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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1587667 No.1587667 [Reply] [Original]


2. Take Test

3. Post Results

3.14. ????


>> No.1587670


>> No.1587678


Introverted: 67%
Intuitive: 75%
Thinking: 90%
Judging: 11%

>> No.1587681


>> No.1587682

inb4 a million INTJ, and I am INTJ btw

>> No.1587683

E/INTP, same as the last twenty-dozen times this thread was posted.

>> No.1587695


>> No.1587698

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
67 38 12 44

>> No.1587700


>> No.1587703

Your Type is

Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging

33 12 75 33

>> No.1587721

89 38 88 1

Judging is only at 1% so that might change if I took the test again later.

>> No.1587724


>> No.1587729


Introverted: 22%
Intuitive: 12%
Thinking: 62%
Perceiving: 22%

Recommened Career: Computer Programming/Engineering

I'm a Computer Programmer.

Shits freaky yo!

>> No.1587731


Introverted: 78%
Intuitive: 88%
Thinking: 100%
Judging: 11%

feels good man

>> No.1587732

Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
33 100 75 44

>> No.1587739


>> No.1587741

I'm a programmer too, and a fellow INTP.
For real brick shitting, all INTPS should try reading this: http://www.intp.org/intprofile.html

That website knows your mind.

>> No.1587742

INFJ here, being the rarest, and thus the most valuable, kind of human.

>> No.1587744
File: 1.34 MB, 1600x1200, 1281569472428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
11 12 50 22

Providers take it upon themselves to insure the health and welfare of those in their care, but they are also the most sociable of all the Guardians, and thus are the great nurturers of social institutions such as schools, churches, social clubs, and civic groups. Providers are very likely more than ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate for the rest of us, because friendly social service is a key to their nature. Wherever they go, Providers happily give their time and energy to make sure that the needs of others are met, and that social functions are a success.

>> No.1587746

INTJ master race checking in.
Introverted 22%
Intuitive 38%
Thinking 1%
Judging 33%

>> No.1587749

ISTJ. So that means I'm Spock?

>> No.1587752

Also an INTP and also a programmer. Didn't take this test but have taken others before

>> No.1587754

INTJ here

>> No.1587755


>> No.1587758


>> No.1587762

everyone who gets intj does because they want to think of themselves and a cold logical person
enjoy your false lives

>> No.1587765

It all makes sense, this board is full of in*j (4chan in general is).

us infjs always get seen as trolls because intj are too literal about shit.

>> No.1587768

uhuh. Now please go troll somewhere else

>> No.1587772


Famous people of your particular type:

>Stephen Hawking, Andrew Grove, Marie Curie, Guy Kawasaki, Igor Sikorsky, Hillary Clinton
>Hillary Clinton
>Hillary Clinton

Oh shit, i'm a cunt.

>> No.1587773




>> No.1587779

LoL I went to the relationship section of the Keirsey website and looked up the type of woman who would be my "match".

>Pat is a Rational Mastermind (INTJ). In high school, she watched others flirt and felt a combination of envy and disgust. In college, Pat found some dates in her upper level classes and professional organizations. Now she has a steady boyfriend. They enjoy long technical and philosophical talks and cultural experiences. They have talked of marriage, but, at this point, they're too involved in their careers.

Honestly that's perfect. I prefer we both be focused on our careers. It would be mutually beneficial if we worked similar hours, no one waiting at home for the other one all the time.

No need to ruin a good thing with talks of marriage and kids.

>> No.1587782


I always get this.

>> No.1587785

Hey guys guess what? Jungian personality types are in no way scientific.

>> No.1587787

Shit just got real.

>> No.1587795

INTJ is master race

>> No.1587796

is INFJ good?

>> No.1587800

I go back and forth between INTJ and INTP

>> No.1587802

INTP here. INTJs are shit tier, they judge people rather than perceiving fact and acting upon it. Enjoy your boring life.

>> No.1587810


Yeah I went there too.

>Rational women tend to be late bloomers on the dating scene. They are sometimes unaware of or don't wish to follow cultural norms which dictate what is considered feminine. As they get older, men often appreciate their logic and general lack of emotional outbursts, along with the fact that Rational women tend to clearly state what they think and want.

These type of women exist!?!?!?! I don't believe it.

>> No.1587812

ENFP here.

Fuck yeah yoshi.

>> No.1587814


>On the contrary, they lie dormant, saving their energy until a project or an adventure worthy of their time comes along--and then they launch themselves at it.

>> No.1587815

OP, how did you find this picture?

>> No.1587816

someone else smells the irony here?
Or did you just pwn your own ass?

>> No.1587817

INTP here. I worked for an INTJ who ran the software shop for 11 years. The relationship worked really well. INTP+INTJ can make a really good team.

