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15919253 No.15919253 [Reply] [Original]

Gay is one of the top dawgs of science and it turns out she’s just a retard who got promoted to head science’s cozy little incest club because of her skin color.

Why is this so common? Why should anyone listen to science and its priest class, the “experts”?

>> No.15919259

Science’s high priests are all from the ivies and its leadership is full of frauds like Claudine Gay.

Science is illegitimate, a religion, and a clown show.

>> No.15919264

And yet she's still more intelligent and more successful than 99% of the poltards and incels on this board

>> No.15919296

This has already been debunked in the OP.

>> No.15919312

>Gay is one of the top dawgs of science
shes not in STEM

>> No.15919321

Science’s high priests are all from the ivies and its leadership is full of frauds like Claudine Gay.

Science is illegitimate, a religion, and a clown show.

>> No.15919357

Because in the grand context of civilization, truth will always prevail and some things are largely outside of the individual's control. When a cabal of ideologically mutated Communists, many hailing from the former Soviet Union, decide to use all of their resources to take over your country and promote destructive philosophies at every level of your civilization, it's very hard for you or me to do much about that. We're sort of just along for the ride and we suffer or prosper in that context. We aren't doing much about it, but reacting to it. In the end though a form of natural selection occurs and as is often the case, the most efficient and low energy forms are the ones that prevail.

The sort of belief system that has made the world the "clown world" as people call it that it is today requires an enormous amount of energy and resources to sustain itself. Cracks will form naturally rather than being pried open and those cracks will require exponentially more resources to contain as they expand. In the end this will result in a complete system meltdown which will take any number of forms, but in the end, maybe not in our life times, things will return to the proper state of being. Every time one of these DEI types sneers in your face, you can just smile back knowing the universe itself functionally has a hit out on them and they're already dead to rights. We're all just standing around letting them have their delusions, but eventually our passivity won't even matter anymore. Their delusions will crack civilization and civilization is the only thing currently allowing them to have those delusions.

This isn't worthy of celebration mind you. These people are the enemies of civilization, but they may very well destroy things and set the species back for decades. The fact they got a foothold at all is a tragedy, but it is probably a necessary tragedy the same way an extinction event clears the way for superior forms.

>> No.15919363

i would bet genuine irl money that her iq isn't over maybe 110

>> No.15919487

High IQ post

>> No.15919490

This is the reason most extraterrestial species who can intervene, do not intervene directly on human affairs, they know that given enough time we will get on the path of least resistance.

>> No.15919495

>tl;dr: do nothing and trust the plan bro, this stuff will sort itself out

>> No.15920324

>ideologically mutated Communists, many hailing from the former Soviet Union

I think you mean Jews

>> No.15920365

Bruh this nigga's Gay

>> No.15921597


I don't care about gay, But we need to use this opportunity to portray wealthy jews as anti-black.

>> No.15921602

The only enemy of civilization are progress deniers like you. Noise like plagarism is irrelevant. It just proves she was smarter enough to take the best from other people.

>> No.15921617

Funny how this plagiarism was only discovery after she angered the tiny hats.

>> No.15921640

No need to be redundant.

>> No.15921777

I feel like there are people somewhere saying this is okay because of institutional racism or some bullshit

>> No.15921810

yeah unfortunately iq and machiavellianism don't track that well. in her case, there's obvious disparity between the desire to be in such a position and her ability to calculate while in performance. very embarrassing for harvard of all institutions.

>> No.15922361

Did you know that Harvard is just a university for children of rich people? And all the very smart students are just there to make the rich people's kids look smarter than they really are?

>> No.15923466
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>a retard who got promoted because of her skin color.

>> No.15923656
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>> No.15923701

> And all the very smart students are just there
they aren't there

>> No.15923708

Speak for yourself. The top dogs in my field come from all sorts of schools. No one gives a shit who comes from a fancy private school in a shitty football conference.

>> No.15923718

>muh incels
So she's more successful than someone who's not successful. Great point you chromosome hoarder.

>> No.15923883

>Criticize Israel
>Academics suddenly crawl out of the woodwork to insist your academic works are all plagiarized and you're an evil very double-plus un-good person.

>> No.15923891

>academic beurocrat

lmao yea, good bait tho

>> No.15925596
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old pic but mostly still true, the jews just installed puppet-patsies to take over the public face of the administrations

>> No.15925613

>more intelligent
There's almost no chance this is true
Of course, because she is on the right side of a racist and sexist system

>> No.15925820

It is unlikely that plagiarism shows intelligence if one does it poorly enough to be caught. Also, progress to what?

>> No.15925827

While her current situation is obviously politically motivated, it's very interesting to consider how many academics would withstand the scrutiny that Gay is currently under. Do most social science PhD students plagiarize in their dissertations? I suspect the percentage that do is higher than one would hope. I can't really complain when people who lie and cheat are caught, though.

>> No.15926041
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>> No.15926132

That Ignatiev guy's wiki page reads like a parody. Communist party member, marxist-leninist, SDS, the whole shebang. Harvard has very peculiar hiring practices, it seems.

