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15897798 No.15897798 [Reply] [Original]

Why do psychiatric professionals think the frontline of defense to deal with a schizo's psychosis is to literally put the person in an environment that is known to induce psychosis in even normal people, namely solitary confinement, indefinitely while they wait for someone to be released from the psych ward and a space to open up?

>> No.15897801

some idiot gave some half assed explanation to another idiot who thought "that makes perfect sense to me" and here we are

>> No.15897811

Psychiatrists don't want to treat or cure a patient. They rather see themselves as prison wardens.

>> No.15897842

Technically you aren't assigned a psychiatrist until you get admitted. But, I agree, their need to have control over you can be an entirely different problem.

>> No.15897845

because it's to defend others against the patient retard. They can't actually diagnose or cure "mental illness" at the slightest.

>> No.15897849

>because it's to defend others against the patient retard
yeah those poor photons being reflected by the trees need fucking shielding from that psycho

>> No.15897852

>their need to have control over you can be an entirely different problem.
how else will they align you back to the interests of the "society" anon?

>> No.15897858

Why can't they give you a window or some kind of activity though? Why not install a tv behind bullet proof glass that plays nature scenes and classical music in every room? Why not have a social worker whose job it is is to come in and talks to the patients?

>> No.15897859


>> No.15897867 [DELETED] 
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Where to start with the gay poojeet?

>> No.15897921

atheists are so fucking lost in their life they have no idea what to do with schizos, old people and prisoners.
They literally park them in some shitty institutions, pay for their meals and accommodation, and just wait a few years before their preys either die or just get out lmao

>> No.15898015

Exactly as >>15897921 says. Because they are Godless, in a state of total depravity, and as such they do not love their patients, neither with heart, mind, not soul. They knew full well that they were inflicting harm, Anon, and they didn't care, because abusing you was just part of the job, and arbeit macht frei.

>> No.15898057


Why are you gae?

>> No.15898098

Because psychiatry is an enormous scam designed to circumvent basic judiciary procedures (for example habeas corpus and the bill of right in anglo-saxon countries) and jail people arbitrarily.

>> No.15898143

I only take the T from the Calvinist TULIP. The rest seems to be a result of Calvin not being a mathematician.

>> No.15898173

That's the worst one! Literally every former Calvinist started there. Except me albeit, as I believe salvation can be forfeited, at least hypothetically or with enough effort.

>> No.15898179

How do you interpret Ephesians 2 such that it does not endorse total depravity?

>> No.15898187

OPs picture is a stereotypical seclusion room void of all ligature risks for patients that are a danger to themselves or others.

On the other side of the door to that room is the general psych rooms. People get back on their meds, somewhat stabilize, discharge to the streets, stop taking their medications likely due to access or inability to pay with their social security checks (many many anecdotes of people living off of $1200/mo and can’t afford rent + food, many live in homeless shelters and get robbed).

Anyways, the system is jaded. I don’t work psych, but I do work with patients and have to converse with the psych nurses and providers. Majority of the nurses are completely biased, labeling, and give themselves positions of authority. The psych providers are over saturated with patients and don’t have time.

>> No.15898189

Solitary confinement = reduction in external input = less stress factor.

People dont understand this simple fact about autists/schizos under psychosis.

>> No.15898204

>Why do psychiatric professionals think the frontline of defense to deal with a schizo's psychosis is to literally put the person in an environment that is known to induce psychosis in even normal people, namely solitary confinement, indefinitely while they wait for someone to be released from the psych ward and a space to open up?
...So basically, You have no fucking clue what you're actually talking about and are just spouting some absolute bullshit. First off, There's no set procedures for dealing with schizophrenia. Secondly, The only time when someone is sent to a "psych ward" is when they become a threat to either people around them or to themselves. The most COMMON course of action is to give them extensive CBT and DBT along with medication in most cases.

>> No.15898206

You obviously don't understand autists. I guarantee that adding a metronome to such a room (safely, behind plexiglass or whatever as long as it's both visible and audible) will result in autists calming down faster than without.

>> No.15898215

This isn't about metronome. Its about whether putting them in a room full of stuff would be better or worse.

Its worse by default because psychosis triggers can be all sorts of things in the room. Where as limiting the patient to a quiet empty room is where the brain calms down. You're a retard.

>> No.15898221

>The only time when someone is sent to a "psych ward" is when they become a threat to either people around them or to themselves
No, the only time someone is sent to a psych ward is when the admitting staff believe, often per the results of a formalized decision procedure, that the patient is a threat to themselves or others around them. When I was a teenager in foster care, I once had my state social worker drop me off at the emergency room and tell me to lie to the doctors that I was suicidal be abuse they would have to give me a bed then, and she couldn't find a bed for me otherwise. She was PISSED eight hours later when she had to pick me up because I wouldn't lie for her.

>> No.15898229

I don't want this to turn into a huge exegetical brouhaha in a thread that is already barely on-topic. I'm sure Leighton Flowers has a video on it that I forgot about. I mean I've been Orthodox for a year now because of contradictions and flood logistics.

>> No.15898230

>be abuse

>> No.15898233

>The only time when someone is sent to a "psych ward" is when they become a threat to either people around them or to themselves.
yeah but who can decide that

>> No.15898241

>it's about making sure we can reuse the same resources for schizophrenics and autists despite them having vastly different needs because we don't actually care about our patients' wellbeing, only minimizing our liability

>> No.15898246

No, you stop taking the meds because all they know how to do is to completely shut down the brain; they turn you into a complete zombie. A lot of people also stop taking them because of paranoia (they don't completely eliminate intrusive thoughts). In Canada at least, meds are covered by the schizobucks.