>> No.1587819

No youve got to understand.

If an INTJ was going to describe a duck, they would define the elements of the duck and draw a picture of a duck.

If an INFJ was going to describe a duck, they would create a vacuum in which only the duck can exist, and imply the duck by filling in all the space that is not a duck

INTJs dont like this because it never really actually defines 'the duck'

INFJs dont like a picture of a duck, because it seems too definite, like that specific picture of a duck is all there is to a duck.

>> No.1587821
File: 23 KB, 380x362, 1270924986671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Share same last name as the god in the pic

>> No.1587825

Ive never met a person who disagreed with their type description.

and these are not super broad newspaper astrology sign descriptions, some are exact opposites of others.

>> No.1587826

Looks like someone here has the need to feel superior

>> No.1587831


awesome ENFP here too. Champions for the fucking win.

>> No.1587840

I disagree with my INFJ.

>> No.1587841

Yeah, I remember reading that a few years back and being pretty fucking stunned.

INTP/filmmaker here. Sorry /sci/friends.

>> No.1587844

Here's a concise guide that's pretty good:


>> No.1587845

ENTP master race

>> No.1587849

From OP's pic, the majority of 4chan is House, and I'm Einstein.

You do realize this test is somewhere between astrology and those quizzes that get linked on facebook.

>> No.1587856

INTJ here. Pretty accurate, but the description said anyone who is slacking is severely disrespected by me....but i am pretty much the slacker on all things.

>> No.1587858


Feels good man

>> No.1587859

Try a different test, and see if you get a different result. These online tests are often weak in their questions.

OTOH, if you understand the system and you understand how the person in question thinks, you can identify a person's type without the need for a test.

>> No.1587861

Your low self image is probably why you are on 4chan then.

>> No.1587863

ENTP nuff said.

>> No.1587867


Introverted: 89
Intuitive: 25
Thinking: 75
Judging: 44

>> No.1587879


I wouldnt say so, Jung had his eccentric ways of using psychology, but astrology is basically 100% guessed to relate to anyone, and the results other than INTJ were no where near how i would see myself.

>> No.1587885

Introverted 100
Intuitive 38
Thinking 50
Judging 1

>> No.1587900

Most people don't actually know anything about their astrological anything though. There is a lot more that effects it than what day you were born on. To get accuracy you need the exact minute and geographical location of birth.

>> No.1587910


and i'm Goethe, not Batman

btw, Jungian types work for some people, INFJ definitely describes me to a remarkable degree of accuracy...also, this: >>1587819

>> No.1587913
File: 35 KB, 704x400, snapshot20090405194810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ Master Race

>> No.1587917

So much hate on the INTJ's. Jealousy? I don't know.

I'm an INTJ, but I could have told you that before taking the test. I became a mathematician because I like quantifying and understanding things, and their description has me pretty much pegged.

>> No.1587920


and i'm Goethe, not Batman

btw, Jungian types work for some people, INFJ definitely describes me to a remarkable degree of accuracy...also, this: >>1587819

>> No.1587922


Introverted - 78
Sensing - 19
Thinking - 62
Judging - 56


im ok with this

>> No.1587923

Well, duh, why would I disagree with it? After all, the questions in this test are nothing more than "are you introverted or extroverted?", "are you judging or thinking?" etc.
So, being the introverted nerd I am, I always gave the "introverted" answer, and surprise: I'm diagnosed as an introverted type.
Also, how could i be sure that I didn't answer according to what I wanted to hear? After all, House is a pretty cool guy, eh heals people and doesn't afraid of nothing.

>> No.1587926


Funny, I got

Introverted 100
Intuitive 50
Thinking 50
Judging 0

Does that mean I have some extra round-number OCD? Or does it mean I'm super god tier?

>> No.1587931

INTJ, as expected

>> No.1587932
File: 114 KB, 287x327, riker riker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw defending astrology

>> No.1587947

So the nine months of growth in the womb mean nothing? I mean like if your mother was on a lazy susan for nine months would your sign even matter?

>> No.1587950


Shocker, it's giving your own answers back to you.

My only complaint is that it mostly focuses on positive traits and compares to famous/great people.

I'd rather be Hitler or Charles Manson or Bill O'Reilly or Paris Hilton or something. The worst one they list is Ayn Rand.

>> No.1587963

Anything that divides the whole spectrum of human psychology into 50% this or 50% that is hokey, have you learned anything worthwhile from this test that you can apply in real everyday life?
Sorry to interrupt your circle jerk.

>> No.1587964
File: 77 KB, 600x750, motivator_intj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Introverted: 78%
Intuitive: 62%
Thinking: 75%
Judging: 11%

>> No.1587969

It means your I**J; the NT are too ambiguous to call. Try another test.

