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15917101 No.15917101 [Reply] [Original]

Why have people become increasingly retarded in the past few years? What are the scientific explanations for this?

>> No.15917113
File: 216 KB, 647x505, Homeschool-Regulation-Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why have people become increasingly retarded in the past few years? What are the scientific explanations for this?
Are you in the US?

>> No.15917122

I've no evidence to back this up, but my sentiment is on a combination of increasingly effective propaganda/marketing and plummeting quality of life. People are confused and distressed and are predictably being taken advantage of.

>> No.15917341
File: 419 KB, 960x540, Always-Has-Been.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why have people become increasingly retarded in the past few years?
always were

>> No.15918127

lead poisoning and microplastics

>> No.15918144

Yeah, homeschooling is the problem (even though studies consistently show that homeschooled kids outperform public school kids on standardized tests even when controlling for parental education etc.)

>> No.15918167

watching shit entertainment camouflaged as news?

>> No.15918174

Mass consumption of antidepressants and social media.

>> No.15918176

Everyone was always retarded. You just didn't have the means to witness their idiocy back then. But now everyone has a phone and an internet connection.

>> No.15918507

internet gave a voice to retards

>> No.15918513

the covid vax has neurotoxic effects

>> No.15918726

>Why have people become increasingly retarded in the past few years?
And this:

>> No.15918728
File: 7 KB, 224x224, IMG_20230216_093854_416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homeschooling is the problem
Wrong conclusion, that is not what was argued for in the video.

>> No.15918729

>citation: corporate news anchor "comedian"
even supposed revelations from dreams are more trustworthy than this shit.

>> No.15918802

People being low IQ retards has nothing to do with watching sports, dating, or watching movies. I know plenty of intelligent people who engage with those things and don’t bother to learn anything else in their free time

>> No.15918853

i dunno, but i think TikTok is largerly responsible for this

>> No.15918873

Maybe because of all the shit being fed into the heads of younger people by the internet.

>> No.15918966

This is propaganda lmao.

>> No.15919753

Dysgenics and lack of hard intelligence barriers in the modern world.
Everything is better were only higher IQs have admin permisions.

>> No.15921122

> Why have people become increasingly retarded in the past few years? What are the scientific explanations for this?
>posts youtube video
How ironic

>> No.15921126

Reported for misinformation, you piece of shit.

>> No.15921150

Fuck off and don't come back you stupid animal.

>> No.15921155

Is the fault of main stream media, that trash must be destroyed.

>> No.15921169

>camouflaged as news
It's not "news", it's an investigative report presented in a satirical way.

>> No.15921171

Please feel free to show how he is wrong in the presented facts.

>> No.15921172

>and don’t bother to learn anything else in their free time
I'd classify that as being quite "retarded".

>> No.15921173

>This is propaganda

>> No.15921176

>How ironic
Explain what is ironic about posting an educative satirical video.

>> No.15921178

>you piece of shit
There could have been a debate. Too bad.

>> No.15921183

Biting because I'm a curious retard, what possible media discussing would you NOT consider propaganda?

>> No.15921192
File: 297 KB, 603x648, morty becomes president.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the educative or satirical part.
I care about the social media part in that. It just changes what people spend time on. That is the reason for the retardation. People are keeping themselves stupid by social media, the new opiate of them.

Also you read like a democrat (not that john oliver is bad, It's more that to me (an outsider) the problem appears to be worse than party politics)

>> No.15921198
File: 55 KB, 1024x652, IMG_6534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaxx (now with AIDS)

>> No.15921289

The guy is saying that kids aren't being programmed by the teachers that are now teaching the castration ideology and the woke ideology at public schools. And kids not being programmed with propaganda is somehow bad in his eyes because he's part of the DIE cult.

>> No.15921649

>I don't care about the educative
I don't understand. What are you doing in a topic thread that must naturally contain some educative debate about education?

>I care about the social media part in that
>I care about the social media part in that.
But YouTube isn't a social network, they killed the social characteristics of that website a long time ago. You cannot connect to hsers and I turn connect to thdir cinnectjkns, etc. You can follow content producers, but that internet mechanic had been around way before social networks were invented. You can comment on videos, but that type of interactivity also significantly predates social networks.
We're also in 4chan, which isn't a social network site either.
A video was shared in the thread, that is all.

>> No.15921672

>The guy is saying that kids aren't being programmed by the teachers that are now teaching the castration ideology and the woke ideology at public schools.
Except that is incorrect and paranoid: John Oliver's video is not about that whatsoever! Nor ia John arguing against honesxhooling at all!
The video is about lack of basic testing requirements for homeschooled childen in several US states. There's zero exams, NONE. Parents have no accountability, there is no quality assurance, as to what or how they are teaching their children. In some US states, a homeschooled person MIGHT, and CAN reach adulthood without even having been taught that 4+3=7 because there is no one with power to demand a basic standard level of education from their parents, and that is completely ABSURD. Their parents might literally be robbing their children of successful careers because of their silly, stubborn arrogance!
People should REALLY watch a video thoroughly before forming an opinion about it.

