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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15853001 No.15853001 [Reply] [Original]

When plenty of unsolved problems pile up. Like why can't we have a muon catalyzed fusion reactor?

>> No.15853014

>Like why can't we have a muon catalyzed fusion reactor?
I know a couple people who worked on that. It simply doesn't work yet.

>> No.15853016

They're trying to summon satan

>> No.15853021

I think god is fucking with us and every new particle is just a different state of one singular particle in certain conditions, so there is necessarily one particle and infinite of such states

>> No.15853024
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1-800-Bog-Bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're too low IQ to do anything of meaningful use or worth so they write Bogdanoff tier schizophasiac jargon tier papers in order to pretend like they're smart and important on Facebook.

>> No.15853033

like most fusion reactor prototypes that haven't been built yet, it's probably an engineering problem.
designing and building a new bigger particle accelerator for cern will surely bring some insights not just about the particles studied in the collider, but about the engineering side of confining fast moving elementary particles within the collider.
In theory it's easy, but in practice some issues will arise, and they might be similar to the issues faced when confining a stream of deuterium based plasma within a fusion reactor.
they've gotten some good mileage out of the last one, and who knows what else will come from it. the world wide web is a cern invention.

>> No.15853045

Then everyone and everything might as well be just a different state of one singular. Many such religions. Wait: religions? On my /sci/ board? It happens more often than you think.

>> No.15853046

Bog teacher was just waiting for Mr Hitler to get back in some movie I watched recently.

>> No.15853055

As mentioned
It's the difference between science and engineering anon

One discovers the unknown, no idea if it'll be useful, the other builds actually useful shit from that knowledge.

Also you miss that problems can be worked on in parallell. It's not as simple as "do less research here, more there"

>> No.15853070

>One discovers the unknown, no idea if it'll be useful
That's a lie. Science is always motivated by a goal otherwise no funding. The problem with current science is exactly that it is useful.

>> No.15853077

It's basically betting on the minuscule chance that the Manhattan project lightning will strike twice. That we'll not only discover a new particle, but a new USEFUL particle. That's the big bet. And thus far, it has not paid off at all and the search has been meaningless. But if there is some weird useful particle out there, then who knows. Maybe it leads to antigravity, maybe it leads to a new power source, whatever. The possible benefits are huge, but at this point we're all in sunk cost mode.

>> No.15853080

well different permutations of dna sequences or configurations of our symbolic order (religion)

>> No.15853086

>Science is always motivated by a goal otherwise no funding.
The goal is often "we are measuring this property/constant with an unprecedented precision. A disagreement with the standard model would indicate..."

>> No.15853118

I get it but I find that dishonest. That's not an ad hominem if you consider Social ''Science'' as an fictive analogy:
>this paper aims to clarify the hitherto poorly understood relationship between independent variable X and dependent variable Y which may lead to novel interventions.
Meanwhile it's a government funded study to justify putting warning labels on cigarettes and meat because social science is ultimately a thinly veiled attempt to control human cognition and behaviour.
Similarly physics is ultimately a thinly veiled attempt to control nature.

>> No.15854417 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 879x485, jwst_april_2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$88 billion completely wasted for no material benefit to humanity whatsoever

>> No.15854557

Not a fan of the American surveillance state, but you should know that spying is the main driver for American telescopes? There are a bunch of Hubble copies that point in the opposite direction. The R&D for the Webb telescope will certainly be used for spy satellites. Stop pretending that the Americans spent so much money just to get better pictures of stars. They are ultimately getting better pictures of Iranian missile launch sites.

>> No.15855400

JWST isn't as much of a telescope as it's enormous price tag suggests, it was designed to be a $500 million project and the design was never upgraded from that, instead it was downgraded by 33%. It was designed as an 8 meter telescope and ended up as a 6.5 meter one.
Just because they spent $88 billion doesn't mean anything other than a lot of money was wasted

>> No.15855558

>the world wide web is a cern invention.
I came to this thread to ridicule OP. Instead you have convinced me OP is correct. Time to start throwing physicists into volcanoes before they do any more harm.

>> No.15855569
File: 1.92 MB, 2932x2868, TIMESAND___TGU2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the next big collider is going to be a linear one.

>> No.15855662

It's still not clear. A document buy a guy from 10 years ago won't answer this question. ILC, FCC and other options are still possible.

>> No.15856805 [DELETED] 

>Why do physicists spend billions finding one new particle
cause it ain't their own money they're spending. the more of other people's money they can waste on glorifying themselves, the better off they are. they don't care if they produce anything useful or not

>> No.15858241 [DELETED] 

>That's a lie.
this, newton was working on a method of predicting the fall of cannon fire when he figured out gravity

>> No.15858963

scientists love to waste money, thats what their main goal is professionally, to see who can get the biggest grant and produce nothing of any value with it

>> No.15859064
File: 531 KB, 5285x3570, nDx2k0L[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to all the applicable engineering that came out of the effort, including the goddamned world wide web you're broadcasting into like a mad man, a lot of people think that knowing how reality works is a worthwhile thing to spend cash on.

