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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15880458 No.15880458 [Reply] [Original]

So is mental illness just the result of evolution trying to produce geniuses and ultra creative people by playing the genetic equivalent of a wild card? Einstein's son was schizophrenic, Joyce's daughter was schizo, etc. In the pursuit of making the greatest human possible, evolution just throws the dice & produces lots of abominations with the rare chance of greatness

>> No.15880638

i love you, yuiposter

>> No.15880700

>evolution trying

>> No.15880701

rocks don't get mental illnesses, so you may be onto something

>> No.15880739 [DELETED] 

yet another thread by an egotistical mentally ill narcissist with delusions of grandiosity who irrationally presumes that they're a super special snowflake genius because the doctor says their brain is damaged and doesn't work right.

>> No.15880750

Evolution is survival of the fittest. Your crazy retarded ass is getting culled. Dealwithit.

>> No.15880794

>yet another thread
>by an egotistical mentally ill narcissist
>with delusions of grandiosity
>who irrationally presumes
citation needed
>they're a super special snowflake genius because the doctor says their brain is damaged and doesn't work right

>> No.15880912

Just like there's a male / female ratio there's a ratio of conformists / non-conformists because a perfectly stable society is dead / non-adaptive and a completely unstable society is no society at all. Therefore, optimal survival of the species entail mostly conformists being born and only some non-conformists. Another reaason why the non-conformist group is small is to minimize losses from the high risk / high reward strategy = mental illness / innovation.

This is a perfectly reasonable hypothesis without teleogy so orthodox thinkers in this thread can go and fuck themselves.

>> No.15881667

Considering that the mentally ill generally have a sub-normal IQ, especially schizophrenics... no.

>> No.15881670

My wife

>> No.15881723

It's not mentally ill people that are geniuses but their relatives

>> No.15881726

You're too low IQ to even be thinking about these things, maybe stick to fake sciences like psychology.

>> No.15881780

/sci/ is baka

>> No.15881782

See >>15881726
also go back >>>/lit/
clearly based on your low IQ you belong there

>> No.15881955
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Make me

>> No.15882002
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I have mental illness

>> No.15882007

"mental illness" is the label normies slap on people they don't like.

>> No.15882010

I have jews that follow me around maliciously.

>> No.15882041

>"mental illness" is the label normies slap on people they don't like.
>I have jews that follow me around maliciously.
tell us your story

>> No.15882042

Oh, most of those probably really don't work out.
Some do though.

>> No.15882224

An autist is just someone who was molested by his kindergarten teacher, who covered it up by using his resulting aversion to being touched to suggest he has the 'tism, thus condemning him to a life of learned helplessness and abusive psychiatry.

>> No.15882247

I got caught trying to look up my kindergarten teacher's skirt.

>> No.15882323

No, it's just a straight up failure nightmare. I have schizophrenia, and the only good thing about it is that it can be interesting in retrospect. But normies can just take drugs, so it's nothing special. I lack all the traits necessary to thrive in society and get tortured by my illness and its treatment.

>> No.15882331

Are people who pretend to be anime girls on the internet, mentally ill?

>> No.15883005

"mental illness" is the result of society producing psychiatrists.

>> No.15883034


>> No.15884325

The brain has a powerful built-in system that prevents overthinking.
This system is the source of what we see as common sense.
Great minds are usually the ones that have managed to break this anti-overthinking system, either through trauma, self-mortification, meditation or something similar.