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File: 399 KB, 1000x667, 1698850285509406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15901827 No.15901827 [Reply] [Original]

I've been told time and again on this website that circumcision is a horrible practice that greatly reduces penile sensitivity and sexual satisfaction.
However, the wikipedia article reads,
>There are popular misconceptions that circumcision benefits or adversely impacts the sexual pleasure of the circumcised person.

Upon further reading, most medical organizations with great authority on this subject seem to support this notion.

>> No.15901858

Circumcision was popularized among western gentiles specifically for being able to reduce the pleasure of masturbation, thus reducing the urge to perform it. Anyone who says it has no effect on stimulation is a retard or is lying through their teeth. Doctors are mostly good people. Medical authorities are self serving monsters that only care about maintaining the percieved infalability, and thus monopoly of expertise, of their chosen subordinates. These are people that will one day debate over how much financial compensation is ethically permissible for a medical study before it becomes exploitative, and the next promote vaccination mandates. People who will defend the sterilization of children over behavioral defects. 20 years ago they would perscribe you opiates for muscle pain. 60 years ago they destroyed the frontal lobes of the mentally ill to "cure" them. 200 years ago they would bleed you to death to try to fix an infection. 400 years ago they would feed you mercury. 3000 years ago they would tear holes in your skull to try to fix a headache. And they all got away with it, because, "why would he be lying?"

>> No.15901912

what part of the wikipedia article says you can wait until your 5?

>> No.15901918

Sell it to me as an adult.

>chicks dig it bro, cut off a piece of your dick
>uhhh it’s cleaner

I can wash my penis, thanks.

>> No.15901979

Well, the good thing is you can check older versions. But is it normal for a wiki article to have more than 500 revisions this year alone?

Lets go a few years back in time...
Compare and contrast.
>The United States is the only country that still practices circumcision routinely on a majority of male infants for non-religious reasons.
>When medical benefits are claimed, these are of a preventive rather than therapeutic nature; that is, the procedure is supposed to reduce certain risks later in life, and not supposed to be a cure. The practice is the source of considerable controversy.
>The major medical societies in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand do not support routine infant circumcision.
>In virtually all practices on infants, the child is restrained. In the great majority of cases, there is either no anaesthetic or only a local anaesthetic. All methods have in common the tearing away of the skin, mucosa, and muscle tissues covering the glans penis.

>> No.15902041

How about you apply basic critical thinking and do your own research?
Does cutting off your eyelids make sense?
Does cutting off your scalp make sense?
What's the function and purpose of skin? What happens when skin is gone?
Does cutting off your dick make sense?
Does cutting off half your dick make sense?
Does cutting off 20% of your dick make sense?
Does cutting anything at all make any fucking sense?
Did you know the foreskin begins regenerating as soon as it's been mutilated? American women actually have to keep damaging the area to stop it from growing back.
The human body thinks it's so fucking important that it tries to grow it back immediately.
Think that about.

>> No.15902068

yeah, I can't even imagine how less pleasurable masturbation must be with the lack of the foreskin buffering the movement back and forth, not to mention a shriveled up dick due to the lack of the protective and moistening effect of the foreskin on the glans
the countless people who have been subject to this form of vile genital mutilation truly have my pity

>> No.15902071

the idea that it's inherently cleaner was never true to begin with anyway
I don't shower very often (have found that to be ideal for the skin, and have less bad odor now than when I showered every day), and my penis doesn't become "dirty" or starts to smell bad in any way at all
I mean, we've literally evolved for tens of millions of years for this, imagine thinking that this natural state would somehow be inherently unhealthy
pretty ridiculous

>> No.15902343

>This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male sexuality.

There's studies arguing otherwise. I don't think circumcision is the end of the world, I'm circumcised, but I find it hard to argue that cutting off a piece of tissue that's filled with nerve endings doesn't reduce sensitivity.

>> No.15902370

Why don't we circumcise other areas of our bodies too? I'm sure there are lots of things we could cut off.

>> No.15902431 [DELETED] 

There isn't any. Germanics worship kikes. Always have. Why they do it is still a mystery that requires vivisection to understand. The entire (((west))) has been controlled by germs since they joined forces with kikes to destroy Rome. That is literally all you need to know to explain all the evil of the modern world.

