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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 921 KB, 1204x810, EVs need big trees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15850189 No.15850189 [Reply] [Original]

What with the mining, the refining, the wastes, the vast number of forests being cut down and all.

>> No.15850208

>electric cars
>solar power
>wind power
Right now, none of these technologies can compete with dino blood when you include all the externalities.
>hurr durr I know a guy who says they’re good
Look buddy, I’m a Singaporean. This is the best place in the world to install a solar panel.
>year-round sun straight overhead
>no snow or ice to damage them
>no robbers to tear them up
>utility bills are high
Guess how many solar panels I have seen in my country?
>fucking NONE
Guess why? Because they aren’t worth it. Not even here, in the best spot in the world. I won’t say these types of technologies will never be worthwhile, but right now you are a delusional retard if you go anywhere near them

>> No.15850223

Just charge them during the night
The grid is already there

>> No.15850228 [DELETED] 

do you live in a city or rural area?
how far you drive on daily basis?
do you live in a country that imports all or most of its oil/gas?
>This is the best place in the world to install a solar panel
you forgot that Singapore is well known for having vast amounts of underutilised or vacant land

>> No.15850241

No, it'll take an obscene amount of time to mine the metals required. The geopolitical climate is working against it. The economy can't maintain this larping. Coal plants are opening up to reach the necessary energy levels required to power all this shit. Charge stations are a nightmare in terms of line wait time because the stations too far and few between. On top of that, developing nations don't give a fuck up about the climate quotas which includes India and China and rich cunts are still flying in their jets. The entire movement is way to appease the boiling frogs until the point of no return.

>> No.15850377

Production of the vehicles is included in their price, production of electricity is included in the price of electricity. Power infrastrucuture takes vanishing amounts of land and cutting pollution saves more plants than the power lines take anyways.

China is the worlds biggest investor into green energy and has the largest electric car market, basically half of the worlds EV's are in china

>> No.15851182

Redpill me on Lee Kuan Yew, was he as awesome and fantastic as he seems to have been?

>> No.15851197

>basically half of the worlds EV's are in china
Sitting on lots or catching fire in giant warehouses, where nobody was going to use them anyway since they were made as part of a pyramid scheme.

>> No.15851230

They are quite legitimate as far as Chinese companies go.

And if you fear fire you are gonna have a very tough time justifying ICEs.

>> No.15851281

>They are quite legitimate as far as Chinese companies go.
That's not saying much considering their entire construction sector was proven to be a ponzi scheme this year. The fact that some tiny fraction of their fake cars are sold to idiots doesn't make it less of a scam.

>> No.15851284

normies think they need to commute to work from their suburb in a big ass SUV holding only themself. personal car ownership has been a disaster for the environment.

>> No.15851291

I'm not sure I understand the complaint, the electric grid should have been and continue to be upgraded instead of it being 40 years behind in total maintenance.

>> No.15851356

Two more weeks!

>> No.15851397

More like 2 months in the past. The CCP has already taken control of stock sales to prevent investors from jumping ship. They're doing a controlled demolition of the companies involved in the hopes that if they can stop panic selling for long enough that people forget about the problems.

>> No.15851574

Shut the fuck up

>> No.15851651
File: 112 KB, 625x459, EV failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.15851675


90% of vehicles in Norway are electric.

>> No.15851677

>you forgot that Singapore is well known for having vast amounts of underutilised or vacant land
plenty of roofs to install the panel onto and still not being done.

>> No.15851699

Ever heared about this new invention called "electric trains"?
They don't need to carry heavy and expensive batteries due to the brand new invention of the "overhead wire".
And it gets even better, so called "trams" and "trolleybusses" can run in cities and even on streets.
Shocking, I knor right?

>> No.15851701

>90% of vehicles in Norway are electric.
complete retard. this goes for new registrations. overall 70 of vehicles are ICE and the main reason for any type of EV gaining ground are the tax advantages for EVs.

>> No.15851714

That diagram is a failure in and of itself.