>> No.15898256

Their whole profession is dangerous and about gaslighting and control. But you obviously know this
>You can't tell the patients about the fact these drugs shrink their brains... because they might LE GO OFF THEIR MEDS!?!??!

It's actually insane to consider how they justify what they get away with

>> No.15898271

>Shrinks your brain

Hory shit! But I DIDN'T KNOW THIS! I was on a Quetiapine injection for about a year. Am I fucked?

>> No.15898317

You atheists don't understand that people who meditate can be driven psychotic due to telepathy with other people, spirits, or another plane of existence.

Being in a solitary situation like this can cause people to meditate inadvertently and use their third eye.

A demon or some such thing gives the person bad thoughts, they don't know where these thoughts come from and often falsely believe it's their own thoughts, and sometimes act upon them.

>> No.15898319

meds and back to /x/ with you

>> No.15898322

>The most COMMON course of action is to give them extensive CBT and DBT
Cock and Ball Torture?
Dick and Ball Torture?

>> No.15898325

Why don't you taste your own "medicine"?

>> No.15898326


>> No.15898328

Fun fact. In jail and prison you can get any meds you want for free. You cannot have an extra slice of bologna, however.

>> No.15898350

schizophrenia literally shrinks your brain too
pick your poison

>> No.15898358

The acronyms translate as "cognitive behavioral therapy" and "dialectical behavioral therapy," but you aren't wrong.

>> No.15898578

Because the schizos are right and the shrinks are only there to make them harmless and contain them away from normal people

>> No.15898587

I'm not jewish so i'm not at risk of schizophrenia.

>> No.15898601

Psych wards are just prisons for crazy people, they don't give a shit if you get better they just don't want you out being a nuisance to society

>> No.15898887

They're not just for crazy people, see >>15898221. Children can get sent there for being too childish.

>> No.15898933

A) government's in charge
B) not socially acceptable to murder them

>> No.15899028

because psychiatry is bullshit and psychiatrists should be shot

>> No.15899031

Yes and that's a good thing.

>> No.15899094

Based. Exactly what I said after the experience, the only persons I was accompanied by were demons.

>> No.15899390
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Commenting so this gets bookmarked in readchan.

>> No.15899402


>> No.15899403

psychiatrist are the "gandymen of society"
they care about maintaining society more than aintaining a patient.

in truth
its hard to rationalize with a "violently psychitic person"
ysually when people come in with presenting psychosis, the idea is to medicate them back to rationality then work on med management and other coping skills.

doctors, re:psychiatrists do triage and approach treatment in ultilitarian perspective. cut the hand off to save the rest of the limb.
isolate the psychotic individual from gen pop.

>> No.15900436


>> No.15900475

How old are you? If it was a year in your teens, you have good odds of bouncing back. A year in your 30s, you're probably fucked.

>> No.15900480

In truth
It's easy to avoid rationalizing with a person you are financially motivated to avoid rationalizing with by labeling that person psychotic

>> No.15900588

I’m in the frontline of this research. Give me your phone.

>> No.15900609

The idea is to test the world you’ve built around you and mentally how strong it is, if it crumbles in the sight of a little timeout you’re crazy.

>> No.15900617
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Yeah. I was 28. What is going to happen to me or already has?

>> No.15900620

Moron. A week of 0 stimulation is considered torture.

>> No.15900636

torture how? just talk it out until the truth comes out. Do you need help at your hospital?

>> No.15900644

Look at these idiots. If I saw them at the ward, I’d kill them.

>> No.15900744

they did get kanye thrown in there.
you don't have to be sick, you just have to determine the right people to sign to get you in there. that's it.
in other words, they can get you in without you needing it, and there's nothing you can do about it as long as a corrupt person in authority signs it.

>> No.15900780

They want to punish smart peo0le for not teaching them about sex.

>> No.15900799

do you want to get stabbed to death by some psych who took advantage of your empathy and made a shiv out of the hang in there kitty poster you put in there to make them happy, or do you want to get sued into oblivion because they cut their own throat with broken glass from the window you put into the room that they wont even notice the benefits of? because i dont want either of those things to happen

>> No.15900984

>do you want to get stabbed to death by some psych
No, which is why I haven't made a career out of depriving people in emotional distress of their liberty. If you chose otherwise, then I hope one of your victims bites out your trachea.

>> No.15901266

yes yes mental health dx is largely subjective.
have you ever hung out with someone in the depths of violent psychosis?

>> No.15901272

the only people who know how to deal with crazy people are the doctors.
everyone else calls the cops.

>> No.15901278 [DELETED] 

That's because they want the cops to shoot them and get rid of the problem, not keep them in the hospital for a week and let them go to murder someone.

>> No.15901279

their liberty which is to go home and kill themselves or others?

>> No.15901280

That's because they want the cops to shoot them and get rid of the problem, not keep them in the hospital for a week and let them go free to commit more violent crimes.

>> No.15901292

based autocorrect

>> No.15901297

you bout to get some ativan

>> No.15901338

A year isn't that much. How long ago was it? Odds are that you would have noticed effect already - brain zaps, involuntary muscle twitches, an irresistible need to pace.
>have you ever hung out with someone in the depths of violent psychosis?
For years at a time, pretty much anyone who grew up in foster care would tell you the same. It's called a group home, and the violently psychotic people are the ones in charge. Have you ever seen a patient killed by suffocation due to improper restraint technique? I have.
Actually, just listening and not threatening can get you pretty far with people who are having a hard time. But what would I know, I've only had to actually deal with it without being able to fall back on authority.
See >>15898221. You don't have a crystal ball, you have a decision procedure. It's fallible. The only reason I wasn't committed in that circumstance is because my social worker was too lazy to go inside the ER with me and lie to the admitting staff, and foolishly trusted me to lie for her.

