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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 79 KB, 842x960, anime is for losers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15893574 No.15893574 [Reply] [Original]

>We examined the interplay between subcultural identity, social support, reputation, and different psychological outcomes through structural equation modeling (N = 300). Furthermore, we trained neural networks (NN) by applying a deep learning algorithm to predict psychological outcomes of different subcultures. The results suggest identity related to anime, idol, and hip-hop was positively associated with anxiety, aggression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal tendencies. By contrast, fashion and sports identities associated with no adverse or positive psychological outcomes.

So you don't watch anime because you're a depressed freak, you become a depressed freak from watching anime. This is a smoking gun!

>> No.15893585

>positively associated
doesn't suggest direction of causality, if any
go back to >>>>/x/

>> No.15893825

>our neural network got depressed when we stimulated it with anime
>this would cause the same in humans because... uhh...

>> No.15893841 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 3072x4080, clear is on the pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears anime superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.15895036

Yes, anime is bad for you, its an unhealthy practice and should be outlawed, the science proves this

>t. science denier

>> No.15895418
File: 170 KB, 323x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly tranny

>> No.15895445

all trannies are ugly

>> No.15895459
File: 235 KB, 1200x869, Grape-kun-670017073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15895472

ugly, tranny

>> No.15896785 [DELETED] 

Anime is toxic garbage, this has been well known for a long time. Adults who still watch children's cartoons are suffering from arrested psychological development. "Retarded" and "arrested" are synonymous in this context, this is the clinical context where the now popular term "retarded" originated from

>> No.15896814
File: 59 KB, 507x483, 1701301855241497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if women in 3D are inherently more wholesome. Has anyone considered that we have a society that makes life intentionaly hard for anyone other than chad and stacy? The world is owned and operated by people on the socio/psycopathic spectrum, and the effects of that ownership trickle down.

>> No.15896822

Only the trashy ones. There are some genuinely great anime like Miyazaki.
You are proving his point.

>> No.15897014

*yawn*, irreproducible

>> No.15897031
File: 736 KB, 320x299, 1701117464188711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world SHOULD be owned by sociopaths, they know whats good for you.

>> No.15897134 [DELETED] 

>the world needs to be perfect (by my own selfish definition of perfection) or i refuse to participate
>i deserve to live in heaven
what did you do to earn that?

>> No.15897157

>social science
>using the ai meme

>> No.15897169

>neural networks
>made up mental illness
not math or science

>> No.15897239
File: 1.72 MB, 1024x1024, 1696898189506115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its not selfish for wanting to take advantage of people at every opportunity as long as you get away with it but I am selfish for wanting to not have this done to me.
>subconscious aquiescence means its morally acceptable.
I'm going to fuck your wife and as long as you dont consciously know about i guess thats okay. And if you start to feel unconfortable because ypu start to sence the betrayal it means you deserve to be lied to.

>> No.15897241

Real women hate when I wank to them

>> No.15897251

>The results suggest identity related to anime, idol, and hip-hop was positively associated with anxiety, aggression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal tendencies.
So hip-hop is being described as being as toxic as anime?

>> No.15897261

Its about idolatry as much as anything. In order to raise an idol you sqash your inner divine being. Sad buisness. I have enjoyed anime and still tink that cn be done in a healthy way. fewer good anime or music nowadays than fashion sense and there is an upper limit on how degenerate sports activities can be.

>> No.15897324
File: 50 KB, 612x612, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15897385
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>> No.15897394

This is exactly what a sociopath does, when logic fails you take an angle against their psyche. It's not about reason, its about abject control. Because you are wired to perceive your value in your ability to manipulate others. You project forward your desires same as anyone else, whether you are conscious of it or not. I'd almost say its not your fault, and in a sense that is true, but there are practicalities and the demand for social processing that require the truth of your actions to be forced into the open or we just repeat the same cycles. You inherit a vestigial mental landscape of an extroverted era that no longer exists. The future belongs to those on the autismo schizo spectrum not rhe socio/psychopathic.

>> No.15897398

In short you are to greedy

>> No.15897421

Greedy on behalf of the trillions of unborn that have yet to have their souls jacked into cooperation by something that does not serve them. If your way is true, then humanity never was that interested in its survival. It was only about their immediate comfort. I refuse to believe we are that doomed a creature. We can always start afresh, thats happened so many times in our history already and in many other beautiful ways. To our luck, that fate will also not be determined by this converation.

>> No.15897431
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1700275242979420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you deserve heaven
Because man is a divine being.

>> No.15897437 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 736x1308, b6c47a50d4baef9e5ae2c1bc319dc76c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3-D women are inferior

>> No.15897439
File: 897 KB, 1439x2273, 1701270016833238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sociopaths dont have the right to demand one more ounce of air. They are too expensive for what little order they provide.

>> No.15897441

Caught this gay thread on the frontpage and your take on sociopathy is accurate but far too standard. Cannot be helped unless your insight is coming from a sociopathic mind, otherwise it ultimately boils down to projection based on observation without an experienced empathy. Shit can be mapped out, sure, but the overlapping negative personality traits and how they affect an individual when coalesced in life experiences can be too divergent to completely understand.


>> No.15897455
File: 261 KB, 816x650, 1700925897772378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me not having mapped out their entire experiance makes me more gay than what we allow them to do otherwise.
Happily play whatever fool I need to for us to reduce the overall gay. I'm not nearly as attatched to being perceived as being 100% right at everything to not take a swipe at a gordian knot. It can often inspire others for the next swipe. Glory to the final cut, whomever that may be.

>> No.15897465
File: 3.73 MB, 320x316, 1700405291676455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no suprise to say that middle management absolutely cannot stand the fact I happen to exist in their domain. a faction of upper management actually enjoys the show because they get to do it safely. but I am not going anywhere, i genuinely try to work on them too. also helps im damn good at my job.

>> No.15897788

Anime turns ppl into trannys who then commit suicide

>> No.15898062

so I'm basically supposed to go up to that girl and see if she'll stop me from fapping by having seggs with me, is that right?

>> No.15898451

Indeed, us schizos will cull all of the sociopaths.
We are already winning the great meme war for the common normie.

>> No.15898492

Stop typing like a pretentious faggot and people may take you more seriously.

>> No.15898745
File: 382 KB, 900x1554, image-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting it
You will never know what its like to be a human banana peel.

>> No.15899469

How was that image made? Is it AI or is it photoshop wizadry?

>> No.15899524 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 700x467, neNzbEIHISr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one is made the same way all art of it's ilk originates. smart people come up with a novel new idea and then low iq leftists rip it off because they're too mentally feeble to develop their own content

>> No.15900252

It's clearly AI. There are a lot of pictures like this. If you look at it closely you can see a lot of artifacts, such as a floating soldier with no feet and the generally nonsensical geometry of the buildings.

