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File: 237 KB, 1280x922, PS_2023.11.14_trust-in-scientists_00-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15865099 No.15865099 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans’ Trust in Scientists, Positive Views of Science Continue to Decline


>Among both Democrats and Republicans, trust in scientists is lower than before the pandemic

>A new Pew Research Center survey finds the share of Americans who say science has had a mostly positive effect on society has fallen and there’s been a continued decline in public trust in scientists.

>Key findings:
>Overall, 57% of Americans say science has had a mostly positive effect on society. This share is down 8 percentage points since November 2021 and down 16 points since before the start of the coronavirus outbreak.
>About a third (34%) now say the impact of science on society has been equally positive as negative. A small share (8%) think science has had a mostly negative impact on society. Trust in scientists is 14% lower than it was at the early stages of the pandemic.

>Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand how Americans view science, as well as their levels of confidence in groups and institutions in society. For this analysis, we surveyed 8,842 U.S. adults from Sept. 25 to Oct. 1, 2023.
>Everyone who took part in the survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way, nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection except for those who abstain from electronic media.

>> No.15865105
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if true, what false?

>> No.15865524

a 125% increase in the amount of people who have no trust in science over the course of just 30 months, and thats only amongst people who are avid enough consumers of electronic media to be involved in such a poll. quite a strong trend, is there any decent explanation for it?

>> No.15865648
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That means, those hundreds of billions spent on propaganda by; Big Oil, Big Auto, Big Electricity, Big Junkfood, Big Meat and Big Tech, is working.

Scientists said; pollution, junkfood and tech-induced social isolation, are all bad for you. So they don't want you to believe what those scientists say.

>> No.15865662

scientists don't say that pollution is bad for you, when tyrone hayes started publishing the data on the effects of azatrine the entire scientific community turned their back on him and tried to discredit his work, which is still ignored to this day. instead of paying attention to real problems caused by pollution, the mainstream of scientists are busy trying to distract from them by loudly claiming that a beneficial and necessary atmospheric trace gas like CO2 is harmful when it clearly is not.

>> No.15865674

It's merely political polarization.

>> No.15865718

Why so combative? You're literally agreeing with that anon, but you say it like you're debating against them.

>> No.15865719

ICP was ahead of the curve. Scientists are liars and make me pissed.

>> No.15865811

>those hundreds of billions spent on propaganda
All spent in the name of science.
Nobody distrusts science proper, it's semantics.
That's the real difference between the US parties.
The question is obviously about which side of the political discussion is more associated with indirect consequences not easily noticeable by individuals.

>> No.15865962

Republican voters are smarter so they reject politicized science.

>> No.15865972 [DELETED] 

>That's the real difference between the US parties.
There are not two political parties in America, that two party charade is carried on strictly to disguise the single party that is really running the show.

>> No.15865979

It's a chart representing who understands what science is. Of course you're not going to trust something you don't understand. I just can't believe all it took is the notion that if a scientist doesn't do science as a hobby then it 100 percent means they are corrupt and can't be trusted. That's comically tragic.

>> No.15865984

That's exactly what I was saying.

>> No.15866092 [DELETED] 

so you're saying that you don't think that there is a correlation between how much someone is paid to propose or defend a narrative and how dishonest the narrative in question is?

>> No.15866130

Oh, you mean how the climate change conference president is a CEO of a UAE national oil company? Yeah, that's fucking ridiculous, but do you think EVERY case of scientific discussion is that egregious? Why assume that everyone is lying?

>> No.15866149

As someone who does scientific/engineering oriented research for a living, I invite the public to be skeptical of my profession with open arms.

A good 1/3rd to 1/2 of the active researching professors in most scientific disciplines are charlatans and could use the distrust to get them to realize they can't just bullshit forever and expect to keep a comfy job and secure funding.

People being skeptical of The Science™ is a good thing for both the public and the process of scientific research as a whole.