>> No.15901339

Institutions want to maintain the process that justifies their existence. Never show any weakness to institutions or "medical professionals". They do not help anyone, they're minions of powerful demons that want control.

>> No.15901567

How did that happen?

>> No.15901610

This is much less certain than the fact that antipsychotics cause brain shrinkage:

>> No.15901640

I had a psychotic break. Walked across 8 lanes of active traffic in my underwear.

>> No.15901657

Plus you really need to have an episode, which doesn't really happen with me now that I've come to terms with my schizophrenia

>> No.15901799

Virtually all such cases are normal people abused by psychopaths who have no idea what the problem could be.

>> No.15901879

And you got a year just for that?

>> No.15901988

Yeah, why?

>> No.15902018

Why not give you pills instead?

>> No.15902030

>psychiatric professionals
These people are predators that profit from harm, in general.

>> No.15902039

I opted for the injection because I constantly forgot to take the pills and would puke my guts out. There was no sense lying about taking them because I was a Christian and thus a virtue ethicist.

>> No.15902084

>You cannot have an extra slice of bologna, however.
being fat is a crime/mental illness and thats based of them
>raving lunatic attacks everything around him
>why would you put him in safe place where he cant hurt himself or others?
its so they can realize theyre trapped in a box and help them come down, it works on anyone that isnt genie

>> No.15902189

A room with a screen behind plexiglass playing nature scenes seems pretty safe to me, bro.

>> No.15902692

Indeed, and the psychiatrists are the psychopaths.

>> No.15902702

to differentiate between a psychotic bipolar type 1 and psychotic schizophrenic
they act different during psychosis when in isolation/with other people
usually the type 1 will stop thrashing around, meanwhile the schizophrenic will stay in his psychotic state

>> No.15902717

bipolar patients suffer from loss of pre-frontal cortex mass EACH and EVERY time they get into a mania/hypomania or depressive state, to the point of entering dementia, literally walking around the street shouting, stark raving mad
do you know why nowdays, just a tiny margin of bipolar patients enter that dementia stage?
the drugs lessen the effect of the episodes, they still suffer cerebral mass loss but at a much lower grade
that's why when a bipolar patient gets hit with an episode and is not medicated, it regresses the treatment by 5 years or so
on the other half, it is quite common for BP patients on lithium to start dialysis in their fifties cause that shit wrecks your kidneys
it's not that simple

>> No.15902718 [DELETED] 

Fart in my mouf

>> No.15902720

i suggest to all anons that are interested in the subject to read the DSM-5
it's a short and easy read
that's basically the holy bible of psychiatry

>> No.15902763

Current edition is DSM 5-TR, my copy is 1050 pages plus 70 pages of front matter. Not even the longest stats text I own, but short it ain't.

>> No.15902767

i mean, it's kinda short when you take into account it talks about diagnosing every psychiatric disorder

>> No.15902788

>every psychiatric disorder
No, it's a list of the psychiatric disorders currently recognized by the APA, i.e., it only lists the de jure disorders. Complex PTSD is probably the most common example of a de facto psychiatric disorder that isn't listed in it, there are others.

>> No.15902789
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The eugenic era didn't end in the 20th century; it's still in play.

Treatment was superior in the late 1700s until the 1850s, 1885. Then, the eugenics and genocide era began, got its full foothold on psyciatry. Treatment then went downhill, not wonder when focus shifted to torture and sterilization and genocide.

Additionally, I would like to add that individuals with schizophrenia are more easily prone to entering psychosis. The more exposure one has to tranquilizers or anti-psychotics, as they are now called, the worse the short, mid, and long-term outcomes become. In fact, anti-psychotics will keep you sicker for a longer duration and render you disabled and unable to work. Anti-psychotics do not exhibit any anti-psychotic properties, besides causing massive brain damage through atrophy, as well as brain disfunction. Anti-psychotics are directly involved with suicide and homicidal urges, alongside torture. APs also changes behviour in ways that makes it impossible to tell if the person is psychotic or having drug induced psychotic symptoms as well. This drug is paradoxial as fuck

Anti-psychotics morph brain structure so severely that one cannot distinguish between a lobotomized patient and someone who has been exposed to anti-psychotics at sufficiently high dosages and for an extended period. With this we now see a drug that exhibits neurotoxic properties. It also damages every organ in the body directly or indirectly through alteration in behavior.

Let's compare some statistics between torture and anti-psychotic treatment versus no torture and no anti-psychotics. See the related image for details.

>> No.15902803
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another fun image related, to this massive study

>> No.15902831
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I have read every iteration its basically a children check list book:

have you eaten breakfast? yes no
have you tied your shoes? yes no
have you remembered your backpack? yes no

Its a holly scripture, that have an almost cult like following. consisting of doctors that couldn't cut it in actual medicine, the retreating into psychiatry, where they are able to grow their delusions of competency.

"The worst doctors become psychiatrist, the worse psychiatrist become researchers"

Whats further more insane, is how they up the dosages and taper of the dosages. I thought for a minute they where all insane luckily at least some actual scientist knows why patient get worse when they taper off. image related.

>> No.15902839
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Another one

>> No.15903045

But of course getting drugged every time too is just a pure coincidence. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that psychs are over-represented in off-label advertising, kickback etc or that psych prescription and diagnosis rates vary widely from country to country an year to year.

