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1591486 No.1591486 [Reply] [Original]

My vote = the transistor.

>> No.1591490

The Odin heavy siege walker.

>> No.1591491


>> No.1591493

it followed me home, can i keep it?

>> No.1591494


>> No.1591497


It's agroculture.

On another hand it's not really an invention so...

>> No.1591499


>> No.1591505

Religion, it prevented a Darwinian society.

>> No.1591507
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No competition.

>> No.1591511

This, easily:

>> No.1591515


>implying we aren't living in a Darwinian society


>> No.1591524

>Implying that America is more atheistic than religious.

>> No.1591528


>implying atheism has anything to do with natural slection in society

>> No.1591532


>> No.1591534

>implying that those two terms have any a contrasting relationship to each other.

Unless you somehow think religion arose through some sort of non natural means...

>> No.1591537


>> No.1591544

Easy-interface operating system capable computers.

>> No.1591545

I vote for transistor too.

>> No.1591557

The wheel. Or light bulb.

>> No.1591558

Stone tools.

>> No.1591560

The gear is wheel 2.0!

>> No.1591561

Toilet paper. /thread

>> No.1591569

The printing press.

>> No.1591572

Duct Tape.

>> No.1591574

Stone Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Wheel = Transport
Plough = Agriculture
Saddle = horseback, cavalry
Gun Powder = cannons, guns
Sailing Ships = exploration, trade
Steam Engine = industrial revolution
Transistor = information revolution

>> No.1591577

writing by far....

>> No.1591579


>> No.1591581


It asked for one thing, and how do you event an age, faggot.

>> No.1591582

The universe.

>> No.1591591


1. plough
allowed others to specialize in trades. formation of civilization.

2. printing press w/ movable type
spread literacy all around

3. steam engine

>> No.1591594


>> No.1591596

Metal instruments. Learning to melt metal and pour it into moulds.

>> No.1591597


it is what the most awesome things have been and will be derived from

>> No.1591606

Language and Writing.

Which is followed closely behind by the Internet.

Either way, our greatest invention is the storage of information and idea over extensive temporal and spatial scales.

>> No.1591614


>> No.1591620
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The universe... you can think god for that later.

>> No.1591627


>> No.1591629
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Sliced bread

Your all Casuals

>> No.1591632



>> No.1591633


>> No.1591638

The opposable thumb that enables precise manipulation of objects.

>> No.1591642
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science fiction is the best invention ever.

>> No.1591647
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>> No.1591649

self made fire

>> No.1591651


>> No.1591671


>> No.1591679


>> No.1591688

Uhh, it's quite clearly the printing press.
Without it, knowledge would remain isolated, and all these other inventions most likely would not exist.

>> No.1591707

without getting people together and manipulating/motivating them to work through social structure, religion, money, etc - nothing of significance would have been invented.

>> No.1591714


Uhh, it's quite clearly paper. Without it ur fagpress wouldn't print for shit.

>> No.1591766

the wheel


>> No.1591806

the free market

>> No.1591836

That "thing" that ended the Dark Ages.

>> No.1591840

The Blade

>> No.1591842

Gotta go with agriculture here.

>> No.1591846


What is that, guns and cannons? As those were first utilized during the first half of the 1300's which was the century when Europe (and the rest of the world with it soon after) made transition to renaissance.

>> No.1591847


agro culture?

>> No.1591848



>> No.1591855

The Wheatstone Bridge

>> No.1591864

this, you dumb fucks

>> No.1591865

I say porn and there's nothing you faggots can say that will change my opinion.

>> No.1591867

only people who get it

>> No.1591869

way to be close minded, those preists still have control over you, huh?

>> No.1591877

samefaggot, you made me scroll down 3 entire times after realizing it was language 3 times I FUCKING NEED THOSE CALORIES BACK MOTHERFUCKING NIGGER I WILL RAPE U TO DEATH GODDAMIT FUCK YOU FAGGOT

>> No.1591879

Of ALL time??