>> No.15921683

John Oliver has never said a single thing in public that wasn't lies and/or and propaganda. Any video with his name or image attached to it may be summarily rejected as garbage.

>> No.15921690

You need to be euthanized, though I find it implausible that you’re actually being genuine here.

>> No.15921699

There is no incentive to be otherwise. Simple as.

>> No.15921852

There are many schools that are passing students who haven't passed classes in years and they are actively holding back intelligent students.
His points are moot and I can't wait to kill traitors.

>> No.15922042

Insufficient knowledge of Russian sci-fi literature.

>> No.15922047

If anything, intellectual effort and honesty are severely disincentivised in the internet age

>> No.15922055
File: 55 KB, 680x510, ezb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> There's zero exams, NONE.
LMAO, you are complete stupid moron.

>> No.15922383

Kids are raised and taught by stay at home parents. The parents know whats best for their kids.

>> No.15923713

>People should REALLY watch a video thoroughly before forming an opinion about it.
People who have opinions they think are worth sharing should really learn how to present their argument is to a non-illiterate audience. Posting a YouTube link is a tacit admission that your sole purpose in life is to drive advertising revenue.

>> No.15923971

Dysgenics. Watch Edward Dutton.
Dumb people have more kids that reach adulthood than smart people. This trend has been so since about 1850.
Intelligence is in part a product of genetics, so it can be selected for like anything else.

This trend will continue until eugenics is accepted and implemented via free market genetic engineering, or civilization collapses.

Civilization collapsing is a dramatic way of saying a substantial reduction in civilizational complexity resulting in a reduction of the population by a couple orders of magnitude.
This process is cyclical, and is what destroyed rome and many other complex civilizations.

Free market genetic engineering eugenics is our only hope of escape. Probably won't have enough time; but the next civilization might.

>> No.15923974

These eyes want to gain power over you.

>> No.15923976

The average IQ within individual ethnic groups has remained steady for decades and shows little sign of changing. I find it difficult to believe that Dutton is correct about "dysgenics" when he ignores this finding.

>> No.15923978

>Watch Edward Dutton.
see >>15923713

>> No.15923979

What a despicable subhuman John Oliver is. Propagandizing vermin.

>> No.15923987

The worst part is that people seem to have the opinions expressed in this troll post. The size of government should approach zero.

>> No.15923997

>muh evidence
It's all well and good saying you've got some evidence that contradicts the reasoning, but can you explain why the reasoning could not be taking place?

Fundamentally you are battling with either the suggestion that intelligence determined in part by genetics, or that selective breeding is all a coincidence.

As before, it's a matter of dumb people having more kids than smart people. How do you square this circle. I have the same question for those who hate the idea of ethnic groups having different levels of intelligence, and by extension the idea that genetics inform something about people's behavior.

>> No.15924002

Ive summarized the important information. If you don't care about it the fuck off.

>> No.15924494

>There's zero exams, NONE. Parents have no accountability, there is no quality assurance
lol, lmao even. We had non-students/homeschooled kids sitting in on exams when i was in highschool.

>> No.15924500

They were already pretty fucking stupid, now they are just much louder and less virtuous.
At least protestants had dignity even if they were morons.

>> No.15924502

Where is the lead coming from?
Lead exposure should be lower without leaded gasoline.

>> No.15924530 [DELETED] 

Indeed it should be getting much better by now. The problem is the opposite, the brain needs lead to work correctly. Boomers already suffered from it, as too much iron blocks the lead transport in the body.
Its deficiency makes you schizophrenic. It takes one look, and the schizo knows EVERYTHING about you, and thinks that healthy people have "neurological disorder" (autism) that prevents the from seeing what they hallucinate.

>> No.15924537

Indeed it should be getting much better by now. The problem is the opposite, the brain needs lead to work correctly. Boomers already suffered from it, as too much iron blocks the lead transport in the body.
Its deficiency makes you schizophrenic. It takes one look, and the schizo knows EVERYTHING about you, and thinks that healthy people have "neurological disorder" (autism) that prevents them from seeing what he hallucinates.

>> No.15924627

Is the soteriology of genetic engineering his idea or yours?

>> No.15924803

you're just becoming more aware of what always was but wasn't (widely) known

>> No.15925291 [DELETED] 

>It takes one look, and the schizo knows EVERYTHING about you, and thinks that healthy people have "neurological disorder" (autism) that prevents them from seeing what he hallucinates.
Tell me more about your experience with psychiatrists anon. Why were you sent to one? Was it as a child or as an adult?