>> No.15900380

You can’t just rape him like that, you need to wine and dine the lad first.

>> No.15900826

This image is hilarious when you realize that the MC of the show rejected her for his step brother.

>> No.15900842


>> No.15900872
File: 54 KB, 828x708, 1700754302333533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is done to the american people is like taking thrm to mcdonalds drove thru while hes still under the chloroform and they cop a feel while the guy at the window isnt looking. They dont even remotely care, is all about doing what they already descided to do with maximum convenience and no forward thinking beyond that. Mistakes are for plebs, for them its only delays.

>> No.15900911
File: 61 KB, 387x480, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15901496

>Adults who still watch children's cartoons are suffering from arrested psychological development. "Retarded" and "arrested" are synonymous in this context, this is the clinical context where the now popular term "retarded" originated from
This, watching anime is identifying yourself as low IQ

>> No.15901763

but i watch anime and am not depressed.
But i guess how you perceive / identify yourself might effect your mood
You just need to stop perceiving yourself as a "loser" and drinking the social koolaid.

>> No.15901769

>Furthermore, we trained neural networks (NN) by applying a deep learning algorithm to predict psychological outcomes of different subcultures.
How would this work and why would it be accurate

>> No.15902269

you're outing yourself as a massive faggot by recognizing anime crap

>> No.15902339

Strictly speaking all women are imaginary constructs within our minds created from interpretations of stimuli we receive.

>> No.15903394

nice cope, sounds like you are planning on becoming a genetic dead end.

>> No.15904098

>anime causes mental illness
everyone on 4chan knew that 15 years ago

>> No.15905167
File: 259 KB, 1280x960, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes i am an adult that is still fixated on children's entertainment

>> No.15905178

Wouldn't it have been worth while to compare it to regular film/tv?

>> No.15905185

I'm betting there's a massive difference between being a sports fan that just watches sports,and someone that actually does sport as a hobby.

>> No.15905544
File: 94 KB, 599x643, cisagp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime was always hated on 4chan. back in the early days when there was only on board, anime was the first thing to be kicked out of /b/ and shoved into a containment board, with the hope that it would never to be heard from again.
if you think anime isn't toxic, just take a look at what it did to moot, turned him into a total faggot and a complete loser. former owner of a popular website is now out of work and unemployable, he lives with his mom, all because of the harmful, deleterious influence anime had on his life

>> No.15906007

>science proves anime is for faggots
how come all of the faggots on /sci/ suddenly stopped trusting the science? are you going to become anti-vaxxers too?

>> No.15906167

>By contrast, fashion and sports identities associated with no adverse or positive psychological outcomes

Sportschads win again

>> No.15907100

Anime has been a known cause of mental illness going back until at least the 1990s. My father in law is a child psychiatrist and he filled me on the common habits of his patients, he considers anime to be as much of a warning sign as doing illegal drugs

>> No.15907432

all of these observations are correct but only for moeshit girly anime
stuff like votoms and lotgh doesn't do this to a nigga

>> No.15907893

>my toxic, harmful addiction isn't a problem because i'm a special snowflake with superior tastes
you're like one of those alcoholics that presumes they're not addicted because they only drink fancy wine. i know a guy who destroyed an 8 figure fortune drinking 3-4 $500 bottles a day. he'd still be rich if he hadn't fallen into the same trap you have

>> No.15908617 [DELETED] 

Addiction is so powerful because the victim's desire to continue the addiction overrides all rationality. Asking or trying to convince an addict to quit harming themselves and everyone around them with their addiction is like asking them to stop breathing, they just won't comply no matter how reasonably they're asked, it makes no difference how glaringly obvious the evidence of harm is, the addict doesn't care, because they're addicted.

>> No.15909098
File: 154 KB, 614x684, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15910632

>watch anime
>become mentally ill

>> No.15911082

>nooo you have to subscribe to my Onlyfans and give me your money or you are le loser

>> No.15911103

holy newfag

>> No.15912223
File: 340 KB, 1140x855, holy newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15913099

good seasonal reference

>> No.15913331
File: 97 KB, 1080x1170, eac79523fabd482cc1c3600b3d5c2bb6b9f2b1a2aaf5deb1ca06d53113db6a06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15913337 [DELETED] 

My heart is enlightened by your image.

>> No.15913339
File: 170 KB, 400x300, Good-News-Everyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The results suggest identity related to anime, idol, and hip-hop was positively associated with anxiety, aggression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal tendencies

>> No.15914331
File: 1.84 MB, 1408x1920, 1702028721582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15914336

Ok but my self confidence from beibg a nazi and getting 140+ on online iq tests obviously off sets the negative effects of jap cartoons

>> No.15914769

>you have to spend all of your time jacking offf
>noooooo, you cannot spend your time doing anything other than jacking off
>using your time productively is a total waste!!!
>jacking off is the only option!!!

>> No.15914785

Image boards are toxic garbage, this has been well known for a long time. Adults who post on anonymous forums are suffering from arrested psychological development. "Retarded" and "arrested" are synonymous in this context, this is the clinical context where the now popular term "retarded" originated from

>> No.15914794

You are only upset because you fail at having the power to manipulate others due to autism and a single mother. If you somehow got the wealth and prestige of a 1%, you would soon find yourself doing those same things, all people and somewhat intelligent animals have a will to power even subconsciously.
You’re projection stems from a lack of any form of power

>> No.15916095

>i hate 4chan
why are you here?

>> No.15916661
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>> No.15917759
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>> No.15917766
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20231209_20_15_20_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15918664

>identity related to anime positively associated with anxiety, aggression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal tendencies.

Suddenly all the pedo cartoon addicts stopped trusting the science

>> No.15919274

If anime causes mental illness and mental illness is a synonym for brain malfunction which is in turn a synonym for low IQ then that means that anime causes low IQ

>> No.15920169

either a wildly disingenuous comparison or one made by an uninformed pseud

>> No.15920266

>implying i was jacking off to a gook

>> No.15920768

reminder that anime hasn't been an obscure entertainment niche since the 20th century, if you watch anime that means you're a bland boring normie consumer

>> No.15922165

Isn't it funny how the anime addicts suddenly stops trusting the science as soon as the science points out how intellectually debilitating anime is?

