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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15895648 No.15895648 [Reply] [Original]

>Cancer treatment causes cancer
why does modern medical science suck so bad?

>> No.15895652

tranny propaganda site

>> No.15895682

>woman writer and probably a lefty as well
these people are anti science and should be dismissed

>> No.15895715

damn cancer just doesnt stop

its weird how many defences it has to just keep killing people

>> No.15895738

Coincidentally, you're the cancer of 4chan that keeps spreading from /pol/ to blue boards.

>> No.15895740

reddit trannies needs to be necked to fix 4chan

>> No.15895760
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All cancer treatments are trash like that. Cancer has better chances to go away naturally if those fuckers don't mess with you to get your money.

>> No.15895822

>medical science suck so bad?
Why cure a disease, if the disease is your source of income?

>> No.15895825

Agree. Go back to r/t_d, you useless faggots

>> No.15895830

Get shot to fix the cancer from getting shot to fix the cancer from getting shot to fix the cancer from getting shot.

>> No.15895849

so basically pharma is gonna get their cock sucked in a suck cock suck fest of fetid cocks

>> No.15895867

Whatever they say, assume the opposite.

>> No.15895894
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>> No.15895916

actually, even some commonly used cancer treatments (chemo) can worsen your probabilities of getting another type of cancer in the future. but that's a price to pay if you want to survive.

>> No.15896880
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>> No.15896894

>why does modern medical science suck so bad?
just look at who is in charge of it

>> No.15896956

>>woman write
All you had to say

>> No.15897158

They might as well give up using biotechnology to stop cancer, nothing shore of microscopic robots in your bloodstream that annihilate the tumors can stop cancer. Cancer is something the consequence of being a multicellular organism, it is the primordial malfunction of our genetic code that we cannot get rid of.

>> No.15897624
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>> No.15898758

>you have cancer, we have to make a fortune treating it
>oooops the treatment caused more cancer, we have to make a fortune treating it
>oooops the treatment caused more cancer, we have to make a fortune treating it
>oooops the treatment caused more cancer, we have to make a fortune treating it
>oooops the treatment caused more cancer, we have to make a fortune treating it

>> No.15898801

>nothing shore of microscopic robots in your bloodstream that annihilate the tumors can stop cancer
But that's basically what immune cells already are.

>> No.15899542 [DELETED] 

>all drugs approved by the FDA cause medical problems which then require further drugs for treatment

>> No.15900244

>Captain Crunch presents "Oops All Cancer"

>> No.15901048

good pic

>> No.15901282

Monotherapies that don't make use of the immune system will do that to a nibba

>> No.15901284

Because of lowered standards and profit seeking. Treatments with 1% chance of prolonging life is considered "good' and a medical "breakthrough".

>> No.15901286

Too bad they're too stupid to recognize cancer cells.

>> No.15901289

They take care of cancerous cells constantly. The problem is that a tiny fraction of them mutate in a way that disturbs the surface proteins that might alter the body.

>> No.15901291

alert the body*

>> No.15901306
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This is literally like that one videogamerino called "one chance"

>> No.15901315

The problem being that a micro-tumor environment can overcome a lot of those immune factors, and mutated cells often lose the properties that would cause them to commit properly timed apoptosis.

>> No.15901342

damn it really be that way for no reason though fr tho

>> No.15901387


>> No.15901886

The #1 cause of cancer in America

>> No.15902758

firstly: they were already prepared for that, newer CAR-T delivery systems are being made, where they first inject the cells in the cancer region, then activate the CAR-T cells through heat, afterwards they get denatured
second: this isn't new, a BUNCH of cancer drugs are known to fuck with your medula, some unlucky patients can develop leukemia after cancer treatment

>> No.15903597

>patients can develop leukemia after cancer treatment
sounds like a real moneymaker

>> No.15903671

nta, but AFAIU, there is, always, a small probability that you can get a second cancer due to chemo. how small or big depends on the chemicals, but that's always better than outright dying of cancer, don't you think?

>> No.15903681

What's the point of treatments that prolong suffering or even intensifying it? Every cancer treatment has nasty side effects that make your life a living hell.

>> No.15903691

>What's the point
surviving, you fucking RETARD. compare the survival rates of hodgkins lymphoma today vs some 40 years ago and tell me shit doesn't work

>Every cancer treatment has nasty side effects that make your life a living hell.
not all treatments. some people barely take pills and do a bit of radio at most, and they can live just fine.

>> No.15903703

makes sense, like cures like

>> No.15903725

>What's the point of treatments that prolong suffering or even intensifying it?
That's your decision to make, you dipshit. The doctor's job is to figure out how to maximize your lifespan. Whether you do it is up to you. Lots of people who are indicated for intensive therapy for cancer choose to forgo it, figuring the extra time bought wouldn't be worth it. Don't blame the scientists and doctors for merely presenting you the option.

>> No.15903727

>That's your decision to make, you dipshit. The doctor's job is to figure out how to maximize your lifespan.

