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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15906565 No.15906565 [Reply] [Original]

Hot new national IQ scores just dropped.

>> No.15906566
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Source https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/53f23881-en/index.html?itemId=/content/publication/53f23881-en

>> No.15906579

Why is the United States so bad at math?

>> No.15906583 [DELETED] 


>> No.15906587

> Biennial testing through NAEP consistently shows that two thirds of U.S. children are unable to read with proficiency. An astounding 40 percent are essentially non readers.

>> No.15906594

I'd say because of the terrible and underfunded public education system.

>> No.15906619

> Baltimore City Public Schools is among the highest funded large school districts in the country. On average, it receives nearly $16,000 per student, per year. Yet, it’s also one of the lowest-performing.
> 23 Baltimore schools (40%) have zero students proficient in math, state test results reveal
> According to the 2022 NAEP test, only 10 percent of fourth-graders and 15 percent of eighth-graders in Baltimore's public schools are proficient in reading
It's the niggers libCHUD

>> No.15906630

the United States has some of the highest per pupil spending on earth, even accounting for cost of living.

>> No.15906632

Lower reliance on rote memorization. In the long run it's superior since students get better at understanding advanced topics and solving problems that they haven't already seen outside of the context of a test, but for standardized tests it's best for most students to just know how to solve every variation of a problem.
(that's not to say it's the only reason)

>> No.15906638
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split by race america exceeds expectations.

>> No.15906642

Greece scoring the same as US blacks is particularly embarrassing. Makes me think some European countries can't get their students to take this test seriously.

>> No.15906650

>Hot new national IQ scores just dropped.
countries differ vastly in who they "incentivize" to fuck off before taking any kind of relevant testing.
because we try to keep the most people in school and have among the more honest data without fuckery behind it including the shittiest ones.

probably second reason, why we're worse than other first world nations with similar attendance rates, is unlike those nations we've no good public healthcare. add that to lots of people just don't believe in conditions like adhd and i think most schools don't blanket test children or even train people to know the symptoms. so lots more undiagnosed or unmedicated adhd kids in the usa too than places with sane healthcare programs. ever meet someone with adhd? lots of times they can't do math especially without medication. so there ya go

>> No.15906655

> Greece
> European
Greece got mutted out long ago

>> No.15906659

Those aren't IQ scores but yes, academic performance of school children is dropping in the US and we should be concerned but we all know the causes and that nothing will be done about it.

>> No.15906661

By Turks, not niggers. Turkey scores as well as hispanics.

>> No.15906690

>The problem is the US doesn't drug its children enough.
This post brought to you by Pfizer.

>> No.15906694

They are though

>> No.15906700

speakin of dipshits thinking adhd is fake

>> No.15906723

The Greeks have only contempt for people good at STEM.

>> No.15906739

What's the PISA-IQ correlation?

>> No.15906755

Pretty high, PISA is basically a IQ test without being called IQ test

>> No.15906792
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Adhd is just the result of childhood neglect, instead of doing normal activities with their kids and excercising them physically and mentally mfs just give them a tablet to watch endless streams of braindead tiktok slop or never push them to try harder, which leads to the child becoming a fucking retard

>> No.15906797

>Adhd is just the result of childhood neglect
TIL childhood neglect is as heritable as your height. you're an idiot.
>which leads to the child becoming a fucking retard
ADHD IQ is normal except for executive functioning related tests, and there are geniuses with adhd too and perfectly normal childhoods.

what next it's all fake and the truth came to you in a dream?

>> No.15906832

>dood if we widen the criteria enough then everyone has a disease, lets meth up lads!!

