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15918531 No.15918531 [Reply] [Original]

Black Science Man speaks. Your thoughts, sci?

>> No.15918550

Smug fuck

>> No.15919561 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15919732

If he actually said that, it's quite likely the most intelligent thing he's ever said. Can't win if you don't play.

>> No.15920161

He's wrong because it's all about lookism, attraction is based on immutable genetic traits.

>> No.15920171

Thanks for giving up, Anon, only improves my sons' odds.

>> No.15920212

if they were true I never would have fucked, lucky I'm confident and ugly.

>> No.15920234

That's a quote from Chateau Heartiste from his 16 commandments of poon blog post. Specifically commandment XI.


I read the entire blog as 20-something disillusioned heart-broken beta simp. It's the one time in my life where I felt my brain was getting rewired and my outlook on life had completely changed. Later I found out this is called a red pill. I'm still a beta, but at least I'm not a simp.

>> No.15920265

To believe that this is the case, especially for how men are attractive in the eyes of women, you literally, without irony must know life from chans and have no contact with real people.

Being able to dance to the rhythm and to look like you're having fun on the dance floor will probably like quadruple your chances.

Unless you are some bum who doesn't brush his teeth or wear clean clothes, and that's "looks" for you.

>> No.15920267

I am a bum who doesn't brush his teeth or wear clean clothes, it literally doesn't make a difference unless it affects your confidence.

>> No.15920283

>Unless you are some bum who doesn't brush his teeth or wear clean clothes, and that's "looks" for you.
There are handome bums who get fucked on the regular and ugly fortune 500 c-suites who have to pay for whores.

>> No.15920333

Why are you writing this? If you want to destroy your life by indulging in rationalization that's your business, but write this garbage in a journal or something.

How ugly you'd have to be, so that after keeping yourself in shape, being somewhat kind to a girl and having a mediocre job you can't score a 6/10? You are literally talking about something that humans don't observe in real life.

>> No.15920345

I'm not talking about this from the perspective of someone at the bottom. But it seems odd for people to deny that the dichotomy exists, especially when most of the people denying it don't benefit from it.

>> No.15921679 [DELETED] 

That is the first smart thing black science nigger has ever said.

probably a fake quote though...

>> No.15921682

Except on dating apps where the look at a face and swipe, women are mostly emotional, not visual. It's all about how somebody makes them feel.

>> No.15921687

All of the jewsuits are going to burn in hell, this one included.

>> No.15922111

hollywood "scientist."

>> No.15923051
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>> No.15923790
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Expressing my thoughts about Black Soience man are against the board rules

>> No.15923797

Just be tall, put some muscle hitting the gym, get self confidence at absurd levels, and you can fuck lots of bitches. That is of course if you are 14 and the girls are 12.

>> No.15925588

He isn't even a real scientist tho

>> No.15926785

>Black Science Movie Theater Man

>> No.15927710 [DELETED] 
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He would know, since he is a woman now

>> No.15928627

astronomy is a dumb science for dumb people, more negroes should be involved in it

>> No.15928647

He is one of many frauds.

>> No.15929435
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>> No.15929438 [DELETED] 

Jesuits serve Satan.

>> No.15929447

It's think that's called rape and that's probably why those women came out against him.

>> No.15929488

You're right but not quite for the reason you think you are. The problem is that your loser personality and lack of ambition that turns off women also comes mostly from immutable genetic traits.

>> No.15930105

Important, timely Black Soiyence Man news:

>> No.15930110
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>> No.15930130 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger space is cool

>> No.15930222

Dumbasses have sex far more often than smart people, this is true.

This is also why the world is becoming shit. Women only go for low IQ “bad boy” Hispanics, and they pop out thousands of more retard babies that dilute the world.

>> No.15930240

Correct, idk if that's a real quote from him or not be it is true. That said, the intelligent position is rational uncertainty, not rational defeatism, imo. Anyone claiming to know the future is doomed is a liar. No one knows the future

>> No.15930241

What do you expect, ms. 95IQ to recognize or understand or appreciate your enormous, girthy /sci/ 125+ IQ? Never gonna happen.

>> No.15930263
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>> No.15930322

Incels will point to Jeremy Meeks, but they don't realize cases like his only verify what things are like on the extreme ends of the spectrum. Tbh, i think the problem incels make the same flaw as girls do when they complain they can't find a husband despite having degree and high paying job. They are projecting their own desires onto the opposite gender, not realizing the innate differences in what men and women tend to actually want in a partner. Because we as men are so visual, its easy to assume women are the same, but it isn't.