>> No.1587970

Thats actually an interesting thought, implying that it would be less accurate for someone who traveled around a lot while in the womb still.

Anyway, its based on observation. Hundreds of thousands of years of bored humans sitting around, realizing people born under certain conditions trend one way or another.

>> No.1587976

of all the personality tests I've taken, this may be my least favorite.

>> No.1587979

It's based on scared as fuck astrologers who will get killed if their king/emperor don't like the predictions they divine from the sky.

With everything we know about the universe today, how can anyone possibly believe in astrology. Anyone with a brain higher than peasant-grade
realized it was bullshit a thousand years ago.

>> No.1587981

Astrology is not based on observation... other than observation of the stars. And pre-historic hunter-gatherers hardly had a lot of time to sit around thinking about stuff. I guess their priests or elders may have if such existed.

>> No.1587987

Bill is a ESTJ, he ozes out of his pores with it, he shouts it at the top of his lungs. Which i believe is his favored way to communicate.

>> No.1588004

harder to hunt at night. Astrology is popular because at night, other than sleeping, all you had to do was look up and ponder the little sparkly things up there.

good for you, believing something is wrong when you don't even know how it claims to work.

>> No.1588012

I had an in between opinion about a lot of these questions. Not very good if you ask me.

>> No.1588014
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>> No.1588020

So you believe it works because so many of our ancestors believe it, it must be right, rite?!? This is the same logic Christians use.

Have you ever heard of Fan Death? In Korea, no one leaves their fans on while they sleep because they believe the fan will somehow suck the air out of the room, there are even "documented" cases (only in Korea of course) of people asphyxiating in their sleep.

Proving that just because a few million people believe something doesn't make it true.

Astrology, I'm rl chuckling right now.

>> No.1588023

>ctrl-F "ENFJ"

Apparently I'm the only one.

>> No.1588026

I lol'd

>> No.1588028
File: 56 KB, 600x750, INTP pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588029

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
67 12 62 50

3rd time ive gotten in in 2 years

>> No.1588030

Except me.

>> No.1588033
File: 46 KB, 251x251, 1272210479374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pisses me off. Every test I take says something different.
I got:


In about 5 tests.

So I guess ENTP is probably right.
Also read a description of each character types "lifestyle" and ENTP fits best.

I also have problems answering some of those questions, because neither or both options are true.
The best test I took didn't have two options but a truth scale (from 1: Agree with the statement to 5: Disagree). That was the most accurate test (also told me ENTP) I have seen yet. That humanmetrics test is absolute bullshit.
Can't find the URL anymore though.

>> No.1588034

INTP muthafuka

>> No.1588035

No, i believe that since I:

1. Know the reason it is implied to work, and realizes that that is going to require a LOT of observation to be effective


2. Know that there has been indeed a LOT of astrologists doing just that over human history

that basing things off of astrology is going to work better than basing it off of, say, a single grain of sand, which would also, if given enough time, be capable of yielding all the knowledge in the entire universe, provided infinite time to study.

>> No.1588037
File: 28 KB, 249x302, cousteau_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


introverted 56%
intuitive 50%
thinking 25%
judging 56%

>natural science

heh... When I was a kid, my "hero" was Jacques Costeau. lol

>> No.1588040 [DELETED] 


>> No.1588058
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>> No.1588070
File: 43 KB, 920x467, intj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess it's right, got the same result in 3 different tests on different sites.

>> No.1588073

That was fucking long


>> No.1588074

ive been taking these tests for years and always get the same result.

>> No.1588078



my face :)

>> No.1588089
File: 66 KB, 600x750, intp einstine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588090

I guess that i'm house.
Ugh, That show isn't funny.
But, haikus are cool.

Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
33 12 25 44

>> No.1588097
File: 32 KB, 750x600, intp gaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588098
File: 69 KB, 600x750, INFP17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588100

Funny hing is I feel more like an INTP than INTJ.

>> No.1588102
File: 48 KB, 600x750, INFP56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588106
File: 59 KB, 600x750, INTP30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you say so...

>> No.1588113

84 62 92 87

>> No.1588115
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>> No.1588116

INTJ, occasionally score INFJ instead

>> No.1588120


Wrong. I answered yes to questions of whether or not I was sympathetic to the plight of others.

Enjoy your raging retardation and resulting wild assumptions.

>> No.1588123
File: 74 KB, 750x600, intj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588124

Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
.....89 88 62 1

>> No.1588125
File: 101 KB, 600x750, INFJ24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588127
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>> No.1588134

/r/ing MOAR demotivators, sauce as well please

>> No.1588135
File: 57 KB, 600x480, intjcybercontroller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588138

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 62 38 11

You are:
moderately expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality

>> No.1588139
File: 48 KB, 640x512, INTJposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google is your friend...or was until they fucked up with that new image search layout.