>> No.15902438 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 623x527, 1517612620721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doctors are mostly good people.
Doctors are literally the third leading cause of death in america.

>> No.15902456

who funded those articles? doctors who perform circumcision? jews?
why THE FUCK would you ever cut off a part of your dick
the reason it is so common in america is because of MONEYYYY!!! GREEED!!!!

>wow did you know if are uncircumcised, you have higher risk of STD?? we have many studies proving this!!
>don't worry, your son will be fine

>> No.15902462 [DELETED] 

That's not even the reason. The reason is the slavish obedience of the average amerigoylem to kikes.

>> No.15902471

exactly this

>> No.15902473

yes that is also another reason
from what I know, it seems to be considered disgusting to NOT be circumcised in USA
i have no clue how people are so stupid to be brainwashed into cutting off part of their sons' dicks

>> No.15902486

No they aren't. These are inflammatory reports which include nearly every death at a hospital as a "medical error" regardless of whether the death was actually preventable.

>> No.15902488 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 447x444, 1464489259622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rekt, medical troon.

>> No.15902493

my response to people coping by saying women like it is:
>”you cut off part of your dick to please women.”

>> No.15902527

my response is:
>you are either American or Jewish

>> No.15902568

I'm not a clinician. Clinicians have to sometimes treat black people and I could never bring myself to do that. But I also don't like lying.

>> No.15902582
File: 578 KB, 750x999, C187AE7F-77CC-4B4B-91B1-D48D3B12097D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15902697

>Upon further reading, most medical organizations with great authority on this subject seem to support this notion.

Why are all the organizations that support this notion located in the United States? If the evidence were so convincing, you would think European scientists would also be convinced.

Many medical experts with great authority in the Arab world support female circumcision. Why do you not also defer to these experts?

If you had been born as an Arab, would you have the critical thinking skills to realize that the "experts" in your society were full of shit?

Further, it's hardly true that "most" organizations are pro circumcision. Even in the US, it's extremely controversial, with many experts coming out against it. (Although, to be fair, many experts also coming out in favor.)

I'm circumcised, and I believed the story about hygienic benefits for a long time, but what finally convinced me was asking the question "If you had never heard of this, and you were hearing about it for the first time just now, would you think it was a good idea?"

The answer is "Of course not!" There is just no way that you are going to convince me that cutting a hunk of skin off your penis has no effect on sexual function. It's just too much to believe.

>> No.15902761

the entire point of circumcision is to make masturbation less pleasurable. if your 16-30 male demographic is too busy jerking off then they arent fighting for israel

>> No.15902771

>Doctors are literally the third leading cause of death in america.
Doctors have eradicated all the other causes of death? Based as fuck.

>> No.15902775
File: 432 KB, 1097x1097, national medical authorities opposing circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15902777
File: 320 KB, 1153x645, circumanicure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15902782

What a beautiful cultural tradition. Anyone trying to get people to stop doing this must be a secret racist.

>> No.15902783
File: 117 KB, 640x480, medicaid circumcision rate map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circumcision rates in the US would plummet of Medicaid and health insurance stopped covering it in all states. States where Medicaid stopped covering circumcision have circumcision rates that are only around half that or states where Medicaid still covers it. When you force parents to actually pay for it themselves, a lot of them don't bother. Having to pay a few hundred bucks is a stronger deterrent for American "parents" than not wanting to torture and mutilate their kids.

>> No.15902784

for a second i thought it was real

>> No.15902808

It's not real, but footbinding was real. Clitorectomy is real. Some tribes in Africa randomly knock out kids' front teeth. There isn't really an end to the fucked up shit people will do to their children because "it's just what we do here".

Circumanicure wouldn't really be that extreme.

>> No.15902951

my dad had his cut off
so why shouldn’t I?

>> No.15903666

>Clitorectomy is real
so what? you're not a woman and you have no idea how their bodies work or what it is that brings them sexual pleasure. your autogynephilliac fantasies about a woman being a man with tits and a vagina are all wrong

>> No.15903766 [DELETED] 

They by far have not, but they sure are killing a fuckload of people. I suspect mostly at ERs since just about eveyrone has a story of someone they know being misdiagnosed or being claimed to be "seeking drugs" at the ER and given no or the wrong treatment and either dying or almost dying. ER doctors literally very nearly killed one of my family members.