>> No.15903460
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You got some brain morphage depending on steady state or through levels in your blood, you can estimate your receptor occupancy, the most dangerous type of ligands are antagonist(blocking), they cause much more morphing of the surface(receptor) and cause cell changes. But the body is able to revert some of the damages, through absorbing receptor and synthesis,etc.

But at a certain threshold the changes are permanent. The longer your exposed to the drug, the more dysfunction and downstream problems you will get leading to atrophy and death of brain cells.. If the dosage was high enough, even High level Ki values(this is how strongly a drug binds to diffrent receptor etc) will cause massive changes to other receptor types like, histoman, serotonin, Alpha etc etc.

You have been given a neurotoxin, to make it as simple as possible to understand
Basically they gave you braindamage, enjoy.

>> No.15903480
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It does not, the study showed what they thought first that schizophrenia or psychosis, caused brain shrinkage, but it was caused by anti-psycotic, on closer rexamination. This have further been seen in many othjer studies as well

I will give you half a point, that strong and massive psychosis that have been at work for an extended time period will exhibit some neurotoxic effect, similar to what would happen if one had used cocaine and or amphetamines for an extended time.

But compared to the brain damage and atrophy anti-psycotic cause, its not even in the same ballpark.

>>15899403 >>15900799
Rationalize with a violent psychotic person, LOL? You know what causes violence, drugs. Anti-psycotic causes even more violence, same with mood-stablizers and anti-depressant. Your assuming through you senses that your able to understand what is happening, but your not. Your assumptions are wrong.
Psychosis is not a predictor of violence I am afraid, its is a strong predictor on becoming a victim of violence.

>> No.15903482

You're just mad people didn't want to put up with your violent outbursts.

>> No.15903488
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I have never been violent in my life, try again =)
Try again shlomo

>> No.15903494


>> No.15903611

That's like most things

>> No.15903808

Anti-psychotics cause loss of brain mass.

>> No.15903809

>that's basically the holy bible of psychiatry

An apt comparison, since psychiatry is a cult and not a science.

>> No.15903814


Note that psychiatrists will not engage with sourced graphs clearly demonstrating they are engaged in harming vulnerable people.

That's because dealing with data and studies is science. Psychiatry operates by indoctrinating naive youths into a sunk cost hell.

>> No.15903851
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Your observation is correct, they will never engage with it. They are adhering to a discipline of magical thinking, amazing how far they have come.

>> No.15904246


>> No.15904249
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If all medication has failed, and the person is still a danger to himself and/or others, isolation is needed. In some cases, prison is needed. Prisons are full of murderous psycopaths, after all.

>> No.15904255

Prisons are full of burglars, illegal immigrants, people who didn't pay parking tickets, had a bag of weed slightly too large or just couldn't afford a lawyer.

>> No.15904260

Yes, but the thread isn't about those people.

>> No.15904317
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But the medication have no anti-psychotic properties neither do they have any therapeutic effect. They actually make psychotic symptom worse. They tried a preemptive measure in kids they deemed a high risk group for developing psychosis, what do you think happened? The group given anti-psychotic , had 51% more kids becoming psychotic, vs the placebo group. Seems more like this drug is pro-psychotic in its purest form now doesn't it?

Don't worry one day your going to the old folks home, and you will experience the brain disabling effect of anti-psycotic yourself. Its true name and function veiled from the public, is Tranquilizer/CNS dampener.

what now slomo?

>> No.15904412

Can you please tell me how that brain damage is reversible? Because it's suffering. I'm just spinning in circles. Meth helps me feel fine, but I've been antipsychotized and electroshocked. I started meth only then, it makes me feel calm, and have no brainfog, otherwise I've got huge breainfog... It stays for a while, and then all clarity goes away in a brainfog as I get more medication.

Can Meth once monthly or so cause neurons to grow? Last time I checked it had some effect on brain derived neurotrophic factor?

What else should I try to reverse cerebral athrophy?

My family put me in clinic because of too much time spend on crypto and computers, not having real job, and not helping at home, when I was teen. I wasn't helping because I was teaching myself coding and maths on my own.

>> No.15904484

anti psychotic will make your brain cells hypersensitive in a way they will work overtime, they will be the same as when you take meth, but they amply the whole cell instead of just neurotransmitter, that amphetamines does.

you just need to stop using drugs, and other stuff, and wait for equilibrium to take place or homistasis. In short, what you want is to just wait the brain and body will try and fix itself as best it can

>> No.15904518

I was actually going to give you a proper answer, but you ruined it.
Learn how to debate

>> No.15904534
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Awww poor you....at least your keeping thread alive.

>> No.15904703

>But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”

>> No.15904715

Most importantly, why do they use antipsychotics which are known to cause psychosis?


>> No.15904716

And you obviously know that how huh? all your measured schizos took meds, you just assume it, evil retard.
You never measure undiagnosed schizo, stupid stats that only sheep will fall for

>> No.15904719

>do you want to get stabbed to death by some psych
blablabla, youre more lucky to get stabbed by arab or another immigrant instead
im yet to hear about some "psycho stabbings" going on, ever in history

>> No.15904724

Trannies were removed from DSM in 2012, just a fun fact. Cutting your dick off? No longer mentally ill

>> No.15904729

>My family put me in clinic because of too much time spend on crypto and computers, not having real job, and not helping at home, when I was teen. I wasn't helping because I was teaching myself coding and maths on my own.
Remember if you get your life together and manage to start a family, sue all these doctors back, the records of what they did are kept.
It's the only thing these pharma frauds fear, responsibility.