>> No.1588141

> House
> Introvert

Also INTJ, can't remember the stats.

>> No.1588144
File: 71 KB, 600x750, INTP2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588148

Master race reporting.

I: 44%
N: 50%
T: 50%
J: 44%

>> No.1588149
File: 70 KB, 600x750, ISFP24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588150

Strength of the preferences %
67 38 75 67

Hello Dr. House

>> No.1588151
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>> No.1588154
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>Ugh, That show isn't funny.

You better be trolling, and in case you aren't:
Is there a gun in your house? Make sure it's loaded, and stick it in your mouth. Taste the stinging metal on your tongue, feel the hard barrel against your teeth; push it deep in your mouth, and angle it upwards, towards the roof of your mouth, and your microscopic brain. Now, squeeze the trigger, hard. Splatter the contents of your thick skull. Please.

>> No.1588157
File: 70 KB, 600x750, INTJ22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588158


>> No.1588161

U mad?

>> No.1588162


>> No.1588165
File: 54 KB, 600x750, INFJ16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588167


It's... just a show, man...

>> No.1588168
File: 75 KB, 600x750, INFJ7-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588169


Butthurt much? I mean it's a good show, but damn, calm the fuck down.

Also INTJ master race etc.

>> No.1588171

100 75 62 22

You are:

* very expressed introvert
* distinctively expressed intuitive personality
* distinctively expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed judging personality

>> No.1588173
File: 43 KB, 750x600, INFJ49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1588174
File: 6 KB, 745x151, 0011100111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Never Lupus.

>> No.1588175

You just don't get it man... You just don't get it...

nerds and their obsessive interests

>> No.1588178
File: 7 KB, 400x320, intp poster3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what?

>> No.1588179
File: 80 KB, 750x600, INTJ-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1588181

INTP/J. Seems like almost everyone else here is one of those as well despite that they're the two rarest types other than INFJ. Tells you something about /sci/...

>> No.1588182

more like

>> No.1588189

Which is why discussions turn into just this

>> No.1588195

Don't troll me, bro.
That's not cool and you know it.

>> No.1588196

i just accidentally ESTJ, is this bad?

>> No.1588198

website doesn't work for me

>> No.1588199

90% of 4chan is intj

>> No.1588200

Admit that you're 15.

>> No.1588201

Everything in that article fits perfectly. Woah

>> No.1588211

now i am confused. INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities.

But i dont see how that ties in to any of the What-the-fuck pictures im seeing with INFJ in the caption

>> No.1588213

I can't.
I don't lie.

>> No.1588214

we do, actually.
i didn't start dating until i was about 25, and in my experience, the lack of emotional outbursts pisses men the fuck off.
because men are children and i am not impressed by their shit.

INTJ, as administered by a psychiatrist. and the Asperger's Syndrome doesn't help much, either.

>> No.1588219

INTJ here. Read this INTP faggots:

"Hallmarks of the INTJ include independence of thought and a desire for efficiency. They work best when given autonomy and creative freedom. They harbor an innate desire to express themselves by conceptualizing their own intellectual designs. They have a talent for analyzing and formulating complex theories. INTJs are generally well-suited for occupations within academia, research, consulting, management, science, engineering, and law. They are often acutely aware of their own knowledge and abilities—as well as their limitations and what they don't know (a quality that tends to distinguish them from INTPs)"

>> No.1588222

Let me get this straight tinycat. You believe that our lives and fates are determined by the random paths of giant chunks of rock and gas, orbiting a bigger giant chunk of gas, orbiting even bigger clumps of gas. Ley lines of energy intersect the universe, and in fact, the universe in all of its diversity, scale and wonder is centred around our tiny little rock, with its pathetically short-lived organisms, where life independently arose over 4 billion years of evolution.

And people call me arrogant. You tinycat, are a namefag I will not soon forget.

>> No.1588227

In what year were you born? QUICK!

>> No.1588233

>They are often acutely aware of their own knowledge and abilities—as well as their limitations and what they don't know (a quality that tends to distinguish them from INTPs)

So you're proud of thinking within limitations?...
Have fun with that.

>> No.1588234

Those pictures were probably made by an INTJ, they get INFJs wrong.

>> No.1588244
File: 125 KB, 1280x800, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit. Seems like I'm the buzzkill of the party.

>> No.1588247

No, that is not what i believe at all. That is what people whos understanding of astrology does not go beyond the newspaper and those little rolled up pieces of paper at the checkout counter believe i believe though.

>> No.1588249

Meanwhile Socrates is considered to have been an INTP, and his whole central tenant was knowing and acknowledging the extent of one's ignorance.

