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15895187 No.15895187 [Reply] [Original]

He is legit?

>> No.15895190

He's gonna outlive the entire /sci/ board

>> No.15895204

He probably will have some live extension benefits because his lifestyle is very healthy but he tries so much shit all together at once it’s almost impossible to get much useful information from what he’s doing. He’s also shilling a lot of bullshit products. I miss Aubrey.

>> No.15895216

Legit retarded, maybe

>> No.15895246

He might live to 140 in perfect health but with my last breath I'll say he looks weird

>> No.15895251

there's some uncanny valley shit because of the eye wrinkles. looks like some bad earlier ai generated images. how old is he?

>> No.15895274
File: 428 KB, 1380x776, IMG_5069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

46. This is him from just a couple years ago for reference. He undoubtedly looks different.

>> No.15895278

So, the quest for immortality will turn us into lesbian looking people?

>> No.15895280

with that uncanny valley face hes not fucking anything at all, so why bother

>> No.15895300

if he's 46 now and your picrel is few years ago then what's the catch? he looks 35 at least but can see him having 40 in photo.
I unironically though you gonna hit me with "he's 87 bro" or some shit

>> No.15895311

>he looks 35
No he looks like 46, even my 47 year old mom looks younger than him without taking 150 pills every day or doing some retarded diet

>> No.15895320

He’s had cosmetic work done but he also looks different because he’s at a much more lean bodyfat. Unfortunately he doesn’t realize he’s hurting himself with one of his regiments. There’s not much to be done except let it be because even if you could discuss this with him, his team will tell him it’s not dangerous. He will die of a heart attack or suffer a stroke in the next few years if they do not stop it.

>> No.15895323

He’s not trying to look as youthful as possible. He’s trying to live as long as possible. Two very different goals.

>> No.15895328

I respect him for putting his time and effort into his research and making his findings free to the public. I believe the human body will easily be reverse engineered in the future and getting there will be a collective effort.

>> No.15895330

>getting there will be a collective effort.
for billionaires to enjoy without us.

>> No.15895333

>He’s trying to live as long as possible
And he's gonna die at 70 due to the retarded shit he puts his body through instead of living a normal healtly lifestyle

>> No.15895336

idk if billionares want to support an aging population of billions in the future
I did some reading and in the near future all economies will basically stop if because the old person pop will be too high
funny enough other than mass genocide of old people reversing aging will be the only way to save it.

>> No.15895339

"normal healthy lifestyles" only get you about 80 years

>> No.15895346

Maybe by american standards, sure

>> No.15895351
File: 198 KB, 737x1062, IMG_6089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s based

>> No.15895353

which will compound with humans being practically fully replaced by AI bots.
that's a weird place. right now if you don't like what you're being offered you can go on a strike or something. having NOTHING to offer I fail to see how you can ask for better conditions if they're shit.
a lot of serious issue coming on the horizon and zero real talk just typical useless bla bla

>> No.15895356

>Unfortunately he doesn’t realize he’s hurting himself with one of his regiments.
What regiment?

>> No.15895364

not only that most of the brain power of the human race lies within older people if they die we are fucked.
zoomers are basically retarded only 1 out of 10,000 of them will intellectually amount to something.
keeping powerful human minds alive is crucial.

>> No.15895413


>> No.15895475
File: 130 KB, 512x768, Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Casts instant death that bypasses all defenses and immunities

>> No.15895763

>he took the vaxx
That should answer OP's question about this scammer.

>> No.15895772

Is he?
Humans are not allowed to live beyond 127.
If he got vaxxed he is fucked.

>> No.15895774
File: 47 KB, 680x505, list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virus and its boosters already solved that "problem".

>> No.15895800

46 really ? I thought he would have been older, even though he looks about 40ish. I just turned 40 this year and if I have a shave sometimes I get asked for my identification when buying cigarettes and alcohol, last time I was asked was probably a year ago. I think they have to ask if they think you're under 25. I've been told I look a little bit like Tobey Maguire, he's kind of young looking for his age. I've been smoking cigs since I was 14 too, i smoke like 20 a day or more. I'll probably look 100 in a few years hah, it can't last i guess. I've been wanting to quit cigs at 40 but I don't know if I can just yet.

>> No.15895885

problem is every single person with a brain took that shit and if 2 weeks actually happens the only people left will be uneducated peasants without degrees

>> No.15896235

we need more people like him

>> No.15896323

Can you believe that this man who looks like he is in his mid 40s is actually in his mid 40s?

>> No.15896364

>idk if billionares want to support an aging population of billions
I wish the elites would just exterminate us instead of doing some sort of obscene WEF 2030 nonsense. I highly doubt they would ever get rid of us though, as having millions of slaves to preside over likely strokes their ego. In some ways these elites are just as helpless as a drug addict, addicted to power instead. That's probably why Jesus tells us to forgive everyone.