>> No.15904732

>antipsychotics which are known to cause psychosis
ironic isn't it, but believable, considering 99% of "experts" were clueless about simple covid flu, i dont expect any better competence anywhere

>> No.15904760

I highly suggest you read that article by the way, if you're even remotely interested. It's enlightening because it made me understand that the countless, promising studies about neuroleptics all focused on relatively short time frames, where the benefits are noted. Only two long term studies were ever made, but despite that, they're also the most important, because this class of drugs is almost never used in the short term. What they found out is that people who were given antipsychotics were way more likely to become hospitalized again compared to those who endured the psychosis. Of course the article covers way more than this, especially the fact that schizophrenia and other mental issues are on the rise since the very first commercial antipsychotic became public. Mind you, I dislike doing simple (if not even childish) pattern recognitions like this, but since the data is all there, I wouldn't see this like a conspiracy theory either.

>> No.15904785

Psychiatry is a contagious mental illness.

>> No.15904787

Amazing, people convinced by possessing a PHD that they understand the topic do things in self-contradictory ways.

Perhaps we will have to begin sterilizing them so these zombies with no self-awareness stop masquerading as human beings.

>> No.15904790

When a person is deemed a danger to themselves and others (this is a formal legal term) incarceration is pretty much the only way to deal with it.

>> No.15905189

People ITT are either schizos in denial or people who have never set foot on a psych hospital/never dealt with a SEVERELY mentally ill person. People with psychosis can be incredibly violent towards themselves or others. They will literally attack medical personnel, people on the streets, etc. until they end up in the psych ward. Not everyone is the same as your 'I have autism and I'm shy I'm depressed and spend time on 4chan' type of mental illness.
>Why is nothing left in the room!
Because they will use that to kill or harm themselves.
Nice misinformation and schizotalk.
>individuals with schizophrenia are more easily prone to entering psychosis.
Psychosis is, in fact, required for diagnosis.
>Muh antipsychotics are bad!!!!
Yeah well it's better to let your brain literally rot with schizophrenia. You know why it used to be called Dementia Praecox back in the days when there were no meds? because you were fucked if you got it, mostly.
There is evidence that schizophrenia tends to even out in the long term. But antipsychotics are the best we have right now to manage the acute phases of the illness.
>meth helps me feel fine
Maybe lay off the drugs, retard.

>> No.15905255

I don't see how that's relevant to your false claim.

>> No.15905257
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>People in this thread are either in denial about their schizophrenia or have never set foot in a psychiatric hospital or dealt with someone severely mentally ill.

I have seen more patients than you have. I have witnessed the horrors that happen inside these wards. I have read more witness testimonies than you have, and I've gone through an almost infinitely larger amount of studies. I've seen the most violent patients become non-violent as soon as the torture stopped. There was a patient locked away in isolation, on 37 different drugs for three years, strapped to a bed. When transferred to medication-free treatment, the first thing they did was to send her on vacation to Africa for 2 weeks with a nurse, and she has since become non-violent. She is now on only two medications at incredibly low dosages, works 50-60%, and is independent. Due to the torture and massive usage of antipsychotics, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers, her heart stopped four times, and she will likely be dead before 40-45.

A patients from another massive study, not put on these medications, became less violent and less agitated. Perhaps you should read up on the behavior changes that occur when exposed to these drugs and the changes that happen when someone is subjected to torture, as well as intoxication anosognosia.

>Dementia paradox
You do understand it only happens to an insignificant minority, right? and in this group APs will probably prove useful. But we are now talking about people chronically in a psychotic-like state for long duration, and then it will have a neurotoxic effect that is true, as I have mentioned before in this thread.

>Psychosis is, in fact, required for diagnosis.
' It's, in fact, not, mate. Maybe check up on that in DSM-4-5 and ICD-10/11, etc.?

You're a victim to false dictoms.

>> No.15905265

I would like to add one thing, when it comes to violence, drug induced psychosis, is fucking scary people become legit fucking insane.

>> No.15905286

I miss spoke on the psychosis part your absolutely right. I was thinking about something else, I retract my statement. I will give a more proper explanation.
people that are predisposed to becoming/developing schizophrenia/psychosis, have lower threshold for entering into it, that the median average person. That is what I wanted to say.

>> No.15905298
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Oh, I get it, you're probably 14 and think you know a lot about things, but you don't.
>I've seen more patients than you have
>37 different drugs
>muh torture
>four heart attacks because of psych drugs
Kek. By the way, the only study that has proven a possible correlation between brain shrinkage and APs was done on clozapine. The rest of them, no evidence.

>> No.15905305

oh you don't think APs modulate and cause morpic change in brain cells, causing dysfunction and altered brain structure?

If they could deliver Aps to the specific receptor location an no other place with nanomachine or something similar it would be great i bet. But this is in general the problem with medicine as a whole, and side effect one experience on any drugs.

>> No.15905307

No evidence? So it is like the rest of psychiatry and psychology.

>> No.15905321

Christians used to do the exact same thing to an even wider section of the mentally ill

>> No.15905471
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Firstly, he lacks substantial knowledge. Secondly, there is a is a substantial body of studies showing that almost all APs lead to brain atrophy, braindamage, and structural/morphic changes, as well as dysfunction. This is strongly correlated with AP type dosage size and exposure time.

However, this individual >>15905298, seems to struggle in locating relevant studies. This creates a illusion of competency. One might even question if he has a background in psychiatry, given his almost sacrilegious belief in APs efficiency"

>> No.15905474

To wash out stimulation. I've been on a psyche ward a couple times and that's what the doctor said. The best thing for a psychotic episode is to wash out the stimulation and be bored out of your mind.