>> No.15926143

>de Gay

>> No.15926270


Harvard faculty White self hatred.
Let us choose a bald gay Niggress to lead us, what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15926307
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Harvard supports TKD

>> No.15926313

So she behaved unethically for 20 years, and nobody cared, but suddenly it's a huge deal in 2023. What happened?

>> No.15926316

Jews are shocked after they have been reclassified as whites and are treated as such

>> No.15926562

This. A president's job is to bring in cash to the university. They don't need to know shit about anything else. She was a strong independent magical black negro that's in a time when investors toss heaps of cash on such tokens. This congressional testimony seemed like an ideal way to pander to wealthy Jawas in the Middle East even if some Jews pulled funding.

>> No.15926629

>Because in the grand context of civilization, truth will always prevail
How old are you?

>> No.15926943

113 IQ years old according to https://www.writingtoiq.com/
dumb enough that I didn't bother reading the wall of text

>> No.15927896

Her habit of plagiarizing was never an issue until she pissed of some jews

>> No.15927922

All organized religion is bad, isn't that what we learned when the catholics killed christian scientists for wanting to understand god's creation?

>> No.15927925

It turns out that all of the affirmative action quotas let in a bunch of unqualified people who can only hack it in the subjective word-salad subjects. These subjects exist at top schools just to give the fuck-ups something to major in and get a pity degree from the school (the schools don't want the numbers to show their diversity failing or dropping out).
Then these people are "qualified" diversity ornaments that companies can use to decorate their management staffing.

>> No.15927930

>Why is this so common?
Because your country is run by people who hate you and want to destroy you and your sense of dignity to the point that you are too dehumanized and humiliated to fight back against the slightest oppression. You are a willing slave.

>> No.15928675
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>people in high ranking positions cheated to get there
Did you really need to make a thread about this?

>> No.15928735

She is a nigger. The nigger virus is destroying American education institutions by the will of Jewish zionism.

>> No.15929864

Had that been the case, she would not have slipped into anti semitism. Now the knives are out and she is going down, one scandal after the nest until she leaves to spend more time wih her family.

>> No.15929874
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He is kicking the kikes out of Harvard

>> No.15929905

Why are pol fags so dramatic?

>> No.15929943


>> No.15930056

Shes just the president of Harvard, and she's only being attacked because she didn't bow down to Israel.

>> No.15930135
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Science has become just another variant of witchcraft and sorcery


>> No.15930146

Science is now a religion.

>> No.15930499


nah, niggers don't give a fck. All accusations against them just drip off of them like water off a raincoat. Look at Clarence Thomas, liberals can throw as much dirt at him as they want, he just doesn't budge.

>> No.15930543

she wasn't attacked before because she was a DEI hire.
It's okay if you attack whites (her husband is white, kek, he likes it) but once you go against (((us))) oy vey shut it down

>> No.15930897

the n word is racist

>> No.15930996 [DELETED] 

yeah nigger that's the point

>> No.15932084
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>> No.15932139

Do you think the fraud is limited to her cause she’s black? Don’t kid yourself

>> No.15933410
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>> No.15934199
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>> No.15935016

>Black woman
It had to be done

>> No.15935710
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>> No.15935794

Revenge of the jews, huh? And I thought this was about scientific standards...

>> No.15935799

Another example against the belief about their high IQ. Zionism was born thanks to the emergence of nationalist ideas in Europe. The State of Israel exists thanks to the actions of England and America. Fools tear up the roots from which they grow.

>> No.15935840

High IQ aside, being arrogant is part of their culture.
There are so many things in their religious practice where they think they are fooling god and getting around the rules.
Look at all of the gadgets/technology designed for them to use on saturday.
Then there is the magical wire they put up so they can transport objects (they have one in manhattan).
I'm sure god is fooled by that.
Then there is their sin chicken where they transfer their sins to a chicken then give it to the goyim.

It goes on and on. Their religion just seems to be about breaking the spirit of a rule while arguing they are still within the letter.
>If it is good enough to fool god then certainly the goyim won't know any better.
>Why are these goys so mad at us?

>> No.15935895

This is why they put frauds like her in positions of power; they can be destroyed at any time so they remain loyal to the cause and never step out of line.

Except some niggers are too stupid to recognize the sword hanging over their neck and forget their place. Hence this one being publicly burned down. She was too stupid to realize she was compromised and probably thought she rose due to merit alone.

>> No.15935979

>Why is this so common?
How common is it?

>> No.15936010

>"Last stages of civilization"
cold hard truth
the West is going down in a ball of flames

>> No.15936509
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>> No.15937305

Its extremely common, the president of Stanford was recent fired for the same infraction

>> No.15937338

She looks like a chud

>> No.15938279

Former Stanford president retracts Nature paper as another gets expression of concern

Marc Tessier-Lavigne, the former president of Stanford University who resigned earlier this year after an institutional research misconduct investigation, has retracted a paper from Nature. The journal’s editorial office marked another of Tessier-Lavigne’s articles with an expression of concern.

The two Nature papers – which have together been cited more than 1,000 times, according to Clarivate’s Web of Science – were among five the university investigation examined on which Tessier-Lavigne was the principal author. The other three have been retracted – two from Science and one from Cell. In a statement posted to his lab website July 19, Tessier-Lavigne wrote that he planned to correct the two papers in Nature.

