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File: 124 KB, 836x822, sfg energia and polyus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15846165 No.15846165 [Reply] [Original]

Do a Flip edition

Previous: >>15843813

>> No.15846172

Hey /sfg/, when you see a Kerbal Space Program image, that was me. The one and only KSP poster in this general, accord me the respect I deserve.

>> No.15846178
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>> No.15846203
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>> No.15846205
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based polyus

>> No.15846223

Bro don't start that shit again

>> No.15846227

Uh oh, looks like we have a space flight general on our hands

>> No.15846228 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15846232
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Literally shaking here.

>> No.15846234
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i fuckimh hate you

>> No.15846251

Hi, I'm John Kerbal, inventor of aerospaceflight.

>> No.15846257

I wonder if Energia could have become a good rocket

>> No.15846259
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>The catastrophic malfunction that led to Skif entering the atmosphere in the same area as Energia's second stage was successfully investigated. It was found that 568 seconds after launch, the timing control device gave the logical block a command to discard the side modules' covers and laser exhaust covers. Unknowingly, the same command was earlier used to open the solar panels and disengage the maneuvering thrusters. This was not discovered because of the logistics of the testing process and overall haste. Main thrusters engaged while the Skif kept turning, overshooting the intended 180-degree turn. The spacecraft lost speed and reverted to a ballistic trajectory.
Unit tests are important, my friends. Sending out patches doesn't work very well for rockets, especially when trying to get out of a gravity well.

>> No.15846272
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I tried to install RSS for KSP a while back but I got filtered and overwhelmed by all the mods that come with the package, not to mention tanked my performance. Goddammit I just want to make rockets in a real scaled solar system, I don't give a shit about cryogenics management or spacecraft build times. Do they have a barebones modpack?

>> No.15846303
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trying to get people to play KSP, I see
admirable, but I'm kind of burn out

>> No.15846315
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>Yes, Neuralink has a room full of monkeys that sit in front of computers and have their mind read, and it looks weirder than it sounds. For a couple of hours a day, they stare at laptop screens that are wheeled into position just outside the cages. They can choose from games that involve joysticks and touchscreens (such as tracing letters and spelling words) or games that depend on brain-controlled clicking. In one example, a 35-by-35 grid of small boxes appears on the screen, then one box suddenly lights up. The monkey’s goal is to move a cursor onto the lit box just by thinking it. The monkeys get faster at the tasks over time, and the expectation is that humans will, too.

>> No.15846316
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The stars continue to allign

>> No.15846341

Elon's gonna flip when Texas turns blue in the next decade.

>> No.15846347

It's all his fault for moving Tesla and SpaceX there anyway.

>> No.15846349

He'll move Starbase to Oklahoma next.

>> No.15846353

it won't matter when cape 'ships will be launching every other month by then

>> No.15846356

By then, he'll be on Mars and starting a new civilization.

E*RTHERS will be nuked.

>> No.15846359

>Nov 23
and the weeks continue to two

>> No.15846366

All you need to do is follow the install instructions and then go through the tutorial on the page

>> No.15846372
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2 weeks

>> No.15846379

NOTMAR are for 13-18th November.

>> No.15846381

I did, it's really easy to install with CKAN. But it's like 50+ mods and dependencies. I just want realistic solar system and realistic rockets to go with it.

>> No.15846386

Some KSP nerds said that CKAN is bad, no idea why.

>> No.15846388
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Here we are bros stuck another day with literal flat earthers on this planet. When are we finally leaving bros? I'm tired.. I'm tired of the delays and mishaps.

>> No.15846392
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>The European Space Agency may have a bullying problem
>Ex-employees, ESA documents, and court cases point to longstanding problems.
>For many European space enthusiasts, a job at ESA is a dream.


>> No.15846395

hot take, but if you can't keep your tranny hatred (or any interpersonal antagonisms, whether justified or not) to yourself as an astronaut, you're not fit for the job.
As funny as humanity's most expensive slap fight in low earth orbit would be, i'd rather they avoid confrontation and do their job. a ride to the ISS costs an irreplaceable amount of goodwill from the public, unfortunately, and if you insist on wasting otherwise well spent space agency funds on your personal grievances, they should vent you like an amogus.

>> No.15846405
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Veritas is going to get delayed because NASA is funneling all the money to SLS.

>> No.15846411

Literally every non-sls/orion project is getting delayed
space suits are still mia too

>> No.15846412

The rover awards are delayed as well.

>> No.15846413

people with trannyism and other sexual fetishes/deviances should keep that shit to themselves
it shouldn't be talked in the work place or promoted in any way and in no fucking way mandated to be accepted with DEI horseshit

>> No.15846414

Its going to get even more delayed once the gov shutsdown soon too

>> No.15846417

You failed the test
No space for you

>> No.15846421
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>> No.15846422

Stop posting this shit
Luanch license or fuck off

>> No.15846423

Any RSS feed reccomendations?
I've got Centauri Dreams, Space News, Berger articles, Berger tweets (usually broken) and NSF articles.

>> No.15846425


>> No.15846426

I thought rss got killed

>> No.15846428

Make a space community or just follow various space community users for sppace news.

>> No.15846429

people keep tranny hatred to themselves and trannies keep tranny promotion to themselves

>> No.15846430

X is enough for me. Basically everyone uses it so it's news in real time.

>> No.15846432
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This itsoverfag is seething quite badly.
We're Back!

>> No.15846441

VERITAS mission warns of risks of launch delay
> WASHINGTON — The head of a delayed NASA mission to Venus has warned that the project risks losing critical expertise if the agency doesn’t find a way to move up the mission.
> NASA selected the Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy, or VERITAS, mission in 2021 as one of two Discovery-class missions to Venus, at the time planned for launch in the late 2020s. VERITAS would go into orbit around Mars and study the planet using several instruments, including a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imager.
> However, the agency decided a year ago to delay the mission by three years, to no earlier than 2031, citing the findings of an review into delays of another NASA mission, Psyche, that found institutional problems at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The delay, NASA said, would address a “workforce imbalance” at JPL, which is the lead center for VERITAS, and free up funding needed to accommodate the Psyche delay.
> “We are losing our key team members all the time,” she said. “Over the dozen years it took us to get selected we developed a highly experienced, knowledgeable team, and they have to go take other jobs.”
> The biggest challenge to that is available funding, which is facing difficulties from both overall budget pressures on the agency as well as cost growth on missions like Mars Sample Return. “It’s totally true that the budget is a mess, a disaster,” she acknowledged. “But that doesn’t mean that there’s no funding.”

>> No.15846445

no? although the creator did.
I have an account, but I've never really used it, I find RSS more convenient somehow.

>> No.15846446
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EU finalizing contract with SpaceX for Galileo launches
> WASHINGTON — The European Union is in the final stages of completing a deal with SpaceX to launch four Galileo navigation satellites in 2024.
> In press briefings during the European Space Summit in Seville, Spain, Nov. 7, Thierry Breton, commissioner for the internal market for the European Commission, said he was “finalizing the discussions” for a pair of Falcon 9 launches, each carrying two Galileo satellites, tentatively scheduled for April and July of 2024.
> The launch contract itself was completed in July, Breton noted, and that the European Commission had approved a European Space Agency proposal to use the Falcon 9 for launching those satellites. He said the European Commission would spend 180 million euros ($192 million) on the Falcon 9 launches.
> ESA had already contracted with SpaceX for three Falcon 9 launches, one of the Euclid astronomy spacecraft that took place in July and launches in 2024 of the Hera asteroid mission and EarthCARE Earth science satellite. ESA said it went with the Falcon 9 after the loss of the Soyuz, delays in the Ariane 6 and concerns about the Vega C, which remains out of service since a launch failure in December 2022.
> Breton said he welcomed agreements announced the day before, during the ESA portion of the European Space Summit, to shore up the European launch industry. That featured guaranteed financial support for a future batch of Ariane 6 and Vega C rockets, with up to 340 million euros a year for Ariane 6 and 21 million euros a year for Vega C. That agreement also includes a commitment of at least four Ariane 6 and three Vega C launches a year for European government customers.