I'd guess reversing entropy, causing a fals-vacuum tunneling or travel to other universes.

A bit hard to say right now before I can remember only negative time.

>> No.1591906

this is me:

other ones are not me

also, ever heard of the back button? dipshit

>> No.1591919

Controlled Fire and the Wheel.

I don't know about language since it seems that has just developed in us intuitively. But if not then language should be there too.

>> No.1591935

Any of the six simple machines.

>> No.1591940

I would say that the best invetion of the 20th Century is the paper clip. It is so widely used and so heavily used you would not believe. Greatest for electronics - transistor. Agriculture - The plow. Chemistry - The invention of black powder. literacy - The Invention of paper. For the Development of mental ability and the reason we are so reasonable debateably filled with reason. COOKED FUCKING MEAT!!!

>> No.1591946

I'd say, the transistor

>> No.1591949

script. without it, we would still be stone flinging half-monkeys.

>> No.1591965

The wheel. Considering nobody's really designed a better one in xK years.

>> No.1591966


>> No.1591981

the toilet, think about it

>> No.1591983

You just reminded me of dildroid. Best droid app ever.

>> No.1591984

the fuck u talkin about? there's tires now

>> No.1591987


are you retarded?

wheels have been made better in tons of ways, wuch as tires and braking systems which have been constantly improved for over 100 years now. and now multiple companies have teams working on incorporating a motor into the wheel hub, which can be used both to propel the car as well as function as brakes by generating electricity

>> No.1591997

Controlled fire, no doubt.

>> No.1592011
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Why not the TV while you're at it ?!

As a electronician I have to second OP.

>> No.1592020
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>mfw Russia is still burning

>> No.1592023

the integrated circuit - the ability to produce transistors in small enough scale as to allow much faster processing speeds than would otherwise be possible has been of great benefit to pretty much every field of science. It's also become integrated into devices used every day by a large percentage of the population of the planet.

Printing press / radio / steam engine were fantastic inventions for their time, but it's 2010 now!

>> No.1592067

I'd say the fleshlight.

>> No.1592072

The Combustion Engine.

You know it to be true.

>> No.1592078

Not the greatest perhaps, but I'll just throw this out there:

>> No.1593326
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>> No.1593338

I'd say Internet, but it's not a single invention; it's many inventions.

So I'm going to have to go with fire. Imagine having to eat all your meat raw. Nasty.

>> No.1593340

The greatest human invention is videogames

>> No.1593341


>> No.1593344
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I vote for internets, it changed my life, fuck yall

>> No.1593350
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The Electric Guitar!

>> No.1593355


Strapon vibrator

>> No.1593358
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>> No.1593364

I'm gonna have to say tools. It's what distinguished us from animals in those primitive times and it's what everything else was built with.

>> No.1593374


>> No.1593381
File: 45 KB, 535x398, haiku-sense-refrigerator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly the refridgerator. If it wasn't for this invention we would've been to busy producing food to make something worthwhile.

>> No.1593394


>> No.1593418

cooling machine (refrigerator, air conditioner, etc)

>> No.1593459

Helicopters that travel above the speed of sound so no one hears them coming, and they have automatic flamethrowers mounted on the blades. There is also a gun that swords, and a cannon that shoots bombs made of molten gold and depleted uranium.

Either that, or the automatic hammer.

>> No.1593476
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Room-temperature superconductors

>> No.1593480

>has never heard of ice

>> No.1593484

The silent hammer is better. Stealth carpentry FTW!

CAPTCHA: Karadzic's chickens. WTF?!

>> No.1593495

indoor plumbing

>> No.1593501

That’s easy. Antiseptics. Like the whole sanitation thing. Joseph Lister, 1895. Before antiseptics, there was no sanitation, especially in medicine.

>> No.1593502

must agree, it drives us all

>> No.1593518
