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15849601 No.15849601 [Reply] [Original]

>Figure 1. Age-adjusted prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 among persons aged 14–49, by age group, sex, and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2015–2016
So where exactly are they getting this data from?"
Seems like bullshit.
I've seen plenty of people lick their fingers to count money/ flip pages and moms/ female teachers kiss kids on their foreheads to check if they're sick.
If it were so prevalent, then people wouldn't do those things.

>> No.15849644

>So where exactly are they getting this data from?"
You can check the source of the data in the paper's notes.

>> No.15850838

why do you distrust it? solely because the results show how filthy and diseased minorities are?

>> No.15850853

>If it were so prevalent, then people wouldn't do those things.
lol, Rome literally tried to ban kissing as a way to stop herpes. Herpes viruses are nasty fucking things. Medicine has kinda collectively ignored them for some reason despite them literally being the cause of most diseases you see today. HSV is a relatively benign one, wait till you read about EBV

>> No.15852799

Yes, thats the reason why the results upset me

>> No.15853013
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I've eaten out and made out with 9 hookers.
And got oral herpes from kissing a chick on the lips in the club.
Doesn't quite add up.

>> No.15854010

>women who go to a designated location to become intoxicated and engage in casual sex for recreational purposes are less discriminating then women who monetize their sexuality
You don't say.

>> No.15854028

Dear Mr. retard,
How can hookers be "more" discriminating against a herpetic individual if they were all ok with me drooling all over their cunny and mouths before I had it?
Herpes is entirely invisible after the first few months so they wouldn't be able to tell if I was clean or not.

>> No.15854049

>How can hookers be "more" discriminating against a herpetic individual if they were all ok with me drooling all over their cunny and mouths before I had it?
Unless they were street prostitutes, odds are that (a) you were subjected to some kind of screening before you got to that point and (b) it was more stringent than what you would get from a drunk chick in a nightclub. Unless the girl you kissed in the nightclub was holding a sign saying "No AA"? Also
>against a herpetic individual
Not how it works.

>> No.15854099

>Data shows roasties and minorities are degenerates

>> No.15854216

The virus seems to become dormant in later age, or is dormant for some people. The virus is only spread when it's in the blister stage.

>> No.15854248

What are you even talking about?
First of all herpes transmits from human to human, it lives in humans not dollars.
Also the virus is not always in shed.

>> No.15854293 [DELETED] 

join the official /sci/ community

>> No.15855258

More evidence that minorities are a lower form of life

>> No.15855268

im just wondering hpw all these stds are going to work with that igg4 class switch

>> No.15856389 [DELETED] 

The facts of science really trigger the SJWs

>> No.15856452

Prevalence will skyrocket.

>> No.15858082 [DELETED] 

the sjws hate white males out of envy, white males are superior to them in every way, make sjws look bad in comparison and that triggers the sjws

>> No.15858190

I fucked like 1000 18yo hookers, maybe more. They don't kiss and I don't give a shit about kisses, so no herpes for me.

>> No.15858870

>the sjws hate white males out of envy, white males are superior to them in every way, make sjws look bad in comparison and that triggers the sjws
‘Bioleninism’ describes a familiar phenomenon in Clown World – social rejects coming together to force their will on society at large. A feature of Clown World is that people who normally keep themselves hidden away out of shame are out and proud. Even worse, they are organised and controlling the narrative. Bioleninism is the thread that binds them all. The original Leninism was a kind of slave morality that attracted many of society’s misfits. Much like Christianity in the Roman Empire, which first became popular among slaves, Leninism first became popular among those at the bottom of society. In the case of Russia, it wasn’t slaves but drunkards, prostitutes, petty criminals and those shunned for cruelty. Characteristic of all popular slave moralities is that they bring together the resentful. Christianity did this, the original Communism did this, and now the bottom-feeders of Clown World are coming together to do it again – this is Bioleninism.

>> No.15858907

Herpes simplex is a skin reaction.
Not a "virus infection".
Its nothing but a reaction, to disgust or high doses of acids and a potassium defficiency.
Genital herpes happens mostly due to lesions and forcefucking when the pussy is not wet enough.

The whole meme about "everybode has it, but it only breals out in 1% of people" is a retarded dumb claim.

>> No.15858980

>a reaction, to disgust
lol what

>> No.15859038

>lol what

>The present study was designed to investigate modulation of recurrent HSV infection by experimentally induced emotional distress.

>The present findings suggest that experimentally induced emotional stress such as disgust may be associated with reactivation of HSV.

>> No.15859051

Its literally known for years that disgust and emotional distress leads to flare ups of "herpes".


They literally did the right observation, yet did a completly retarded explaination.
Literally everone allegedly has a "virus", yet its mostly "asymptomatic".
And it only breaks out under "stress".
Yet they do not even consider, that if everyone has it, it cannot be CAUSAL.

And not that "herpses is caused by meme".
But stress and disgust and mostly hits emotionally wierdly fragile and abused people who constantly are in a state of distress and anxiety.

>> No.15859075

Now that you mention it...
Every person I ever witnessed having herpes, were contantly stressed out Karens or people with some other neurotic disorder.
There was this girl in my school who threw tantrums when someone chewed to loud, she even cried and stuff because she couldn't bear the sound of eating.
She constantly had herpes.

>> No.15859078 [DELETED] 

You can even create teleportation, it's folding through sleep. You would need a tech at beguiles the senses and then takes advantage of the forces which make us petty tired. We would glitch up the wall in a hidden space kind of logic.

>> No.15859080 [DELETED] 

The element of privacy is important here. In some sense, this can't be seen happening.

>> No.15859082 [DELETED] 

Something to do with what's sensed when in a petty tired state.

>> No.15859103
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>> No.15860580

How come nonwhites are so much more prone to venereal disease than whites?

>> No.15860631
File: 43 KB, 576x1024, hrrr20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking the opportunity to show my hands with herpetic whitlow

>> No.15862745

lesser morals resulting from lower iq

>> No.15863610

Surprising that mexicans are even more diseased than negroes, I'd have presumed it to be the other way around

>> No.15864859

if you have a dozen statistics and they're all showing the 1 sigma error range then its good odds that at least one of those stats has an real error of more than 1 sigma

>> No.15865057
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>> No.15866265

genital hsv2 for ten years feels bad man

>> No.15871350 [DELETED] 

are you mexican?

>> No.15872340 [DELETED] 

yes, why do you ask?

>> No.15873624

what race are you?

>> No.15874514

i'm mexican, why do you ask?

>> No.15874881

is that why you're filthy with venereal disease?

>> No.15875997

>we should allow tens of millions of unvaccinated disease ridden immigrants into the country
what good is that going to do for any of us?

>> No.15876899

Right, if mexican-americans are already nearly twice as disease ridden as whites then just think about how much worse it must be south of the border.

>> No.15878096

>import the third world, become the third world

>> No.15878712

maybe all the most diseased mexicans come to america because they know they can get free gibes healthcare here

>> No.15879966

all their whores come here because they can make better money here

>> No.15880919

might have something to do with it

>> No.15880948

You are required to be diseased and retarded to gain border access into the United States.

>> No.15882401

Anything less would be racism

>> No.15882888

What if Mexico is pristine and beautiful and they offload all of their diseased losers by forcing them to leave the country and move to America

>> No.15884789
File: 71 KB, 2809x1351, mexi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people don't get kicked out of their hometown or home country because they're wonderful people and everyone wants them to vamoose