>> No.15923057

>anime causes low IQ
devoting hours of your time every day to watching gay pedo cartoons would tend to have that effect

>> No.15923433
File: 84 KB, 640x927, GuFKjhprBHFw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i noticed that too

>> No.15923825
File: 1.61 MB, 255x255, 1702527225821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and suicidal tendencies
the don't call it tranime for no good reason

>> No.15923848

I will jerk off to this picture, thanks

>> No.15925192 [DELETED] 

all time classic, good advice too

>> No.15925734 [DELETED] 

>anime causes anxiety, aggression & depression
seems likely true given what we witness on this board from the anime posters

>> No.15925736
File: 6 KB, 250x187, pepa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.15925741

>By contrast, fashion and sports identities associated with no adverse or positive psychological outcomes.
You can't be mentally ill if you do not have a brain

>> No.15926920 [DELETED] 

>Has anyone considered that we have a society that makes life intentionaly hard for anyone other than chad and stacy?
REEEEEEEEEEing about chad and stacy is essentially admitting that you're a loser who deserves to be culled.
Do you really think chad and stacy get to be chad and stacy effortlessly? They might want to make it look that way, but that only requires more effort on their part. You probably could have been one of them, but you were too lazy and entitled to output the effort to get on their level. Instead you cope with your own self inflicted problems by jacking off to children's cartoons like a total loser, which is what you are.

>> No.15927061

It looks like he's holding that picture with his foot.

>> No.15927909

this, people who lay around jacking off to cartoons all day shouldn't be surprised when everyone else around them is more accomplished and that they feel inferior in comparison to their peers.

>> No.15927923

If that's really what they did then this is garbage.

>> No.15927927

>rap is toxic
yeah it's pretty tautological when you expand the terms.

>> No.15928943

>anime causes low IQ
Anyone who isn't dumb recognized that fact ages ago

>> No.15928952

Based. Asian women are pure sex. You shouldn't be jerking off to them, go out and get the real deal.

>> No.15928957 [DELETED] 
File: 825 KB, 252x253, TIMESAND___PrettyMuch2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I'm not fucking an Antarctican though, am I right?

>> No.15929555

I think the point is that those are not exactly desirable people. Why would you change the society to cater for the most savage, and cull the civilized? Chad and stacy won't have children. They want to orgasm, ot yo cater for some luttle parasites in their house.

>> No.15930145

>great anime like Miyazaki
If you're 6 years old, sure.

>> No.15930157 [DELETED] 

>i am civilized & the people that society values more than me are mere animals
>i know this because…i just do OK?
nice coping mechanism you got there bro

>> No.15930161

what type of freak has this image saved

>> No.15930163

Is what weird? Do you have some data to prove that anime posters ordinarily always trust scientific papers?

>> No.15930189

Illogical. Please provide a proper argument

>> No.15930192

Bro he just said you're unpopular bro there's no coming back from that!

>> No.15930859

people who are chronologically adults and who still watch children's cartoons are suffering from arrested psychological development, they aren't more mentally mature than a 6 year old

>> No.15930934

It kinda proves his savagery.

>> No.15932049

>arrested psychological development
AKA retarded mental development or mental retardation

>> No.15932466

>identity related to anime was positively associated with anxiety, aggression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal tendencies.
watch trannime
commit suicide

>> No.15933796

this except its good that anime faggots cut off their dicks and kys

>> No.15933938

Right, what we really need to study is how to make the processes quicker

>> No.15933955

Seems implausible; I just watched a cartoon and I personally IQmog your entire bloodline. I'll probably play some childrens games next idk

>> No.15934171

Sociology is not a real science. Go back to pol.

>> No.15934347 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 810x1024, 1703067908700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeeee /pol/ is out to get me!!!!
>its a big conspiracy!!!

>> No.15934988 [DELETED] 
File: 610 KB, 630x494, 1703137588612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935670 [DELETED] 

This, anime was over and done with 20 years ago

>> No.15935685


Anime website. Don't like it get out.
Cope. Anime enjoyers have, and always will, run channel.

>> No.15936437

>So you don't watch anime because you're a depressed freak
You do, read your fucking premise, dipshit.
>>We examined the interplay between subcultural identity, social support, reputation, and different psychological outcomes through structural equation modeling
Guess what, fashion and sports are chad shit, and chads tend to have good social networks and mental health. Ergo chad hobbies tend to come with with good social networks and other stuff, that improves mental health. Anime and other incel hobbies don't come with that, because losers don't build health social networks around their hobbies. It's self-reinforcing. If anime was somehow a high prestige, well recognized interest for people to have, animefags wouldn't be depressed. Simple as

>> No.15936440

Fuck, meant to quote OP >>15893574

>> No.15936466 [DELETED] 

you're just trying to make excuses for your harmful addiction, but thats they way addict psychology works. addicts always rationalize the addiction thats harming them, they do that because they're addicts. anime addicts are no different than alcoholics, cigarette smokers or fentanyl junkies

>> No.15937287

>science discovers that anime is for losers
I've known that since I was like 10 year old.

>> No.15938156

>trannime causes depression and suicide
>trannys have the highest suicide rate of any group of people

>> No.15938851
File: 341 KB, 553x890, trannime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15940026

>This is a smoking gun!
And yet anime addicts will ignore it regardless. Thats the nature of addiction, the addict will almost always choose their addiction over evidence of the harm their addiction is causing them. Many, many people die this way. Only opiate junkies are ever characterized as having died from their drug, when addiction kills alcoholics they call it something else such as "liver disease" so that alcohol doesn't take them blame

>> No.15940045

I will never stop jerking off. Cry about it.

>> No.15940049

true, all animefags I’ve know eventually trooned out or killed themselves

>> No.15940205
File: 427 KB, 940x935, 1687458690080000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not surprised by these findings. Anime today isn't like how it was in the '90's with shit like OVAs, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Rurouni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo, Jin-Roh and so on. The aesthetic and stories were more mature and masculine compared to the soft and bright aesthetic modern anime portrays, as well as the tropes that have become standardized. It is definitely more feminized and faggitized.

Hip-hop is also a huge negative psychological factor, unlike Metal which has been proven to be a beneficial factor in mental health and classical, promotion of virility, masculinity, active-action, hip-hop's themes and aesthetic fools the uninitiated making them think it's manly. What it is deep down is rooted in female neuroticism, highly praises mindless consumerism to the point of absurdity and crassness, crab mentality, "diss" culture, highly emotional and reactive. It isn't about blazing through a path.

>> No.15941106

>Hip-hop is also a huge negative psychological factor
thats why its popular with the lowest IQ segment of society

>> No.15941596

good pic, but there usually more obese than that

>> No.15942507

>thats why its popular with the lowest IQ segment of society
same as anime

>> No.15943372

thats good tho

>> No.15944065 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 920x1110, hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is definitely more feminized and faggitized.
and how and why did that trend occur? who made it happen?

