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15858864 No.15858864 [Reply] [Original]

What if aliens came to Earth and the first thing they did was.. evangelize/preach to us about their religion??

I feel like something like this never gets talked about. Yes at first it seems ridiculous, but is it really? After all, we know humans have engaged in this type of behavior. Why not aliens?

>> No.15858867

why would aliens be interested in the absolute retards here. We're like seinfeld or looney tunes to them

>> No.15858877

Like I said, to convert us to their religion. It's a very common behavior for human religions to seek to "convert the savages" so to speak so why does nobody consider the possibility of aliens doing it as well?

>> No.15858879

>what if aliens worship christ
they’re alright in my book, let em stay

>> No.15858882

I mostly meant some kind of alien religion. But yes it would be a very interesting development if aliens somehow did come to preach Christianity

>> No.15858884

answer the question

>> No.15858888 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 694x968, soyence bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh alienzzztthh!!!
soience fiction is cringe

>> No.15858910

they deleted their primitive genes from their structure

>> No.15858916
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Are u aware of the ummites ufo letters where they mention a very similar story of Christ they call the ummowoa?

And they basically explain that the logos of the universe reincarnate several times in multiple planets to teach basically the same concepts?

>> No.15858990

bocchi on my cock

>> No.15858992

Any space traveling civilization would have long given up on religion

>> No.15859013

The opposite is true. Religion allows for high trust societies, which are much more efficient. Atheist societies tend to collapse.

>> No.15859015

Lol, "high trust" can only make you efficient at fucking and breeding at most. Religion is based on lies and wishful thinking, it can't survive the truth-finding nature of science, which is necessary for interstellar travel.

>> No.15859050

>be alien
>give people technology under the guise of their benefit
>people worship technology and its creators
>enslave people
Does that ring a bell?

>> No.15859079

Assuming faster than light travel is not a thing, the sheer magnitude of energy and resources an interstellar civilization would need be capable to bring to bare to toss significant numbers of adult members of its species to other solar systems, is just so god damned unimaginably staggering, that it would rather preclude anything that distracted from reality in any way, requiring an absolutely religious adherence to it. Unless, of course, their god is real and part of the reason they could pull it off, in which case they aren't so much evangelizing or preaching, as just spitting facts.

On the other hand, if FTL travel is a thing, and we're just precluded from it due to our location or some simple concept we refuse to grasp, then all bets are off. Hell, we might get invaded by alien protestant pilgrims with muskets, if the solution is just readily available elsewhere. (Though god help them when they arrive - HFY scenario #239.)

>> No.15859084 [DELETED] 

Binary 10 is like a box. To create new binaries make new boxes. Triangles and hexagons make a good binary. Understand what I'm saying here - maybe advance.

>> No.15859095

it only gets talked about in all of science fiction