>> No.15896391

>Midwits dying
>bad thing
Just fucking boostmaxx already you goylem cattle filth.

>> No.15896406
File: 72 KB, 1000x750, degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> degrees

>> No.15896433

is he fucking pissing

>> No.15896466

>6 fingers

>> No.15896484

Mogged sammer

>> No.15896497

N = 1 --> useless


>> No.15896498

>pissing to assert dominance
kinda based, but it doesn't make up for sucking his son's blood

>> No.15896544


>> No.15896699

I imagine him in the year 2054, on the day he is to receive his final life extension treatment, the big one that actually reverses the aging process and extends life indefinitely, and as he crosses the street over to the EternaLife center, still with a vigorous pep in his step, he gets splattered by a garbage truck running a red light.

>> No.15897641
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>> No.15897770
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Wii Fit age is.....18!>
I imagine that long ago bro just loved his balance board, but abandoned the pure cause of improving his posture and started on the dark path... He deserves what's coming to him. Mostly a spiraling addiction to plastic surgery.

>> No.15898058

Everybody seems to forget that this guy grew up brainwashed by mormons or something.

This is basically his late teen rebellion by embracing the total opposite of that. Literally "not a phase mom"

>> No.15898067


>> No.15898692


>> No.15899430

top kek

>> No.15900201

maybe i misjudged him

>> No.15901214

All he did was shave, dye his hair, and put on makeup

>> No.15901407
File: 929 KB, 1645x1039, 1691384644327294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He might live to 140 in perfect health
imagine thinking this
the retard is a vegan who fears the sun
he uses make up to cover his ghastly dark eye circles and rotting finger nails
his team of basedentists use quackery to determine his "de-aging"
his life is miserable according to his own words
even if he was going to live to 140 with his lifestyle (he wouldnt, if anything he reduced his length of life) he is gonna kill himself before that would happen

>> No.15901644

my dad said that after you hit 43 you rapidly start aging

>> No.15901646

tranny thread

>> No.15901647

he rubs banana peels on his skin and jerks off in the sun while it dries

>> No.15901701

do you not understand basic english or something? anon used a common sentence structure which doesn't have any of the meaning you obviously think it does you retarded ESLnigger

>> No.15901872

He's defiantly on the right path.
A good indicator is all the hate he gets yet he looks younger than a good 95% of his age equivalent peers. Also look at the average persona and think to yourself "does this fat fuck have any real good advice on fitness or health". The answer is almost always no.

>> No.15901915

i think the tear-duct stimulation is bad for him but maybe that guy is referring to something else

>> No.15902027

no. there are italian grannies that are guzzling olive oil and cooking in the sun smoking cigarettes and drinking cappuccinos right now that will outlive him. EVEN if all this shit was successful at keeping this dumb ass chugging and he didn't have to cover it all up with steroids, plastic surgery, makeup, hair plugs, expensive ointments, etc. his lifestyle has less stimulation and spontaneity than your average ADX Florence inhabitant and will probably make him an hero, burn out and quit, turn into a drooling retard dementia patient, or generally stress him to a death much much earlier than his target. also if he's burning all this money for the next 130 years and spending six hours a day trying to extend his life how is he gonna keep having enough money to do all this shit. it just doesn't add up.

>> No.15902044

Even fruit flies live 30% longer on keto. That means if you did keto you could live to 130ish.

>> No.15902257

>good advice on fitness
the only good advice "on fitness" is to not spend time doing it

>> No.15902368

>Leg press single rep max: 800 lbs
>Top 1% of 18 year olds
>Bench press single rep max: 240 lbs
>Top 10% of 18 yr olds
He understands that fitness is the foundation for everything.

>> No.15903182


Putting aside one's individual reservations about each and every little thing he does, how you feel about veganism or exercise or sunlight exposure etc means nothing. At the end of the day, he's claiming to be a scientifically minded person with a scientific approach but his behavior is anything but. He's adding and removing hundreds of fucking variables a year and doesn't stop to think about how the wildly complex system that is the human body might be connected on a deep enough level for those variables to affect one another. And, more obviously, he's only doing it to himself. N=1 is utterly worthless regardless of how controlled things are.

I'd be far more interested in an application of AI that simulates identical human bodies down to the most bare features and runs hundreds of thousands of simulated changes in diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, medicinal intake etc to crack out exactly how much the intake of a given substance or activity impacts a human being. Imagine the wild stuff you might learn, just throwing millions and millions of seemingly random shit at the wall to find a pattern of what sticks and what doesn't.

>> No.15903187

he cares too much