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15880147 No.15880147 [Reply] [Original]

Do more women need to die during childbirth to end the obesity crisis? This British Unoid Jack seems to think 10% of women died in childbirth before 1930, prior to the introduction of modern obstetrics, filtering bad genes for fatties.

>> No.15880153

stopped watching him after the sloppy deepthroat he performed on peterson. he's fucking insane

>> No.15880158

vaxxie vaxxie

>> No.15880169

I see he's got someone funding his video editing now, big red and black letters.

Whatever happened to Woodley? I miss that guy he actually had a working brain.

>> No.15880181

>This British Unoid Jack seems to think 10% of women died in childbirth before 1930, prior to the introduction of modern obstetrics, filtering bad genes for fatties.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. I've read historical midwife logbooks and in the 18th century there was less than a 1% chance of dying in childbirth with a midwife. Child mortality was high because of childhood diseases, not because of birth complications. If anything modern doctors are applying a substantial negative pressure to women by making them give birth in non-gravity-assisted positions that increase birth complications.

>> No.15880485
File: 140 KB, 795x1080, CAESAR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect from a brishit? They are fucking retarded. The Romans civilized those bastards by killing the most retarded among them.

>> No.15880581

>If anything modern doctors are applying a substantial negative pressure to women by making them give birth in non-gravity-assisted positions that increase birth complications.
If we put delivery wards on bullet trains, we could do a lot better than grav-assist.

>> No.15880601

That was the golden era. I stopped watching after Woodley ditched. There was something so funny about watching Woodley get more and more agitated as the stream went on due to Duttons autistic rudeness. Also people used to say Woodley had CORVID 19 because he has a bird.

I think Woodley ditched because he wasn't on board with the politics. Sutton quickly turned it into a partisan political channel rather than purely a scientific thing which Woodley wanted.

>> No.15881404

Why is his channel covcered with all the ugly red black and white letters now?
I keep getting co rec'd this diary of a ceo channel which is full of the same typesetting and connected to some Steve Bartlett guy?
His stuff seems even more clickbaity than it was before too.
Does anyone know anything more?

>> No.15881509

I think we need to return to the word cunny rabbit

>> No.15881642

Watch this.
It is more important.

>> No.15881844
File: 647 KB, 1187x658, 1696895908646448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might this be his most important to date?

>> No.15881858

Nope, his most important ones are on IQ decline and demographic crisis.

>> No.15882156

I had a gell-mann amnesia episode with one of this chaps videos where he spoke about something i happened to know and he got it completely wrong.
I figure that as an academic he selectively picks his source material and doesnt check it, he spreads fake news.

>> No.15882170

After watching a handful of his videos, it seems he's a one dimensional material Darwinist. Absolutely everything is explained as a comprehensive "just-so" story of evolutionary pop-science.

>> No.15882175

I was literally shocked by the way he debased himself. don't care why he did it for, if he's going for politics I'm out.

>> No.15882185

Yeah that's one way to put it.
he has his pet evo psych theories he pushes and makes overly reaching statements.
I think his earlier work is more valid but it's clear his internet persona is taking its toll.
Michael was honestly the main reason I would follow the channel, his technical breakdowns were well put together

>> No.15882477

He's very weird about genetic determinism. He seems much more interested in denigrating his own people out of some kind of self-hatred.

>> No.15882593

if it was so good for filtering out those genes then why are there still fatties left? indeed, seems the only thing that changed was the birth rates, meaning that only the stupid or bad-doctors genes were removed and in this future we have a higher success for delivering babies!

>> No.15882609
File: 98 KB, 1130x596, burkapersuree22255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did best when all of his videos were on gender, autism and IQ. I guess he got over his issues.