That's not to say women don't care about looks. They do, but it's not to the same extent as men care about looks. Personality, status, and income play a much larger role. The exception is if you are incredibly ugly, or incredibly good looking. But most guys are somewhere between those two ends.

Not trying to imply some sort of equivalence, or perfectly neutral middle ground. The truth is when it comes to dating and sex, in the modern world women have a massive advantage, and the majority of guys are at a huge disadvantage. The numbers show large number of men being effectively shut out of sexual marketplace, unable to get laid or relationships. Societal changes destroyed any leverage for average male, women entering workforce made them marry the state before they'll marry a guy that isnt appealing to them. Height is blown way out of proportion for males. Must males are going to find it way more difficult to acheive social status while women have automatic social value. And while looks aren't everything, looks are tied to how people treat you, and no man is an island, so the way you're treated will undoubtedly impact your self esteem/confidence. So in a roundabout way, it is understandable why incels claim looks = personality. But imo it misses important nuance. A guy who isnt top 5% apperance *can* be sexually successful, but the game is rather stacked against him.

>> No.15930867
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women are more vain and shallow minded than men are, they are more concerned with looks, thats why they spend hours every day staring at themselves in the mirror applying makeup

>> No.15931837

whatever you say, quitter

>> No.15931846

>why do you care?

Anyone who uses that argument in a debate is dead to me

>> No.15932405
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>> No.15932710

kek, not a fan of NDT are we?

>> No.15933810
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you don't seem to have much respect for the brilliance of ebonics speakers

>> No.15933829

It will also get you a public rape accusation in his case.

>> No.15934158

ah yes there's a panoply of ugly men with terrific personalities and attractive men with incel ones

>> No.15935140

he is immune to that because he is a negro

>> No.15935705

it isn't and neither is saying the n word

>> No.15936628

People who get upset at seeing exaggerated or even realistically portrayed negro characteristics are people who hate negroes and their characteristics

>> No.15936885

>what about the 1/1,000,000 statistical outliers doe
>checkmate, retard
I hate you and your kind.

>> No.15936897

And yet women regularly have sex with Ed Sheehan despite him looking like a racial caricature of an Irishman

>> No.15937430

I just don't like seeing them no matter how they're portrayed

>> No.15937489

An average looking guy who is a hyper successful will be the object of extreme obsessive behaviour from women, whereas a very good looking guy who has the spirit of a cuck will generally not be. I am good looking btw, and it took me a very long time to figure this out.

>> No.15937494

I can second this. I've been told numerous times I'm "gorgeous", "so hot", "should be a model", etc but I'm a turboautist, and I'm going to be a wizard soon. being attractive doesn't mean shit for men if you don't have the personality.

>> No.15938624 [DELETED] 

If you're so low IQ that you can't even figure out how to capitalize in situations where you have a natural advantage then you're NGMI in science, where you're at a disadvantage due to your low IQ

>> No.15939866
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>> No.15939876

incel thread on christmas eve

>> No.15940439
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>I defended you dr. tyson!
>how many goodboy points do I get for that!?!

>> No.15940515

women don't care about muscles
this is the strangest cope to me

>> No.15941518

>I know what women's opinions are

>> No.15941689

just look at the celebrities women love
are you retarded

>> No.15941915

YouTube just recommended a video from him explaining why cancer hasn't been cured so apparently he's an oncologist now.

>> No.15942744
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>> No.15943574
File: 196 KB, 1068x1120, black soyence woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YouTube just recommended a video from him
Stop misgendering Nellie

>> No.15944907


>> No.15945586
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>> No.15946502

lol, true. the science is already female dominated

>> No.15947003

omg it looks just like him

>> No.15948146
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>> No.15948403

I don't think.

>> No.15948624

same but I use the autism to conquer the world. btw women like that confidence (but don't be too proudy)
Use it to your advantage

>> No.15949632

>I'm retarded
we already knew that

>> No.15949648

how does one use autism to "conquer the world"?

>> No.15950119

they presume they can because "autism" is a polite way of saying "narcissism"

>> No.15950606

It is true, and he didn't say it.

>muh genes

>> No.15951256

This, 30 years ago autism was a condition adjacent to down syndrome, soience redefined the word for profitable purposes, so they could get people with extreme narcissism to go to the doctors and make money off the victims' health insurance