>> No.1588255

How the hell can you be aware of all the stuff you don't know?

>> No.1588257


is this good or bad?

>> No.1588260

You can do what I do at parties -- listen for someone to say something factually incorrect so you can correct them.

>> No.1588262

> implying there is no such thing as too much selfconfidence

>> No.1588264


He's just a crazy person. Ignore him. You aren't going to sway his opinion and you shouldn't try.

>> No.1588272
File: 19 KB, 814x592, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1588196 here

what does this mean tho, i dont know

>> No.1588274


>> No.1588278

Note that ancient astrology wasn't about giving people individual horoscopes. It was about the stars and planets signifying what was going on with humanity as a whole.

>> No.1588281

I knew all the /sci/fags were going to say they're INTJ or INTP.

That said, INTP.

>> No.1588282

INTJ, here
78 38 38 33

What does it mean that I am only moderately expressed intuitive / thinking / judging? Does that mean I am basically just a shut-in with no redeeming qualities? Feels fucking bad, man.

>> No.1588287



Introverted 78
Intuitive 12
Feeling 6
Judging 11

>> No.1588290


78 62 62 1

>> No.1588297

One and the same to me bro
But i CAN'T. I have a problem.

>> No.1588301
File: 31 KB, 380x288, 1248113062097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlighten me, how do "OVERconfidence" and "thinking outside the box" or "imagination" correlate?

Who would've though that /sci/ would create a thread about the Jung typology test into one giant circle jerk over which personality is best....

>> No.1588303

Ancient astrology is about the correlation between one observable defined system and another system.

Since both systems exist within the same universe they where governed and formed by the same laws, and thus observing one that can easily be observed can give you insight into the one that can not as easily be observed.

The movements in the heavens have been observed for a very long time, so there is a lot of experience and data for humans to work off off.

Any other system would, if having the same amount of time and effort invested into it, work just as well.

For example, it would be possible to watch /b/s posting activity and predict an earth quake, if you had enough data. It would take potentially thousands of years watching /b/ and watching earthquakes before you started getting things somewhat accurate, but it would eventually work.

Because its of questionable exactness and accuracy due to needing many not-readily-available variables, i dont pay much attention to astrology. However the principals its based on are perfectly solid ones.

>> No.1588315

I, for one, agree the /b/s posting causes earthquakes.

>> No.1588319

Depending on my mood, I get either INFP or ESTJ

>> No.1588331

ITT: a paragraph or so that describes my base characteristics in a positive light! Haz my babbies Carl!

>> No.1588333

ENTJ here.

Dunno if that's accurate.

>> No.1588335

67 38 50 1

I am very non-judgmental, nothing like Hosue...

>> No.1588336


That's stupid. You're stupid.

>> No.1588338

Anybody? I am trying to find some explanations of what the scores mean.

>> No.1588342


but doesnt everyone wanna be house...

>> No.1588344

ENTJ - Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging

Field Marshal up in this bitch. I never was a fan of these but reading the two descriptions for my type that were offered, it's pretty spot on.

>> No.1588345
File: 49 KB, 500x372, 1180976668127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well your face is stupid!

>> No.1588347

After reading the description, I suppose this could be accurate...

I do seem to end up being in charge of groups.

>> No.1588366

The problem with your superstition is that there is no correlation between /b/ and earthquakes, and you would be a fool to see one. Just as there is no correlation between our personal lives here on earth and the random paths of astronomical objects.

By your logic, you should be able to look at any random event and divine some cosmic truth from it. An ant hill or waves at the beach for example. If you look hard and long enough, you will see a pattern in anything. That's what the human mind does.

>> No.1588367


Even better is the fact that we're wanking of to something /sci/ doesn't consider to be a science

>> No.1588375

/sci/ seems to have a lot of:

....Pretty much everything that's on the right side of OP's chart.

>> No.1588384

Very interesting how most of us have the NT - iNtuitive Thinking. Go /sci/ go!

>> No.1588399

INTJ/INTP: 5-9% of the population, 99% of /sci/

WTF man

>> No.1588401


>> No.1588407

ENTJ is supposed to be less than 2%, but there are quite a few in this thread.

>> No.1588409

As its already been said, most of 4chan is intj. These personality type tests have always sprung up on various boards over the years, and no matter the board, the majority is always intj

>> No.1588412

What exactly can we infer from this?

>> No.1588413

wonder how the outcome would be for the other boards on 4Chan

>> No.1588416

I believe that for /sci/, but the rest of 4chan, I'm not so sure.

Granted the non NT people are probably socializing or not on the internets right now.

>> No.1588418

intj = antisocial genius = 4chan

it was obvious really

>> No.1588435

I'm definitely E/INTJ. I seem to have some qualities of both.

