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15855217 No.15855217 [Reply] [Original]

Does picrel accurately characterize typical science nerd psychology?

>> No.15855233

He isn't a scientist. Do you know what scientists look like

>> No.15855326

OP asked about science nerds, not scientists.

>> No.15855332

bill looks more like a woman than she does

>> No.15855334

It probably just characterizes people that have more money than morality.

>> No.15855361

Bill is on the spectrum. His vision for the future was "A computer on every desk and in every home." He worked with autistic vision to make that happen. Once accomplished, he needed some bigger goal to work towards but there wasn't anything obvious in the OS and office productivity space Microsoft inhabited, so he had to move on to other areas. He chose population control and vaccines. Now he has tunnel vision for making his goals, which are not public, fulfilled. The money and power gained from his Microsoft goal being fulfilled has given him far more control in areas where he has no base of knowledge to build from is what makes him so dangerous. He has to rely on hired experts but he doesn't have the ability to judge their actual expertise so he can end up with a bunch of crackpots that he showers with resources. Definitely a dangerous situation for humanity.

>> No.15856520 [DELETED] 


>> No.15856632

is it the pie incident?

>> No.15857663

He is a globalist puppet

>> No.15857677

Yeah he sounds based to me

>> No.15857696

Yes, but most of them are usually the sheep and propaganda nodes instead of having any real power or value.
Also did he really need to rape children? He had enough money for steroids and cocaine and you're telling me he couldn't find hot ADULT women?
true, he's a redditor... but so are soientists
>Do you know what scientists look like

>> No.15858369 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15858956 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15859906

Is all this NWO shit actually just the incel uprising in disguise?

Klaus Schwab looks like a mega incel

>> No.15860276

Yes. The people who want to be the new elite are people who could never become members of the elite class in a meritocratic society. Some scholars call this Bioleninism.

>> No.15860295

surely you must be one of the experts he's missing out on then, schizo