>> No.15866187 [DELETED] 

>a 125% increase in the amount of people who have no trust in science over the course of just 30 months

>> No.15866197

Have you tried killing yourself with artificial lab produced virus yet? The one funded by Anthony Fauci? The one that tried to change the narrative to cover his track?

>> No.15866613 [DELETED] 


>> No.15866687

Just one of the facets of the retarded culture war in the US. If there's a group who's identity is to be against whatever is perceived as "the mainstream", then they'll inevitably turn against scientists who generally seek consensus/mainstream. Especially if they don't understand how the mainstream changes. If they had an amazing and convincing thorough theory, they could easily topple "the narrative", but they're simply angry that they don't.

>> No.15866766

>gets raped/robbed/passed around like a used $2 hooker by the elites
>someone points that out
Get necked

>> No.15866800

>make up some scenario in your head
>because of my made up story, you should become a victim of violence
Take your meds.

>> No.15866810

The NPCs are already trying to hide the last 3 years of the scenario created by your propaganda masters

>> No.15867300

I only trust racist science

>> No.15871566 [DELETED] 

science is just a religion for atheists and atheists are all liars, anyone who would trust them is retarded

>> No.15871682
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"Experts" who interpret "The Science" is the modern day version of the priest interpreting scripture. Screaming "trust the experts" and shutting down opposition and discussion is modern day clericalism
>Big Oil, Big Auto, Big Tech
these will never go away, they're way too useful to the state
>Big Electricity, Big Meat
lmao, opposing these is advocating a severe reduction in the average person's QOL
>Big Junkfood

>> No.15872315

Big Pharma Industrial Complex?
Big Military Industrial Complex?

>> No.15872332

The NPCs are telling me to get necked on a Burmese cross stitching forum.

>> No.15872333

Shouldn't NPCs like you get necked?

>> No.15873641 [DELETED] 
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the whole idea of """racism""" as a thought crime is an invention of judeo-bolshevism

>> No.15873669

Yeah, unfortunately.
But Nature will do its thing eventually and unfortunately.

>> No.15874571

>there any decent explanation for it?
incessant greedy demands for free gibes welfare money "for research" by scientists who never produce anything of any use or value from their research.

>> No.15874890

Trusting your own type over others is the rational way of thinking, the USSR communist bosses hated the Russians. Thats why they invented and criminalized racism

>> No.15875302

yet people still use smartphones and TVs, visit doctors and psychologists, ask engineers and technicians to solve their problems and so on. funny how that works.
people in this society are retarded, easily manipulated consumerists that have no idea how this all works.

>> No.15875316

Wait until something starts to break, for instance when there'll be a shortage of food.
The reeeeeing is going to be hilarious.

>> No.15875547

The political push to get people to mistrust science might have something to do with it

>> No.15875635

yup. they will recover their faith in science in no time when that happens

>> No.15875785

You see pee?

>> No.15875891

blame the fags

>> No.15875947

scientists don't provide food, farmers and ranchers do that. scientists publish articles full of lies in journals that nobody reads, they don't do anything more than that.

>> No.15875965

Industrial farming doesn't exist without synthetic fertilizers and bioengineered high-yield crops. The only reason world avoided Malthusian collapse in 70s was because of the green revolution.

>> No.15875983

It's probably because people don't want to give up their petrol cars for expensive electric cars. And they disliked the Covid restrictions.

But both of things are done for valid scientific reasons. But the average Joe doesn't care. He just wants to keep his petrol car anyway.

Maybe scientists need to better convey the consequences of climate change. For one thing, probably more people from Central America would push into the US, because Central America would surely become arid, and unable to grow crops anymore.

>> No.15875995

This is a shitpost, right? Sometimes I can't tell on this board

>> No.15876031

No it's not. I saw a National Geographic map showing that areas near the equator will produce fewer crops due to climate change. But cold places like Canada, Russia, and the Nordic countries will produce more crops, as they warm.