Also, Biologist.

>> No.1588436

well the in*j part is self explanatory

Introverts, obviously an extrovert would not spend all their time on an anonymous internet website.

The N makes sense because we live our lives in a world of text, you kind of have to be able to trust your ability to reason out truth instead of directly experiencing it

the t is because of all in*js, ts are far more common than fs.

infj is most rare of all types and there are three in this thread

The J makes sense because no matter what we are, since we are all introverts, the J just means we want to show everyone what our middle two letters are.

Which explains all the arguing/trolling/posting/crap that happens on 4chan.

It all makes perfect sense.

>> No.1588441
File: 104 KB, 864x594, 1281623011084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP derp.

>> No.1588450

I'm one, too.

>> No.1588453


>> No.1588462

Almost all the F's I've known are females. Are the F's in here females?

>> No.1588464

ENTJ i always wonder why i liked his show :D

>> No.1588467

Guys think, girls feel. We're all T because there are no wimminz on the internets, least of all in /sci/.

Sry to r9k on y'all.

>> No.1588487

im an autogynephile, does that count?

>> No.1588496

Close enough

>> No.1588498


What a surprise.


56 75 100 11

Seems pretty perfect scientist to me

>> No.1588509

Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
11 25 12 22

>> No.1588529

INTJ master race reporting in

Introverted 89%
Intuitive 40%
Thinking 58%
Judging 49%

>> No.1588534

/sci/ is proof of the imprecision of such shitty tests. These tests are not empirically valid and actually stand at odds with modern neuroscience. I thought we moved past folk psychology, guys.

>> No.1588555


>> No.1588592


The fact is psychology HEAVILY relies on neuroscience. There is a field called neuropsychology afterall.

You could argue psychology is a sociological phenomena or social construct, and then in that case it loses all objectivity and sort of becomes like anthropology (based off naive realism).

The reason why I discuss neuroscience is because I think it's time we move past folk psychology. This is what Jung's test is... folk psychology. It has no shred of real evidence and is based off mere anthropocentric labels.

>> No.1588596

just from reading some of these, people who are anywhere from 1-70% "judging" are considered INTJ. That doesn't really make sense, how can someone who is not judgmental at all have the same personality type as someone who acts like judge and jury.

da flaws.

>> No.1588609

just because someone does not act judging does not mean they are not judging you

>> No.1588612

dude I'm just like George Carlin. (ENTP)


>> No.1588617

Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
1 100 12 56

Cool, I've gotten this before.

>> No.1588626


Someone has been watching Bones

>> No.1588649


INTP checking in. I used to get INTJ all the time actually. I guess something has changed.

>> No.1588651


being outwardly judgmental is a form of extroversion which is a different personality than that of someone who is not judgmental either way. It's not very precise, there's no way there are just 16 personalities.

>> No.1588686
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>> No.1588687



>> No.1588733


>> No.1588751
File: 11 KB, 155x239, 23868-geek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when spoiler doesn't work on /sci/

>> No.1588753

ENTJ reporting in.

>> No.1588754


Insert Lupus joke here.

>> No.1588763


>> No.1588766


Fuck yeah

>> No.1588773


>> No.1588783

Also, going into Natural Sciences. Sweet.

>> No.1588790

>100% introvert

>> No.1588815

I love you
Because you're me with a vagina

>> No.1588819

ENTJfag here. SUP?

>> No.1588852

>22% I

>> No.1588876

INTJ fag reporting in

>> No.1588903

For intps the world is just a tool to perfect the mind.

>> No.1588924

>implying a world

>> No.1588931

fine the universe... fucking Js...

>> No.1588941

Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
33 50 12 33

doesn't fit me imo

>> No.1588942

Introverted 56
Intuitive 75
Thinking 50
Perceiving 11

>> No.1588943

Wow this thread is still here with over 200 replies. /sci/ has more tools than I thought.

>> No.1589008

yup, same thing I get every time.

>> No.1589020



>> No.1589142

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
67 69 50 61

>> No.1589198

Extraverted: 33
Intuitive: 62
Feeling: 25
Perceiving: 11

>> No.1589232


Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
67 25 62 11

>> No.1589263
File: 19 KB, 537x424, CP_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at those who score "Feeling" in their personality results.

Religious people think with emotion over logic. You are all potential Christian creationists. Don't you find this a little unsettling? That you choose to solve life problems almost entirely with emotion in mind? This isn't an immediate problem in your eyes?


>> No.1589269

FUCK YEAH House and Steven Hawking

>> No.1589284

That's not how it works, fag. INTP relgiousfag here... like Newton, Socrates, Descartes, Pascal, and Jung,

>> No.1589301

Extroverted - 67
Intuitive - 25
Thinking - 75
Perceiving - 22

>> No.1589303


Those who rely on their emotions are far more prone to use them over reasoning in real world situations. People that do so harm society if they get in positions of power.