>> No.15904115

a substantial percentage of babies that are circumcised die as a result of the procedure

>> No.15905253

yeah, something like 1% or so

>> No.15905926

interesting graphic, thanks for posting it

>> No.15906954

>Doctors are mostly good people
doctors become doctors because being a doctor is the more surefire way to become wealthy, doctors are mostly greedy people

>> No.15907458

I really doubt it's that high.

>> No.15907506

It's a religious ritual that has become a cultural norm. All the supposed benefits were very "conveniently found" in an attempt to justify it in the current age, by abusing science and medical authorities. It has about the same benefits as the female equivalent, practiced by other religions, in which they remove the clitoral hood (there are worse forms of it but that's the most common, and most similar to circumcision, removing the protective tissue over the most sensitive part of the genitals), which is to say - none. I'll leave out the social and political reasons because this isn't the board for it, but they are the main reason this practice persists. There is no scientific basis for it, unless you suffer some sort of penis deformity then it can help sometimes, but that's hardly a reason to make it standard practice.

Any studies you see about improving penile health are entirely negated by just washing your dick regularly.

>> No.15907507
File: 536 KB, 987x964, literally selling foreskin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upon further reading, most medical organizations with great authority on this subject seem to support this notion.
Have you never heard of the profit motive before? Everyone trying to sell a product says that their product is the greatest thing ever. Why are doctors pushing circumcision any more trustworthy than any other salesmen?

>> No.15907508
File: 131 KB, 652x384, circumcision revenge on male population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907510
File: 795 KB, 631x926, circumcision killed these boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907512
File: 452 KB, 660x581, circumcision deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely higher than the percent of intact men that need to get circumcised later in life for medical reasons

>> No.15907515

She wasn't hated for being a pro-cutter, she was hated for using her pro-cutter stance to exact revenge on men.

>> No.15907612

>it's cleaner
early hominids didn't wash their dicks for hundreds of thousands of years. Evolution still decided on it

>> No.15907880

isn't it funny how all of the normally loud aggressive soientism atheists all completely shut up when this topic comes up?
circumcision is a religious practice, the atheists should be speaking out against it, but they never do

>> No.15907960

this is either bait or you are projecting your fantasies of dressing up as a woman and getting pounded by tyrone

>> No.15908044

This. They know they can push this quick, simple procedure on uneducated parents, especially if they push for it right after birth when the parents are high on hormones, drugs, shock, whatever.

I am disappointed but not surprised. As a (partially) restoredfag, I can personally say that my penis is more sensitive and pleasurable now that it more closely replicates the mechanics of an intact penis.

>> No.15908498

circed at 25, I wish I could go back every day, every second. No good feeling left. If you don't know you just don't know. Might hero in a few years.

>> No.15908518

If you have enough time to obsess over it, you have enough time to be actively restoring. It will never be what you had, but it will be significantly better than what you have. Shit sucks. You can do something about it, though.

>> No.15908519

>actually trusting Wikipedia on circumcision
pure bred cattle

>> No.15909004 [DELETED] 
File: 913 KB, 1215x6110, larry sanger on wikipedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually trusting Wikipedia on anything

>> No.15909641

Some nigger lives on sand, please understand that not washing in their tradition.

>> No.15909918

how's the weather in jerusalem?

>> No.15910460
File: 1.14 MB, 1306x834, foreskin to stem cell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they harvest foreskin because they can easily turn them into stem cells
Then, they turn the stem cells into neurons and train them to play pong

>> No.15911154
File: 108 KB, 1325x651, jewish trade in dismembered body parts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they harvest foreskin because they…
…get paid $500 for them

>> No.15912500

>hey goys, cut your dick off, science says its good
can you believe ppl are really stupid enough to fall for such a dumb lie?

>> No.15912525

i could not care less about other men's dicks, and I also don't care about the autistically gay arguing about pros or cons. the only meaningful and relevant fact is that """circumcision""" is just a euphemism for genital mutilation, and my descendants will not be genitally mutilated.

>> No.15912549

Bro you need to bathe every day, that's disgusting

>> No.15912873

Reminds me of a lewd Japanese image where a futa girl is making fun of a crying circumcised boy at a urinal for having an inferior penis that can't feel pleasure.