>> No.15905569

There is actually no contradiction. They cause psychosis, but they also "cure" you. You start hallucinating that this person's clothing means this or that, or that you can see in their eyes this or that, and you know that it's bullshit, but they think they cured you.
Schizos misinterpret fear as agression. The patients fear them, and they think that they are violent.

>> No.15906387

Psych staff are little bitches who exaggerate every interaction in a negative light to try and doctor up a diagnosis

>> No.15906443

Oh you would rather put him in a room full of stimuly that will most likely just make it worse:D?
You are fucking genious.
Lets also give them crack cocain.
You know what fuck it give him a gun also.

>> No.15906468

Considering the amount of jews and their goylems in psych wards, would that truly be a bad thing to do.

>> No.15906481

What's strange to me is how neglected regenerative treatment options are. We've known of various vitamin-supplement therapies for at least ten years, psychs don't use them. We now have peptide therapies and even more exotic drugs, psychs don't use them. But even a marginal increase in recovery would probably save large amounts of money and lives as well.

Stupid, inertial, dogmatic, regressive system

>> No.15906487

lol take your meds schizo

>> No.15906496

In a large number of cases they're ineffective at even stopping an episode. It's not even clear that they prevent reoccurance. But they are guaranteed to shrink your brain and cause extra-pyramidal side effects

>> No.15906528

wow, excuse me anon but that was a rather aggressive, and ironically the corrections you assert are wrong.

>> No.15906534

how would anyone know that when no untreated schizophrenics have been studied long term using annual brain scans

>> No.15906568

because such a frontline defense works to defend everyone else from the schizo, duh

>> No.15906577

it should be abolished and fully taken over by neurology, instead of relying on some psychiatrist perception

>> No.15906625
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>> No.15906697

look up the monkey studies they've done. I know Zyprexia it's absolutely proven

>> No.15907741

Somebody please tell me how to fix damage on brain done by AP's. Thank you.

>> No.15907771

Once you’ve seen a patient leap across a couch and plunge a bendy pen into another’s neck unprovoked you begin to question whether you can do anything reliably and safely from patient to patient, all experiencing wildly different delusions and hallucinations. No one is thinking a padded room is kind. Most of the people who go in them are beyond help however, not to mention very taxing to watch over.

Usually you can gauge the level of psychosis roughly by speech, gesture and eyes and the report of the person bringing them in. Only someone who is speaking incoherently of violent things, who did something violent immediately prior, or who refuses to communicate AND is displaying signs of powerful delusions would be put in there off the bat.

>> No.15908080

full story please. every detail

>> No.15908094

Yea, rapport of close relative is usually very biased, and if they want somebody from family to be left in mental hospital, they can lie. Do you assume that person bringing somebody in is automatically trustworthy?

>> No.15908096

So if somebody doesn't want to be hospitalized, he's tied up to bed, left to shithimself in diaper.

Seems like no human rights on this fucking planet.

>> No.15908098


>> No.15908110

>known to induce psychosis in even normal people
Only if by "normal" you mean zoomers and alphas that have been conditioned to be scared by yellow backrooms.

>> No.15908114

>Once you’ve seen a patient leap across a couch and plunge a bendy pen into another’s neck unprovoked you begin to question whether you can do anything reliably and safely from patient to patient, all experiencing wildly different delusions and hallucinations.
Wow, it's almost like congregating multiple people in crisis into a single place for your convenience is a bad thing. Nope, that couldn't be it. Psychiatrists can't be wrong.

>> No.15908119

Study enough math to earn a bachelor's degree in it.

>> No.15908127

Any recommendations on how to test myself? In schools there are exams, how can I myself try myself as an individual?

>> No.15908165

you cant its irreverisble. your brain damaged, like everyone else that are put on them

>> No.15908171

Study for and take a professional math exam, like the actuarial exams. That won't give you a comprehensive education in higher math but if you can pass the first actuarial exam from self-study then you should be good to learn anything you put the work in on.

>> No.15908501


>> No.15908554

Money. No one actually gives a shit and it would be too costly for a normal person to have a personal care team looking after them in their house or whatever.

>> No.15908578
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Nope only

>> No.15909024
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>> No.15909502


>> No.15909514

>many many anecdotes of people living off of $1200/mo and can’t afford rent + food, many live in homeless shelters and get robbed
i get this much but in aud and I'm homeless lol

>> No.15909527
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Why don't I feel more stupider?

>> No.15909535

It's all relative, and the stupider, the less you can accurately compare yourself to others, including your past self.
Are you vaccinated, by the way ?

>> No.15909541

No way lmao. I might be more stupider than I was but I'm not that stupidest.

>> No.15909671

ignore the other posters. Start researching on the reddit noot/supplement community hubs. Many people have asked this question and there are answers. Peptide therapy is the most promising

>> No.15909684

For example. P-21, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin, Cortagen, NSI-189, Dihexa (carcinogenic), GHK-CU, possibly bpc-157, various categorized others. And then there's the supplement stacks such as Lion's mane, high DHA/omega-3 intake, magnesium, Uridine + choline (mr happy stack).

I don't know about reversing physical thinning of the cortex like AP's induce but you can ensure the functional wiring of your brain is good

>> No.15909939

Because the brain damage is not to severe, most likely. People that have been on these drugs 10-20 years suffered massive brain damaged. I assume this hasn't happened to you.

>> No.15909951

>that image
Holy ESL

>> No.15909957

Post 1ccs shitter

>> No.15910325

When you consider the amount of lives that both begin and end in hospitals they should definitely look more human-friendly and appealing, they are all these grungy 1970's industrial institutions that inherently make you feel like a piece of meat in a slaughterhouse. It would cost a negligible part of their budgets to have gardens, better architecture, etc.