>> No.15906847

>dood if we widen the criteria enough then everyone has a disease
which among other things would make the heritability lower by adding more randomness into the trait definition
>lets meth up
street meth spikes in your blood in such insanely high quantities it's actually neurotoxic so no not really

>> No.15906864

Saying adhd is heritable is like saying bad grades are heritable, shitty attention span is a trait not a disease

>> No.15906870 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15906873

>Why is the United States so bad at math?
Mandatory watching:

>> No.15906875

>Saying adhd is heritable is like saying bad grades are heritable
no since you're tested on lots of stuff like reaction time, eye tracking, other stuff with cognitive testing, it depends. point is if it was just wider criteria not something real you'd get a lot more variation on that simply by chance and so far lower heritability on the diagnosis. you're testing empirically for a diagnosis not somebody's school memorization.
>shitty attention span is a trait not a disease
correct in that it isn't a "disease", incorrect in that it isn't just shitty attention span. executive functioning disorder. "attention span" is one deficit but broadly it's the brain unable to do executive functioning normally.

>> No.15906881

The brain of a person with ADHD is structured differently than a normal brain, and it is hereditary. It's not just upbringing, but it sure influences the severity.

>> No.15906882

>It's not just upbringing, but it sure influences the severity.
yeah getting your head slapped around a bunch for "not behaving" is one of those cruel ironies of bad parents always managing to choose the worst possible thing to do

>> No.15906884
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Thanks anon, it's too close to my bedtime to be doing the good work that you are putting in.

>> No.15906886

Please go inform yourself about how wrong you are. I'm serious.

>> No.15906889

Mis-reply, apologies. Fuck this sleepiness, too late. Goonight

>> No.15906890

i just got time to waste sometimes and find the immense stupidity on /sci/ fascinating
is it trolling? are they really this stupid? it's a fun game as i wonder what new diarrhea they'll invent next

>> No.15906891

haha no worries have a good one

>> No.15906893

>Baltimore City Public Schools is among the highest funded large school districts in the country
>large school districts

>> No.15906915

>childhood neglect
Do you realise you are being baited by a generic troll who has been at it for years?

>> No.15906922

Nah, between group heritability is high and therefore the lower mean IQ of blacks is mostly genetic. Sorry big guy

>> No.15906944

yeah? >>15906890 i just don't care. sometimes i poke the trolls too just because
>Nah, between group heritability is high
heritability just tells you proportion of a phenotypic trait attributed to genetic variation. common example to help confused students is variation of height. if height in a population was 70% it's telling you in that particular population 70% of the variation is associated with genetic variation in it. Only in that population. not some magic 8-ball that tells you "genetic potential" or something stupid like that.
if you still don't get it you really shouldn't be throwing terms like "heritability" around.

>> No.15906959

Dysgenics is of course the overarching them, but I think in this case the countless millions of illegal migrants from populations with very low intelligence rushing through while biden is in power might be more impactful than this.

>> No.15906981

Define "normally", you're throwing a very wide net here, most people are right handed so is left handedness the inability to do executive function normally? It's the same shit as autism, it had very well defined borders until retards started peddling the "um ackshully its a spectrum and were all le autistic XD" meme, by your criteria literally everyone has adhd

>> No.15906994

>Belgium, The Netherlands: -20 to 25
Grim. All those migrants really have an effec.t

>> No.15906995

>Define "normally"
diagnostic criteria are provided in brief. unless you wanted psychometric average difference from cog testing but you can google it
>It's the same shit as autism
wow so we understand the boundaries of things better and improve their definitions? science is not a religion? never coulda guessed
>by your criteria literally everyone has adhd
biology making it hard to have clear definite boundaries does not make the condition not real.
doesn't make their suffering any less real either but you care more about being a contrarian than anyone else's life i bet

>> No.15906999

I care enough to not give meth to little kids so that already puts me above 95% of medical workers

>> No.15907026

>I care enough to not give meth to little kids
care so much you lie about it yeah.
care so much you don't care that children diagnosed and medicated properly early tend to have much reduced symptoms as adults or be able to get off it.
care so dang much you don't give enough of a shit to have the first clue what you're talking about.
with "care" like yours who needs hatred?

and since you'll cry "nuh uh" about reduced problems later,
but now you'll just "nuh-uh" and probably go "muh conspiracy" because your narcissism matters more to you than other people's suffering.

