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File: 32 KB, 320x320, Athiesm lawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1587409 No.1587409 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Athiestfags, If evolution Is real, why Is It only a theory?

>> No.1587413

OP is from >>>/b/263182660

everyone under this line will wake up as a nigger tomorrow

>> No.1587424


>> No.1587426

> Religion
> The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing
> and then nothing magically created it self for no reason, creating everything.
> and then the magical being that created it self out of nothing created the sun and the earth and the plants and the animals, and finally created a man.
> this man broke of his rib and out of nothing but a rib created a female version of a man and they were also self-replicating
> Makes perfect sense.

>> No.1587454

You're a faggot, Christianity wins.

>> No.1587464

explain god

>> No.1587466

A theory is the highest concept of observation.
what you are referring to is a hypothesis' fucking retard
And atheism isn't about belief it's rejecting a claim that there is a god. your just a moron who can't understand simple logic that's all.

>> No.1587477

you can believe in evolution and still be a theist fagg

>> No.1587478

If gravity exists, why do balloons ascend instead of descending?
Christians - 2 Athiests - 0

>> No.1587483

Lol obvious troll is obvious...

>> No.1587484

>your just a moron who can't understand simple logic that's all.
your just a moron who can't understand simple trolling that's all.

>> No.1587486


lol basic laws of physics.

>> No.1587489

You're a shitty troll who's not even trying to try.

>> No.1587490


ootsieee loool

>> No.1587491

Athiesm Is the stupidest fucking religion ever.

>> No.1587493

.......wow still no one has explained god yet
I wonder why

>> No.1587495


>> No.1587498

And you asshats are going to respond.

>> No.1587509

so sinse there's a book about him it makes him real?
there are books saying that transformers are real.

>> No.1587512

Lawl, and you guys claim christianity Is stupid? You're saying nature can make It's own laws when It's not even a living entity.

>> No.1587529

Human is 1 corner character
of a 4-corner metamorphosis.
Cubic Power contradicts god.
Earth life is heaven and hell.
Self is lowest humanity form.
Humans born of 2 opposites,
femininity and masculinity,
to a 4-corner metamorphosis:
baby, child, parent, gd.parent.
God concept is human doom.
Family Cube is creation body.
Village equates highest order.
Teach god singularity & you
teach evil to Cubic humanity.
Evil people ignore TimeCube.
Word is fraught with evil, as
in a virus among languages.
Time Cube corners word god.
Cubic Time transcends gods.
Cowards fear the Time Cube.

Compare plan 'A' god with a
plan 'B' Time Cube creation
and discover plan 'A' is a lie.
You've been educated stupid
and are too dumb to know it,
or maybe just too evil to care.
Ignoranceof the Time Cube
is a "curse" upon humanity.
Minds must see a Time Cube,
that eyes cannot comprehend.
Word is counterfeit & fiction.
People can live without word,
and cubeless word is a poison
that destroys all civilizations.
Truth in Word is Cubic math.
No 'Truth in Word' is taught.
Read about "Easter Island End".


There are 4 different Worlds
on Earth. Yours is 1 of them.
You're ignorant of 3 of them.
Such ignorance is damnable.
You are educated stupid and
can't compute a Time Cube.
You are unworthy of Earth
life and deserve banishment
to a barren planet - more fit
for your antiNature life style.

Are you aware that the MIT
Educators were as criminals
for banning student right to
debate Nature's Time Cube?
Ignoring Time Cube is evil.
Time Cube is highest order
of life, a "Cubic Creation".

>> No.1587532

YOU dick faced mother fuckers, god is a concept not a proven figure. Your basically saying because you read it in a 3000 page picture book that it must be true.

>> No.1587537

Evolution is both a theory and a fact.

a fact is something that can be observed,
a theory is an explanation for an observation.

for example the theory of gravity,
the FACT is that things fall to the ground,
where Sir Isac newton developed his mechanical theory of gravity to explain why things fall,
Einstein then furthered this theory by adding in General relativity explaining how the curvature of space time is affected by mass.

Evolution is no different,
it is our best current theory to explain the FACT THAT SPECIES EVOLVE OVER TIME


Science: 1
God worshiping religion: 0

>> No.1587541

dude... you should definitely stick to a rub-ix cube.. tho i do agree with you

>> No.1587549

thank you :)

>> No.1587579

What's wrong with you all?
Nothing to see here, move along and don't feed them.

>> No.1587623

you fed them

>> No.1587643

ya'll niggas getting trolled like fuck