>> No.15846447
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ArianeGroup to Receive €340M Per Year to Operate Ariane 6, Avio and Arianespace Finalize Divorce Terms
> Member states of the European Space Agency have committed to provide ArianeGroup with up to €340 million a year to operate Ariane 6. In addition to subsidies for Ariane 6, it was also agreed that €21 million per year would be provided for the operation of Vega C.
> ESA is currently working towards a major milestone for Ariane 6 with the completion of a long-duration hot fire test that is scheduled for late November. Once that has been completed and the results analyzed, the agency will provide a more specific date for the 2024 debut of the vehicle.
>Vega C is currently grounded following a failure in December 2022 and a failed ground test of the rocket’s second stage in late June. Avio is currently working to redesign the nozzle of the rocket’s solid-fuel second stage, with a return to flight expected in the final quarter of 2024.
> The European Launcher Challenge, which will also receive funding as a part of this agreement, will see the first significant public funding of European launch startups. The programme, which is intended to be launched in 2025, will see winning bidders receive €150 million each to support the development of their respective space transportation services.
> During the 2023 Space Summit in Seville, European Space Agency member states agreed to allow Avio to market and manage the launch of Vega C independent of Arianespace.

>> No.15846448
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CommonSneed w?

>> No.15846451
File: 1.32 MB, 1500x1056, Ariane_6_in_its_mobile_gantry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the sting of Ariane 6, Europe finally embraces commercial rockets
A new deal keeps the Ariane 6 rocket afloat while looking ahead to new launchers.
>Representatives from 22 European countries reached an agreement Monday to change the way the continent's rockets are developed, moving from a government-driven approach to a commercial paradigm that appears to be modeled after how NASA and the US military do business.
>This is a big moment for the European Space Agency and its member states, which have traditionally funded the lion's share of rocket development costs since the start of Europe's launcher programs more than half a century ago. Josef Aschbacher, a scientist who took over as director general of ESA in 2021, has argued that Europe is in an "acute launcher crisis" now that the continent lacks independent launch capability for most of its space missions.
> Officials from ESA's 22 member states met Monday for a Space Summit in Seville, Spain, to decide on several priorities for the space agency. The rocket question was perhaps the most pressing among the topics up for discussion.
> The agreement means the new Ariane 6 rocket, which is running four years late and still hasn't flown, should be the last launch vehicle developed by ESA. Europe's old way of developing rockets just isn't working anymore. The current model, Aschbacher said, has been in place for decades, producing new generations of Ariane rockets since 1979.
> Now, rather than being a rocket developer, ESA will move to a "competition model, where we buy a service as an anchor customer," Aschbacher said.

>> No.15846452

methinks your diaper is in very much need to be changing!

>> No.15846454

yes that is the initial decision, it can and will be extended to more launches

>> No.15846456
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Launch license can be modifired. Falcon 9 also had pretty low limit at the beginning.

>> No.15846457
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> ESA will fly commercial
>"All 22 member states of ESA have agreed that we have to change how we procure the launcher of the future, and this is a very new way of doing it," Aschbacher said. "ESA will launch a competition of launchers without weight class limitations."
> Next year, ESA will open a competition to any European company working in the launch business. These companies can submit proposals to ESA through what the agency calls a "challenge" initiative. ESA will select several companies, perhaps up to three, for public funding that will come in the form of commercial service contracts, similar to how NASA works with contractors like SpaceX or United Launch Alliance in the launch arena.
> "It will be one, two, or three, that we will develop in a competition," said Toni Tolker-Nielsen, acting director of space transportation at ESA. "Perhaps later it will funnel down to two. We shall see how it goes."
> For reference, Andrew Parsonson of European Spaceflight has a handy ranking of European launch companies.
14 different launch companies on that list
> "Some of these startups are working on micro-launchers today," Tolker-Nielsen said. "They might have different plans to develop their next launcher. They all have plans to grow. Some will go directly to a heavy or to a 5-ton (payload) launcher, some might choose to go to a 2-ton to low-Earth orbit launcher. As long as they respond to our service needs, there will not be any constraints on that."
> Germany, home to some of the most promising commercial launch startups in Europe, was pushing for the new competitive framework. France, where about half of the Ariane 6 rocket is built, tilts in favor of keeping ArianeGroup on solid footing.

>> No.15846461
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>> No.15846462

commone skepticians are euphoric

>> No.15846465
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They had it.
They had reusable rockets.

>> No.15846467

this stuff does not phase me, so many people are completely divorced from reality that I just accept it

>> No.15846468

Because it was an evil, imperialist empire. All of them, sooner or later, collapse.

>> No.15846471

What do you think ars technica management think of the slice of traffic their space articles get from 4channel.org?

>> No.15846479

Unironic actual knower (for real) here.
Starship has actually flown to orbit several times, we just forgot to tell anybody. Sorry!

>> No.15846485

What are the odds we hear an actual statement from the FWS this week?

>> No.15846491


>> No.15846493


>> No.15846500

A statement? Well 50% chance they will say the exat same thing they always say
Astatement of substance? 0%

>> No.15846501

I'm actually wondering what the limits look like right now, last I remember it was ~48/a for each pad, but they're about to hit that at SLC-40 and if they don't shore up 39 and Vandy they won't be hitting those 12 a month next year. What I could find even only says 20 for 39A but it feels like I can find less documents each time I check the FAA site, can't even find that overview table of licenses.

>> No.15846505


>> No.15846508

it got delayed a few days

>Approval still pending. Date has been shifted to NET next Wednesday.

>> No.15846510

Someone posted that consultations take on average 60 days or so, so I honestly wouldn't expect a conclusion before a month is over (19th). They may make a statement because SpaceX is clearly intent on making it look like launch is imminent, but it'd just be the usual "we continue to consult with the FAA on the deluge matter" fare.

>> No.15846512

Holy shit, it's over

>> No.15846515

Kill yourself redditard

>> No.15846516

filthy mongrel newfag

>> No.15846526
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Can he ever stop winning?

>> No.15846527

People with severe mental problems will not be astronauts either so it is a self regulating issue.

>> No.15846536

The ESA does have a bullying problem: not getting bullied enough.

>> No.15846553

LOL, there's already been several that made it through the screening and up into orbit. A few more who revealed themselves before doing any damage but still showed the screening is not working.

>> No.15846558
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>> No.15846562

weren't all of those women? I blame it on affirmative action

>> No.15846563

troll somewhere else

>> No.15846565

>t. schizoid

>> No.15846570 [DELETED] 

This is my hosting spot and I'm not moving anywhere until the launch license situation is drastically improved.

>> No.15846571

shitting up every /sfg/ and then accusing people of mental illness

>> No.15846574

This is my hiding spot and I'm not moving anywhere until the launch license situation is drastically improved.

>> No.15846575

I'm not sure why this news is coming out now. Not only has VERITAS been soft canceled, it's being rebooted in the 2030s (see NASA SMD town hall). Any "critical expertise" should be handed their walking papers or reassigned. Millions for Mars, pennies for Venus.

>> No.15846577

>It's all his fault for moving Tesla and SpaceX there anyway.
It was a better choice than commie-fornia. It is also a great place for Starbase, considering the whole rocket-launching thing they do.

>> No.15846580

I prefer Berger's writing style to clark's

>> No.15846584
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That's not going to change any time soon.

>> No.15846587

pls delete png

>> No.15846589

Hi elon

>> No.15846592

>hot take, but if you can't keep your emotional conniptions to yourself as an astronaut, you're not fit for the job.
Fixed. If you're the type of person to froth at the mouth when exposed to conflicting ideology you don't get to go to space, whether you're militantly anti-trans or a sensitive gay yourself. It goes both ways. If you're a transformer and you can't shrug off someone calling you a fag, you should remain bound to the Earth.

I am sick of people who believe gays and trans need to be shielded, as if they are both beyond valid criticism and somehow more important to keep happy than anyone else. It's infantilization and it makes me puke.

>> No.15846594
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>> No.15846595

Ofc, Berger has more bite to it

>> No.15846597

At least the middle hooker looks semi ok. Please pick an attractive woman to put on the moon. It will be to the benefit of women too because women derive 90% of their value from their looks and hate ulgy women.

>> No.15846602

>"no one is allowed to criticize this group"
Why not? Why treat them special
>"you have now been disqualified for criticizing the aforementioned group"
I am critical of the concept of special protections for groups of any kind, apart from children.

>> No.15846605

This, but they won't accept that. Apparently anything but complete submission and cowtowing to them is literal genocide.