Wrong, doctors have the right to refuse treatment even if you want to live.

>> No.15903737

>compare the survival rates of hodgkins lymphoma today vs some 40 years ago and tell me shit doesn't work

They only talk about 5-year survival rates.

>not all treatments. some people barely take pills and do a bit of radio at most, and they can live just fine.

Most treatments fuck you up.

>> No.15903749

No they don't, intentional failure to stabilize a patient is extremely illegal

>> No.15903753

There are no treatments that improve 5 year survival but decrease longer term survival.

>> No.15903767

I'm not talking about stabilizing a patient's condition. You obviously don't have much experience with the medical system. They're not obligated to admit patients even with a doctor's referral, and they not obligated to prolong your life if they think you're suffering too much.

>> No.15903776

I didn't say otherwise. The person I was arguing with suggested doctors were doing harm simply by suggesting cancer therapies with the best estimated increase in lifespan.

>> No.15903788

If they're suggesting experimental treatments, then they're just using patients as lab rats.

>> No.15903793

They don't, at least not without actually going through the recruitment process of an actual clinical trial, and in such a case, it's normally "we can try this therapy (which we'll pay for) and you might go into remission, or you're dead in a year". Like if I got PDAC, sign me the fuck up, not like I have anything to gain by refusing.

>> No.15903893

Isn't heat shock therapy supposed to be an effective treatment for a lot of cancers, or did I get memed?

>> No.15903898

>One treatment might be bad so that means all of modern medicine is debunked.
I'm getting tied bros.

>> No.15904003

>use viral infection to give someone cancer
>they pay $100,000 shekels for a cure
>wait 10 years
>use viral infection to give the same person cancer again
>they pay $100,000 for a cure
>wait 10 years
repeat this for as long as they’re alive

>> No.15904273

>They only talk about 5-year survival rates.
why do you think they do that? it's because most cancers kill you way faster than that, dumbass

>Wrong, doctors have the right to refuse treatment
have you ever heard of the Hippocratic Oath?

>I'm not talking about stabilizing a patient's condition
you are ignorant and fucking retarded. you really have no idea how cancers affect people. you think you get cancer and somehow start dying immediately or some shit lol. there are many types of cancers, most are painless and some don't even show any symptoms.
are you 15 or something? you shouldn't be here

>> No.15904461

>/pol/ Boogeyman
Fuck off back to plebbit, retard.

>> No.15905261

>the Hippocratic Oath
it doesn't exist, its not legally binding, doctors don't operate by it's principles, its just a dumb myth that you believe in cause you watched too much tv

>> No.15905846

Because all different opinions are psychosis nowadays.

>> No.15906897
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NOOOOO!!!! /pol/ is out to get me!!!

>> No.15907677

they teach kids about those kind of lies as a means of brainwashing them into the "trust to soience" mentality. same is true of the mythical "journalistic ethics"

>> No.15907680

Dismissed... from class. Because they went to college, unlike you.

>> No.15907681

You all need stronger morals

And the first retard who starts complaining about religion when is not the same thing gets a spanking

>> No.15908675 [DELETED] 

because doctors are greedy and don't have consciences, they're trained to be callous and selfish like that in medical school

>> No.15910346

Shit thread btw

They won't admit cancer is a metabolic disease, not a genetic disease. Treat it like former and you'll cure it

>> No.15910755
File: 310 KB, 884x720, Astronomer_Alan_Hale_at_the_Cosmic_Carnival_held_at_Cottonwood_Mall_in_Albuquerque_on_Sept._10th,_2005_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, its funny because its true, the IFLS fags actually do look like that

>> No.15911214

I'm sure we can totally trust the FDA to get to the bottom of this one

>> No.15911223

>you think you get cancer and somehow start dying immediately or some shit
Literally, yes. That is what happens. The moment a malignant tumor has developed, you are on a clock. Usually one significantly shorter than 5 years, without intervention.

>> No.15911225

Lmao, you're obviously the underaged one here. How many doctors and nurses have you talked to?

>> No.15911229

Your personal morals have nothing to do with how medicine is currently being practiced. It's all business. Naive retards think doctors and nurses are holy beings.

>> No.15911235

And it is bad business if the product you are selling does not work or your customers die

>> No.15912053

>why does modern medical science suck so bad?
Because the whole concept is the usual lie and misleading. There is nothing 100% in medicine and there are a bunch of total different diseases behind that marketing meme. But apart from that is it a body reaction e.g. poison.

Read Lothar Hinreise if you are interested beyond the usual garbage on this site.

>> No.15912847

Thanks for causing cancer again science!!! Way to go!! You're such a valuable asset to our community!!
We love it the way you cause cancer and constantly demand massive amounts of free gibes money. Keep up the good work, maybe you can invent some new ways to cause more cancer

>> No.15913296

>maybe you can invent some new ways to cause more cancer
they'll do it if theres money in it for them

>> No.15914291
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They do that

>> No.15914697
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this look like this

>> No.15914713

The cancer literally sucks the mitochondria out of attacking immune cells, that’s why they have such a hard time dealing with tumors.