>> No.15944412 [DELETED] 

>anime is for retards
according to the article in OP, anime is what causes retardation

>> No.15945377

The articles says it causes mental illness, but mental illness is just another way of saying "poorly functioning or malfunctioning brain" so it pretty much says anime causes retardation. But thing about that is that retards are too dumb to figure it out when something is making them retarded, so they're just as likely to keep up the retardation inducing activity as they are to quit. So most anime addicts best hope is that they eventually become too dumb to figure out how to download their toxic media cause thats the only way they'll ever quit

>> No.15945517
File: 191 KB, 970x984, 065e39e8380ad99032b69a6d9588e861e09fe574636b8fb54efb4abe47dc59e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15945601

Do you think a neural network is like a digital brain capable of thinking and not just a fancy type of data analysis?
Are you seriously that fucking stupid?
Please leave /sci/

>> No.15945680


>> No.15946568 [DELETED] 

>sports identities associated with no adverse or positive psychological outcomes.
Chads win again

>> No.15947176 [DELETED] 

I wonder what /sp/ would think about this news

>> No.15947214 [DELETED] 

>Yinghao Liu, Yingxu Liu, and Jiahao Wenc

>> No.15947252 [DELETED] 

I decided to tell them about it >>>/sp/137839255

>> No.15947284
File: 16 KB, 321x779, acg troons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who want to escape reality are more likeley to off themselves

Wow, thanks science.

BTW they grouped anime, comics and vidya.

>> No.15948011

excellent post, spot on on both anime and rap

>> No.15948470 [DELETED] 


>> No.15948907 [DELETED] 

>people who want to escape reality are more likeley to off themselves
people who want to escape reality are also unaware that they are more likeley to off themselves because they are out of touch with reality

>> No.15949753 [DELETED] 
File: 3.23 MB, 296x521, 1704030610554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats good doe
We'd all be better off if the people who want to devote their lives to jacking off to children's cartoon would kys

>> No.15950287 [DELETED] 

absolutely epic

>> No.15951169 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 384x256, 1700027710586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soicuck trannys on suicide watch

>> No.15951189

This is ugly?

>> No.15951331

That is a very well trimmed beard though.

>> No.15952036 [DELETED] 

They started growing beards as after the "pedo 'stache" meme became common knowledge.

>> No.15953161 [DELETED] 

Does anime cause mental illness or are mentally ill people attracted to anime?

>> No.15953229

>you become a depressed freak from watching anime.
Damn Grave of the Fireflies...

>> No.15953253

>associated with no adverse or positive psychological outcomes
Lol. Lmao. These academics should check out /cgl/ some time. The aesthetics of the Barbie movie and the civility of a knife fight.

>> No.15953565

gonna be honest, never met a guy who's obsessed with anime and is normal

>> No.15953566

post it on /a/ and reddit

>> No.15954304 [DELETED] 

anime website

>> No.15955271

considering the fame of this website and the type of posts i have seen this only proves the study even further, amazing

>> No.15955413

I cringe

>> No.15955603

psychologists and psychiatrists never prescribe or even recommend exercise to their patients for anxiety and depression

>> No.15956508

cuz most of the time thats too much work for someone who is depressed, depressed people cannot maintain routines

>> No.15956545

>Can we bring up race

>> No.15956586

Never forget that the people attacking you for liking anime are the deranged weirdos who have these hideous abominations saved on their hard drives

>> No.15956630

>Studies show
Sounds like a whole lot of bunk to me. How does an art style make someone retarded or gay? I guess it depends on what you like, but how does the big stuff like JoJo and Dragonball do that to you? Guts from Berserk is a better example of a real man than most pro-BLM sportsball niggers anyways.

Football and Basketball is a bigger existential threat than Anime, for every kawaiitard who self deletes, there are 1000s of niggers in the NBA, NFL, and even MLB who are promoting miscegenation through dating white women that they end up beating and leaving for getting pregnant.

It all comes down to what the Jew gets, the Jew wants. I guarantee 10-20 years ago this same study would show that rap is good for you, but now that giving niggers a platform to express their opinions is backfiring on them with the likes of Kanye, they are on the edge of their seats. A much more critical issue is that of Hollywood and top 40 music, but just like major league sports and big fashion, they are going to skip all the negative side effects because they run the business and no one can criticize them and keep a job in Hollywood or big business.

Cartoonists, musicians, software devs, and other such artists are much harder to keep in line than actors, producers, directors, or even people who work at McDonald's or Walmart, so this makes Jews seethe furiously. So they go out of their ways to brand the niche as meaningless buzzwords so the microcephalic normie goymutts point and laugh.

>> No.15956671

please lurk for three years before posting newfriend, you are on an anime website and thus must assimilate into its culture

>> No.15956697

>How does an art style make someone retarded or gay?
its not the artstyle, its the genre, high pitched over acted autistic dubs, a bunch of sexualization all over the place, predictable plots, tropes that are tailored to depressed people (isekai animes are tailored for people who hate their lifes so much they want to go to another world, romantic comedy's are tailored for people who cant get pussy, etc, etc)
so it isnt just the artstyle
>but how does the big stuff like JoJo and Dragonball do that to you?
have you ever seen jojofags? but that aside, those animes are normie animes, for people who just watch it for time to time, to make anime the main type of media you consume, making it your identity (see that the study is about identities relating to anime, not consumption of anime) is another whole deal
>something something niggers
whatever dude

>> No.15956704

the entire culture of 4chan is based around being angry, sad and virgin, as i said in >>15955271, this only proves the point of the study

>> No.15956711

>high pitched over acted autistic dubs, a bunch of sexualization all over the place,
How would that make someone gay? Does being around real women make you gay too?
>predictable plots, tropes that are tailored to depressed people
And this? Does this make you gay too?

>> No.15956720

no one is talking about gay people dude
>Does being around real women make you gay too?
do you know that woman dont talk like that in real life right? a distorted view of reality is sign of anti social behavior, which because humans are social creatures leads to depression

>> No.15956725

however the only angry one in this thread is (You) op, and seeing as how you evidently don't have a lover seeing as how much you'd rather reply to ostensible losers online, you must be awfully sad too. here's some real science for you.

>> No.15956728

>Posts in greentext the anon asking how it makes you gay
>Post a list of answers beneath it
You did you lie?

>do you know that woman dont talk like that in real life right?
Yes anon. Are you going to tell us all how watching anime makes you gay now?

>> No.15956740

the same could apply to you, projecting became a buzzword, a pseudo-argument, you cannot criticize anyone nowdays otherwise you are "projecting"
so your post doesnt really matter, im just interesting in debating this topic, plus its an objective fact that 4chan's culture has a strong relation to depression and anger (even the banners say so)

>> No.15956745

The banners are there to make fun of the users, not necessarily to endorse their behavior

>> No.15956746

you said "gay and retarded" i did not actually know what the fuck you did mean by that this considering they dont mention homosexuality or intelligence anywhere in the study so i just assumed you meant depression, so no i did not lie, i just misinterpreted your schizo ramblings, but no i doesn't make you gay, but it has a connection with depression

>> No.15956750

That was a different anon who wrote that. The real world will make more depressed than an animation can. Have you spoken to real women, or normalfags in general?