>> No.15907045

If they're able to just get off of it why is over 50% of the US population permanently on meds? Almost like it's a forced addiction instead of rehabilitation.

>> No.15907062

>If they're able to just get off of it
try reading the post again ya fuckin spastic
>why is over 50% of the US population permanently on meds?
why the fuck are you talking about medications in general now? throw out your back moving that goalpost?
>Almost like it's a forced addiction instead of rehabilitation.
excepting all those adults voluntarily diagnosed as adults and voluntarily medicated as adults who not surprisingly report life is far better for them. yeah i guess if you twist reality like a contortionist "feeling normal" can be called "addicting" ya twat

>> No.15907071

Class sizes and teacher salaries

>> No.15907078

Yes anon I'm sure life is great when you're permanently addicted to meth and become psychotic when you try to stop

>> No.15907091

>Yes anon I'm sure life is great when you're permanently addicted to meth
cope and seethe next time bring an argument not your tears and bullshit abuse of words

>> No.15907118

Ok medication side effects

What do you think of that?

>> No.15907136

>What do you think of that?
why would i? what about it? talk to your doc. the fuck are you even asking

>> No.15907367
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>underfunded public education system.

>> No.15907372
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ADHD gets you laid!

>> No.15907376

how is "cost per student" defined? Does it include the gargantuan price of having a bunch of worthless "administrators" contributing nothing of value to society? If so it's a pretty worthless figure for the point you're wanting to make. Either way unless and until its constituent parts are defined it's a worthless figure by ambiguity.

>> No.15907379

>effect size +/- 0.04

>> No.15907467

Since these results are almost equivalent to IQ scores, why two old world neigboring countries like Cambodia and Vietnam have such high disparities? I ask this in a racial sense. I know the vietnamese have Han chinese admixture but they are still the SEA kind of brown asian like Cambodians and Thais. How can admixture boost IQ levels so much? If that's the case why American Blacks don't average in the same range as Whites like Viets? Or maybe Vietnamese government just gamed their results

>> No.15907470

> an area that contains several schools that are governed together
It basically means cities, Chuddy
Schools will the most funding in US have some of the worst student proficiency (reading and math) numbers.
Most of these schools are in urban niggerhoods in places like Chicago, Baltimore etc.
No matter how much you libCHUDS cope, it's simply the low IQ niggers, nothing else.

>> No.15907473

Nothing to do with this

>> No.15907475

It's simply High IQ
Vietnam has a competitive culture similar to china, math education similar to Soviet union, they rank 8 on the list of countries with most IMO golds.
Cambodia is poor + still recovering from communist mass murder.

>> No.15907478
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national averages without first and second generation immigrants

>> No.15907480

>No matter how much you libCHUDS cope
weird how "libchuds" are coping but you reply with seething like this from a simple question about a definition.
you sure "libchuds" are the ones needing to cope? If they were you'd quite happily be answering the question

>> No.15907494 [DELETED] 
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>be white
>play victim

>> No.15907496

It's not just math. If you talk to young people now, they know literally nothing. Literally nothing. I couldn't tell you why however.

>> No.15907498

> be 70IQ nigger
> Can't read or do math
> COPE by blaming whites
social media has melted their brains

>> No.15907501

Keep coping, hillbilly.

>> No.15907502

Keep seething 70IQ nigger
you literally can't read

>> No.15907504
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So are we still going with the Narrative that US Blacks are 85 IQ? Because if they're beating Greece, Romania, Chile, Moldova and Mongolia that means they at least have to be 88-90 IQ at this point.

There's no way they're still just "85 IQ".

>> No.15907518

>Does it include the gargantuan price of having a bunch of worthless "administrators" contributing nothing of value to society?
Yes. Try talking to a school teacher sometime, these useless leeches are pulling double what teachers make by doing absolutely nothing

>> No.15907530 [DELETED] 

>I know the vietnamese have Han chinese admixture but they are still the SEA kind of brown asian like Cambodians and Thais
stupid nigger, we don't have Chinese genes and we are paler than east asians.