>> No.15916083
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>> No.15917673
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this is why hospitals tend to be located next door to cemeteries

>> No.15918589

contact wired and make a complaint

>> No.15919847

yo dawg I heard you like cancer so we put cancer in yo cancer

>> No.15921347

egads, an ancient undead meme

>> No.15922285
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>> No.15923503
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>reeeeeee I hate you, how dare you question the validity of muh soience? you should be murdered

>> No.15923519

A lot of cancer pre-screening tests give people cancer too, do enough of those tests and you'll get a new patient ($$$).

Chemo also gives people cancer. And surgery typically changes someone's cancer into rapidly spreading and aggressive, it wasn't rapidly spreading and aggressive before they started cutting you. Chemo/surgery has a 97% failure rate, but they keep using it because it's so lucrative and there's basically no accountability in that industry.

But of course, after the medical industrial complex kills you, they write the death certificate.

>> No.15924987

doctors are always looks for excuses to give out false positives on cancer screening tests because false positives make them money

>> No.15925714
File: 72 KB, 850x400, quote-unless-we-put-medical-freedom-into-the-constitution-the-time-will-come-when-medicine-benjamin-rush-35-58-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like when you take you car in for a repair and they break something else in you car so the you need to come back for a subsequent repair

>> No.15926839

good pic

>> No.15927873

it will 41% itself soon enough

>> No.15928754

Amazing he was able to predict that 200 years in advance

>> No.15929448

/sci/ is absolutely obsessed with /pol/
no doubt its jealousy because /pol/ is so much more popular

>> No.15929472 [DELETED] 

>why does modern medical science suck so bad?
It's full of atheists. Truth is relative and why not lie or doctor tests?

>> No.15930323
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>kill the heretics!!!

>> No.15930335

It doesn't, that's just the white men detracting from our accomplishments

>> No.15930868

>fight cancer with cancer

>> No.15931995
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>> No.15933301

>massive electric shock causes heart stoppage
>use massive electric shock to restart heart

>> No.15933737

>cancer cells literally act like cell from dbz to suck up bits of the t-cells trying to kill them

That's not fucking OK. Are there pathogens who can do this or learn how to do this?

>> No.15934026

that' not a coincidence you fucking retard
it's irony you fucking retard plebbitor

>> No.15934185
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Its been more than half a century since Richard Nixon declared "the war on cancer" and in subsequent decades trillions of dollars has been spent on cancer research and so far is has all gone to waste. No significant or meaningful discoveries have occurred, instead we get scientists and doctors who produce medicine and treatments that only causes more cancer.

>> No.15935161

Soientists love to waste other people's money

>> No.15935785


>> No.15935790
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medicine isn't yet a hard science. many of it right now are still advertisment campaigns for big pharmas.
a significant amount of midwits and outright scammers go to medicine, hence the rate of inefficient treatment are high.
see picrel. when your research are majorly done by 115-120 average IQ that are dilluting the research pool and money, it's hard to make real breakthroughs.

>> No.15936615

>a significant amount of midwits and outright scammers go to medicine
and they collude to keep out the people who are honest because the honest people endeavour to prevent scams

>> No.15936655

Economics equal to chemical engineering lmao

>> No.15936667

the real cancer that needs to be eradicated is humanity

>> No.15937410

Thats nice, when you going to commit suicide?

>> No.15938427

We would be so much better off if the death cultists would just off themselves like they want to.

>> No.15938520


But does the article say how long the average person lives without this treatment? Getting cancer again 6 years later sounds good if you were gonna die in 1 year without the treatment.

>> No.15938526

Except this is really not true. The immunotherapies we currently have have drastically changed the landscape of cancer treatment. Many patients who would live less than a year are now living many years of relatively healthy lives.

What people don’t realize is that cancer is a conglomerate of many, many different diseases because even 1 different gene in the same type of cancer can alter how well they respond to treatment. You can imagine that a disease that mutates wildly and randomly would be very difficult to treat. The future is personalized medicine where you treat an individuals cancer, not a specific “type” of cancer.

>> No.15939851

Fake and gay, cancer is still the 2nd leading cause of death after heart disease.

>> No.15940433

This, their stated concern for humanity is proved to be a lie by their unwillingness to ever do anything material about the problems they complain about.
If everyone that was concerned about overpopulation would kys then the overpopulation issue would disappear overnight

>> No.15941506

>If everyone that was concerned about overpopulation would kys then the overpopulation issue would disappear overnight
because of sufficient population reduction or because the complainers would all be dead?

>> No.15942589

>instead we get scientists and doctors who produce medicine and treatments that only causes more cancer.
which in turn justifies more money for cancer research

>> No.15943529

>Lets give people cancer
>That way we can demand money for cancer research
This is how scientists make their money, not by earning it honestly and delivering useful goods and services, but by running a sophisticated protection racket