>> No.1589305
File: 56 KB, 1094x842, Batmanhateskittens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
33 25 38 22

I. Am. The. Batman.

>> No.1589306

INTP. last time i got INTJ. noticing alot more people suddenly ending up with INTJ when they see someone compare that to House.

>> No.1589314


Fuck yeah, I got Laurie.

>> No.1589317

It's a baseless claim to suggest that the involvement of emotions in decision-making is harmful to society. History suggests the opposite is true. As an INTP, I tend to underuse emotions in my decision-making, yet a survey of 20th century history shows the horrors that can result when decisions are made in a consciously emotionless way on a national level.

>> No.1589337

When INTPs feel insulted, however, they may respond with sudden, cutting criticism. After such an incident, INTPs are likely to be as bewildered as the recipient. They have broken the rules of debate and exposed their raw emotions.
To INTPs, this is the crux of the problem: emotions must be dealt with logically—because improperly handled emotions, INTPs believe, can only harm.

OMG so true, I do hate the innacuracy of these tests though, vague questions which could I could answer both depending on the situation. For instance I wouldn't be introverted if everyone was fricken awesome, but people suck.

>> No.1589348

astrology is more accurate than myers-briggs typology, /tg/ agreed, don't bother them about it

>> No.1589353

I got fucking George Carlin, bitches.

>> No.1589387

ENTJ. Believe.
56 75 50 33
What do these numbers MEAN?!?!

>> No.1589453

Yes, the tests tend to be very fallible, although they sort many people properly. If you really understand the theory behind the types (much more complicated than it first appears), then it's not hard to sort people properly without a formal test. But doing it through these sorts of questions is difficult.

>> No.1589464

I really can not answer for any other types, but the hell, I always get INTP and it's accurate.

I fucking hate the captcha I got, shit's impossible to read. Going for niggers niggers.

>> No.1589491

if you're not an INTJ, you don't know SHIT about reality.

>> No.1589520

I'm an INTJ and I disagree, anyone with F doesn't get reality.

>> No.1589525
File: 56 KB, 500x318, fail-boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F is for FAIL

>> No.1589528


i'm skeptical because i don't know how carl jung developed this test nor when he did it, but that skepticism is predicted by my personality profile


>> No.1589581
File: 27 KB, 640x360, 1278339229758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTP up in this motherfucker

>> No.1589611
File: 86 KB, 813x452, 1196851691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking: 75%

My penis: Extremely hard

>> No.1589627

The hilarious thing is that this board completely shits on behavioral and cognitive sciences, and yet a thread about a personality test gets over 100 posts.

You guys are fucking hilarious.

>> No.1589644


It's almost an innate human desire to understand how our own minds work. Therefore people love to eat up just about anything that claims to explain how or why they think they way they do.

>> No.1589669

/sci/ has never slammed Neuroscience to my knowledge. I think they're just pissed off at unempirical faggorts like Freud and shit, ya dig?

>> No.1589822
File: 39 KB, 200x150, 200px-Harley_Wigglytuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the opinion of a board who plays games involving magic is more valid than /sci/

>> No.1591409


>> No.1591482

Strength of the preferences %
1 100 38 22

>> No.1591496

I have taken one of those test. INTJ here.

>> No.1591498

>+250 posts
>only 4 INFP's

I'M A FUCKIN SNOWFLAKE. Can anyone name some fictional INFP characters, I'm curious.

>> No.1591529


INFPs account for 1-5% of the population while INTJs account for 1-4%. It just seems that 4chan, or maybe just /sci/, attracts a lot of INTJs.

>> No.1591538

people eager to participate in face to face personality tests = extrovert
people on 4chan = introvert
its just a matter of sampling bias.

>> No.1591543


James Clerk Maxwell, Einstein

Theoretical physics here I come

>> No.1591549


I think most of /sci/ is like this.

>> No.1591556

ISTP here

Introverted 56
Sensing 12
Thinking 50
Perceiving 33

Fuck you i am going back to tinkering with my things.

>> No.1591570

11 38 38 1

That doesn't sound very certain at all. :T

>> No.1591584

ENFJ here too

Introverted: 11%
Intuitive: 50%
Thinking: 12%
Judging: 22%

>> No.1591598


>While proficiency may not be a central goal, competence always is. The difference here may be subtle, but it is important. If an INTP decides to learn a skill, then it is very important for him that he reaches a sufficient level so that basic errors can be avoided. Errors made by others are to be expected and can be criticised. But errors made by oneself attack the very root of the person, which is ultimately about rationality, logic and truth. INTPs hate to think of themselves being in any way inadequate, at least in areas that are important to them. So, as soon as he puts himself behind some task, then he must achieve competency. But that is as far as it goes. Refined competency requires too much effort and has little attraction. It would require practice and that usually bores an INTP. Hence, it is common to see INTPs dabbling at many things, achieving competency, just enough to prove to themselves that they could become more proficient if they wished, but rarely actually bothering to refine their skills further.