>> No.15956760

>The real world will make more depressed than an animation can.
well that depends on what you define as real world, economic crisis and disgrace? yeah, going around for a walk and talking to a good friend, not at all
> Have you spoken to real women, or normalfags in general?
yeah, its fun if you have social skills, i am a bit of a introvert but i put some effort in i can have alot of fun conversations

>> No.15956761
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i understand that, i just mentioned it because in a way the banners are just a mirror of the community, see picture related for example

>> No.15956766

The general culture of society is retarded and depressing. In particular the glorified use of drugs.
>yeah, its fun if you have social skills,
That's a disingenuous answer unless you're a normalfag which you most likely are not. Some men and women are interesting, but most of them are materialistic and retarded and can only have fun with alcohol.

>> No.15956782

>In particular the glorified use of drugs.
that only happends in music as far as im aware, and it doesnt bother me or anyone i know that much, if someone you know is glorifying drugs maybe stay away from them
>Some men and women are interesting, but most of them are materialistic and retarded and can only have fun with alcohol.
jesus christ man, that a very pessimistic way of seeing things, yeah some people suck but its not like 99% of people are bad
you seem to have alot of hatred towards society, which i get it we fucked up as a collective a bunch of times, but isolating yourself and watching anime all day wont fix anything, it might make things worse, you need to get a positive outlook on life because trust me, there are good people out there, sometimes things get hard and you start to see every little bad thing on the world, but life can be good and people can be good, trust me on this

>> No.15956789

It doesn't only happen in music alcohol is a drug and people are absolutely obsessed with it. They go to bars and get drunk acting like retards and then do it the next week. That's their idea of a good time, that's our modern culture. Can you defend that?
>yeah some people suck but its not like 99% of people are bad
you seem to have alot of hatred towards society
90% of men aren't interesting and 70% of women aren't interesting. And most of the "interesting" men just want to talk about popsci facts and other garbage. And they still all worship alcohol.

>> No.15956804

>That's their idea of a good time, that's our modern culture. Can you defend that?
if you think that pop culture is reality sure, but most people i know just enjoy watching movies in the weekend or eating a nice meal, most times i go out is to eat something
>90% of men aren't interesting and 70% of women aren't interesting.
define interesting, sometimes its just fun to goof around about things you enjoy you know, discuss movies you watched, talk about life stories, i personally think that is interesting
>men just want to talk about popsci facts and other garbage. And they still all worship alcohol.
i think the problem is that you are talking to the wrong people, no one i know worshipes alcohol, at best they drink once in a while and its not like that is a huge deal

>> No.15956976

You're clearly lying or don't spend time around people, everyone goes out on a friday night. The street is filled with people.
>define interesting
Being able to have a conversation that's interesting that isn't about easy topics like sports, films, etc.

>> No.15957016

One survey 68% of people admitted to driving drunk.

>> No.15957228

>You're clearly lying or don't spend time around people, everyone goes out on a friday night. The street is filled with people.
yes, but that doesnt mean they all get fucking wasted, again some people go out just to eat something or to relax
>Being able to have a conversation that's interesting that isn't about easy topics like sports, films, etc.
you seem to hate talking to people, not every conversation needs to be deep, plus interesting topics come and go, from my experience you need to have those small talks about easy topics to get to the deep ones, its part of conversations, if you have a love for life and everything it gives you even easy topics can be fun

>> No.15957597 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15958949 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15959522 [DELETED] 

watching anime does make u gay tho

>> No.15959799 [DELETED] 

you jack off to children's cartoons

>> No.15961012
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, myogiryu & manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sportschads, why do we keep on winning?

>> No.15961020

Chad does NOT have good mental health lmfao.

>> No.15961058

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.15961452 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1124x332, suspicious deletion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, suspicious deletion

>> No.15962567 [DELETED] 

>15 years ago
20 years ago, noob

>> No.15963441 [DELETED] 

yes he does, thats why he is successful to begin with, denying that reality is just another one of your coping mechanisms

>> No.15965008 [DELETED] 
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that was a good post doe

>> No.15965551 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15966049

lol, good pic

>> No.15967467 [DELETED] 

mentally ill people are all retarded
"mentally illness" and "brain damage" are synonymous phrases

>> No.15968961 [DELETED] 

all the anime faggots suddenly became science deniers

>> No.15969711

same thing happens with atheists when you start discussing evolution above the neck in humans.
neither group has a consistent world view and both of them inflict painful cognitive dissonance on themselves as a result of their attempts to deny reality

>> No.15971290

Being a sports chad is a an honored tradition that goes back to antiquity. Defining yourself by whatever goyslop media you consume is a ridiculous cope that nobody has ever respected

>> No.15972908 [DELETED] 

>Defining yourself by whatever goyslop media you consume is a ridiculous cope
tsmt its cringe

>> No.15973648

>everyone goes out on a friday night.
thats why I don't go out on Friday night, too crowded

>> No.15975273

>anime is extremely gay
>homosexuals have an average life expectancy more than a quarter of a century shorter than the rest of the population's average.
does this answer everyone's questions?

>> No.15976698

Its worth pointing out that "depression" is old fashioned clinical shorthand for "depressed activity level"
So someone who formerly lead a satisfactory life and switches to spending all their time sitting in from of a screen watching cartoons has reduced their activity level.
"depression" does not mean "being sad" it means "doing nothing"

>> No.15977336

myogiryu better start winning a few or he'll be in juryo come march

>> No.15978607

Pretty much proves that their claimed reverence for science is really just an affectation that they wear like a piece of costume jewelry

>> No.15980083

Yeah the IFLS their professed love of science the same way the Pope wears his cross.

>> No.15980787

>scientific proof that anime is for faggots
not something that necessarily needed scientific confirmation, but nice to see nonetheless

>> No.15980984

that's not what they did, idiot. they just trained a neural network to classify people into depressed and non-depressed based on their anime consumption habits

it's fundamentally no different than doing a regular ass logistic regression, just with multiple non-linearities meaning it's easier to overfit data sets.

>> No.15980994

>we trained neural networks
The damage done by machine learning on research is irreparable.

>> No.15981698

see >>15930163
It seems you're arguing through a made up idea that anime posters are universal science believers which has no basis except it is useful to you because of your anti anime agenda you have because you get unreasonably mad at nice drawings and the japanese depicting a superior form of life than the gay earth you celebrate

>> No.15981807

science says anime is for mentally ill losers, deal with it faggot. maybe you should stop watching your homosexual cartoons since science has proved that they're causing your to become even more gay and lame than you already are

>> No.15981819

You still seem to be arguing with the made up idea that people who watch anime are universal science believers. The homosexual is modern western entertainment.

>> No.15981829
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>anime was always hated on 4chan

>> No.15981848

>anime was the first thing to be kicked out of /b/
>if you think anime isn't toxic
/b/ was known the most cancerous place in existence, or toxic as you say, so what does that say about anime. /a/ was made a few months later and was originally intended to be made and /b/ was called anime or random. This is all freely available to read online. m00t got his dream job at google in Japan even after running this train wreck and is married with a kid, though he recently quit the job. Is he a loser? Very low IQ post laced with lies.