>> No.15912917

>I've been told time and again on this website that the global medical industry is engaging in corrupt practices.
>However, the wikipedia article reads,
>>There are popular misconceptions that medical practices are corrupt. this has been deboonked.
>Upon further reading, most of the corrupt medical organizations with great authority on this subject support are keen to have me believe that there's nothing to see here.

>> No.15912922

>Did you know the foreskin begins regenerating as soon as it's been mutilated? American women actually have to keep damaging the area to stop it from growing back.
>The human body thinks it's so fucking important that it tries to grow it back immediately.
>Think that about.
I agree with 100% of the things said before these words where you lost me.
If foreskins grow back, why don't i have a foreskin? was my mom dilating my cock to keep it from growing? I'm 30. is she still doing it in my sleep?
you really fucking lost me.

>> No.15913313

They really do fall for the lie, if its shilled hard enough and they pay enough scientists to shill their lies then a lot of people will be taken in by the lie.

>> No.15914087

the AI will put my dick back

>> No.15914129

Yeah, that's a bold statement that needs a citation. Mine never grew back, and I really doubt my mom kept mutilating me as a baby. Human bodies are pretty bad at regeneration with a few exceptions, like the liver.

>> No.15914132
File: 55 KB, 1179x1059, 1701751726786963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a symbolic sacrifice. It's basically making sex less pleasurable by an awful, awful lot, and then taking that excess pent up sexual frustration and focusing it on other activities.

I'm an intact man, and most American women are completely floored by how good sex with me is. They literally can't believe I can last longer than 10 minutes. Circumcision is 100% designed to make slaves and the peons less liable to distract themselves with highly pleasurable sex.

>> No.15914160

>They literally can't believe I can last longer than 10 minutes.
Are you suggesting a procedure that desensitizes the penis results in faster ejaculation?

>> No.15914178

I really hate this stupid woman. I wasn't against circumcisions as much until now, knowing that stupid feminist women "doctors" are out there purposefully doing circumcisions (likely cutting much more than they should) and getting away with it. I want to see them hang.

>> No.15914203

>cut off nerve endings
>durrrrrr some shit fags say it doesn't alter perception tho fr fr

>> No.15914208

how do we know our foreskin wasn't used for stem cell research either

>> No.15914209

>retract foreskin
>looks cut now
>cutfags coping and seething

>> No.15914214

Can you do that though? I thought from video you could only pull back so much before it starts tearing at the head.

>> No.15914222


>> No.15914243

I wonder what the issue was with the one uncircumcised guy. Couldn't seem to reveal the entire head as if his foreskin was choking it.

>> No.15914586


>> No.15914698

The better question is, has restoration confirmed to work?

>> No.15914719

every single time

>> No.15914726

Circumscion should be banned purely so chinless retards on the internet stop complaining about it

>> No.15916086

thats what happens when you let women out of the kitchen, its an inevitable consequence of the female mental disease

>> No.15916094

I agree except circumcision should be mandatory.

>> No.15916664
File: 87 KB, 1488x1488, ajjakkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree except circumcision should be mandatory.

>> No.15916671

Orthodox Jews are actually offended that goy get circumcised. It is reserved for Jewish men. For goy to have the procedure is actually an affront to their cultural tradition and an attack on their rights to the pact with God.
Rabbi advocate against the practice for non-Jews because they don't deserve it.

>> No.15916673

Goy are not worthy of the covenant, and to get circumcised blasphemes the practice.

>> No.15917552

Everyone here's fathers and grandfathers are circumcised and it didn't stop them from getting laid and starting a family. Find another excuse for why you're a loser.

>> No.15917975

thats not how it is, the talmud tells them to circumcise their slaves

>Everyone here's fathers and grandfathers are circumcised
no they aren't

>> No.15918180
File: 45 KB, 600x391, 1701716556475357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm, it just looks better. erm, it fucking looks cuter.

pic unrelated

>> No.15918672


>> No.15919669


All the evidence points that way.

It's sexual trauma, and the foreskin serves a major function in sex.

>> No.15920645 [DELETED] 

The part of the penis that regulates ejaculation through stimulus is the ridged band (the "banjo string" on the top part of the back of your penis).
You can actually orgasm very easily by rubbing that tiny spot with a finger for a few minutes, but it won't be super-pleasurable.