>> No.15910443

the psych ward i was in had a garden and was generally "ok". and the second mental health facility im in currently has literally got the nicest room ive ever stayed in

>> No.15911270

So most modern day psychiatrist, or the remnant from the materialistic and eugenic era, believe delusion and psychosis is a break from reality, incoherent ramblings of a madman.

However a small group of psychiatrist have been able to decode the language the schizos use once they enter into psychosis.
The schizos use metamorphoses and coded language,even the voices and the hallucination are directly linked to specific life event and trauma etc. These are seen as delusions and hallucinations for modern day indoctrinated psychiatrist.
This correlation between the delusions and hallucinations and voices, and life history and trauma is so strong, its hard to not look at it in awe.

What you have is an innate defense mechanism, as this thing is not even very genetic, its at most 5-6% genetic rest is epigenetics(outside forces triggering changes(enviroment etc)).

What is happening is a larva entering into a cocoon state, before undergoing a metamorphic transformation. During this metamorphic state the schizos do not exist, they are extremely fragmented. What do you think happen when you forcefully drag someone out of psychosis with APs?

>> No.15911467

If you apply too much blockage of receptors:

Dopaminergetic: People wouldn't remember what hit them.
Serotogenic: Mind will freeze in motion, doing repetitive task over again.

t. > antipsychotic intervention may leave you crippled retard.

>> No.15911488


>> No.15911501

Australia on public health care.

>> No.15911921

That is what it seems like, when comparing:
No APs in treatment
APs in treament

And then looking at recovery rate and functionality.

>> No.15911932

However, I have no means of persuading doctor, that off pills I would be better.

>> No.15911950

if you know what meds you take, I can at least show you the most effective way to taper of them, or at least get the dosage very very low.

Their is no point in discussing with doctors or psychiatrist, they don't know anything about getting of the drugs. nor anything related to withdrawal symptoms. There are specific groups that know how to get of the drugs, and can help you, depending in what country of residency you reside in.

Getting of them alone can be very hard. I have gotten some patient of but its incredibly taxing, for myself as well. Constant 24/7 surveillance. Looking form medication withdrawal psychosis as well as anosognosia(unawareness) of themself becoming psychotic, is hard. As I don't know these patients personalities before they got on the drugs.

So far the two hardest cases was one guy of that was on the drugs for 14 years and another that was on for 20 years. It was fucking exhausting. Takes anything from 12-24 months and that's short estimate. better to be safe than sorry.

>> No.15911951

My feeling (long time acute psych RN and have worked ED psych) is that ED holds are often too long for factors that are well outside the ability of the emergency system to handle. I've seen some harrowing waits for psych beds especially with elderly psych cases. You're right, the ED holding areas aren't suited for long stays and ideally they're in a more appropriate facility as soon as possible. But you know, your case workers in the ED call around, and nobody has beds, and legally/ethically can't just let this psychotic person out on the street or in a normal room, so you keep holding until there's a bed. And if you're curious, most of us in psych feel a lot of guilt over how the system as it's designed works against our psych patients.

>> No.15911958

Its a horrible world is it not?

>> No.15911994

It's a mix of horrible and beautiful. There's something to be said about looking out at an ugly world and showing it love. Just need to focus on what we actually have control over.

>> No.15912192

Exactly, like murdering jews.
If we all kill just one jew, this flat plane will be jew-free by tomorrow.
Space may not be real, and nuclear weapon may not be a thing, but Love will always be as real as global warming isn't.

>> No.15912204

The issue is the psychs, not the scihzo jannies

>> No.15912209

It's hard to understand why all manner of known harmful drug treatments get prescribed but potentially restorative ones never do

Cerebrolysin has been known of for 40 years and has a good safety profile but they're still treating it as an experimental drug that needs further testing.

>> No.15912331

Prove it.

>> No.15912463

>The schizos use metamorphoses and coded language,even the voices and the hallucination are directly linked to specific life event and trauma etc. These are seen as delusions and hallucinations for modern day indoctrinated psychiatrist.
No shit. Bateson had this figured out 70 years ago, but pills made money and legitimized psychiatry again.

>> No.15912753


I haven't read to much about Batson(will do!, thanks for bringing it to my attention)

A relatively large group albeit small compared to psychiatry as a whole worked on this, they had an almost religious or sacrilegious respect for psychosis, and approached it with the utmost caution. If they said anything wrong, the patient would slowly and surely become catatonic, this was was worked on intensively from roughly late 1800s until even today, but lost footing in 1950s etc.

But it came up in new massive research study published in 2021-2022. schizophrenia is basically stress/trauma adaption/response taking place, if sufficient damage to the self image have happened etc. Reason it usually happens in the patient at age 20-30 is that's when the first parts of the personality starts to solidify, if I remember correctly.

>> No.15913227

I just read 10 sites of his theory. So he thinks it is based on the fact that the parents are emotionally cripples that punish the child no matter what? Interesting..

>> No.15913241

>the parents are emotionally cripples that punish the child no matter what
There is such a thing as simplifying too much. For one, it works better with a single mom than with two parents, though it can still happen with two parents if Dad doesn't stand up to Mom's bullshit. Two, it is about conditional withholding of affection (while also prohibiting the child from noticing the withholding of affection), not punishment. Basically, refrigerator mother theory was largely correct, though a gross simplification.

>> No.15913243

>But it came up in new massive research study published in 2021-2022

>> No.15913530

This is one of them, I read it recently, the others I will publish in a book at some time.