On the other hand, yes, there is the inconvenient truth that, theoretically, until we make a collider large enough to encompass the goddamned moon, we're never going to have fully explored all the possibilities. (Though one could imagine the sort of practical technologies you'd develop trying to do that.)

>> No.15859814

Elaborate, it's really cool. Were they experimentalists or theory guys? What was roughly their approach?

>> No.15859831

Why aren't physicists engineers?

>> No.15859835

>When plenty of unsolved problems pile up
Well until we start exterminating (((them))) it doesn't really matter

>> No.15859842

Why did op make this post when plenty of other worthy posts are already open?

>> No.15859843

at what point does one of these things become so big that a small movement in the earths crust makes it impossible to keep intact

>> No.15859853

Wiki explosions why muon fusion isn't practical. Creating muons is more expensive than the fusion reaction they catalyze

>> No.15859860

They should just build it as a big artificial ring around the planet and mine the asteroid belt for materials.

>> No.15860597

to trigger you emotionally and it worked because you're an emotional creature with little to no self control

>> No.15862758 [DELETED] 

this, its a form of mental illness

>> No.15862772

It's because the people who sign the checks for these kind of intense research projects know fuck all about science, so they only really get interested in shit that appeals to their monkey brains

>> No.15862778

go back

>> No.15863615

Thorstein Velben explains the nature of their toxic mental illness in "Theory of the Leisure Class"

>> No.15863634


>> No.15863939

.Meanwhile it's a government funded study to justify putting warning labels on cigarettes and meat because social science is ultimately a thinly veiled attempt to control human cognition and behaviour.
I very much like this description. It literally follows from the name of the 'field'.

>> No.15863957

Experimentalists. Their approach was to stop negative muons in D2 gas. You can find some infos here: https://indico.psi.ch/event/6381/contributions/15939/attachments/13548/17501/BR_PSI2019d3He_v2.pdf

>> No.15863985
File: 233 KB, 969x555, Boeing_X-37B_after_landing_at_Vandenberg_AFB,_3_December_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You almost got it figured out, but your conclusions about causality and outcomes are completely inverted, the JWST's advancements won't precipitate better intelligence satellites because the research required for its creation explicitly came from military black projects relating to spy satellites, likely decades old when the JWST project started. No new information was gained because it already existed.
Just like how the US Air Force was developing and launching rockets before NASA was even created, with NASA itself just being a spinoff of the Air Force's missile program for publicity sakes. Since Apollo ended, the Air Force has had greater launch capabilities and more advanced rocketry systems than NASA, picrel, especially in the last 2 decades with the space shuttle program ending.
It isn't just Rocketry and space flight where this occurs, pretty much every field, including Mathematics and Physics, sees most of their advancements either directly coming from classified military projects slowly intentionally percolating to the public, or indirectly as a result of said program. It has been this way for all of history, going back as far as the ancient Greeks and Chinese. Archimedes himself attempted to design a weapon that focused solar energy to murder people, as well as other weapons of war. Some quick examples, nearly all of modern: Cryptology, signals processing, nuclear Physics, nuclear Science, Aviation, Material Science, Computing, Networking, Robotics, Automation, Control Systems, Neuro-Science, Psychology, and many many more.
The truth is, Science, Mathematics, and nearly all Technology is a weapon. Thus, the major contributions to them are done/funded primarily by those that wage war. Modern soience worshipers conveniently ignore this fact and its history because they are weak pacifists that hate the 'military industrial complex' because they are told to, despite it being the single greatest actor for improving modern life.

>> No.15863987

Because new solutions are not as profitable

>> No.15864002

>The truth is, Science, Mathematics, and nearly all Technology is a weapon.
In the US.

>> No.15864008

>the web is a CERN invention
Keep telling yourself that, it won't make it true. What is colloquially called the world wide web is the system of millions of connected computer systems to share information. It was a massive project solely developed by the US and British military's to create a distrusted communications systems that would be resistant to nuclear attack unlike traditional systems like landline. The computers, computational languages/models, networking, and infrastructure required for such networks were also exclusively developed by these two militarys.
What you are claiming is that a trivial project at CERN to display information as a hyper text across computers was a landmark invention. This is just factually incorrect as hyper text systems were first invented nearly 30 years before this at multiple US Universities, with the first genuine application of them being to display Aircraft Carrier designs. Millions of hypertexts were shared over networks before CERN developed their own internal system years after everyone else. Theirs was just the first one to gain commercial popularity because of USENET. Why everyone thinks CERN invented the modern idea of the web, I have no fucking clue. It's like stating that Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs invented computers because people call their computers MacBooks and not PCs. It's fucking retarded and the name to describe their system should be changed so this confusion stops.

>> No.15864918

the CERN story was developed by the intelligence community to disguise the true top secret military nature of the project