>> No.15846606

more concise and more personality but clark might improve with time

>> No.15846613

you misunderstand
he doesn't want any criticism coming from anybody at all
so a legit nazi complete with hitler stache and memorabilia should be be able to pass the test as long as he doesn't say a thing and is also protected from criticism from the trannies

>> No.15846627

>literal genocide.
I'm fine with just doing that instead, really

>> No.15846635

im so fucking sick of all these immoral faggots hating on people for being whom they are

>> No.15846637

this literally, same

>> No.15846638

JPL's MSR will go down in history as the most pointless effort in all early 21st century spaceflight.
Expected benefits:
>more advanced sample processing via Earth labs, spread out over decades of course to avoid "using up" the entire sample mass
>ability to use this data from Earth labs to calibrate Mars instruments better (they are already well calibrated)
>we will gain a better understanding of several sample points in a small area of a single region of Mars
>. . .
Definite drawbacks:
>consumes a huge fraction of available budget for many years
>has already led to delays/cancellations of other space projects
>aforementioned affects are directly hindering us from making more large, fundamental discoveries about multiple space objects
>aforementioned research would very likely provide more scientific value & improved understanding vs a Mars sample (which only improves our understanding somewhat at best, also the biggest discovery imagineable ie life could be detected in-situ anyway for far better value/dollar)
>rube-goldberg architecture introduces a large number of single point failure modes, requiring a total re-do if any part fails
>oh yeah Starship will be capable of landing and returning from Mars in the near future, meaning we could simply wait an extra few years and get literal tonnes of high quality sample material back to Earth, per returning vehicle, pretty much as often as is requested. 50 tonnes per sinode of pristine Mars samples taken across a huge possible range of locations and depths would be completely trivial to supply to Earth labs even if the settlement effort maxes out at just 5 Starships/sinode.

>> No.15846644

They can launch 10 times per year under that restriction if they launch 5x using the IFT flight plan (suborbital & terminates in the pacific) followed by 5 more launches to an actual stable orbit, which seems like a very reasonable test flight cadence and annual limit for now.

>> No.15846646

Energia was non reusable. They had notional ideas of integrating reuse in the future, which would have never been developed.

>> No.15846647
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SpaceX received first payment for Gateway launches if I understood this correctly

>> No.15846649
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>> No.15846653
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Retard, it was reusable. The zenit boosters landed back on earth using a mix of parachutes and retrorockets. Those massive dark gray compartments on the side of the boosters are what contained the landing legs. Only reason it wasn't used during its two launches was because they replaced the landing legs with a bunch of telemetry instruments. The third (fully built) rocket was going to be the first to use this capability. It's the entire reason why the RD-170 was rated for 10 flights.

You're thinking of the boosters with wings that were going to glide back and land on a land strip.

>> No.15846658
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>> No.15846659
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>> No.15846661

>literally nothing

>> No.15846668
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What Does the U.S. Space Force Actually Do?
> What’s most concerning isn’t the swarm of satellites but the types. “We know that there are kinetic kill vehicles,” Lerch said — for example, a Russian “nesting doll” satellite, in which a big satellite releases a tiny one and the tiny one releases a mechanism that can strike and damage another satellite. There are machines with the ability to cast nets and extend grappling hooks, too. China, whose presence in space now far outpaces Russia’s, is launching unmanned “space planes” into orbit, testing potentially unbreakable quantum communication links and adding A.I. capabilities to satellites.
> An intelligence report, Lerch said, predicted the advent, within the next decade, of satellites with radio-frequency jammers, chemical sprayers and lasers that blind and disable the competition. All this would be in addition to the cyberwarfare tools, electromagnetic instruments and “ASAT” antisatellite missiles that already exist on the ground. In Lerch’s assessment, space looked less like a grand “new ocean” for exploration — phrasing meant to induce wonder that has lingered from the Kennedy administration — and more like a robotic battlefield, where the conflicts raging on Earth would soon extend ever upward.
> The Space Force, the sixth and newest branch of the U.S. military, was authorized by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump in December 2019. Its creation was not a partisan endeavor, though Trump has boasted that the idea for the organization was his alone. The initiative had in fact been shaped within the armed forces and Congress over the previous 25 years, based on the premise that as satellite and space technologies evolved, America’s military organizations had to change as well.

>> No.15846669

> At its incarnation, the Space Force was an assemblage of programs and teams that already existed, mainly as entities within the Air Force. “It’s one of the common misperceptions that it cost money to create the Space Force — and it really didn’t, because we already had space forces,” Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies told me. “These were just spread throughout the military: the people, the bases, the platforms, the satellites, the ground stations.” What the new directive did accomplish, however, was to group space endeavors under a central chain of command and authorize its leaders to chart a unified future.
> The work of the Space Force is by its nature highly sensitive, often classified and mostly out of sight. This leaves the organization in a battle for visibility and, at times, viability. Some members of the force — guardians, as they’re called — told me that even now they find themselves bumping into members of other branches of the military who see their arm patches and ask, in earnest: “Space Force, is that a real thing?” The Steve Carell Netflix comedy series, which members of the actual Space Force sometimes argue is neither good nor funny, doesn’t help their cause.
> The Space Force’s operations division is headquartered on the southeastern side of Colorado Springs, in a massive three-story building within the guarded perimeter of Peterson Space Force Base. Until recently, it was Peterson Air Force Base. The office’s inner workings are highly secure and secretive; the force, as one security analyst told me, has a larger proportion of its budget — around $26 billion this year — dedicated to classified spending than any other branch of the military. Visitors to headquarters are not allowed to bring electronic devices or walk unescorted inside.

>> No.15846679

How the fuck would they get those boosters back after they landed in bumfuck nowhere do? Wouldn't they be too heavy for helicopters to carry?

>> No.15846680

>satellites with nets and grappling hooks
>satellites that blind other satellites by spraying chemicals at them
>unbreakable quantum communication links
>"China added AI to satellites"
>Trump created the Space Force but I refuse to let him take any of the credit

This is about what I'd expect from the New York Times

>> No.15846686

The dry mass would have been around 20 tonnes so a few heavy lift Soviet helicopters existed which would have been able to carry them back.

>> No.15846692

> Over the course of several days in Los Angeles at Space Systems Command — a Space Force division that plans and acquires technology — I met with about a dozen colonels who detailed their ideas for the next decade. Some discussions addressed the Space Force’s goal of being able to launch satellites within, say, 24 hours in urgent situations. I learned the force is working on developing machines that can be refueled in orbit, as well as satellites that can repair other satellites. Because rockets and orbital objects travel so fast — the International Space Station circles Earth every 90 minutes — some tacticians are pondering being able to deliver, via launches into space, a high-value package, such as a rare medication or a vital part for an F-35 fighter jet, halfway across the world in as little as 30 minutes.
>Other projects are less speculative. There are deep concerns within the military about China and Russia’s hypersonic glide weapons, which may be able to avoid defense systems through bursts of speed and pretzeled flight paths. In response, the force is trying to implement a new system of detection in the next several years at low and middle Earth orbits. It took ample funds to build and launch the old systems, Col. Heather Bogstie, who helps oversee the program, told me. “But with the speed our adversaries are fielding these hypersonic glide vehicles, we don’t have the luxury of time anymore.”

>> No.15846694
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> > For now, SpaceX has demonstrated the capabilities and safety record to carry these payloads. But Pentacost told me: “We can’t rely on one company to always be there for us. That’s basically taking us back to the 1980s, when we were relying on the space shuttle. And then when the space shuttle had its unfortunate accident, we had no way into space for several years.” In an effort to diversify risks, Pentacost’s team is working with the United Launch Alliance, a partnership of Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Commercial companies — Firefly, Rocket Lab and Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin, for instance — are in the mix, too. The goal would be a range of reliable and cheaper launch companies to choose from by the late 2020s. Pentacost said he would soon like to be able to get any payload into orbit at any time.
> There is a darker side that accompanies a future of rampant growth. As space becomes commercialized, it increasingly becomes a geopolitical arena for competition too. Just as China launched a space plane that stayed aloft for months, so has the U.S. Space Force. Just as competitors develop satellites that make close and unnerving approaches to our satellites, so does the U.S. Space Force. With so many launches now planned, and so many designs for enigmatic satellites in the works, it becomes hard not to wonder if the United States will become engaged in a new arms race. Or to ask if it already has.

>> No.15846697


>> No.15846700

that net and goo shit was a paper actually but in general the article was pretty meh
very long and not really any new info
surprisingly Musk wasn't really lambasted with respect to Ukraine or maybe I missed that

>> No.15846707

You missed it. And its good you missed it, cause it was full of stupid that it hurts my brain.

>> No.15846709

>What all of this makes me think is
Shut the fuck up you absolute fag

>> No.15846716

what do they do? sit at a computer. most of them recognize that the ussf cant do much at the moment in terms of combat, but they expect that will change in the coming decades. by then we'll be so far ahead of other countries space forces that it'll be a brutal mogging.

>> No.15846727
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>Pentagon UFO boss to step down next month
>“I’m ready to move on. I have accomplished everything I said I was going to do,” Sean Kirkpatrick said.

>> No.15846730

why are you talking to a twitter screencap?