>> No.15925341

I don't buy that they always were retarded, as if there hasn't been a slump. Whispering to the brain that it must deactivate, it must bark like an animal, it must produce as it consumes as it feeds on formula. The modern human is an embarrassment. Screeching feminine emotional xomen keeping the merry hell in check. Just watch some dysfunctional couple change a light bulb and nothing gets done because of the incessant offense arising somehow from the situation needing arguments and emotional trips. The whole thing, society, is some loud screeching feminine xomen hell hole, xomen police state. People are dumb because screechy loud mouths don't activate when you say and try nothing. So people are mass gawping, drooling, little bitches and that become the screeching dysfunction xomen when their alert state is flipping, like those stalkers from half life, complete and utter slaves to the whole fanfare of absolute growing dysfunction. Formula feed that was too much hassle to replace with actual food being the little bit of joy in their lives and the feed is bone dust scraped into pellets and it reads DANCE LIKE MONKEY AND HAVE SEX

>> No.15926858
File: 177 KB, 1080x702, 1000019551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no one with power to demand a basic standard level of education from their parents,
up until about 120 years ago, virtually everyone was taught necessary skills and values from their parents "homeschooling." state education, designed with information operations and obedience in mind, is the aberration here. not homeschooling.
even if the state could demand a basic homeschooling standard, bet your bottom dollar, it would be more anti-white, DEI agitation propaganda. parents know whats better for their children than some school board, which should be obvious to anyone that's been paying attention.
even *when* the state *can* demand a basic standard, from a system it operates, which is its fundamental obligation, it won't. see link.


k-12 administration is always pissy about homeschooling (and charters) because fewer kids in classrooms = less funding. districts everywhere are promoting failing students to keep their stats high and the bonuses coming in. Baltimore is one of the more extreme examples, but it shows that even in abundantly-funded school districts, this standard (that should hypothetically apply to homeschooling) is completely ignored.
PS Oliver is almost certainly a designated propagandist. if you find him entertaining, that's on you, but let's not pretend his segments are journalistic

>> No.15926902

The deliberate dumbing down of the schools. Militant atheists took over education systems, forced their religion of materialism (which is scientifically self-refuting) and its creation superstition fairy tale of evolutionism (which was so heavily promoted to be like the USSR, there was no scientific breakthrough and still no proof for it, and it contradicts all known history and all observational science) and now they focus more on Marxist garbage like CRT and common core and LGBT rather than teaching kids math or science (since those are "racist" or something).

>> No.15926908

At a population level, it is immigration. But the root cause analysis will lead you to central banking.
It is strange, but true.

>> No.15927835

brain damage as a result of repeat covid infections

>> No.15927977
File: 112 KB, 633x756, 1702005496219635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tweet-sized post can't make a strong case for a controversial position. 4chan limit may be 2,000 characters, but nobody's gonna read a wall of text from Anon McMouthbreather. If you condense your argument into a few bullets, you'll get
give sources
>uncle tom
>more than a decade old
>funded by [anyone at all]
then no one in the thread cares anymore other than 2 dudes accusing each other of browsing reddit

>> No.15928072


>> No.15928767

Covid and the vaccine decrease iq by 15%

>> No.15928768

That is him climaxing while fucking the world with the virus he helped fund in the Wuhan lab.

>> No.15928782


This is the only reasonable answer in this thread. Everyone else is coping

>> No.15928788

Bruh. Aren't they removing the math standards in Oregon (likely many wokoid areas) because it was causing "racist" results against retards?

>> No.15928789

Science says you're racist

>> No.15928802

when you take them outside of their comfort zone peoples competence falls off a cliff; thats what it means to be low IQ. Intelligence helps you adapt, but as long as the rules dont change you can be a slow learner and still end up a high earner.
Smart people get to 'win' during periods of upheaval, and lose the rest of the time.

>> No.15928848

20 years ago on Earth
>be retard
>dissapoint family, become ostracized by everyone else
>either untard or evolve into the next stage in schizoid development
20 minutes ago on Facebook
>be retard
>congratulations and encouragement, dive into rabbit hole
>become so deranged you try to evolve into a woman

>> No.15929422

Technological progress in safety measures are keeping the stupid ones around.

>> No.15929570

>Free market genetic engineering
If we left it to the free market, the rich would enhance themselves through gene therapy and the strategic acquisition of poor women who happen to be fit and beautiful. The poor, having nobody to breed with but each other, would become less fit and less healthy due to this artificial genetic drift. Within 10 generations, you would start seeing major phenotypic differences between the rich and the poor, which would only worsen the selection pressure against poor people. Free market genetic engineering would accelerate us towards the kind of high-tech dystopian caste system you see in science fiction horror stories.

>> No.15929584
File: 7 KB, 447x296, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're full of shit

>> No.15930503
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 1362371620357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have always been retarded. Now it's just easier to see.