>> No.15981849

You've known this for 4 years now? Congrats.

>> No.15982692

Cartoons are for children and the developmentally delayed, sorry if that upsets you, but thats the way it is.

>> No.15984303

Because they want to get their patients addicted to prescription medicine because that guarantees repeat business for Dr. Feelgood

>> No.15985120

on the topic of addiction, anime addicts are able to look at a scientific publication which proves and details the harmful nature of anime and completely deny the veracity of the contents of the publication, same as an alcoholic can look at any publication which detail the harmful nature of alcohol and keep on drinking.
thats the nature of addiction, the brain gets rewired to put the desire for the addictive substance above all other concerns.

>> No.15985404 [DELETED] 
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So I'm a foreigner/immigrant in a north European country. I have learned the language, yet struggle with being accepted by the "natives". I am alone, I have no family here, no close friends, no social support network. When I try to join things, all I get is distrust, suspicion and rejection. When I try to say this to acquaintances (who are natives to this country) they dismiss it, they defend their countrymen saying there is no xenophobia and certainly not racism, it is all on me, and it is all in my head.

Now, despite being non-religious/atheist, if I were from a Muslim background, and some "radical" approached me, offered me friendship, a sense of community, listened to how I feel and said they understand, I would be inclined to listen to what they had to say. Especially if they listened to me, didn't deny my experience but confirmed it, and then gave me a reason for these feelings that doesn't place the blame on me. In a while I could see how I could be brought to do an act of terrorism in which the targets were the natives of this country.

Of course I know better and the answer to racism isn't terrorism, but it did give me an insight into these terrorist attacks that are perpetrated by Muslims who are born in Europe or have lived their whole lives here. I'm not defending them or justifying them, but I do understand them.

My solution is that I will go back to my native country, which luckily isn't a shithole, but my family owns property and I am not gonna have a terrible life, despite the fact I'll be working for a much lower wage.

So that's my advice to you "Europeans", if an immigrant, an "outsider" makes an effort to join your society, don't reject them, because there are people out there waiting to come across such individuals and use them for their (nefarious) ends.

>> No.15986913

only true oldfags of the internet know about this meme

>> No.15987732
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>> No.15988502

Being in school is another stereotypically childhood activity, so its probably no coincidence that adults who still go to school like children also maintain a fixation on other childhood activities, such as watching cartoons.
And that inability to progress to adult life inevitably result in a lowly self image and the resulting depression and suicides

>> No.15989855
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>That is a very well trimmed beard though.

>> No.15990932

yes, you're totally a unique special snowflake superior genius and everyone who isn't a depressed cowardly loner like yourself is totally stupid
>this is what trannime faggots actually believe

>> No.15991861

>I'm special and unique because I like common popular trendy crap like anime.
npc delusions

>> No.15992843
File: 45 KB, 512x768, chickunz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's looking forward to the twum anime?

>> No.15994074

what animu is that from?

>> No.15995523

Dr. no PhD

>> No.15996081

Back in the Greek days were there people who's personality was entirely centered around Aristophanes fandom?
>Hurrrrrr I'm going to Aristophanescon, I'm gonna cosplay as Praxagora

>> No.15997024
File: 217 KB, 1440x1440, twum's birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahah well meme'd

>> No.15998351
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This guy can't explain Animetal.

>> No.15998648
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>t. noob

>> No.15999102

anime has turned you into a faggot and you're too ashamed of yourself to admit it. seek help

>> No.15999107

We need to gather all sociologists into one place, for a conference
Yes... a conference

>> No.16000423 [DELETED] 

you should just face up to the fact that watching anime is an unhealthy low iq NPC hobby instead of having schizo genocidal revenge fantasies

>> No.16001666 [DELETED] 

>science proves anime is for faggots
but everyone already knew that

>> No.16003312
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>> No.16003326

Good for you

>> No.16003334

We need to gather all the fag OPs on sci for a special conference meeting in... The gas chamber.

That's right... A 'conference.'

>> No.16004152
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>> No.16005569 [DELETED] 

me in the based zone

>> No.16006782

9gag is good tho

>> No.16006821

imagine thinking spaceships and giant robots are gay
imagine thinking war movies are gay
imagine thinking mechanical engineering is gay

>> No.16006832

>a scientific publication which proves and details the harmful nature of anime
Lots of science also say get the vax and recognize trannies as women so keep that in mind fellow science truster

>> No.16007610
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>> No.16007912

It's amusing how you're the one selectively trusting and then not trusting the science when it suits you, when earlier you were making this allegation falsely against people who like anime. Get your booster jab, faggot. Anime website.

>> No.16008080

>It's amusing how you're the one selectively trusting and then not trusting the science when it suits you
do you know that a paper being "science" does not automatically make it true right?
there are bad papers and good papers, some papers use shitty sample sizes and faulty methods, others have the opposite

>> No.16008212

Yes, there are probably thousands of papers saying that vaccines are good. While you have a single measly paper saying anime is bad. Get the vax. Trust the science.

>> No.16008246

quantity isnt quality, if someone is using science as a method of propaganda the problem is with the researcher who has a bias, not the concept of science itself
and if you dont care about science either ways why are you on this board?

>> No.16008254

And you've looked through all of those studies and found they're all unscientific propaganda? Every argument you say can be directed right back at you.

>> No.16008260

>And you've looked through all of those studies and found they're all unscientific propaganda?
i never claimed an opinion on the topic of vax, never bothered to study it either because its so complicated, so i dont have an opinion on it to say that its or what isnt
but what i can say by looking at this study is that the conclusion is most likely valid

>> No.16008265

>i never claimed an opinion on the topic of vax,
You clearly implied that you think any science that supports the vax is a method of propaganda, unless you'd like to clarify what else you were possibly implying by that. That's also a lie since you've spent the last four years on this board attacking the covid vaccine. But moving on from that, would you like to explain how you found that this study says that watching anime causes bad health?

>> No.16008298
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>> No.16008373
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>> No.16008749

>You clearly implied that you think any science that supports the vax is a method of propaganda
i didnt imply shit, i explicited said that science could be used as a method of propaganda for anything
>That's also a lie since you've spent the last four years on this board attacking the covid vaccine
what the fuck? who do you think i am? this is like my first month on this board and i didnt ever talk about vaccines on it until now
> But moving on from that, would you like to explain how you found that this study says that watching anime causes bad health?
it doesnt cause bad health, what the fuck are you talking about, it has a correlation with depression

>> No.16009663

This, I have to baby my extroverts to keep them going suicidal, I'm tired of it
t. Introvert

>> No.16009828

That's convenient you actually didn't imply anything, and you take no stance on the covid vaccine whatsoever. You're a liar.
>who do you think i am?
Another midwit who posts in political related science threads who doesn't read studies or do anything useful
> this is like my first month on this board
Then lurk three years, stop saying 4chan always hated anime when you're new. just stop lying, basically.

