> No.15922071

go try to find a study that compares rates of autism in unvaccinated and vaccinated children. We're repeatidly told vaccines don't cause autism so surely there is a substantial body of proof and not studies that compare highly vaccinated children to highly vaccinated children.

can I see these studies?

>> No.15922077
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Shoo shoo!, go away! you silly thing.

>> No.15923041

Does it matter? Millions have taken it and nothing seems to be going wrong?

Kys schizo!

>> No.15923086

>does it matter that we’re injecting babies globally with substances that have zero safety testing
yeah it does matter

>> No.15923089

Detox is part of vacinnation, you should try some herbal tea or whatever helps bad things getting out of body.

>> No.15923091

I’m not OP of >>15921488
but I found this study done on mice that says they found correlations but it needs more research

> Aluminum injected mice showed diminished social interest compared to controls at week 8 (p=0.016) and 17 (p=0.012). They also demonstrated abnormal social novelty from controls at week 8 (p=0.002) and week 29 (p=0.042).


>> No.15923097

are you saying detoxing from toxic metals in the vaccine is part of the intended inoculation process?

>> No.15923159

>don't question The Science goyim, that's paranormal!
Jews. They want your shekels

>> No.15923860

If it is, then why isn't that mentioned on the schedule?

>> No.15924053

even if it WAS part of the process, detoxing the metals wouldn’t negate the negative effects caused by the presence of heavy metals in the first place
that guy is retarded

Heavy metals = brain swelling
humans have known this for since we started making swords

>> No.15924960

people don’t want to confront the fact that they have been poisoned or are poisoning their kids by getting them vaccinated
it would also completely delegitimize the industry with catastrophic implications for global economy

Pharma money = oil money = lifeblood of the US dollar

>> No.15924970

Unvaxxed here, how much aluminium is there inside the vaccine? You probably get higher doses by using aluminiun cookware or food baked in aluminium foild or even with water than what is in the vaccine

>> No.15924973

what is the most autistic vaccine?

>> No.15924976

kys you fucking shill

>> No.15924985

good read
thanks fren, I was running out of black pills
every time I think I'm starting to grasp just how dark things truly are, I can count on 4chan to provide more insights about the bleak abyss we inhabit

>> No.15924986
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There's a difference between aluminum that is processed through the digestive system (absorption rate .01-.04%) and intramuscularly (almost a 100% absorption rate.)

I ran the numbers a while ago.

>> No.15924988


sorry, I meant .1%-.4%

5 - 1.5mg could exist in a single dose or 500 mcg - 1500 mcg which is how much more than the recommended amount?

500 mcg for a newborn when the limit is 12.5 mcg: 40x
1,500 mcg for a newborn when the limit is 12.5 mcg: 120x
500 mcg for a one year old when the limit is 50 mcg: 10x
1,500 mcg for a newborn when the limit is 50 mcg: 30x

>> No.15924992

So aluminium has been used in vaccines before? But was and to this day is not used in mmr vaccine for babies (which is said to cause autism), has that changed now?

>> No.15925035


Adjuvants were discovered in the 1930's. You may be familiar with ethylmercury (thimerosal) which was used in most vaccines until the early 2000's following an outcry from parents. It still exists in flu vaccines which are recommended to children. Ethylmercury has been shown to cross the BBB in monkeys. The FDA says there is no evidence of negative effects due to thimerosal.

MMR has never contained aluminum. MMR was originally a single dose until 1989 when it was recommended a child should receive two doses. A 1998 paper reviewed the cases of 12 children with bowel symptoms and autism following MMR vaccination. This was retracted and the author shamed. Most likely the combination of these two events combined with the higher rate of autism caused a panic among parents and the MMR vaccination labeled as causing autism.

Vaccinations have shown to reduce healthy gut flora and autistic children have wildly different gut biomes. More research is needed.

The vaccine schedule for children has also ballooned in the last two decades. The recommended age for vaccines have also drastically been lowered. For example, Hep B used to be recommended only for homosexuals, intravenous drug users, and medical professionals. It is now recommended for everyone on day of birth, regardless of the mother's hep b status. It is even mandatory for hospitals in the state of New York.

The CDC claims that getting multiple vaccinations on the same day and bivalent/trivalent vaccines is safe (eg DTaP + polio, separating measles and mumps vaccines into one.) However, there is no study that has ever looked at long term or short term health outcomes for vaccines taking separately, at a later date, or in various combinations with each other.

>> No.15925044

You deserve to see all your family butchered like animals in front of you.

>> No.15925061
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>conspiracy theories
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means


>> No.15925155

it doesn’t have to be this way
people are just very uneducated on the mechanism of vaccines, it is dogma

>> No.15925156

side effects are not limited to aluminum adjuvants
but they are by far the best example of lack of oversight and research surrounding vaccines