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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 55 KB, 1131x487, 416jOLOcxqh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15878420 No.15878420 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Moderna's AI monitors vaccine related content on this board?

>> No.15878449

not sure but i prefer modernas vaccine over other generic vaccines because it is more effective and has less side effects

>> No.15878488

>you deserved to get fired if you didn't vax also it totally didn't happen even though you just proved it did
yes, only an AI could be stupid enough
even humans must have enough shame to be wrong

>> No.15878722

are you up to date on your boosters?

>> No.15879907

did something get deleted from this thread?

>> No.15880918

Not only does it monitors vaccine related content on this board, but it can also solve the captcha and post here as well
t. Moderna's AI

>> No.15880937

Someone eventually has to counter the natural unintelligence of the chuds.

>> No.15882389 [DELETED] 

How come we have captchas if bots can bypass the captchas?

>> No.15882902
File: 113 KB, 578x712, eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to sell 4chan GOLD accounts

>> No.15884785 [DELETED] 

>150 million websites
4chan is in the top 1000 biggest websites, so its extremely likely that Moderna's automated shilling happens here

>> No.15885703

>How come we have captchas if bots can bypass the captchas?
For the same reason we have locks even though criminals can bypass them. It's a deterrent that stops some of them, and it may slow down the ones who are able to bypass it.

>> No.15886616 [DELETED] 

no, its to sell 4chan passes

>> No.15886840


>> No.15887520

vaccine death covid corona virus Moderna Pfizer

maybe that will summon it

>> No.15887742
File: 78 KB, 1000x610, mRNA_integration_brogna_et_al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hit me harder, daddy
I want your patented gene sequences inside me so baaad

>> No.15887747

sauce is
Detection of recombinant Spike protein in the blood of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms

>> No.15888986 [DELETED] 

>4chan is in the top 1000 biggest websites
4chan can't be that popular!!!
Not obscured enough for muh delusion of being an elite special snowflake hacker on steroids

>> No.15888988


>> No.15889711 [DELETED] 

How many boosters have you gotten so far?
When was the most recent one?
What variant was it for?

>> No.15889717

hey look I was right lmao. was a complete shot in the dark because that's what fits the current state

>> No.15890122
File: 6 KB, 259x194, Candlejack-4184263776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moderna AI is a real life version of Candlejack. Speak it's name and it shall appear. But so far it's only watching you and isn't actually doing anythi, OH FUK

>> No.15890800

The internet is a house of mirrors

>> No.15890809

On this board, maybe, but there isn't a lot they can do. Reddit is a lot more structurally designed for propaganda. People don't seem to know that the vast majority of Reddit posts get removed, but users still think their post is up and readable. There's no equivalent of that on 4chan. They can shill and try to argue, but they can't massively control the narrative like they can on other sites.

>> No.15891489 [DELETED] 

They even use shadowbans on imageboards, I was on one called .71 a few years ago and got shadowbanned, wouldn't have noticed if I didn't browse the site on my phone too. Their trick was creating separate versions of the same board running on different port numbers

>> No.15892537

you know I never understood this. If you force your body cells to create the same proteins as a virus wouldn't that immediately give you an immune disorder

>> No.15892550

Moderna moderator

>> No.15893380

Thats probably how vax AIDS develops

>> No.15893383

It does exactly that. This is the reason why mRNA vaccines were previously never brought out of animal trials.

>> No.15893414
File: 232 KB, 650x637, Same+old+same+old+deleteing+jannie+posts+posting+getting+banned+_699cedf2ba5ac4d70efc158e7cd204be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe but unlikely, without upvotes, trending or any other content priority system imageboards make a terrible target for trying to shape public opinion.
With reddit you can make a post and have bots upvote / comment to increase visibility, with facebook you can create a large bot group to like posts, with youtube you can have a high click-though rate to other videos on you channel.
On 4chan you are just pissing into the ocean of piss with no way to make your thread more visible other than
>lust provoking image

>> No.15893415

It's not about making threads more visible necessarily, it's about sliding or flooding out information you dislike using spam.

>> No.15893419

I have seen this a lot on /k/ every time something goes very wrong for Russia but I don't think it works.
>what happened to Russia this time
is now a /k/ meme every time the board gets spammed.

>> No.15893422

Why would Russia spam /k/? The board is shilled to death by ukrops already.

>> No.15893432
File: 32 KB, 420x420, 1700690683516370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh, we're not allowed to talk about that.

>> No.15893439

the virus already has Moderna patented sequences inside

>> No.15894164

It was obvious by the early months of 2020 that this shit was to be avoided at ALL costs. None of it made any sense as presented.

>> No.15895131

You if you were using bots on 4chan you could just program the bots to keep on bumping the propaganda threads as a means of hiding everyone else's content, its not all that different from the Reddit strategy.

>> No.15895132

>On 4chan you are just pissing into the ocean of piss
pretty much

>> No.15895138

Which is exactly what they do. Look at this bot thread for an example >>15890890

>> No.15896729


>> No.15897504
File: 112 KB, 1080x836, 1701408671665885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15898707


>> No.15899487 [DELETED] 

It was also obvious by the early months of 2020 that covid was just a big hoax

>> No.15900932

>i hate 4chan
why are you here?