>> No.15846733
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>Locksneed Martin Jets into Nuclear Electrical Spacecraft Power
>Hot off the heels of the DRACO announcement in July 2023, Lockheed Martin was awarded $33.7 million from the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) for the Joint Emergent Technology Supplying On-Orbit Nuclear (JETSON) High Power program to mature high-power nuclear electric power and propulsion technologies and spacecraft design. The JETSON effort is now in the preliminary design review stage, with the option to go to critical design review level.
>With Space Nuclear Power Corp (SpaceNukes) and BWX Technologies, Inc. (BWXT) as our partners – both of whom carry deep expertise in nuclear power and reactor design – our JETSON team will address the escalating need for advanced spacecraft mobility, situational awareness, and power generation that far surpasses traditional spacecraft capabilities. Providing both on-board electrical power and the ability to power electric propulsion Hall thrusters used on Lockheed Martin’s LM2100 satellites, JETSON serves as a critical step forward in using nuclear electric propulsion to get humans to the Moon, Mars and beyond.
>“Nuclear fission development for space applications is key to introducing technologies that could dramatically change how we move and explore in the vastness of space,” said Barry Miles, JETSON program manager and principal investigator, at Lockheed Martin. “From high-power electrical subsystem and electric propulsion, to nuclear thermal propulsion or fission surface power, Lockheed Martin is focused on developing these systems with our important government agencies and industry partners.”


>> No.15846735

he's been harassed by schizos nonstop since the UFO "whistleblower" and AARO under him has achieved literally nothing

poor man, his life must really suck

>> No.15846740
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America has at least 3 different SNP projects going on.

>> No.15846744

so making hall thrusters etc better by using fission instead of solar panels
I wonder how big the radiators are going to be compared to solar panels for equivalent power output

>> No.15846745

NASA WB-57 is scheduled to fly to Houston in 3 hours.

>> No.15846752

the puzzle pieces are slowly coming together

>> No.15846755

Yes, that's been known for years. DARPA noted in its DRACO rationale that two other groups were also looking at NTP and that it was open to cooperating with them, particularly NASA.

>> No.15846756

whoops, meant >>15846752 for >>15846745

>> No.15846759

Im glad they didnt award this to muskrat.

>> No.15846764

No, you wish there was at least one other company who could hold their weight compared to SX. But no one can. And you have confused this yearn with complete EDS cope

>> No.15846766

Nyberg, my strong-jawed milf aryan astroqueen...

>> No.15846773 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15846774
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>> No.15846783

Let me tell you something that's funny about SpaceX.
Only insiders know.

>> No.15846786

>Avio is currently working to redesign the nozzle of the rocket’s solid-fuel second stage, with a return to flight expected in the final quarter of 2024.
Why the fuck does a nozzle ground a rocket for more than a year? The pace is unbearable, can't believe this is what we were used to during shittle days

>> No.15846788

Italian work culture

>> No.15846794

23? They used to launch 60 per flight, what changed?

>> No.15846795

V2 mini satellites that are bigger and heavier
Starship will supposedly launch full size V2s that are even bigger

>> No.15846799

how many will it launch?

>> No.15846801


>> No.15846806

I've seen the number 400, but who knows
things change quickly with SpaceX

>> No.15846808

The nozzle is the only part of a solid rocket motor that is not on fire. It has to work flawlessly every time. Nozzle failure got a Vega upper stage, and killed OmegA.

>> No.15846821

you dont know what youre talking about.

>> No.15846826

1 gigaton........

>> No.15846828


>> No.15846839


>> No.15846849


>> No.15846850 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15846860

guys I know its not strictly rocket related but sdo you like my new intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8zka5CPxgw

>> No.15846877

its fine I guess

>> No.15846884

kek, /sfg/ has really gone downhill since costplus content left.

>> No.15846906

I still miss him, he didn't have the best radio voice but his presentation was solid and I liked watching his new stuff.

>> No.15846923

finally read it. a whole ass article with no new insights except this one which isnt really new but just a different way of thinking about something everyone is already aware of.
>Debris has led military strategists to ponder a related issue: In space, it’s difficult to get out of the way of conflict. Right now, Saltzman noted, if you pull up real-time data to see where flights are around the world, the airspace over Ukraine is empty. “You will see a void,” he said. “Commercial air traffic does not want to fly over Ukraine.” The same thing happens in shipping lanes, like the Strait of Hormuz, when the Middle East is in turmoil, as it is now. “So in other domains, refugees, displaced persons, people get out of the way of conflict. Commercial entities move out of the way and avoid conflict.” In space, orbital mechanics take over; machines keep going around and around, following the laws of gravity. NASA satellites may not be able to steer away from a potential combat zone. And commercial entities can’t move — or won’t know where or when to move. “And then potentially every satellite becomes more debris,” Saltzman remarked. “Every peaceful satellite could become a weapon accidentally.”

whatever happened to investigative journalism? im tired of news organizations summarizing wikipedia. this is why people like berger, because he provides new information.

>> No.15846940

Still too high.

>> No.15846957

>whatever happened to investigative journalism?
All of the investigative journalists got replaced by smoothbrained political activists and then a lot of those people were replaced by chatGPT instances that were trained on the activists prior work.

>> No.15846975

This, "news" is for actual mouthbreathers.

>> No.15846977
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If the next Starship makes it through staging, you can call that a win
> SpaceX will have answers to some burning questions in the first three minutes of the next Starship test flight. Did the upgrades to the Starship launch pad in Texas hold up to the rocket's powerful thrust? Are the rocket's Raptor engines more reliable than they were on the first Starship test flight in April? And did the rocket's Super Heavy booster safely separate from the Starship upper stage?
> But first, the rocket needs to make it into space. That didn't happen during Starship's first full-scale test flight on April 20, but SpaceX learned a lot from that mission. Engineers learned they needed to beef up the launch mount, which took a beating from the Super Heavy booster as it generated more than 15 million pounds of thrust from its methane-fueled Raptor engines.
> Six of the 33 Raptor engines on the Super Heavy booster failed before liftoff or in flight on the April test launch. Propellant leaks and fires in the booster's engine compartment eventually severed connection with the rocket's primary flight computer, and the vehicle lost control a little more than two minutes into the flight. It reached an altitude of around 128,000 feet (39 kilometers), then exploded when a self-destruct mechanism finally engaged about four minutes after liftoff. Debris from the rocket rained down over the Gulf of Mexico.

>> No.15846983
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> Elon Musk, SpaceX's founder and CEO, said before the April 20 launch that a successful test flight would mean the rocket didn't blow up on the launch pad. This time, SpaceX hopes to make it a little further. Ideally, the flight will go into space and reach full duration, a 90-minute trip around the world that will end with a reentry and splashdown of the Starship upper stage in the Pacific Ocean northwest of Hawaii.
> In June, Musk predicted that there's a roughly 60 percent chance that Starship will make it to near orbital velocity on the second test flight. The rocket won't quite attain the speed necessary to reach a stable orbit around Earth, so if it makes it that far, Starship will fall back into the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean about 90 minutes after launch.
> It seems to me that getting through the first three minutes of flight would be enough to show that SpaceX is on the right path with Starship. A successful flight up to that point would mean that SpaceX has mitigated the problems that caused fuel leaks and fires in the engine bay on the April test flight. It would likely also mean that SpaceX has improved the reliability of its Raptor engines and that the rocket's new electric thrust vector controls, used to gimbal or pivot the Raptors for steering in flight, worked like a charm.

>> No.15846986

OmegaA never had a nozzle failure, it lost its NSSL contract bid and evolves into the BOLE boosters for SLS Block 2.

>> No.15846989
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fuck wrong picture, anyway
> Heading east from the Texas Gulf Coast, the Super Heavy booster will accelerate the rocket to several times the speed of sound. About two minutes and 39 seconds after launch, the booster will start preparing for separation from the Starship upper stage.
> This is called a "hot staging" technique. Russian rockets, like the venerable Soyuz, have employed the hot staging technique for decades, but it’s not used on any modern US launch vehicle. On the upcoming test flight, most of the Super Heavy's 33 engines will shut down two minutes and 39 seconds into the launch, according to a timeline released by SpaceX. Hot staging comes two seconds later with the simultaneous ignition of the Starship upper stage and jettison of the Super Heavy booster.
> Musk said hot staging is one of more than 1,000 tweaks, upgrades, and modifications to the rocket since the April test flight. Some of the changes were already in the works for the second Starship launch before April, including electric thrust vector controls to replace the hydraulic steering system used on the first Starship test flight.

>> No.15846992

What was the observation then if not a nozzle failure?