The retracted article, “APP binds DR6 to trigger axon pruning and neuron death via distinct caspases,” appeared in 2009. It has been cited 816 times, according to Clarivate’s Web of Science. The retraction notice stated:
>The authors have retracted this article. Our subsequent work confirmed aspects of the article, notably that DR6 and APP interact and function in a genetic pathway involving caspases to control axon pruning and neuron death. However, our later research also showed that certain conclusions reached in the article were incorrect, notably the role of caspase-3, the necessity for beta-secretase enzyme activity for APP-DR6 binding, and the model for the APP-DR6 interaction.
>More recently, the following anomalies were identified:
>Figure 1d: the NGF-deprived +IgG panel appears to be identical to the NGF-deprived, 24h + Control IgG panel of Figure 5e.
>Supplementary information Figure 9c: the NGF-deprived + Bax inhibitor control panel appears to be identical to the + anti-NGF control panel of Supplementary information Figure 17c.

>> No.15938280

>Supplementary information Figure 6d: the fourth beta-Actin blot for Casp-3 siRNA appears to be identical to the first beta-Actin blot for Casp-6 siRNA.
>Certain biostatistical calculations underlying some figures contained errors.
>We believe that these additional anomalies do not affect the conclusions presented in the affected figures. However, given the lack of original data for several of these figures due to the age of the paper, and since our subsequent research showed that certain specific claims in the original article were not correct and we reported a correction for those claims elsewhere, we consider that the appropriate course of action is to retract the article. All the authors agree with this retraction.

The listed “anomalies” refer to images PubPeer users raised concerns about in February and March of this year.

>> No.15938326


>> No.15938833


most academics look like chuds

>> No.15938838 [DELETED] 
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>Science bosses are retarded
you know what to do

>> No.15938881

Ok, but they're not punishing her for that. They're punishing her for not giving Schlomo whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.15939630

So people only ever check one's dissertation when there are accusations of the person being antisemitic? What a weird world we live in.

>> No.15939641

I wish you were right but honestly, that's near impossible right now. The West has been invaded by people from cultures so vastly remote from what we cherish, the moment the systems "corrects itself" will be either
1. the death of Western ideals
2. mass genocide/ejection of non-Western individuals
Since the latter is highly unlikely after WW2 and the retard Hitler made it unvogue (not en vogue) to hail your own culture when you're white, the first thing will happen.

>> No.15939672

nietzsche was right, science is gay

>> No.15939684
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>> No.15940412

>Because in the grand context of civilization, truth will always prevail
no it won't, history is mostly lies

>> No.15941126

>history is mostly lies
This, the library at Alexandria was burned down to cover up certain historical incidents and absolve the culprits of those incidents of responsibility for the actions and that library and all its facts remain hidden to this day, with the culprits long since dead and forgotten. There is no magic truth and justice fairy who came around to fix everything back.

>> No.15941303
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>> No.15942052


>> No.15942108

there's a reason "expert opinion" is the lowest tier in the hierarchy of evidence. "experts" aren't the priest caste of actual scientific disciplines, they're the used car salesmen- this negress was a "political scientist" i.e not a scientist at all

>> No.15942136
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>And yet she's still more intelligent and more successful than 99% of the poltards and incels on this board
And yet more retarded than the other half of mankind

>> No.15942799

>this negress was a "political scientist" i.e not a scientist at all
she wasn't even that, affirmative action hirelings are never qualified in their fields because they don't get their credentials based on merit.

>> No.15942982

Feelings always took precedence in western science/academia

>> No.15943231

Reminder the only reason she’s being dragged through mud is because jews found out her new quota policy for intake of jews would be proportionate to their demographic of the US, a twenty times decline in proportion.

>> No.15943271

yes well thats a problem cause shes clearly unqualified, this isnt some kind of gotcha and you're just proving their point that shit's fucked

>> No.15943328
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>they don't get their credentials based on merit.
Not him but "merit" is the biggest larp that has ever graced the lips of man.

Employers value loyalty not merit. While merit is used to filter for competency the vast majority of employers is not going to hire a highly qualified but highly unloyal employee. The few that do perform pic related to increase assurance that the highly qualified employee doesn't immediately abandoned them.

That's partially why scholarships for colleges exist, to persuade loyalty to them instead.

Her getting the public lashing you're seeing is directly tied to failing a test of fealty. It doesn't matter her level of merit if you piss off the school or the donors you're getting lashed. Gayes miscalculation was not recognizing the hierarchy where the donors are on top.

>> No.15943332

don't forget profitable

>> No.15943550

This. The world isnt oriented toward human progress even in the slightest, the primary funcion of education and government is control. Everything else is about justifying its existance.

>> No.15944476
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>> No.15944488

Look we all know that blacks to do not have to be held accountable to any standards, why is everyone even pretending?

>> No.15944490

That is what you actually tell yourselves?

>> No.15944492


Fuck indians, they should not even be here.

>> No.15944494

>mass genocide/ejection of non-Western individuals

That is the only thing that will save us.