>> No.15913537
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Image highly related. It will take many years for me to finish but I am getting there, it will be a good read.

>> No.15913700

Thanks! I'm only a few sections in, but thus far it seems entirely consistent with my understanding.

As far as Bateson goes. http://www.biolinguagem.com/ling_cog_cult/bateson_1972_%20logicalcategories_learningcommunication.pdf explains his overall theory of learning, which is basically just Newtonian mechanics but for data instead of mass. In Bateson's theory, psychosis results from a particular multi-level combination of constraints on learning, which he called a double-bind.

>> No.15913715

Is this supposed to be funny

>> No.15913752 [DELETED] 

NTA. I think the assumption that the brain calms down with no input is dead wrong. The brain clearly has functionionalty to feed itself data, cutting out external stimuli almost certainly causes a feedback loop. It would eventually help the patient self-reflect on themselves, but only after enough time for the feedback loop to mellow out. Probably better to have a period of very nice distractions with safe physical exertion (boxing?), sleep, and then structured self-reflections on a full stomach with nature stimuli.

>> No.15914438

Schizophrenia isn't real. Schizos are TIs that fuck with the government too much. Minorities, feminism, white genocide... anything for a more mind controllable populace.

>> No.15914900

>"mental illness"
these are just words
truth is Psychiatry is mostly just a bunch of made up nonsense.
reality is much more fluid and variable than what they want to force fit everything into their neat little made-up categories and classifications

there's a reason why the old timers back in the day referred to these so-called doctors as "quacks"

>> No.15916348


>> No.15916452

I solved schizophrenia a decade ago. Use gamma knife surgery to cripple their mesolimbic dopamine receptors.
Alas I didn't pursue neuroscience. But there you go, one of you plebs can have that on me. Just using gamma knife surgery on anything other than cancer will make you a leader in your field.

>> No.15916471

bruh, that was an episode of House

>> No.15916477

>truth is Psychiatry is mostly just a bunch of made up nonsense.
Yeah IQ tests are bullshit, I agree.

>> No.15916478

IQ tests are psychology, not psychiatry.

>> No.15916541
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The logical theory of types is too restrictive. From the part I deduce something about the whole. Pic related concludes that rats must be masochists.

>> No.15916576

I was held in an ER once for psychosis. Honestly, I might have been better off if I'd never been brought there in the first place. And I really mean this, not just talking out of anger. It's tough to say though. There is significant psychological damage and physical risk associated with both outcomes. One of the outcomes can be improved though if they'd arrange better facilities and responses. Assault, restraints, solitary confinement. I experienced all of these things, and I was never even violent. Once you're determined to be in psychosis, you are no longer treated in a manner that upholds human rights.

>> No.15916631

Your correct, every patient that ends up in one of these places experiences torture to a varying degrees, as welll as coercion and mock execution of other patients, and forcefully exposure to APs. All of these things are classified as torture, not even bringing up isolation and restratin etc etc etc.

Stay strong fren.

>> No.15916852
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Professional retard here:
Psychiatrists uses drugs because they are legit doctors, right? so exactly why something like Narcissistic personality disorder(NDP) is in DSM-5? What kind of drugs would a psychiatrist use with these kind of people? Isn't NDP more a thing that belongs to psychology?

>> No.15916863

there are a lot of useful things in psych as a study that one can genuinely apply to improve their life but almost all the professionals are charlatans and their meds are practically poison.

>> No.15917250

>insurance - phrase not found
>liability - 1 of 1 match

>> No.15917471

>The logical theory of types is too restrictive
Agreed. Bateson even described the compactification of his typology at some point where he talks about how people who manage to achieve level 3 learning often become outwardly indistinguishable from simple (unknowledgeable) people.
>Pic related concludes that rats must be masochists.
No, he's describing level-1 behavior here. Masochism is level-2 behavior, you have to know that the activity will cause you to suffer and seek that suffering, which requires reflecting upon prior level-1 learning that a given act will cause suffering, and prior level-2 learning that suffering can be enjoyable (cf. Type 1 and Type 2 fun).

>> No.15917505

>false assertion, loaded question, false assertion, loaded question, false assertion, loaded question

>> No.15918419


>> No.15918481
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Says the jew trash killing children.

>> No.15918487

100% true and real. Those parasites have no place in society.

>> No.15918514

Don't do it
One thing is certain, you should not go killing psychiatrists.

I know, there's way more victims than psychiatrists, and so if each of you killed just one, there'd be no more psychiatrists overnight.
That said, you should still not do it, becaust almost all psychiatrists are jews, and so genociding psychiatrists would be deeply antisemitic.

No, don't go killing psychiatrists.
Obviously this is not the answer, merely the most effective solution.
What you want to do, killing psychiatrists, is not something to consider seriously.

>> No.15918541

Of course, not all psychopaths are psychiatrists, even though all psychiatrists are psychopaths.

>> No.15918671
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Yeah I actually want to research this in depth.

I found out through anonymous questioning done on people working in psych ward, that 20% enjoyed putting the patient into a state of powerlessness, and inducing learned helplessness. Same thing that would happen if someone raped a child basically, just to draw a simple analog/parallel

Keep in mind we know 20% was honest about it. Meaning that the number are likely much higher. Now add in the absurd power imbalance between the psychiatrist and patient, and you have the perfect environment for psychopathic traits, flourish unrestrained. Higher authority/power/status = higher psychopathic traits score, at least on average.

>> No.15918703

You're just mad goyim didnt want to put up with your false wisdom, 109 times, kike