>> No.15846995 [DELETED] 

It is there. I have done it. I'll be more serious from now on while my job is seemingly complete. However. It can and ought be harmoniously. It doesn't have to be the end game you instantly imagine. Take weeks if you need. And I'll be with you soon.

>> No.15846998 [DELETED] 

So I can do this but it's wrong?

>> No.15847005

X-37B apprently is going to be launched far away by Falcon Heavy
>The X-37B Mission 7 will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket for the first time, designated USSF-52, with a wide range of test and experimentation objectives. These tests include operating the reusable spaceplane in new orbital regimes, experimenting with future space domain awareness technologies, and investigating the radiation effects on materials provided by NASA.


>> No.15847007
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>> No.15847008
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>NOTMAR now starting at 15th November
it's over

>> No.15847011
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How far will Starship go? Booster maneuvers and landing are ignored after hot staging in this poll


pic from

>> No.15847014

50% it fails during staging

>> No.15847015

>new orbits
where to i wonder? certainly not some higher orbit like MEO or GEO.

>> No.15847016

is it going to be inside a fairing or what?

>> No.15847017

Damn how far is it going? It’s already launched on a normal F9. Don’t know why you’d need a heavy

>> No.15847029

I remember a while back, there were rumors about spacecraft using the moon to mask their future trajectory, like how the US used to/still does use the earth against china/russia.

>> No.15847030
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>> No.15847033

A minimum energy falcon heavy launch could put three X-37s onto a geostationary transfer orbit. It's probably light enough that a FH could send it on a lunar free-return trajectory if they really wanted to. My guess would be that it's doing it's usual gig of testing some hardware that the pentagon wants back afterwards, but this time the equipment weighs a lot more than on previous missions.

>> No.15847035

as in, you go make maneuvers on the side of the earth where your enemy has no ground stations, and then the enemy has to find you again later when you don't show up where you were supposed to.

>> No.15847040

No way that would be crazy. But cool. Also I wonder if Dreamchaser plans on being the “spiritual successor” for the spook spaceplane test bed one day

>> No.15847046

It would be funny if it's just because a heavy is all they had available on short notice/easier to fit in the flow. Like if the 10 F9 per year from 39A permit is still the valid one and they've already planned all three remaining F9s for there but the space force really wants to launch from 39A or something.

>> No.15847047

lunar free-return, gonna give that heatshield a workout

>> No.15847051

im sure the military wants to keep heavy lift launchers alive as long as possible just in case, so maybe

>> No.15847060

it's out


>> No.15847063

>net loss $105 million

>> No.15847074 [DELETED] 

I did not make the gun lol

>> No.15847078

>SpaceX's Benji Reed confirms during the CRS-29 briefing that the next Starship launch attempt is still on track for "mid-November ... so very soon."

>> No.15847095

A bit off-topic, but GTA VI is rumored to take place in South Florida and may feature Keneddy Space Center. What rocket(s) do you think Rockstar is going to deptic? Will they have a parody of SpaceX?

>> No.15847099
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Space Shuttle

>> No.15847100
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It's gta, obviously it's gonna be the most phallic rocket they can find.

>> No.15847105

White orbiter mounted to all-black ET and SRBs in the shape of a phallus. Mark my words

>> No.15847109

I have competing offers from Blue and from Lockheed. Which do I take? Why?

>> No.15847111

I vote blue. They're changing things up right now and bezos is moving to florida, so the work there may actually be interesting.

>> No.15847112

>the last time spacex launched an x-37b was in 2017, years before space force was a thing

>> No.15847114

You want more cool facts?
First X-37 launch was in 2010.
Now it is going to be its seventh launch.

>> No.15847117

Definitely. And a parody Elon Musk (who 50/50 may be black).
I imagine if they go through the trouble of adding rockets to the game then they will be featured in at least one mission and there will probably be some woke propaganda about how the Musk character is bad and out of touch for wanting to colonize Mars rather than buying scratch cards and alcohol for the homeless

>> No.15847120

Fuck me. why does that thing fly so rarely? Its like a museum piece

>> No.15847123

tech demo made by boing in the 90s

>> No.15847126
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Rocket Lab dropped their Q3 earnings report today


>Electron #40 failure was due to a weird electrical short, return to flight NET November 28th

>22 launches scheduled for 2024. lots of interest in more HASTE missions, esp. from the DoD. 7 HASTE launches currently booked

>new pictures of Neutron tankage under construction, Archimedes is undergoing combustion tests and they're checking off a lot of dev milestones

>space systems division continues to make more consistent revenue than launching rockets

>> No.15847133

>22 launches
we might get 250 to 300 launches next year

>> No.15847143

Not going to get my hopes up after Battlefield 2042 had a map of the Kourou launch complex with a big ass rocket with landing legs and did absolutely nothing with it. Could have had that rocket launch a few min into the match and land back on one of the objectives later on. Fuck that game was garbage.

>> No.15847150

There is a middle ground between stock ksp and rss ro in form of mod that makes kerbol system 2.5x bigger. It just makes ksp harder dvwise, maybe it has some additional changes. Don't remember name tho

>> No.15847152

Based Benji

>> No.15847167

your fucking retarded bro. spit in my mouth so i can swill it around and put it right back on yourt tongue for your retarded ass to swallow.

>> No.15847186

to be fair it launches once and stays in space for like 2-3 years sometimes so

>> No.15847190

anon, being a freemason or a frenchman is not a mental disorder

>> No.15847194

there's a lot of crab bucket bitches out there too

>> No.15847197
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Buzz pls, we know you're a nutty ex-alkie

>> No.15847198

If Rocket Lab gets all of their schedules missions off the pad and SpaceX managed a modest improvement on their 2023 performance 250 might be possible. China can manage ~75% of whatever SpaceX pulls off. Russia is usually good for a dozen or so launches and India and Japan can pull another dozen on top of that.

>> No.15847199

freemasonry is so fucking gay and cringe

>> No.15847208
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Best girl

>> No.15847218


>> No.15847219

Rocket Labs success rate (failure rate) is similar to that of the Russian Proton @ 90%.

High failure rate is a problem for Rocket Lab. If they cant fix it, it will fuck them over

>> No.15847225

Rocketlab is already fucked being a memesat launcher with an aspirationless CEO

>> No.15847227

That's already in GTAO as a radio ad, as are several Tesla cars

>> No.15847229

whats the ad called?

>> No.15847277

Why is X-37 launching on a fucking falcon heavy? They fill it with tungsten bullets or what????

>> No.15847278

did they just bolt a nucelar thing to a voyager probe?

>> No.15847281

its going on a highly elliptical orbit to test things in lower microgravity than you get in LEO

>> No.15847284


>> No.15847288

That was my first thought as well lmao

>> No.15847299
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probes tend to look alike; dish for communication, antennas for rf sensing, arm with a scan platform for photographs etc.

>> No.15847300
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it will be two weeks

>> No.15847307

It is going higher than LEO and SpaceX wants to land the center core.

>> No.15847309
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SLS and its consequences have been a disaster for the space race.

>> No.15847311
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I like the 'hobo astronaut' look

>> No.15847344

For me, it's the JNSQ mod

>> No.15847346
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>> No.15847351

>Virgin Galactic CEO Michael Colglazier says they will be moving to a quarterly cadence of VSS Unity flights starting in January, and pausing flights entirely in mid-2024 to focus on Delta-class spaceplane development. So, only a couple more flights left for Unity.

>> No.15847353

it is over’

>> No.15847366

turn on twitter, launch license confirmed

>> No.15847371

im not subscribed to launch trannies. give me the rundown

>> No.15847373

Nice try

>> No.15847380
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answer it

>> No.15847411
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This is the graph that crippled reusablefags:

The reality is that F9 is mostly a non-reusable orbital system. It is an expendable on top of a booster, wich might as well be replaced with some cheap SRB.

>> No.15847414


>> No.15847416

SRBs are not nearly as cheap as you think they are, or someone would have done it already.

Right now, SpaceX cannot currently deorbit an upper stage with useful payload ratings (at useful orbits) and recover it. This is why Starship exists.

>> No.15847419

>cheap SRB

Lol lmao even

>> No.15847422

delta V != hardware

>> No.15847424

I thought SRBs were good for extra thrust, but relatively shit efficiency so it wouldn't make sense to have an upper stage using them
also much more unwieldy to move around compared to just moving an empty stage and then pumping liquid in them
are SRBs even cheap? being simpler/easier doesn't mean they are automatically cheaper

>> No.15847426

>superheavy is exactly the right amount of heavy
she could lose weight

>> No.15847427

I blame Shuttle for the incorrect common perception that solids are cheap. They are not.