>> No.15851717

Try bike paths too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh5H2B-1MzU

>> No.15851728

They have some sense but it's like an investment that will return money after 10+ years or not because of battery degradation. Also, solar panels dramatically lose(-70%) efficiency because of dust

>> No.15851734
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Speaking of failure:


>> No.15851739
File: 264 KB, 821x619, Investigation-of-EV-fire-accidents-a-the-number-of-EVs-and-fire-accidents-with.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15851752

They're viable for me. Chinks and burgers take on all the external costs and I get to escape the oil supply network for as long a my batteries don't explode.

>> No.15851866


>> No.15852077

They will never be viable until we find a way to mass-produce graphene for cheap

>> No.15852216

Hilarious. Or were you serious?

>> No.15852245

tree farms nigga

>> No.15852293

There are dozens of problems with EV where the math doesn't work, but just imagine a world where every car accident resulted in the need of two 1000 pound lithium batteries to be built as opposed to some pistons and a gas tank.

>> No.15852296

can OP define "scientifically viable"

>> No.15852322 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15852351

Electric cars are scientifically viable but not economically nor ecologically viable. Unfortunately anyone who comes close to making an engine that is economically viable is assassinated.

>> No.15852357

if you think this is weird wait until they solve life extension.
any change from the status quo is bad. doesn't matter what it is. they killed jesus. it doesn't matter what is is/does objectively, purely on the fact that it changes the status quo it will be attacked in some way shape or form, always, with everything, doesn't matter what it is.

>> No.15852608

How is growing trees and having them decompose or burried underground not carbon capture? btw, i use wooden forks and paper plates and have them thrown into a landfill for this very reason.

>> No.15852636
File: 123 KB, 728x613, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done. its just not equally distributed yet.
Apigenin activates O,S, and M, sodium butyrate for your HDAC inhibitor, and a NAD/NMN complex to feed it and the only last things on their list of cocktails is Ca-AKG and Forskolin. Need that HDAC inhibitor in high amounts or you wont have easy access read/writes. Nobody will believe me but it doesn't matter, they will have something better in the next couple years. But the word is already out.

>> No.15852642
File: 70 KB, 711x855, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of all the hot grandmas out there. The only way you will be able to tell is the fake teeth, but who cares? That ass will be tight as hell.

>> No.15853151

My hero!

>> No.15853163

don't be retarded anon. decomposing is releasing the carbon back as byproduct.
you need to burn the trees without oxygen, making activated charcoal which has plenty of uses as filtering media or used for food crops. or you can directly bury it.
this can be used with like bamboo or smth, grows fast.

>> No.15853426

>wooden utility poles
Jesus Christ what kind of a 3rd world shithole is this

>> No.15853429

Unless you're trying to reduce the available nutrients in a plot of land you should charge the charcoal with nutrients and microbes first. Luckily this can be done by adding it to compost or feeding it to livestock which also reduces the ghg emissions from both.

>> No.15853720

Blame the generation born around 1900-1920. All of this garbage is down to them. They thought the pewsonal caah is the future of transport, and how can you blame them? The car is not actually the primordial cause of this shitty timeline. Our cities just don't even make trolley busses and trams viable. All over the West, 99%+ of everything built after WW2 is a disaster, I mean that figure.
Google 'Berlin neighbourhood', or 'Paris neighbourhood' (somewhat denser). This block style is how all of our cities should look like. But this was completely abandoned in favor of single family homes (which weren't new, but the idea everyone should be able to have one was) and the "tower in the park" highrise style. The result was that "streets" were obliterated. You can't just walk outside to the end of the block to catch the tram.

Only the most desirable tower estates got their own public transit connection, and the Yanks were even completely out of luck with their gay burbs. It's prohibitive.

>but I don't wanna live in Yuropoor-style walkable cities!
You wouldn't have a choice, bitch nigga. You may say that now, but in a better world you'd just be born into them and for you it'd be normalcy. As opposed to what alternate normalcy, your fucking 'burb? All of y'all white asses would be born into these towns and there'd be zero ethnic element to urban fabric.

