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File: 253 KB, 720x1005, Arctic_Sea_Ice_Minimum_Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15886669 No.15886669 [Reply] [Original]

how do global warming hysterics explain this?

>> No.15886701

Science cannot explain why you lie.
For that you need a shrink.

>> No.15886736

>look at my cherry picked examples of atypical and asymptomatic global warming
Why are chuds like this?

>> No.15886791

>don't look at yours, look at mine! are you like this? ;_;
both of you are retards. destroy yourself

>> No.15886804
File: 276 KB, 1980x1530, Figure3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15886916

These are in direct contradiction. If you compare 1984 and 2012 in the graph there is 30% less ice. What gives?

>> No.15886989
File: 57 KB, 893x458, Arctic-Surface-Temps-Since-1920-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: government politicians
they're using the common trick of displaying one short segment of a cyclical pattern in order to create the false impression of a linear pattern, why are you dumb enough to fall for that
they did the same thing in the 1960s & 70s to create "global cooling" hysteria

>> No.15887073

Nobody ever claimed there would be 'global cooling'.

>> No.15887172

>asymptomatic global warming

>> No.15887174

Nobody? How many bitcoins will you stake on this claim?

>> No.15887177

Not a single fucking person has ever used the words "global cooling" in the history of science. "Global cooling" only came about in the early 2000's when big oil shills like yourself tried to poison the well with a bunch of propaganda and fake news articles.

>> No.15887205
File: 132 KB, 737x352, cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15887220

Oh so you're walking it back now? Now it has to specifically be the phrase "global cooling" rather than asserting that the globe was cooling. I get where you're going.

>> No.15887228

They don't. Global warming hysteria is predicated on ignorance of the facts. They'll claim your picture is fake rather than look it up and realize they were wrong.

>> No.15887257

"Global cooling" and "globe was cooling" are identical phrases. Nobody said them, nor any variation.

>> No.15887266

>high pressure systems responsible for excessive rain or drought
they were using the same garbage rhetoric back then as they are today
>global cooling means more rain or less rain
>any slight deviation from the long term averages is proof of global cooling

just goes to show what a total scam science is

>> No.15887273

And to this very day they'll deny they did it. Their rhetoric perfectly exemplifies their narcissistic personalities.

>> No.15887321

>average monthly arctic sea ice extent
The graph anon posted is looking at the entire year. OP's photo is just a snapshot of ice for one day. Sea ice forms and melt all the time in the arctic, so you can find any two random days 30 years apart with arbitrarily large differences between them. What matters and what global warming is about, is the averages over time.

>> No.15887325

>global cooling means more rain or less rain
>any slight deviation from the long term averages is proof of global cooling
Nobody said this, oil shill.

>> No.15887590

chicken little environmental hoaxers been saying exactly that for the past half century at least

>> No.15887645

>he has no proof, just vague memories of a different timeline when it totally happened

>> No.15887692


>> No.15887806
File: 276 KB, 962x781, 1409435267461_Image_galleryImage_polar1_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15887808

>hey look, if I cut out a small part of >>15886804 it looks like it's constant

>> No.15887811

Oh my facebook group is going to get a " KEK " out of this !! Thank you fellow MAGApede !!!
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.15887845

what a hack

>> No.15888754
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 1694488394357847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you flipped the labels, retard. top pic is 2012, bottom pic is something else, maybe '84? dont trust me and too lazy to search? it's right here in this thread >>15887806 where the 2012 image has very similar geometry, just mirrored in orientation.

>> No.15888978
File: 224 KB, 1980x1530, 1700959402394320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice shoop, heres the real data

>> No.15889170


>> No.15889704 [DELETED] 

yeah thats the same pic as in OP

>> No.15889721

>the grid doesn't even align with the ticks
Come on, put in a little bit of effort.

>> No.15889723

Everyone can upload nonsense and have it preserved for all eternity on their servers. You could even upload poor photoshops like >>15888978