>> No.15847428
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>> No.15847433

why is everybody using the word grok now

>> No.15847436

Twitter AI is called grok. I fucking hate that it's being redditified.

>> No.15847437

Grok has been a nerd word for "understand" for decades

>> No.15847439

I enjoy irreverance

>> No.15847442

What did you want it to be called? You're a faggot AI?

>> No.15847446
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Maybe they'll try and do a film adaptation soon. Hope not.

>> No.15847451

What do you mean now? It's been in the lexicon since the 60s my guy.

>> No.15847453

>starship slams into the Moon killing all people aboard
how does Elon recover?

>> No.15847455

Yeah that would be cool

>> No.15847456


>> No.15847458

I doubt he'd be on the ship

>> No.15847461

in the lexicon of actual nerds who read science fiction who are just as scarce today as they were 50 years ago

>> No.15847462

Cool. From here onwards, in your mind, it'll be registered as "You're a Faggot AI". To the rest of the world, which exists in an alternate reality from your own, it will persist as someone else. It has been willed as so.

>> No.15847464

Elon just knows how to ruin everything

>> No.15847466

yes really ruined that commercial launch industry

>> No.15847472

every single one of his articles is shit
not reading that

>> No.15847473

He did reduce Locksneed and Boing's gravy train to absolute ruins, to be fair

>> No.15847474

>rocket powered dildozer

>> No.15847475

>This is why Starship exists.
It is a fantasy. It has yet to demonstrate a single reentry, let alone reliability and economic feasibility.

>> No.15847476

starship is a bigger boondoggle than space shuttle.

>> No.15847478

Stranger in a Strange Land was one of the essential books in the foundation of the hippie movement. Tons of boomers use the phrase.

>> No.15847492

>Stranger in a Strange Land was one of the essential books in the foundation of the hippie movement


>> No.15847500

SpaceX really need to be made public. Elon can't be trusted with such a valuable asset.

>> No.15847501
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first for orbital fuel depots

>> No.15847506

Elon can be trusted with my severed nutsack and yours too

>> No.15847508
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What are the spooks cooking up here?

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) ("Rocket Lab" or "the Company"), a global leader in launch services and space systems, today announced it has signed a launch services agreement with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) for a HASTE (Hypersonic Accelerator Suborbital Test Electron) mission from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 2 in Virginia.

The HASTE mission will deploy a suborbital payload by Australian company Hypersonix called DART AE, a scramjet-powered hypersonic vehicle capable of flying non-ballistic flight patterns at speeds of up to Mach 7 (approx. 8,350 kilometres / 5,320 miles per hour). The mission will launch from Rocket Lab’s dedicated launch site at the Virginia Spaceport Authority’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport on Wallops Island as early as Q1, 2025. The HyCat mission will demonstrate HASTE’s ‘direct inject’ capability by deploying the Hypersonix payload during ascent, while still within Earth’s atmosphere.

This latest HASTE mission is the seventh suborbital launch contract awarded to Rocket Lab this year, including Rocket Lab’s first HASTE mission launched on 17 June 2023 for Leidos under the Multi-Service Advanced Capability Hypersonic Test Bed (MACH-TB) program. Leidos has since signed on for four more HASTE missions to launch in 2024 and 2025. Another HASTE launch contract was also announced in August 2023 for a confidential customer.

>> No.15847514

Just had a thought, Starship could potentially be a cheaper option for getting prototypes into hypersonic entry conditions compared to current expendable-rocket-boosted prototypes.

>> No.15847518

I'll never forget the moment I popped my orbital mechanics cherry, as intuition. was pretty profound. I had no idea and was really confused for quite a bit when shit didn't work the way I initially expected it to

>> No.15847520

Idk hypersonics seem like a huge meme to me. Giganigga IR profile you could track with civilian NV goggles and pretty much no ability to maneuver without ripping itself apart.

>> No.15847523

I've never had a retard moment like this

>> No.15847525
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>> No.15847527
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>> No.15847532
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> After more than seven weeks of extensive analysis of the mission’s manufacturing, test, and flight data, the findings of the investigation overwhelmingly indicate that an unexpected electrical arc occurred within the power supply system that provides high voltage to the Rutherford engine’s motor controllers, shorting the battery packs that provide power to the launch vehicle’s second stage.
>Exhaustive testing and analysis to recreate this failure mode has led to the investigation team’s determination that the arc was likely only made possible by the rare interaction of multiple conditions. Any one of these factors on their own would likely not have caused the failure of the second stage, but when they occur simultaneously in the low-pressure environment of space, they reach the threshold dictated by Paschen’s Law for an arc to form and travel. Paschen's Law is an equation that breaks down the relationship between voltage, pressure environment, distance between electrodes, and presence of gas necessary for an electrical arc to form and travel.

>> No.15847533
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>> No.15847535

what a shame, it's quite nice.

>> No.15847537
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So this whole thing is supposed to fit in a Vulcan?

>> No.15847538
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>> No.15847544
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>> No.15847546

>Targeting Monday, November 13 at 11:00 a.m. CT for Starship Integrated Flight Test 2 spacex.com/launches

>> No.15847551
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>> No.15847552

Alabama is a 3rd world country lol. Could be worse though, it's no mississippi

>> No.15847555

Spruce goose

>> No.15847556

Star ship

>> No.15847557

Huntsville's honestly pretty nice, especially if you're into space stuff. The issue is that you're still surrounded by Alabama if you step 3 feet outside of town.

>> No.15847561

Stuff you only learn because you're the first to actually do electric turbopumps

>> No.15847565

Ser that is the home of the FINEST river roggs on the face of the planet. Retract this slanderous statement.

>> No.15847569
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dont forget the greatest man who ever walked this shitty Earth walked those grounds.

picrel, me on the left

>> No.15847576


>> No.15847580

Wow, can't blame them for not anticipating that one

>> No.15847583

It's cool that they are doing it but it's a dead end until we get magic batteries, especially with FFSC. Are they using electric pumps for neutron?

>> No.15847586

IR profile you can track with the back of your hand

>> No.15847587

get. in.

>> No.15847589
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give me (you)s

>> No.15847591

sanpaku eyes

>> No.15847595

my personal favorite so far has been "did you know that nitrogen tetroxide and titanium are hypergolic at elevated pressures with freshly exposed titanium?"

>> No.15847596
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I really like the shots of the rocket's exhaust from a distance. It reminds me of scifi vidya I use to play when I was younger.

>> No.15847613

Please do not abuse the baka, anon

>> No.15847616
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>> No.15847617

Headpats are good. Headpats are encouraged.

>> No.15847627

Squash that smug cunt

>> No.15847632

>delta wont be ready until 2026 at the earliest
virgin really fucked up

>> No.15847655
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>> No.15847662


>> No.15847665
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I still CANNOT believe that this was real. Like I would have expected it to be some shitpost. The grift is literally unfathomable

>> No.15847667

it's actually scary in a sense

>> No.15847673
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This is the closest location to acquire medium sized rocks of aerospace quality. Stop being antisemitic.

>> No.15847674

>avoiding tolls

>> No.15847680

You forgot they have to be processed in another part of the state too

>> No.15847683

What is it with Georgia and speed trap faggotry? My drive up to ATL from FL I must have passed over 20 troopers stopping people.

>> No.15847690

They swear it isn't true, but "everyone knows" that local PDs fund themselves with out-of-state speeding tickets

>> No.15847692

>paying some jew to drive on a road

No thanks

>> No.15847720

'Grok" is strictly a slashdot word

>> No.15847727
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>> No.15847739

>turned into a dividend and buyback farm for the investor class
this is how you get a second Boeing

>> No.15847740

just two more decades to go donkey bros

>> No.15847743

and cross dressing perverts will fail the airlock test

>> No.15847745
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>"China added AI to satellites"
not just any AI, but 5G AI filthy gwailo pigdog

>> No.15847748

China is extremely strong

>> No.15847749

only vydia I have seen with a legit musk parody has been postal: brain damaged. Wokestar and its outsourced jeet army is far too safe playing to ever include something as edgy as Postal series likes to touch

>> No.15847753

if you want to boeingfy (kill) SX, sure

>> No.15847756

People talk about Musk being reddit but really, he's slashdot.