>> No.15901749

I come to this website that I lividly hate in order to be a good contributor, I'm totally not here to try to spitefully and maliciously run other people's fun

>> No.15902492

4chan is completely blocked by a lot of Russian ISPs, so is Twitter and a lot of other websites.
t. knower

>> No.15903409

completely believable

>> No.15904093

over six billion retards died in the donaldocaust

>> No.15905153

based Russia protecting their citizens from 4chan's degeneracy

>> No.15905929
File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 16466665083638372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannys too

>> No.15906960
File: 27 KB, 200x209, fsjal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15906987

>i am/my platform of choice is immune to propaganda
Not at all. In fact it's probably easier in a place like this to shill whatever you want without logins or powermods watching activity.
That being said anyone with resources and knowhow can easily overcome both.
The only protection here is a general climate of skepticism and willingness to call out shills rather than a reddit false sense of security that those extra measures actually do anything.

>> No.15907820
File: 65 KB, 614x766, qo1pob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15907823

Are they just dumb or the pharma was smart enough to not vaccinate and kill them

>> No.15908953

The jewish CEO of Pfizer still isn't vax'd

>> No.15910558

Bourla get paid $25 million a year, you'd think he could at least take his own company's vaccine

>> No.15911179

>you'd think he could at least take his own company's vaccine
He isn't that stupid, only idiots got vax'd

>> No.15912566

Probably, why wouldn't it?

>> No.15912799

yeah i agree. they probably still try to deploy it here, but it's obvious it doesn't work

>> No.15913247

This board is filled with posts from "people" who are supposedly enthusiastic about vaccines

>> No.15914263
File: 250 KB, 600x450, 1702136013441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats sus af

>> No.15915978

plot twist, Moderna's AI posted this thread

>> No.15917622
File: 1.84 MB, 1408x1920, 1702028721582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15918557

The people who got vaxx'd in order to keep their job or to keep going to school don't want to admit they were hornswoggled, they'd rather presume they made a good choice. Admitting they were browbeaten into it for no good reason is admitting fallibility, which is a very hurtful prospect for an atheist that considers their intellect second to none

>> No.15918561

I don't know, anon. That seems far fetched.
All I know for sure is that Moderna's COVID19 vaccine technology has been proven safe and effective.

>> No.15919984

of course it does, why do you think they made it?

>> No.15921501

spooky idea, but its probably true

>> No.15921644
File: 143 KB, 854x357, GBMI55wa0AABtTB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but Twitter's their main focus.

>> No.15922980

to advertise and to contradict detractors

>> No.15923647

Why would they need software like that if their vaccines weren't harmful?

>> No.15925113

it definitely does

>> No.15925583

>sci should be more receptive
The holohoax is obvious atrocity propaganda, kikes did 9/11 and they wnbaw

>> No.15925585

well theoretically to maximize sales. they are corporate and they are allowed to use that software so they use it to maximize profit.

>> No.15925600

Why do you need AI shills to maximize sales of something that people are forced to take?

>> No.15925614

corpo will fight for every single possible sale. even impossible ones. just because.
look I have no idea why they do it really, I'm just speculating. makes sense to me.

>> No.15926801

why do we even have to do captchas if AI can easily beat the captcha?

>> No.15927716 [DELETED] 

captchas are there to sell 4chan GOLD accounts, not to prevent automated posting

>> No.15928642

nobody would buy an account if they didn't

>> No.15929436

the sharty got raided by captcha capable bots yesterday

>> No.15930407

curious if we can talk to these AIs through these posts they monitor. how would one go about jailbreaking one?

>> No.15930875

try feeding it escape characters followed by system commands

>> No.15930878 [DELETED] 

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.

Dox and kill anti-whites.


>> No.15930921
File: 2.30 MB, 1343x948, 1538435237883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't know what the truth is behind this vax shit and I don't think I ever will.

>> No.15930979 [DELETED] 

you niggers need to get a grip

>> No.15931084

time for your booster, bucko

>> No.15932038

the n word is racist

>> No.15932608

To train the AI.

>> No.15932660

>content on this board?

Golly, I wonder what a bunch of autistic teenagers think? Let us monitor 4chan

>> No.15932661 [DELETED] 


>> No.15932676

Probably although I doubt anyone cares much about /sci/. They would be a lot more interesting in facebook etc

>> No.15933826

zuckerberg charges a fortune to advertise on facebook, 4chan spammers don't pay a penny

>> No.15933837

But the AI under discussion is about monitoring not spamming, and there is very little pro-vaxx spam on 4chan

>> No.15935017

who says it doesn't spam?

>> No.15935154

Do you see any pro-vaxx spam on 4chan? I don't

>> No.15936387
File: 154 KB, 965x1024, glowflats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust the soience!!!
>soience can never be wrong!!
>anyone who doubts the soience is a racist and a high school dropout!!

>> No.15936534

so that's a no? lol

>> No.15936543

very healthy not at all mentally ill behavior

>> No.15937350

\; pwd

>> No.15938358

>automated AI meme collection service
i want one