>> No.15876184
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That is just another one of you many lies.
Soience faggots are always dishonestly trying to award themselves credit for things they didn't do, they have to do that because they don't do anything worthwhile themselves.
CO2 is plant food, additional CO2 in the atmosphere explains all increased agricultural productivity

>> No.15876187

>National Geographic
Weasel words do a lot of heavy lifting for corporate big-money doomsday prophets.

>> No.15876209

Bro this board makes my trust in science fall through the floor every day. I literally do research for a living and the way the internet talks about science (both here and social media bullshit) makes me want to quit.

>> No.15876216

The people who know the less about science are the loudest cheerleaders of popsci

>> No.15876223

> quite a strong trend, is there any decent explanation for it?

>> No.15876226

Those are conspiracies, anon.

>> No.15876293

>bioengineered crops
They don't impact yield that much.

>> No.15876320
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imagine trusting science.
who trusted them to begin with?


>> No.15876374

>retarded zoom zoom schizo thinks some random video that probably shows a bunch of anecdotes and pop science media headlines is an argument in a discussion regarding trust in science
try killing yourself, useless faggot

>> No.15876747

>CO2 is plant food
You have never grown a plant in your entire life.

>> No.15876934


>> No.15876954
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Blatant lies.
Read about the codex alimentarius.
Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933-1942.
> people who were self sustainable were not hit by great depression
> so no extortion could happen
> and the people had no problems
> because they just could exchange goods and commodities within their communities without money
> bankers angry
> force people to kill their cattle
> prohibit the planting of certain crops and plants
> starve them
> and then extort them

They literally phased out farming for anything else excep "corn".
Which is extremly shitty in "yield vs soil depletion", low nutrition, takes up a lot of space.

They destroyed fruits, and fruit farms. Other vegetables were virtually banned or seized or destroyed.
Animals were killed.
They fucked up the whole farming industry between WW1 and WW2 and introduced "factory farming".
Governmental interventions into food production made everything shitty.
And then retards post "graphics" about "corn yield" while ignoring that all other agricultural products went down.
The introduction of huge monocultures is causal for the low nutrient dense food we have right now.
And "science" did nothing but making the plants be a facade, which only superficially is "better", to conceal the fact that soil depletion will sooner or later starve us.
GMOs are not "toxic" because they are "genetically modified" they are shit because they are created to withstand heavy spraying of pesticides, and conceal rotting.
> seeds are literally covered with poison
> they grow and absorb the poison
> which would under normal circustances would kill them
> so other animals don't get poisoned because the would DISPLAY that they are "Sick"
> GMOs conceal poisoning

> look up "round up ready seeds"
> or hefty complete corn (completly resistand and covered in poison)

>> No.15876955

the "co2 is plant food" people are up there with the flat earthers and nanobots controlled by 5g in the vaxx idiots

>> No.15876963

PFAS anyone? It's good for you! Pans less sticky! Easier to clean!

>> No.15877008

>Plant growth depends only on CO2
I accept your concession
Yes, industrial farming sucks dick about as much as everything else.
Your point?
It's a retarded statement to make on multiple accounts. Yes, CO2 will impact positively crops in terms of size, but their nutritional value will decrease, since plants also require different nutrients. It's like saying that muh mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell without actually understanding what it does.

>> No.15877011

>Your point?
The topic should be governmental intervention in the way of living and their beneficial decisions for the Big industry.
Governments all over the world use tools and distractions by "science" and also "counter narratives" to distract you from the actual problem.
The control, regulation and distribution of property.
The frameworks which literally make it impossible to be healthy, and grow healthy food.

The banning of non certified "seeds" and crops.
The accidental benefits for Big Seed and Argarchemical industries who owns like 90% of the seed market.

Not "muh CO2" or "The science made food good".

People are distracted by tangential topics.

>> No.15877131

I find it baffling how people can have such trust in scientists. I'm one, and I'm just a normal person. Or as normal as one frequenting this site can be. Why would you put such faith into normal people? You could just as well ask "How confident are you that truck drivers, plumbers, or whatever will act in the best intersets of the public?"

