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15909418 No.15909418 [Reply] [Original]

>got covid for the first time
>it's a million times worse than the vaccines were (got the last one in November 2022)
>I feel a stinging pain in my chest if I stand up for more than a minute
Am I going to die? I regret not getting the booster.

>> No.15909419

+4 obviously. Also, the brain fog is real.

>> No.15909422

>am I going to die
Are you weak/ill/frail? If no then probably not, I had it 3 times, shit sucks but you'll most likely get over it.

>> No.15909434

>Never got the vaccine
>Rarely wore a mask
>Never got sick
Sucks to suck. Assuming the mRNA shots stimulate your immune system in a similar way to real vaccines, getting it weakened your immune system's effectiveness at naturally fighting it off outside of the window of immunity it supposedly provides. You're probably going to be fine, but you should regret getting the shot in the first place.

>> No.15909443

Since yesterday I am.

>> No.15910547

Help. I've been more asleep than awake the whole day I just woke up again and could go right back to sleep. Is this normal?

>> No.15912098

Get used to it, I got covid 3 years ago, now I have a permanent dull headache and can't get less than 12 hours of sleep. Hopefully the gut theory is right and I can cure it, but fingers crossed.

>> No.15912111

Sorry, Anon, that was mean. Listen, it gets better. I'm used to the headache and there are treatments getting used. I'm just one of the unlucky saps that got long covid. I can't afford to fly out of the US yet to get the new med that works with the gut (not approved in the US lol) but at least there's hope.

>> No.15912126

What medication is that?

>> No.15912154

Have some studies, they are, however, low in population size

Some of the fags at the longhaulers reddit are clapping their thighs about it since it gets into the gut and nukes leftover Covid remnants. I might try it.
Anon, my entire body was wrecked until I did the ivermectin corticosteroid cocktail a year ago.
Now, it's just a headache in my temples that hasn't let up since I got Covid in the first place.

>> No.15912224

Well I've read that the vaccine lowers the risk of long covid and so does getting the proper rest. I'm spending my days alternating between the couch and the bed, so I'm optimistic that I'll recover in time. But your story does sound pretty bad. Are there other long covid treatments in the US? I heard they wanted to open some interdisciplinary centres in Europe. But I have no idea how the health system in the US works. Do you at least get this free health insurance for people who need it? I can't imagine you working full time if you need 12 hours of sleep and are in constant pain.

>> No.15912514
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>And then everyone stood around his bedside and clapped.

>> No.15912551

Just sleep early, force myself up to get to work at 6 AM. I get bombarded with strong headaches in the morning, and then it dulls down by noon, and that's been my routine for 3 years.
Also, vaccine lowers the risk, doesn't make it 0.

The treatments are talking to another doctor that's willing to punch out your card. My doctor thought it was sleep apnea, depression, will, and I got a sleep apnea test, wellbutrin for 6 months, and all it did was make me more high strung. Looked up a long covid cocktail of a corticosteroid, ivermectin, aspirin and something else. This was after my wife suggested I try Aspirin because apparently long Covid is just microclots in the organ tissue and all, and she had a family member who had a stroke and has to take Aspirin every day.
This doctor online prescribed me the cocktail, I went through with it, and lo and behold my long covid physical symptoms lifted, with the exception of the headaches and some of the memory issues.
I did Psylocybin, had a panic attack on them, lost some of the brain fog, and hoping right now that whatever the headaches are, they're not an autoimmune thing, and just something else I can brush away. I hated every step of the way, most of all, the Psylocybin. But at least it's over.

>> No.15912634

I got this. Only for me it was 6 hours a night, then the following nights I would sleep for 14 hours. I had that sleep schedule for about 5 months, took forever to break. Pretty sure I suffered permanent brain damage.

Go outside, get plenty of exercise and vitamin d. Did wonder for me, cut down the duration of long covid from what would have probably been many years to 1.5 years or so.

>> No.15913443

Exercise may be easier said than done if he's out of breath after walking 10 meters.

>> No.15913529
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daily reminder viruses don't exist