>> No.15907532

Hes not wrong and you know it.

>> No.15907585


>> No.15907633

>Adhd is just the result of childhood neglect
It's not.

>> No.15907635

But rates for all American races aren't even that good.

>> No.15907642

>Schools will the most funding in US
Because yanks have way way more money than the rest of us.

>No matter how much you libCHUDS cope, it's simply the low IQ niggers, nothing else.
Nah even the schools with no blacks are failing, forcing teachers to operate in shitty conditions/salaries or parents try to bring politics into it and waste precious hours and money dealing with their bitchy complaints and political nonsense.

Ever seen schools where a ton of the PSA rascals are people who either had no kids that attended, their kid left it or use it as poor substitute for feeling important? You see that shit everywhere

>> No.15907643

Those two places handpick the better schools.

>> No.15908086
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Parents protecting their children from you molesting them isn't politics no matter how much you try to convince everyone that your degeneracy towards children is a good thing.

>> No.15908093

She said it was just a joke. There's nothing to be upset about. No teacher is going to actually force their students to be gay. That's not even possible.

>> No.15908116

wake up, babe, new current thing derangement syndrome just dropped

>> No.15908135

Every day is another opportunity to kill all jewish kids in public school.

>> No.15908206

It's weird that the birthplace of modern thought is retarded.

>> No.15908208

Turbo American “our borderline retarded scores are proof of our honesty” cope

>> No.15908341
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>> No.15908346

How can we help them out /sci/? Even joggers in America are smarter. Should we take thier immigrants in instead to uplift them or send blacks into their schools?

>> No.15908356

The "US white" PISA statistic is pretty consistent >>15906638
It's just the niggers
All I said was that large school districts mean cities.
Why are you having a meltdown?

>> No.15908359

Cambodia got raped hard by communism, they are too poor, we can actually help them unlike niggers though.

>> No.15908360

Alright then. Pull the money we're giving Israel and Ukraine, instead give it to Cambodia.

>> No.15908415

>Cambodia got raped hard by communism
Wasn't it Pol Pot that killed off everyone with as much as a smidgeon of education? That suggests negative eugenics works, not that it is desirable.

>> No.15908968

>stupid nigger, we don't have Chinese genes and we are paler than east asians.
Now this is cope.

>> No.15909023

Nonsense. US spends the most amount of money out of any country for both public education and health care.

>> No.15909025

Only China can do it. They'll put in more factories/companies there and local economy/education/standards of living will rise as a result.

>> No.15909047

>be $35 Trillion in debt
>instead of paying off that debt let's just put ourselves more in debt by helping yet another foreign population

No wonder America sucks at math, you can't even balance a checkbook. And you can't blame the blacks for that shit either.

Pay off your God damn obligations.

>> No.15909055

>thinks national debt is like personal debt
how did you get your handlers to let you on the internet?

>> No.15909070

>guys it's okay to be in perpetual debt forever, it's totally not going to fuck up your innate currency value against inflation, international faith as a reserve currency or your ability to properly payout social security to your citizens.

Pay off your GOD DAMN obligations!

>> No.15909123

>doesn't know what the debt is
>Pay off your GOD DAMN obligations!
we do that's why everybody internationally buys our bonds dipshit

>> No.15909286

Slop diets. Toxic shit like microplastics everywhere. Social media fucking attention spans. Elders not educating their young properly.

Need I say more?

>> No.15909293

>Need I say more?
given none of that makes any sense yeah you do and with sources
>inb4 correlation = causation
also wide scale lead contamination was way worse

>> No.15909576

>if i keep saying it the government will get to spend infinite free money, forever

>> No.15909596

>Australia getting stupider
I have noticed this.

>> No.15909602

>Chinese Taipei
Imagine posting CCP propaganda on 4chan