>it doesnt cause bad health, what the fuck are you talking about,
What you said here >>15985120
>a scientific publication which proves and details the harmful nature of anime
Where does it say that? If you merely found it to have a correlation with depression then that's nothing new and nothing worth making a thread about, everyone knows that anime attracts autists and weirdos, whole genres exist for helping losers cope. That doesn't mean it's bad, however, but a coping device for a problem that already exists.

>> No.16009940
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>That's convenient you actually didn't imply anything
more like inconvinient to you, your whole argument relies on the asumption that i have a certain opinion on the vax
>Another midwit who posts in political related science threads who doesn't read studies or do anything useful
thats just rude
>Then lurk three years, stop saying 4chan always hated anime when you're new. just stop lying, basically.
i have been here for long enough, just not on this board, and i did not say "4chan always hated anime", i dont think thats true at all
>What you said here >>15985120
i am not that person, see pricel
>Where does it say that?
did you even read the article? it says alot more than that too

>> No.16009952

Yes, of course you were going to deny that. So you just jumped in to the argument, posting with the exact same lower case typing style, to argue the same thing as someone else.
>i have been here for long enough,
You haven't, boards have different cultures, every board expects newfags to lurk. This proves you're genuinely new to the website. A lot of boards hate each over.
>did you even read the article?
Post where and explain it in your own words.

>> No.16010695

>posting with the exact same lower case typing style
this is a very common typing style
if you want to know i only made the following posts
the rest is not me
>You haven't, boards have different cultures, every board expects newfags to lurk.
i will be honest with you, i dont know what is the argument that you are trying to make here, does your secret club inside a secret club has some hidden knowledge i only get after browing for an arbirtrary amount of time? being on this website for a long time isnt something to brag about either
if you know the basics of dialetics you should be set to have conversations here
>Post where and explain it in your own words
what the fuck you mean retard? do you want me to spoonfeed you? cant you read, jesus christ
the basis of it is that anime has a correlation with depressive symptions and anxiety, the hypothesis to why is the reputation related to those groups

>> No.16010776
File: 485 KB, 600x822, 1707036910792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, still watching anime.

>> No.16010845

enjoy your depression i guess?

>> No.16010875
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1707044970646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe I will fagboy, howsabout that

>> No.16011865 [DELETED] 


>> No.16013126

anyone who decides to make the cartoons they jack off to the central focus of their personality is someone who has nothing else going for them and we would all by better off if they would kys

>> No.16013131

Thank you.
Obligatory FPBP

>> No.16013135

.png is amazing. I’m genuinely impressed.

>> No.16014490
File: 413 KB, 755x690, 1701725311324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that inability to mature into adulthood at the appropriate age is the scientific hallmark of retardation AKA "retarded psychological development"

>> No.16014578
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 0dd76e62c1e734e51467f6d096dde65c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless it is a deliberate decission

>> No.16014785

>i will be honest with you, i dont know what is the argument that you are trying to make here,
Every board has a different culture and has standards on post quality and how people behave, apparently this difficult to understand. If you come from another board you still have to lurk to get used to the specific board's culture you're new to. Being on this website is not a thing to brag about, but you pointing this out shows your own insecurity at being a newfag.
>cant you read,
The study doesn't say it. If it did say it, you'd immediately post it instead of this "you can't read" talk. It's just fun to watch you lie, that's all.
Anime is a coping deviance, to people who are already broken. That's the correlation.

>> No.16014787

Yeah we get it bro, you've already said this several times in this thread. You sound like a teenager desperately trying to prove you're grown up. Actually that's probably it isn't it.

>> No.16014915

>Every board has a different culture and has standards on post quality and how people behave
not by much, and either ways i should have to learn how to speak like a /sci/fag to be able to have conversations here, we are having this argument arent we?
>Being on this website is not a thing to brag about, but you pointing this out shows your own insecurity at being a newfag.
i question whats the point because i really dont know what being on this website for an arbritary amount of time has to do with this whole argument, or how "lurking" would benefit me in any way
>The study doesn't say it. If it did say it, you'd immediately post it instead of this "you can't read" talk
i just say it because i dont want to spoonfeed you, but whatever
>ACG, idol, and hip-hop culture identities are associated with adverse psychological outcomes (i.e., depressive symptoms, anxiety, suicidal ideation, aggression), and reputation is a robust mediating variable of such an association.
>It's just fun to watch you lie
you are the one who is either lying or just did not read the paper at all
>Anime is a coping deviance, to people who are already broken. That's the correlation.
so we kinda agree man

>> No.16015454 [DELETED] 

Fortunately many of them do

>> No.16015538

>we made stuff up for grant money

>> No.16016444

that article only triggers you because you jack off to children's cartoons and don't want to admit how harmful and disgusting your masturbation habits are

>> No.16017014 [DELETED] 

If anime is a known cause of mental illness then it should be banned for public health reasons just like they did with other pollutants

>> No.16017268
File: 76 KB, 228x221, C8BB8D0A-6075-4966-8BAB-A2EE63CBDEB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op says the literal opposite of the summary
oh wow, a psyop thread

>> No.16017596

>not by much
Yes by much. For example, /vr/ hates /v/ and gets mad at anyone they suspect of being a tourist from there.
>i question whats the point
Most of the posters come to this board for the culture, and to talk to the other people who come here.Really, lurking won't benefit you, except stopping you from getting in these arguments and ruining your ego by being called a newfag.
>i just say it because i dont want to spoonfeed you, but whatever
No you said it because you're a liar. If you were telling the truth you'd just post it.
>you are the one who is either lying or just did not read the paper at all
Did you read that? It says associated, not caused by. People are already losers watch anime to feel better.

>> No.16018075

>you jack off to children's cartoons
kek are you the person who spammed this for a while? and now you've decided to spend your free time perpetually bumping this thread without even having read the study.

>> No.16018482

>Did you read that? It says associated, not caused by.
it says it has a cause related to anime, the reputation related to the group identity of being an "anime consumer" can have an effect in ones mental health
>Subcultures may have a unique mechanism of mental health outcomes by intervolving social support and reputation. Therefore, this study clarifies the interplay between various subcultures, social support, reputation and psychological outcomes, including depressive symptoms, anxiety, hostility, aggression, suicidal ideation, and empathy concerns.

>> No.16018484

>>op says the literal opposite of the summary
he quoted the article itself and posted a comment very similar to the conclusion of the article

>> No.16018843

Thats the nature of addiction, the addicts brains become warped by their desire to continue the addiction and it becomes impossible for them to acknowledge the harm they're doing to themselves and the people around them. The people who jack off to jap cartoons are no different from fent junkies or meth addicts

>> No.16019743
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>> No.16020315

gosh its almost as if everyone rightfully hates anime faggots and they deserve what they get for being disgusting degenerate pedophiles and compulsive masturbators.