>> No.15877195

>car mechanics fuck over people
>marketing people fuck over people
>brokers fuck over people
>household mechanics fuck over people

>but le medical doctors and big pharma and scientists would never ever bend and misrepresent data to sell you crap of which they profit from
>they are like a better brand of humans
>they have white coats
>which means they are clean

>> No.15877199
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science's speed breached the speed of light limit

>> No.15877221
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>tell everyone to get the clot shot
>turns out it's a clot shot
>People don't trust us?

>> No.15878180

>"Experts" who interpret "The Science" is the modern day version of the priest interpreting scripture.

the difference is that scripture is immutable while "the science" is changed on a whim to fit whatever narrative is being shilled at the moment

>> No.15878185

reap what you sow

>> No.15878770
File: 106 KB, 645x325, 1-co2-S1319562X20300735-gr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, CO2 will impact positively crops in terms of size, but their nutritional value will decrease, since plants also require different nutrients
plants in CO2 enriched environments also root more quickly and deeper, thus they have access to all of the soil based nutrients they need. people who have no experience growing plants tend to have a lot of weird and wrong ideas about how plants grow and what they need to succeed. micronutrients in the soil is of vanishingly small importance compared to sunlight, moisture, warmth, root growth area and co2. the existence of a massive industry selling snake oil nutrient glop to is largely responsible for that misunderstanding. side by side comparisons of plant growth in unamended soil and plants grown with nutrient glop shows how useless the nutrient products really are.
not so for plants grown in co2 enhanced environments

>> No.15879918

>who trusted them to begin with?
gullible low IQ people

>> No.15880202


Industrial agriculture IS the problem that will lead us to a malthusian collapse. Over-reliance on fertilizers has led to large-scale soil degradation. Food has less nutrient density every generation. To make things worse, a large portion of the world’s fertilizer is produced by Russia (potash) and China (phosphate). Science is not a magic wand that will solve these problems. Modern people suck at engineering. We achieve a lot less with our level of technology compared to ancient cultures and theirs. Remember, everything science has achieved is due to advances in engineering (especially optics). As a method, science gives itself too much credit.
The micronutrients are for US, not the plant.

>> No.15880208

>industrial agriculture IS the problem
With how many people there are, industrial agriculture is necessary to feed us all. Industrial agriculture isn't the problem, overpopulation is.

>> No.15880209

We make more food than is necessary to feed every person.

>> No.15880225

>agriculture isn't the problem, overpopulation is.
how come you haven't killed yourself to save the planet?

>> No.15880236

You have food in your home right now, that you will never eat. The store you bought that food from, throws away literal tons of unsold food. The places that made that food in the store, throw away untold amounts of edible rejects and "waste".

>> No.15880315


>>15865099 The OP is "public distrusts science."
The unspoken reason for this is that big business and government collusion have incentivized enough scientists to become untrustworthy.

>>15865648 is acting like Big Republican Corp has eroded the trust of scientists who are his heroic reddit heros who would never do wrong.

>>15865662 correctly identifies that the highly respected scientists themselves are shills.

>> No.15880433
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Well this is easy to explain. Science is no longer about truth and "the scientific community" is now the same as the Roman Catholic Inquisition trying to get Galileo to recant his heretical statements.

>> No.15880559 [DELETED] 
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Scientists are professional liars. Why believe a bunch of people locked in a lab who never worked a hard's day work know "the truth about the Universe"? Why believe they know more than anybody, really? Might as well ask people in a mental asylum to write a bunch of numbers on a piece of paper and pretend they constitute the truth about the world.
Read the Bible and get to know Jesus/God if you want to find truth.

>> No.15881139

Science is purely political these days, but it got to be that way because the scientists all want to get gibes from the government, what do you expect to happen when politicians control the funding?

>> No.15881150

Except CO2 IS harmful and you're doing exactly as
explained. Because Big Oil has lied to you and you accept it, thus lowering your trust in the actual science. Way to prove him right.