>> No.15853838

>This block style is how all of our cities should look like.
Paris and also most of Eastern Europe has a lot of these and people hate it. And you sure wouldn't want to live in the Parisian burbs.

>> No.15853856

>people hate it
In terms of architecture - yeah, they are sovlless shit. No doubt about that.
In terms of functionality and urban planning - the best thing that has ever happened. Yuropoor commies were genuinely smart when they were laying out cities after WW2.

>> No.15853942

>Scientifically Viable?
>Economically/environmentally feasible?

>> No.15853961

>Paris and also most of Eastern Europe has a lot of these and people hate it. And you sure wouldn't want to live in the Parisian burbs.
You are talking about the "tower in the park" style that I would mention LITERALLY the sentence after you cut me off.


You are thinking about "commie blocks" -- the same concept. I was talking about urban blocks


You don't need any knowledge. You just need to not read my post while being an ADHD-riddled dumbass zoomer.

>> No.15854013

>green energy
you have never been to china

>> No.15854039

Not to point out the obvious, but utility companies are cunts, power lines should buried, but aren't because that shit's cheaper, and not burying lines has lead to tons of fucking fires that have destroyed tons of fucking trees and produced tons of fucking pollution.

We don't need to cut more trees. We need to regulate rich shitbags.

And mass public transit. We need mass public transit.

>> No.15854070
File: 26 KB, 1153x185, expensive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15854368

ye clearly growing anything will suck shit from the substrate. there's no free lunch.

>> No.15854405

And what would it cost to place when you are already building a highway?
Also, what are the maintenance costs of pylon wires?

>> No.15854448

No, charcoal has a CEC that's so high it will deplete your soil unless you charge it. It doesn't matter if you grow anything or not. This is helpful when you need to deal with soil that is too rich and causing nutrient burn, but counterproductive for most people.

>> No.15854571
File: 113 KB, 1204x736, pros and cons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. It would probably be a lot cheaper to do before/as the road is being built, but maintenance is apparently more arduous and expensive with underground lines in no small part because the damages are not readily visible and easy to locate to begin with.
here's a pretty cool document I found with some construction cost per mile numbers included although it's pretty old: https://woodpoles.org/portals/2/documents/TB_Undergrounding.pdf

>> No.15855212 [DELETED] 

China has the infrastructure to power it, the prices in Europe are spiralling out of control.

>> No.15855690

>but maintenance is apparently more arduous and expensive with underground lines in no small part because the damages are not readily visible and easy
Well, would there be many damages? The North Sea is crisscrossed by GW rated power cables and I don't hear much about maintenance.
Overhead power lines can be damaged by ice accumulation and strong winds as well as plain sabotage.

That points out weather damage, yet a few paragraphs down it claims overhead wires are easily fixed. I don't recall that being the case when Katrina made landfall. As for rerouting, how often does that happen? I never saw it where I live.

If you are already building a new tunnel or road, you have to do proper groundwork, except that around here some are mysteriously able to skip those parts.

>> No.15855711

Pretty sure if we started charging companies in full for damage from fires and fallen power lines, underground lines would be looking a fuckton cheaper.

>> No.15855719

>underground wires are more expensive than above ground ones
>that's why your electricity bills are twice as high as other countries 50+ years later after the wire had already been laid

>> No.15855916

who are you quoting?

>> No.15855936

>although it's pretty old
I am more concerned that it was
>Prepared by:
>North American Wood Pole Council
Statements such as
> Underground systems are more susceptible to damage from floodwaters, particularly at underground vaults and transformer facilities
hints of maximizing the crisis. The topic is underground cables, not putting everything underground. Also reliable salt water proof cables are not new. And it doesn't stop there:
>These dangers include explosions of underground facilities
Someone has seen too many James Bond movies.

>> No.15856557

Energy companies.