>> No.15920647

The part of the penis that regulates ejaculation through stimulus is the frenulum (the "banjo string" on the top part of the back of your penis).
You can actually orgasm very easily by rubbing that tiny spot with a finger for a few minutes, but it won't be super-pleasurable.

>> No.15921964

If you get a low and tight as an adult, it's better medically and aesthetically. The problem is children circumcision.

>> No.15921971

>archaic desert cult practice
>medically viable
the fact that this is supported by medical institutions is reason enough to never take a single thing they say seriously ever again.

>> No.15922969
File: 60 KB, 1042x1183, soyjewk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just cut your dick off, goy, its good for you or something

>> No.15923675

Thats just your emotional reaction, your emotion based opinion is not backed by any data. The data says roughly 1% mortality.

>> No.15923677 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 650x433, 4bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15925116

>60 years ago they destroyed the frontal lobes of the mentally ill to "cure" them.
torturing people who refuse to behave properly is based, we'd all be better off if the trannys and faggots were locked up in mental hospitals being electroshocked and lobotomized

>> No.15925187

Was your mom circumcised? Would you have your daughter circumcised?

>> No.15925276

Trepanning works though

>> No.15925368

I wish there was a white chad that offered this in a proper clinic. Getting it done by some sketchy brown cunt in a South American favela is not happening.

>> No.15925441

I dunno man I had a phymosis.

>> No.15925486

>I don't shower very often (have found that to be ideal for the skin,

I shower every day but just don't use soap.

Friction+water. I don't think stripping your skin of its oil is good. Soap is only if I'm actually covered in dirt or something I cannot easily get off with just water.

>> No.15926796

No you didn't, you're jewish

>> No.15927017

my fellow gentiles... flaying off the flesh of your penis is totally fine because.. it just is okay??

>> No.15927021

triumphalism. where's my fire extinguisher at

>> No.15927070

what estrogen does to a mfucker

>> No.15927906

Right, no surprise the trannys are as insane as they are

>> No.15928915

Circumcision should be banned, genitally mutilating children is a dumb practice. Jews can just move to a different country if they don't like it.

>> No.15929885

I just ate a banana cause I saw the pic in OP

>> No.15930766

i'm eating a banana rn because i saw u talking about it

>> No.15931748

>i have no clue how people are so stupid to be brainwashed into cutting off part of their sons' dicks
Trust the science!!!

>> No.15931769

you have it wrong, circumcision originated in the middle east, among both jews and philistines, and it was done both to make it harder to jack off, thus making men more likely to impregnate women so the holy wars could have more soldiers. Additionally, both sides of this conflict would collect foreskins as trophies from their slain enemies, so removing it from infants blocked the other side from getting the trophies.

>> No.15932407

if they were both doing circumcision then how were they collecting foreskins as trophies from their slain enemies?
you story is about as believable as the global warming scam

>> No.15932967
File: 32 KB, 616x138, 1699493389970260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas are disgusting.
t. someone who used to eat 3 bananas a day

>> No.15933150

it was real in my mind

>> No.15934189

I wonder how people in-favor of circumcision would react if I argued "I want my daughter to have a labiaplasty because I want her vagina to look sexy for the boys."

>> No.15934190
File: 497 KB, 631x685, holohoaxer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, in that case i believe you

>> No.15934192

Awww, I can't be mad at him he had pure intentions :3
His little twinkly lie helped keep society sane.

>> No.15934590

it doesnt have a tip so it looks especially odd

>> No.15934593
File: 86 KB, 1230x633, circumcision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will not go gentle into the night

>> No.15935659

>the nerves don't grow back
do circumcised cripplecocks get phantom pain in their dicks?

>> No.15936565

Thats the only sensation they'll ever get

>> No.15936796

incredibly cucked mindset in general and it's not even true

>> No.15937452

Right, their dick was cut off to please the jews, saying its for women is just a lame rationalization they use to cope with being genitally mutilated cripplecocks

>> No.15938604 [DELETED] 

if you're modifying your dick to please the jews then what does that say about you sexually?

>> No.15938846

Meant it's not even true that it pleases women; most now say they prefer natural. though again, who cares what they say.