Wow... that's me...

>> No.1591609

INTP here,

78 introverted 38 intuitive 25 thinking 33 percieving

>> No.1591611

I've taken this test and similar ones a bunch of times.

Usually get INFP or INTP.

>> No.1591643

78 25 88 44

This shit is probably bullshit. So many INTJ's here.

>> No.1591652


67 62 1 11
wtf how did i get a 1 on thinking?

>> No.1591662


>> No.1591672

Introverted: 100%
Intuitive: 25%
Thinking: 62%
Judging: 33%

>> No.1591730

This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, they tend to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most types consider half the fun of a relationship). To complicate matters, INTJs are usually extremely private people, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes them easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense. :-) This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many Fs -- only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, the INTJ will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness.


Oh shit. They fucking know me.

>> No.1591732

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 38 38 22

Well i am slightly surprised.

But to be in the same ranks as Hawking and Greenspan is definitely something i already knew.

Hence why i lurk around here....

>> No.1591760


67 1 62 22

>> No.1591794

INTP muhfhuggha

>> No.1591808

ENFJ here being the nicest and most influential personality class.

partying it up with the likes of Johnny Depp, Dick van Dyke, and Sean Connery. it doesn't get more classy than this!

>> No.1591820

I - 89%
N - 62%
T - 62%
J - 1%
W00T matched with house

>> No.1591839


>> No.1591856


Woa, there are some INFJ's here, and it's supposed to be rare. But it isn't rare to find I people @ /sci.

>> No.1591857


>> No.1591871

probably the only ESFP on whole 4chan...

11 1 12 44

>> No.1591874

Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
100 69 12 17

>> No.1591878


Congratulations on being a huge faggot. You get off from being "different" don't you faggot?

INTJ up in this bitch.

Introverted: 22%
Intuitive: 25%
Thinking: 50%
Judging: 1%

>> No.1591880


>This shit is probably bullshit. So many INTJ's here.

Seeing as how this is a science board it's probably more accurate than you'd think.

>> No.1591881

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78 62 25 11

Not what I had hoped for :/

>> No.1591884

that some anger you got by secretly wishing you were something else, altough your logic tells you it's okay to be like them?

Also: Sorry 'bout answering them questions truthfully. And obviously I DO get off by being different, since it is a basic human desire to be special.

No bad feelings.

>> No.1591887
File: 297 KB, 1280x800, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ, fuck yeah.

>> No.1591894


>that some anger you got by secretly wishing you were something else

Whoa. I see you're quite an individual. My apologies.

>> No.1591898

No bad feelings, as I mentioned.

>> No.1591903
File: 2.99 MB, 640x480, 1271120869462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'm INFP, today I'm INTJ.

>> No.1591912

Extraverted 56
Sensing 12
Thinking 25
Judging 11

>> No.1591914

Forgot this bit.
Introverted 67
Intuitive 62
Thinking 38
Judging 11

>> No.1591917

Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
33 62 62 22

And after reading the descriptions, FUCKING SPOT ON

>> No.1591924

FFS OP, You realise this is a scientific board, so reason would seem to point that most people would be NT or ST. We are basically all logical. Other than religous fags
Fuck off trolls

>> No.1591926

Just to add on, I have done 5 of these tests
ENTP 3 times and INTP 2 times

>> No.1591927
File: 43 KB, 600x750, entp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1591930
File: 102 KB, 640x800, 1269997136075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introverted 67
Intuitive 38
Thinking 1
Judging 1
INTJ tested two times. Once was INFP a few months ago. Somethings wrong with me, but uh im not sure what.

>> No.1591931
File: 52 KB, 750x600, entjeasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1591933
File: 55 KB, 600x750, intjc3p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1591939
File: 29 KB, 604x483, ESTJ n4205240_31258619_8939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1591943

You suggesting I take up religion?

>> No.1591945
File: 49 KB, 600x750, INTJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1591948
File: 50 KB, 500x556, INTJwyqsjsxro7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might call it religion...I don't know about anybody else.

>> No.1591999
File: 21 KB, 320x240, 1206849123299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Introverted 44
Intuitive 38
Feeling 25
Judging 67


>> No.1592441
File: 42 KB, 600x750, INFJ27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1592938

I got Dr. Spock (ISTJ)
That's good, right?


>> No.1593552
File: 27 KB, 512x640, ISTJ01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Spock?