>> No.15857986

>Just charge them during the night
People did that. And used timers to turn on the hot water power at night. There are also other tricks you can play such as doing extra cooling down at night for fridge and freezer.
Then the power companies cottoned on to this, and now the night time price is about as high as in daytime.

>> No.15858965

Where are my nuclear powered cars?

>> No.15859087

not science.

>> No.15859113

It's just "economic growth" as usual.
Economic growth = population growth = energy use growth
As fossil fuels deplete the economy is going to sputter and flail in some interesting ways before it collapses outright. The flailing isn't going to be kind to what remains of the biosphere.

If you have a problem with this talk to your nearest growth dependent industry... construction being the most obvious.

>> No.15859117

Gas, oil and coal are abiotic and infinite, retarded demonic goylem.

>> No.15859121
File: 387 KB, 595x344, consumer9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes of course. There is also an infinite amount of iron, copper, phosphorous. Everything is infinite. So you might as well gorge yourself on the world's resources to your little heart's content.

>> No.15859165

Irpn copper and phosphorus are inexhaustable, as they always remain somewhere, at worst them may leak somewhere where they are hard to access, they don't get used up. Oil, gas, and coil do get exhausted though, as they get annihilated and turn into something else when used.

>> No.15859205

>Irpn copper and phosphorus are inexhaustable
You may as well be destroying them when you disperse them widely enough. They are lost forever once they are scattered as a fine dust over the depths of sea floor (as we are doing.)
You lack an any understanding of basic thermodynamics.

>> No.15859271

>No, it'll take an obscene amount of time to mine the metals required. The geopolitical climate is working against it. The economy can't maintain this larping. Coal plants are opening up to reach the necessary energy levels required to power all this shit. Charge stations are a nightmare in terms of line wait time because the stations too far and few between. On top of that, developing nations don't give a fuck up about the climate quotas which includes India and China and rich cunts are still flying in their jets. The entire movement is way to appease the boiling frogs until the point of no return.
I've never seen more cars in my life, it's obvious aggressive administrative policy done by fuckwits on 99% of red and blue team all funneled money into a plasticated car economy after 2008 now we are drowning in vehicles and choking on their exhaust while everyone shouts green this green that.. I walk outside to rake leaves and get a mouthful of someone's cancer filled degrading carburetor because my residential road is now also a highway

>> No.15859276

The infrastructure is shit and needs to be upgraded. If EVs are the reason for that then that should be another positive to actually get a critical task complete

>> No.15859279

Witch law of thermodynamics says iron on the sea floor is unusable?

>> No.15859308

They're a bit better, emitting something like half the total co2 per mile than traditional cars, once you factor in production of the car and electricity to charge it. The issue is that they aren't a complete solution to the problem- we're still producing a ton of co2 making all those cars, and everyone's still stuck in traffic. You never really get around the fact that cars are insanely inefficient in population-dense areas (which, spoiler, is where most people live)

>> No.15859370

Yeah, retard. Ponzi schemes are legitimate in China. The entire country is built on lies and scams.

>> No.15860054

The 2nd law of thermodynamics.
See EROEI. It will never be economically feasible to recover such iron because of the insane cost in energy to do so. The same reason people will never mine asteroids or the metal rich core of the earth.

>> No.15861295

Good, just make sure to use Carbon capture when you burn them

>> No.15861298

>Look buddy, I’m a Singaporean. This is the best place in the world to install a solar panel.
Then why are you building a 10 billion dollar line from an Australian solar farm?

>> No.15861300

>in the best spot in the world.
You have to have a spot to put them, in singapoor real estate is at a premium so it has none other than rooftop, which many people have (to the tune of 500 megawatts)

>> No.15862330
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bro, it's all about preventing russians from selling oil, and slapping eco tariffs on chinese, nobody really gives a fuck about sustainability of "green agenda".

also, there's great money to be made by making 3rd worlders go green, you can sell them wind turbines and solar panels, and of course threaten to bomb them if they try to build a nuclear power plant.