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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15878933 No.15878933 [Reply] [Original]

iq has always been a meme that ironically only exposes the stupidity of whoever believes in it; it's by definition broken and flawed since you can train on it; and even if we ignored that fact (which we can't) it's still almost useless since it only measures a limited ability.

have you morons never realized why your local asians always score high (e.g. look at this OP being confused >>15847534); it's because you morons don't get your asians happen to train on math a lot; be less of a third world country and learn some basic math and science and you'll see you're also going to be near asians' score you stupid fucks lol..

>> No.15878991
File: 152 KB, 1266x1356, myIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another "I scored low so now I hate it" episode
As a high IQ genius I think IQ is bullshit because being happy is more important. Imagine being low IQ and unhappy.

>> No.15879049

another example of stupidity. only a stupid moron would respect an image on the internet.
at the very least you can bot it.

>> No.15879085

Iq based eugenics can significantly improve society. You cannot refute this.

>> No.15879094

IQ isn't stupid. How we measure it is. These are clearly unfair, and intelligence is a broader subject that isn't crossed at all by the academia-life-biased questions.

>> No.15879097

stupid take. that would only avoid murdering whoever didn't study math of that type for a while.

just stop being morons and abolish this abomination of a test of "intelligence".

>> No.15879103

it's stupid as a general measure (if we ignored the bias of education on it). if you want to measure if someone is mentally retarded just use a psychiatrist to begin with.

and at the very least: speed of solving is one of stupidest goals ever: do you want a nobel prize that takes 2 years or being fast at a juvenile math competition?

>> No.15879114

>it's by definition broken and flawed since you can train on it
so what if you can train on it?

>it's because you morons don't get your asians happen to train on math a lot; be less of a third world country and learn some basic math and science and you'll see you're also going to be near asians' score you stupid fucks lol..
i don't understand what you mean

>> No.15879117

>it's still almost useless since it only measures a limited ability.

And yet by some coincidence, it seems to correlate highly with everything humans associate with intelligence

>> No.15879142

back to pre algebra retard

>> No.15879148
File: 140 KB, 240x240, lem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15879162

>Mensa Norway
Marketing trick designed to make you sign for a membership and pay for the official test.
t. literally have brain damage (caved in my forehead in my teens) and scored 128

>> No.15879237 [DELETED] 

Not the first time it happens. There are people who lost one or two standard deviations of IQ in an accident, and they are still 120+. They feel really sad because they know they can no longer do what they could do easily before the accident. When they get brain damage so severe IQ goes below 90 they don't seem to care too much.

>> No.15879240

Retard. If IQ scores are highly correlated with things you define to be intelligence, by definition it's measuring intelligence

>> No.15879408

Can you stupid Europeans stop thinking about us every second of every day?

>> No.15879524
File: 15 KB, 306x306, 1700670290975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 180+ here. Don't even bother to ask for a proof).
Let me deboonk the most common midwit misconceptions about IQ.

>but intelligence is multifaceted
IQ tests numerical and symbolic pattern recognition, verbal comprehension, short term memory, spatial visualization and logical reasoning. Wanna add something? Then present a rigorous test and justify why it should be included in the definition of intelligence.
>but what about emotional intelligence, social intelligence, twerking skills, number of followers on tiktok/onlyfans
Sorry sweaty, we're measuring intelligence here, not your ability to copy NPC behaviour.
>why didn't you win a Nobel prize/Fields medal? IQ means nothing when you're a loser
Intelligence comes with no obligation to contribute anything to the industrial-technological system. Acadummic success is mainly determined by obedience and social networking. A shitload of midwits (and in social "sciences" even actual brainlets) have a PhD nowadays.
>but what is your IQ good for then?
IQ enables you to quickly learn, understand, connect and creatively play with abstract concepts and to analyze, question and improve theories. Unlike a midwit whose highest achievement is superficially regurgitating what he's told.
>but IQ is racist
No, IQ is a factual statement. It doesn't tell you morally how to treat others.
>if you're so smart why aren't you rich?
Because I wasn't born rich and our economy wants obedient workers, not smart workers. You don't get rich by being smart, you get rich by being popular and sociopathic.
>if you're so smart why don't you get laid?
Attractiveness is determined by looks and status. Women are generally anti-intellectual and think of an intelligent man as a nerd in the negative sense, unless he's a gigachad. I say this as a married man btw.
>isn't this just cope?
The only ones coping here are the IQ denialists. If they didn't need to cope they'd just accept that there are people who are rightfully proud of scoring high on the IQ test

>> No.15879534

in addition to the strong standards expected of non-labor-class younger Asians, doesn't Asian language itself lend itself initially to an easier grasp of basic maths?

>> No.15879605
File: 30 KB, 554x554, Serious_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's by definition broken and flawed since you can train on it; and even if we ignored that fact (which we can't) it's still almost useless since it only measures a limited ability.

No, it is a really good indicator of ability.
Spend 3 minutes and learn why.

>> No.15879672

nta but what does he gain from faking this? clout? You can doubt it all you want but saying 'its just an image" kinda exposed you lol. If its just an image why cant you get it through legitimate means? Its fine to be of average intelligence, im guessing its just breaking your preconception of being 'built different' and 'not an npc' so you need to claim youre intelligent somehow else. Don't worry, this cope has already been made! See different types of intelligence

>> No.15879683

It's either a few autists that's been posting the same threads for over a decade now or bots ran by said autists.

>> No.15879730

Please explain your reason why you believe that.

If someone, trying as hard as he might, can only score a 90, and another, even without even solving a single logic question in the past 5 years, scores a 125, do you think that says absolutely nothing?
What would it then, in your mind, imply when the 125 is obviously much smarter than the 90, independently of the IQ value? Just coincidence?

>> No.15879851

>t. butthurt spic/nigger with a spongy brain

>> No.15879859

>toad poker is an IQ schizo
oh boy just wait until aggy hears about this

>> No.15879860

>scored 128
>brain damaged
adds up

>> No.15879861

According to statistics and my personal high EQ heuristic, based on the content you just said you are a small pp incel sexless freak that needs to touch grass right now.
t. truster of the science

>> No.15879864

Post an actually good IQ test if you believe in IQ

>> No.15879875


>> No.15879973

all of that is nonsense. Don't even bother to ask for a proof

>> No.15879983
File: 85 KB, 1024x703, map-usa-average-iq-us-state-1024x703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15880013

I can nigger, High IQ would be dysgenic as fuck.

Every genocide in history has been instigated by high IQ insanity categorical thinking and delusions sence of superiority.

I have higher IQ than you. I love retards.

>> No.15880018

You mean education, that is what it's its actually measuring. At least the ones usually done by psychologist etc