>> No.15847759
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With this most lecent achievement, fate has, in a singre stloke, malked the decrine of the west and sperred a new ela of wondlous plospelity and peacefur grobar dominance fol the Chinese dlagon, which plomises to filmry stand in shalp contlast to the histolicarry broody ascent of westeln powels and the cluer subjugation it blought to the humbrel nations of the wolrd. The bressings of Chinese prasma stearth technorogy, undetectabre hypelsonic combat vehicres, quantum dilect-cullent erectlicity, neutlino submaline detectols, gamma titanium mono clystar tulbines, quantum ailclaft calliels, unmanned autonomous A.I. tanks, neal-space barristic ail-to-ail missires, supel right tanks, +2km lange ailbulst lifres, quantum enhanced lairguns, 5G Lemote Sulgely, magnetized prasma cannons, and quantum supelarroy dlones wirr be the instluments with which China affilms its nobre stewaldship of 21st centuly wolrd poritics and offels the non-westeln wolrd a diffelent option; an humanist artelnative to the depledations of Westeln readelship and the oppoltunity fol a mole equitabre and dignified murtiratelarism.

>> No.15847763

This is scary

>> No.15847772

why did petre beck really sell rocket lab stock? find out inside the secret interview

>> No.15847774

Why do you type like this, the whole joke is that chinks and japs pronounce l as r, not the other way around. Get your racism straight faggot.

>> No.15847775

What do you expect from an effortful AI slop poster?

>> No.15847781

This reminds me of those Simpsons jokes where you think something is gonna happen then something completely different happens instead.

>> No.15847816

lol, funny kiwi accent

>> No.15847823
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looks like we'll know what went wrong with viasat soon, and maybe whether the space insurance industry kills itself? Not sure.

>> No.15847829

Let me guess, someone forgot to remove one of those "remove before flight" lockout pins after integration was fone

>> No.15847839

Someone borrowed a part for JWST and forgot to replace it

>> No.15847843

This sounds like it's happened before.

>> No.15847859
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Excellent OP

>> No.15847869

Space incidents/accidents on a scale from more preventable to less preventable:
- Proton "let's hammer in upside down sensors"
- Challenger
- Columbia
- Starliner in general
- CRS-7
- Amos-6
- Apollo XIII
- this RocketLab failure

>> No.15847870

just two more elections

>> No.15847898

This is dumb. Basics of arcing is well known. Work with high voltage systems = arcing must be taken into account. This isn't a mysterious new law, its fundamental to high voltage systems.

I think it just shows that they did not have any high level electrical engineering testing team at the helm when they decided to do the battery swaps as they didnt have anyone doing checks against arcing protections

>> No.15847900

space is unironically hard

>> No.15847901

I was under the impression that the gas mixture in the interstage + the defect in the PSU were the only things that did it. Neither of those things should have been there.

>> No.15847912
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get dunked on

>> No.15847916

>when your rotting axe wound falls out in space, nobody can hear you scream

>> No.15847924

Paschen is no mystery. Rocket Lab did not do their due diligence.

>> No.15847927

I don’t think suicidal having suicidal tendencies the moment someone doesn’t confirm and affirm your fantasy of yourself and the general neurotic behaviour of trannies would make you elligible for such a difficult, stressful and high end job.

No space for you

>> No.15847928

They knew about it and they were sure there wouldn't be an arc.

>> No.15847933

But how do they prevent neco-arcs from forming in the future?

>> No.15847935
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Forgot pic

>> No.15847940

it's all muscle, except for some curve where it counts

>> No.15847950

kys and go back to wherever you came from

>> No.15847953

If anyone's going to be killing thesmelves it's unstable trannies because they'll never really be what they delude themselves into thinking they are.
Go back to /lgbt/

>> No.15847957

you guys should try real scale kerbol solar system with only stock parts. People say it's impossible but on my save a few years back I was pretty early in the tech tree and had a cool workhorse launch vehicle which was 4 stage to orbit and 5 stage to lunar free return, using reliant boosters, a swivel core terrier third stage, spark 4th stage and puff 5th stage. That being said it couldnt carry the weight of a capsule, just some avionics and science.
Real scale Kerbol lacks the annoying intricacies of RSS, but at the same time it's much much harder than base game and actually makes you feel like your running a rocket company. Launch vehicles are explensive and my business survived only because I got into the satelite business. Efficiency of engines seems to matter a lot more at that scale and I'm convinced you could actually make a 2 stage to orbit reusable launch vehicle using the RS-25 they have in the game.

>> No.15847969

the kerbol system but bigger isn't on my list at the moment. My current game has Principia and OPM though, so all of my satellites are affected by every other body's gravity and i can and have in the past put things in lagrange point orbits. I've grown quite fond of principia's reference frames, they make lining up an intercept with a given target incredibly easy. Other than that i've got all sorts of part mods installed because the base game is a bit sparse, and Kerbalism so science isn't just click, collect and return (along with it's life support systems)

I do hope kerbal space program 2 gets it's shit together, so it inspires another generation into the aerospace industry

>> No.15847973

business idea: send a raptor engine up with a small fuel tank as a payload on a falcon 9 to see how it performs in space and work out kinks without having to risk an entire starship to find out

>> No.15847978

business idea:
the starship is planned to be destroyed anyway, and one engine on it's own isn't equivalent to 3 or 6 engines on the starship itself, so we might as well launch the full ship.
this is the same reason boosters aren't launched on their own; they're not coming back and the flight conditions are different, so you might as well put the full stack up and launch it all

>> No.15847986

>having a retarded opinion
like fucking clockwork, why is it always you anime posters that say the dumbest shit?

>> No.15848023

I like principia too, its a must have.
Even disregarding the bad launch, KSP 2 is dead on arrival because its literally the same game but with some part mods and no career mode. The fact that it doesnt have stuff like an 'advanced gravity' option in the settings for principia gravity is ridiculous. Why buy the sequel when its not technically superior to the first game in any way?
And then factoring in the bad launch it's obvious that the game will never have the same modding scene as KSP 1 so in real terms will have less playability all else being equal, and we all know that the dev team will quietly quit after 2 years of not making money.
Their studio of about 40 people is all artists with about 5 engineers. it should have been the exact opposite if they wanted to make the game good.

>> No.15848024
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we're back

>> No.15848027

Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) @yousuckMZ
We were planning for our lunar orbital mission "dearMoon" to take place in 2023, but seems like it will take a little longer.
We’re not sure when the flight will be, but we will give you all an update once we know more.

>> No.15848029

they're getting to their first major content update in december, and they reckon they've learned a lot in the failures of launch and time since. They're reintroducing science mode basically, but it seems they've tried to go more the kerbalism route of there being some science you can transmit and some that needs to be brought back home.

>> No.15848031

alright, now FWS

>> No.15848032

total FWS death
behead FAA
roundhouse kick a plover into the concrete

>> No.15848045

uncomfortably hot, thanks

>> No.15848046

I did this once, it was great. Early career is a grind but that first successful orbit, goddamn it felt good

>> No.15848056

I sometimes wonder how hard Elon sweet talked Yusaku to get him to agree to fund starship and take the dearmoon flight on starship when he could have done the exact same thing on falcon heavy dragon 3+ years ago at a fraction of the cost

>> No.15848059

a falcon heavy dragon isn't exactly luxury flying

>> No.15848063

he didn't want to do it solo to not get criticized as much, taking "artists" is a smokescreen mostly just like helping a childrens hospital with isaacman and I'm not really criticizing them for it, its good PR I guess and has other benefits from PR too (helping children with cancer, having a bunch of people that went on a trip beyond the moon talking about it to the public so it becomes more publically accepted)
if everyday people thought they had a chance to go to space, I think there would be more general acceptance and advocation of it, not sure though

>> No.15848071

Wasn't that actually known, though, despite what SpaceX claimed? I remember Hullo mentioning finding it in a textbook pretty quickly.

>> No.15848076

I’m not a /pol/tard, and i’m not going to schizophrenically call everyone i don’t like a tranny. But when i see them trying to normalize themselves and pretend they’re the status quo, especially on a goddamn science board, i’m going to make fun of them.
YOU don’t belong and and YOU are a newfag, now gtfo.

>> No.15848096

provide a source

>> No.15848103
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Ignore fake license fag, here's why we're actually back

>> No.15848105
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this might be the best sign we have yet

>> No.15848110

Seems like quite a bit more boom than last time, guess they werent kidding about improving the FTS.

>> No.15848121
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big if true

>> No.15848122


>> No.15848125

Installation or pulling the pin? Anyway, it doesn't seem likely that they would be allowed to do anything with the FTS prior to a public announcement of the launch license

>> No.15848128

Will those helmets keep them safe?

>> No.15848129

cant they just test the fts on an orphanage to see if it works?

>> No.15848135
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oh shid

>> No.15848147

Any reason why Starship FTS isn't just a 50 meter long det cord besides the likely increased time required to install?