>> No.16020649

for how many more weeks are you going to keep replying to yourself posting this? like does it make you feel better about yourself by dunking on people who like anime, that's fair enough but stop spamming it

>> No.16020651

kek no they don't anime is fully mainstream now hence the remakes on netflix. a lot of normalfags don't even care if you fap to a loli as long as she's canonically over eighteen. there's actually nothing wrong with pedophilia btw.

>> No.16020657

That still doesn't say it anon. You're posting a lie and then posting evidence you lied right beneath it.

>> No.16020685

it clearly says so, you seem to be in denial, and thats embarrassing

>> No.16020993

It says the word "may", and then says "social support and reputation". So even if this "may" is true then it suggests it's caused by how people's pears think of anime and of people who watch it rather than anime itself causing the problems.

>> No.16021725
File: 10 KB, 195x259, pearjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how people's pears think of anime

>> No.16023001

those pics accurately depict what you look like, if that upsets you then its up to you to fix yourself so you don't resemble those pics anymore

>> No.16024022 [DELETED] 

lol, that probably happened tho

>> No.16024043

damn I guess I'm depressed after all

>> No.16024479

>>So you don't watch anime because you're a depressed freak, you become a depressed freak from watching anime. This is a smoking gun!

>>study: A and B are statistically correlated
>you fucking retard: so it isn't A -> B but B -> A
where the fck do you get this information?

>> No.16025747

sound advice

>> No.16026204

Not even close, stop projecting. All it does is prove that anti anime posters are mentally ill newfags with cue aggression who can only get around by posting i am silly caricatures of their enemies because they have no legitimate arguments against them. For the same reason you've been necrobumping this thread for over two months despite what you said the study says being debunked much earlier on.

you're replying to yourself again

>> No.16026854 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16028287

>he thinks correlation is causation
nigga get off this board

>> No.16028782

prove that it isn't

>> No.16029521 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 679x341, Xalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16029649

she probably didn't even know what's written on the sign. some troon made her hold it

>> No.16030730

Back to >>>/x/

>> No.16030775

>our neural networks were very happy when they owned nothing and worked all day

>> No.16031294

>using pedophile in place of child molester
>censoring pedophile like it's a swear word
these people need to grow up, the anti pedo craze has been dead for years. find something new to virtue signal with.

>> No.16031298

the burden of proof is on you or get off the science board.

>> No.16031849

>the burden of proof is on you
you can't even prove that, let alone your initial conjecture

>> No.16032501

correlation does not automatically mean causation, that is not a conjecture that is a fact. you have to prove that is it caused by it. get off the science board.

>> No.16032719

so you can't prove your assertion

>> No.16032832

what assertion? you made the assertion. you made the assertion that being depressed is caused by watching anime. the burden on you to prove it. until you prove it, stop making the assertion. this is how the scientific method works. your study doesn't say it, and you've continuously been proven wrong throughout this entire thread when you have lied that it does.

>> No.16032952


>> No.16032956

why is the cia so afraid of equality? they need to have someone above them besides God. they can't exist without taking orders.

technology is the great equalizer. imagine if everyone was equal lol...

they will destroy us because it will never happen. that is what they are trying to change.

they can try as many times as they want with this planet.

>> No.16033567

>t. geriatric oldfag cancer

>> No.16034375

>med niggers fiddling with NNs
You already know they've fucked up choosing and training the model.

>> No.16034958

anime hasn't been an interesting unique emerging entertainment niche for over two decades, its as artless and mass produced as your average marvel comix movie or any other major western entertainment franchise

>> No.16036049


>> No.16036053
File: 9 KB, 251x201, download-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authors: ching chongs
does this actually apply to the western world or is it exclusive to the realm of the CCP and their wishes, anon?

>> No.16036490

>t. chink cartoon addict

>> No.16036631

I kneel.

>> No.16036744

Waste of time. Those variables are fixed for the most part and this is a waste of time and energy. You couldn’t fix subcultural leanings if you found it had a greater risk of psychological illness because you don’t just become a jock if your a geek. I would much rather see those variables, which don’t exist in older populations be de classified and their use discontinued as they’ve become meaningless from overuse.

>> No.16036894
File: 123 KB, 600x400, cuppa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define mental illness as anyone that isn't normie
>"Our study found that only normies aren't mentally ill"
incredible scientific work

>> No.16036900

answer my question, senpai.

>> No.16037418
File: 99 KB, 946x496, 1708557024348-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16037905

>define mental illness as anyone that isn't normie
they define depression and anxiety as mental illness

>> No.16039129

see >>16031294
post an anime that draws lolis like that and says they're dwarves. also go back to twitter 4chan pedos literally brag about it.

>> No.16039147

that can be caused at not being a normalfags the world was designed for. regardless you need to prove a correlation or stop bumping your thread.

>> No.16039250

>that can be caused at not being a normalfags the world was designed for.
that just sounds like you are either too autistic to function in society or just anti social, either ways it would be reasonable to consider both a mental illness
and this argument isnt even relevant to the study, someone could be a normalfag who watches anime, anime isnt a niche of a hobby, atleast not anymore
>you need to prove a correlation
well the explanation is in the study, atleast, the theory for why the correlation exists (that theory being that the reputation of that subcultural identity is affecting ones mental health), you can believe it or not but until you or someone comes up with a better theory or a counter argument thats the conclusion we have

>> No.16040057

>the world was designed for
designed by who?

>> No.16040366

no one, culture evolves on its own, but some people cant adapt to it

>> No.16040376

Behavior and cognition are co-correlated, meaning they cause each other like an ouroboros. You just admitted to being a degenerate swine jerking off to anime and refuse to admit your pathetic, insular life is caused by your actions.

>> No.16041080

you design a society where you have to work forty hours a week for no reward and before that spend your youth studying useless subjects endlessly for rigorous examinations and if someone fails this you call them "too autistic" and even "antisocial".
>well the explanation is in the study
as well as causation, and there isn't one.

>> No.16041082

can you explain what's so awful about masturbating to anime? why does this offend you so much that you've spent this entire thread ranting about how mad it makes you and kept bumping it for months? did you consider that you're the pathetic one, at all, for caring so much about the behavior of other people and insulting them when they've never wronged you, all for you own misplaced sense of social superiority?
>Behavior and cognition are co-correlated
you have to prove that watching anime caused depression. the study does not say it, and so far in this thread you've failed catastrophically at every miserable attempt you've made to lie that it does.

>> No.16041217

You're a virgin and post here every day, do you think because you attack anime and call others degenerate you're better than everyone else? You sound like a woman, you're so insecure.