>> No.15939308

Look up pictures of circumcised vs. uncircumcised glans. One looks healthy and alive, and the other looks dead and rotting. I'll let you guess which is which.

>> No.15939667


>> No.15939808 [DELETED] 

If you google circumcision and reduction in pleasure, you find half of the scientific studies giving evidence that circumcision reduces pleasure, and another half the scientific studies claiming that circumcision doesn't affect pleasure. Why is there such a controversey in science regarding this topic? My penis was mutilated when I was a child, masturbation and orgasming feel horrible to me, and nothing like the joy that intact men describe feeling during and after sex and masturbation, so why hasn't science reached a consensus regarding circumcision and reduction of pleasure? Could it actually be that there is a Jewish conspiracy to lie to non-Jews about circumcision? How have Jews managed to lie to so many people? It's like as if Jews mamaged to convince scientists that the tongue isn't a taste organ and that people who have had their tongue cut off can taste just as well as peoplr with intact tongues.

>> No.15939812

>>15934593 #
>>15935659 #
>>15936565 #
>>15937452 #
If you google circumcision and reduction in pleasure, you find half of the scientific studies giving evidence that circumcision reduces pleasure, and another half the scientific studies claiming that circumcision doesn't affect pleasure. Why is there such a controversey in science regarding this topic? My penis was mutilated when I was a child, masturbation and orgasming feel horrible to me, and nothing like the joy that intact men describe feeling during and after sex and masturbation, so why hasn't science reached a consensus regarding circumcision and reduction of pleasure? Could it actually be that there is a Jewish conspiracy to lie to non-Jews about circumcision? How have Jews managed to lie to so many people? It's like as if Jews managed to fool scientists into thinking that the tongue isn't a taste organ and that people who have had their tongue cut off can taste just as well as people with intact tongues.

>> No.15940153


>> No.15940415

This is the guy who has been campaigning in-favor of circumcision and keeps getting cited all over the place:

>He has described pro-vaccine medical organisations, such as the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, who are not in favour of routine non-therapeutic circumcision, as like anti-vaccine advocates.


>> No.15940432

He's such a disgusting piece of shit. How have men like Brian Morris been allowed to work in the health sector at all?

>> No.15940574

Direct no.

>> No.15940576

I would rather fuck my hand.

>> No.15941166


>> No.15941198

It's basically proof that it reduces feeling because I never see circumcised guys struggle to put on underwear whereas uncircumcised guys find it really uncomfortable to have their glans exposed and rubbed against their underwear.

>> No.15941264

Phimosis. It's a disorder where you have a tighter band of skin somewhere on your foreskin that prevents full retraction or makes it painful. I used to have that same problem, but it almost completely resolved with regular stretching. Now I can fully retract my foreskin and the only lingering issue is that my dick gets a bit sore when I fuck for like half an hour.

>> No.15941489

is this the guy who was also found to be active in some circumcision-fetish group?

>> No.15941494


The rabbit hole on this guy goes really deep.

>> No.15941685


>> No.15942838

>How have Jews managed to lie to so many people?
jewish media monopoly

>> No.15943606
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>> No.15944924

good pic

>> No.15945100
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>> No.15945639

I have constantly adjust my underwear because the feeling exposed glans on them pisses me off. Makes me more irritable too. You can't convince me that exposing an infant to some of the most extreme forms of torture (the foreskin is fused to the glans at birth) has no lasting physical and psychological impacts on that person. I'm also convinced that it is contributing to divorce due to the unsatisfactory sex life it creates for both men and women. To what magnitude I don't know but I think the results would be surprising. The thought that my parents paid a doctor (see: pedophile) to mutilate the most private part of my body when I was at my most vulnerable drives me to a white hot rage.

>> No.15945645
File: 67 KB, 720x656, mo35rpj0jy461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s, and it was done both to make it harder to jack off,
Wrong. Look up the difference between brit milah and brit periah

>> No.15945647
File: 516 KB, 768x1024, gm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See also picrel

>> No.15946532

>The thought that my parents paid a doctor (see: pedophile) to mutilate the most private part of my body when I was at my most vulnerable drives me to a white hot rage.
don't forget that the doctor made a $500 profit selling the part of you that he cut off. you weren't mutilated, you were harvested

>> No.15946600
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I don't know how these people sleep at night. Then again, if you're taking a knife to a shrieking infant and have no remorse, you were barely human to begin with. I wonder whether my parents were in the room when it happened. In either case it's disgusting. Too cowardly to watch or too brainwashed to intervene

>> No.15946951


>> No.15947289

>I don't know how these people sleep at night
well they're doctors so they have access to all sorts of drugs. doctors have the highest incidence of drug addiction of any demographic group

>> No.15947727
File: 2.05 MB, 1440x2135, 1691933717381510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat after me.
The science. Is. Settled.

