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15870659 No.15870659 [Reply] [Original]

Has there been any studies done on this topic? I personally am very intrigued to learn more about increasing rates of narcissism in modern societies. I am especially interested in narcissism in places like image boards. I am a 2nd yr university student and I work at the mall selling perfume to people who walk by, and I have noticed that younger people seem more self centered and narcissistic. They seem to be only interested in talking about themselves, even in settings where their personal lives are not relevant, they can't seem to abstain from inserting meaningless anecdotes about themselves, even if they add nothing to the discussion. For example, the other day I was talking to this customer and they for some reason started telling me about their job and their family. My sister does the same thing all the time.

Has there been any scientific investigation onto this fascinating and most pertinent phenomenon?

>> No.15870708

Watch Sam Vaknin. You might be a narcissist yourself because there are tons of easy to find lectures and papers yet you come here seeking attention. By the way: psychology is mythology not science.

>> No.15870750

in case you arent a bot, you are experiencing growing up. It not modern youth, all youth are generally self centered and uncaring in every generation. Even if you personally werent, or your small community wasnt, this was the general trend for your generation as well.
kids are cruel, jack

>> No.15870765
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Because it will strike a nerve:

>> No.15871129

I am not a bot
Maybe I'm just naive but I feel like this dude is being a bit too judgmental. Incompetent administrators are nearly universal. Why is he accusing the writer of so much stuff? Maybe they really are surrounded by incompetent oafs?

>> No.15871140
File: 233 KB, 543x483, IMG_4340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narcissism is very simply induced by materialistic attachment. The less materially oriented you are the less egotistically driven one is.

>this green text is a preemptive to your response; stay mad.

>> No.15871141

Is it narcissism in all of these cases, or just loneliness and an attempt to connect by sharing information about themselves?
Most Western nations are individualist societies that value individual and the expression of individual self over the collective. That might have something to do with it. When you look at Eastern societies, there are many that are more collective (society as a whole), but will still brag heavily about personal or a related person's accomplishments to socially peacock. I don't know that you could consider that to lean towards narcissistic behavior though. I'm interested to see what others have to bring up about it.

>> No.15871165

I'm not materially oriented yet I'm still highly egotistical. Checkmate liberal

>> No.15871168

Interesting to think about western and eastern differences regarding social peacocking and bragging. I have witnessed the claim that Japanese at least are far on the other extreme, where they view bragging of any sort as impolite. To the extent that even acknowledging that you are competent at something is considered a social faux pass, even a statement that we in the west would consider mundane, like "Yeah, I'm pretty good at playing piano."

Also my entire OP was meant to be an irony, since I put useless details about myself while asking about narcissism. Or calling it narcissistic when a customer told me about my job and their family, but in the same paragraph mentioned both my job and my family.

>> No.15871181

Not that anon, but it’s a concise summation of what the whiner is. Although it’s not necessarily a physical argument countering the whiners complaints, it is a spiritual argument as to why the whiner is suffering in the first place, and therefore a more astute answer and explanation. It’s meant to refuse any emotional or sympathetic mechanics one could try during the argument in order to defend their position. If the observer rigidly defines what is valid and what is invalid with absolutes, the whiners personality can implicate the entire life of the whiner at the fault of his own hand, rather than what the whiner really desires, which is to be seen as a victim of injustice.

It’s a decent intellectual(ism) used by everyone within their relative observations. It is also used by people are who more intelligent than the mold majority “intelligent”, and separates the wheat from the chaff; the larping intelligent and the actually intelligent. Reddit screeches about personal attacks but when you can recognize the fault of an argument/position lies within the deliverer, it’s easy to just deny the argument validity when it is just being used as a mask for the whiners but third.

>> No.15871183

>Also my entire OP was meant to be an irony, since I put useless details about myself while asking about narcissism.
I just assumed those were examples that you used to pad your argument, since they're relevant to what you're asking. Not really examples of narcissism, but just basic human interactions that are meant to open up conversation on the other person's end with topics or answers of a similar comfort level.

>> No.15871186
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Define materially oriented. Spiritual categories often are intertwined with materialism; to be seen pious, to desire family, to have sex. I’m curious to what you might provide as proof that you remain egoistical and yet not materially attached.

>> No.15871198

You have CLEARLY not spent a lot of time around boomers lol

>> No.15871212

I just recognize that I'm smarter than others and that they are bugs with singular functions. I guess I am somewhat materially focused because I am autistic about things being down correctly, easily, and quickly (something I do naturally, but bugs seem to struggle with)

>> No.15871229

>since they're relevant to what you're asking
True. I should have included personal anecdotes that were entirely irrelevant to the topic.
>when it is just being used as a mask for the whiners but third.
What do you mean here? Could you elaborate on this part a bit more? Im intrigued.

>> No.15871251

It’s difficult to deny nature when the body is entirely focused on validating it. Have a good night.

>> No.15871260

>but third
No real answer I can provide that would be satisfactory to the expectations that have now been built.

>> No.15871275

How about if I have no expectations? Cmon anon, even if it's mundane or word salad I'm curious

>> No.15871312

>the other day I was talking to this customer and they for some reason started telling me about their job and their family
Is that really narcissism? Seems like regular people do that to me all the time.

>> No.15871591

>The less materially oriented you are the less egotistically driven one is.
Wouldn't a narcissist avoid materialism, grounded in reality, to maintain their image? I can't convince myself I'm wealthy when I know I'm poor. A narcissist would be more likely to focus on something intangible that can't be proved one way or another.

>> No.15871592

No, I just made this post to see if I could summon the
>you sure seem to love talking about yourself
Guy to post in my thread. So far no luck, but I'm not giving up hope. I just need to use as many 1st person pronouns as possible and hope he will eventually show up and post in my thread that I created by myself

>> No.15871602

Ah also I thought it was kind of funny because in the sentence before I whined about "pointless anecdotes" but arguably the very next sentence is a pointless anecdote. And also I literally mentioned my job in the same post despite it adding absolutely nothing to the topic ("I work in a mall"). Idk, seemed more amusing in my head but i guess it really wasnt clever or well executed. I make a lot of shitposts on this website with no expectation of a genuine or sincere response but i forget on /sci/ people aren't as cynical and will actually give serious answers. Sorry.

>> No.15871656

As I've gotten older, I've noticedit's less the young who are full of themselves as the middle aged and old these days

>> No.15871791

I don’t think you understood the post m8

>> No.15871850

Sounds based. "Narcissism" is like "racism," it used to be just the default normal thing. Do you want strangers to talk to you about your hyperfixations and anime shows or whatever?

>> No.15872630

I... disagree!

>> No.15872773

He meant to write "butthurt".

>> No.15872785
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Tenshi eating a corn dog

>> No.15873181


>> No.15873417

Wow I hope it was tasty!

>> No.15874129

Im gonna cum omg louis im coming