The benefits outweigh the risks, 200 to 1.

>> No.15948066
File: 636 KB, 854x916, Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 7.09.00 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how
is a depiction of Christ's circumcision and therefore an indirect justification of the same despite it being brit milah instead of brit periah >>15945645. The medical establishment will get the rope. I'm convinced that after a certain point, it's not just about the money, the doctors also get off on the power trip of strapping an infant down and altering their sexuality forever. Some probably get off sexually too.

>> No.15948068

As in your pic not mine obviously

>> No.15948572

talmud says jews should circumcise their slaves.

>> No.15949607

that includes a monopoly on academic publishing

>> No.15950085

Right, good luck getting anything negative about circumcision published anywhere in the jewish press

>> No.15950173

The Old Testament says so because those slaves will live in Israel. One of the reasons for circumcision in the milah form was to distinguish between the nation of Israel and the gentile nations. Israel was meant to be God's representative nation on earth until the coming of Christ

>> No.15950174

Even then (and it's a big if), men will seek to circumcise their sons because by not doing so they have to admit that they were violated at birth

>> No.15950741
File: 58 KB, 810x874, 1704032734349634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The older you get, the more you'll realize that virtually everything wrong with American society literally actually no joke is because some narcissistic psychopathic Jew or a Christian who worships one and wants to be a good slave is doing some Jewish shit.

It's the Jews. It was always the Jews. It will always be the Jews. Not merely the Jews as they are, but the potential for every individual to be a Jew.

The Jew is a metaphysical entity. Destroying the Jews will merely allow another race to evolve into Jews, and then we'll have to deal with those Jews.

The Jew is an eternal metaphysical entity equivalent to an egregore constructed out of the collective unconscious narcissistic psychopathy of a race. The Jew is beyond good and evil.

>> No.15950749

Had it donea t 25 due to only very slight phimosis, wrecked masturbation and sexuality in general, considering suicide now, its my only oiption, everything else is torture, this no life, why me mom, why m ii liked life so much i was in tune with nature and the universe, all gone, nothing but horror and trauma and stress left, oh god the sounds...

>> No.15951262

>Destroying the Jews will merely allow another race to evolve into Jews, and then we'll have to deal with those Jews.
False, eliminating the jews means that we will be done with them forever

>> No.15951279

>oh god the sounds
People should try watching a video of an infant circumcision. If you still want to mutilate your son after that, you have no soul

>> No.15951455

I'm on the fence about circumcision personally but you citing wikipedia and "most medical organizations with great authority" does not convince me even slightly and makes me skeptical of your intentions

>> No.15952208

>muh scientific studies
scientists are morons and liars, using ">muh scientific studies" as the basis of truth is something only idiotic bootlicker would do, the replication crisis journals are every bit as corrupt and jewish as the rest of the mainstream corporate press is, they have no interest in publishing truths, their goal is to push their agenda

>> No.15952347

I originally wrote it, I'm the one who had it done at 25 yo, thanks for saving, pls remember and spread, I don't have the energy or will left for it. I don't get phantom pain, but when I try to focus oon the part that is gone, that I felt before, what should be but isn't, where there is just nothingness,, then the scar starts to get burning pain at certain spots or everywhere. Luckily no phantom pain (yet). But still no pleasure, the tickling that makes you reflectively clench your pelvic muscles, i.e. anus, penis, like ejaculating, that region where touching and feeling that was possible is now gone. Everything. No pleasure, noi tickling, only compareabe to pain. Suicide after I hopefully win the legal battle and can spend the money on cocaine and H in Mexico.

>> No.15952524

Doesn't restore anything. Just stretches skin.

>> No.15953620


>> No.15953630

they should make all STEM students memorize this video and recite it every monday morning