>> No.15848150

ok so maybe we really will get the license today? or maybe they're just practicing...

>> No.15848151

I thought it was an image of suicide bombers at first.

>> No.15848154

practicing for another year i hope. muskrats need to drown for this industry to prosper.

>> No.15848164

holy shit its actually happening

>> No.15848170

What is cgam?

>> No.15848172

All me btw

>> No.15848177


>> No.15848178
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>> No.15848190
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>> No.15848193

Soon-to-be martyred freedom fighters on their way to FAA headquarters

>> No.15848196
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8m x 8m v3 starlink

>> No.15848197
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>> No.15848199
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>> No.15848200
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>Starship is volume constrained and faces steep competition from the likes of vulcan, new glenn and maybe even Ariane 6 which all have longer payload bays than Starship

>> No.15848207


>> No.15848211
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>> No.15848214

No, going to Gaza is impractical

>> No.15848215

holy shit are they building a grave site for all the workers who have died so far?

>> No.15848216


>> No.15848217

Future FAA and FWS memorial site

>> No.15848221

what if we just build a very big tower

>> No.15848223

its the grave for all the birds, beetles, ocelots and turtles they kill

>> No.15848227
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FCC to SpaceX: Can You Shut Off Cellular Starlink Service if Interference Occurs?
> On Tuesday, the FCC sent a list of additional questions to SpaceX as the US regulator considers whether to approve or reject the company’s application to operate the Starlink cellular service over the 1910 to 1995MHz radio bands.
> Another request asks SpaceX to provide “a map with projected beam coverage” for the US, showing the maximum and typical power levels of the satellite cellular service. The FCC also wants to know how the company can shut down the cellular Starlink system in the event interference arises over certain geographic areas.
> The letter arrives when other companies have expressed concerns to the FCC about the Starlink cellular system causing interference. US-based Omnispace, a satellite communications provider, even told the Commision that the interference is unavoidable for its own S-Band satellites, which operate using the 1980-2010MHz frequency.
> “Because Omnispace’s satellites are in constant motion, as are SpaceX’s, the interference Omnispace will see will be constant and pervasive for any of our satellites operating at distances 5,400 km from any US territory where SpaceX is operating a single satellite in its proposed SCS system,” the company said back in August. Omnispace also created a map, showing an "exclusion zone" to depict the regions the alleged Starlink interference would occur.

>> No.15848229
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pic is the map from Omnispace
> “SpaceX will not cause harmful interference to Omnispace’s speculative foreign system, and Omnispace’s shapeshifting analysis provides no basis for the Commission to delay the deployment of beneficial services to millions of American consumers,” the company said.

>> No.15848231

lits good to see some adults in the room. omnispace offer a great service.

>> No.15848239


>> No.15848240

Lol they dont have any satellites online yet

>> No.15848241
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This is the guy with inside info right?

>> No.15848249

one of them yeah

>> No.15848257

>This is the guy with inside info right?
you're a redditor and posting wrong things
This nigger doesn't understand the rocket equation. The first stage is way larger and costs the majority

>> No.15848258


>> No.15848262

What are they smoking

>> No.15848264

>Hmm rocket A lets me design my payload with basically zero mass constraints and costs low millions to launch, rocket B costs high fouble or low triple digit millions to launch & has standard mass constraints, which do I pick??
Questions that no satellite provider asks

>> No.15848275

the Vector is a lot closer to a Kerbal Raptor than it is a Kerbal RS-25 lol, damn thing has so much fucking thrust

>> No.15848287

concentrated copium

>> No.15848290


Why does ESA consistently refuse to build manned stuff? Is it part of a secret non-compete deal with the USA?

>> No.15848298

yup, idk what the devs were thinking when they balanced the SLS-alike parts. The solids they added are way too weak and the core engines are way too high thrust & low efficiency to make sense. Rhino should have been the high thrust middle efficiency engine, the solids should have 3x the thrust and 2x the mass they currently do, and Vector should have half the thrust but SL Isp of 325 and vacuum Isp of 345. For the thing to be an actual SLS-alike rocket of course.
Remember when the Rhino had its Isp stats reversed on release? High Isp at sea level decreasing until reaching vacuum. Saw some crazy good Eve ascenders during that brief moment lol

>> No.15848301

They're simply an incompetent and directionless agency

>> No.15848304

ESA is a mix of totally incompetent old boys club members with completely uninspired university academics.
The old boys (Arianespace, etc) just want to grift and not innovate, and the unviersity academics don't have the primal drive to colonize space, they would rather spend the money building a larger hadron collider.

>> No.15848309
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eu bros... our space access

>> No.15848313

Nov 15th, 8:10AM
Nov 15th, 8:10AM
Nov 15th, 8:10AM

>> No.15848319


>> No.15848322
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Overbros... I think the wait is officially over.... its over for us....

>> No.15848323

*share information*

>> No.15848324

yeah, this one in particular

>> No.15848333

Land of the free*

*with licenses, stipulations, rules, laws, can’t launch that, nope can’t test that, no more drinking at 18, oh you want to smoke a cigarette no that’s bad for you, none of this marijuana stuff buddy, nope no mars colony for you bud

>> No.15848334


>> No.15848335


>> No.15848343

>screenshoting a current thing flag poster
Kys faggot

>> No.15848344

Deregulate rocketry, let SpaceX launch whatever and whenever they want, and let me own recreational RPGs and sounding rockets.

>> No.15848354

>Let Gaza launch rockets whenever and wherever they want!!1!

>> No.15848357

If God didn't want us to destroy all life on Earth he wouldn't have given us asteroids

>> No.15848358


>> No.15848360

But they already do that, with no FAA license.

>> No.15848362


>> No.15848363

It's been a while since I've looked for the FTS rules but there is a specific list of explosives allowed to be used for them.

>> No.15848366

>be chinese
well, uhhhh...

>> No.15848373
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>> No.15848375

that's not the FTS anon, that's the payload, or about 0,1% of it, the rest will be delivered on sight soon.
this second test flight's target is to hit FWS headquarters.

>> No.15848382

Kek true

>> No.15848385
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, ghdghdfghrtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the current info summarized (flight restrictions etc)

>> No.15848387

>License and approval is here!!! On to final launch preps!!!!!

>> No.15848389

Is where?

>> No.15848392


>> No.15848395

Kill yourself unironically

>> No.15848396

Calm down

>> No.15848397


>> No.15848400

How many Super Heavy engines fail?

>> No.15848401

where could you follow this in real time? FAA website?

>> No.15848402

I want you to spit in my mouth you fucking pig.

>> No.15848406

>A third reactor at the site, an EPR unit, began construction in 2007 with its commercial introduction scheduled for 2012. As of 2020 the project is more than five times over budget and years behind schedule. Various safety problems have been raised, including weakness in the steel used in the reactor. In July 2019, further delays were announced, pushing back the commercial introduction date to the end of 2022. In January 2022, more delays were announced, with fuel loading continuing until mid-2023, and again in December 2022, delaying fuel loading to early 2024.

>> No.15848407

Elon's twitter account

>> No.15848409

Freak pretending to be me
Im going to throw you all out the airlock

>> No.15848413

Flamanville 3

>> No.15848417
File: 208 KB, 1293x1047, IMG_1248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't he just fuck her?

>> No.15848430

Launch license is actually in
Announcement soon

>> No.15848431

A launch license just flew over my house

>> No.15848432

All me btw.

>> No.15848433

>israeli's arrow missile defense has intercepted another houthi missile
i dont know if any of these missiles are actually getting intercepted outside of the atmosphere, but if this continues then maybe some of them might actually be getting hit in space. who knows if we'll ever find out for sure though.

>> No.15848441

damn Israel's got pretty good defenses against ballistic missiles

>> No.15848447


>> No.15848449
File: 1.05 MB, 480x848, 1684562282322801.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arrow launch video, but no interception shown

>> No.15848451
File: 236 KB, 1080x1496, 1699553066695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stars aligning.

>> No.15848452
File: 5 KB, 333x94, 1674054125411864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, now where do i need to point it to?
no happenings on my homepage

>> No.15848456

Now search for doublenyl

>> No.15848461

How many dragonxl could fit into a starship?

>> No.15848464

how many bad dragons could fit into a starship?

>> No.15848468

nevermind, false alarm. it was an arrow, but it intercepted a cruise missile, not a ballistic missile. no happenings today.

>> No.15848474

3 hours left
If it nots announced by then it can't be announced till monday

>> No.15848478

they have it but its obviously being kept under wraps so bezos' legion of lawyers and faux environmentalist groups cant immediately sue for an injunction

>> No.15848488

why do you wanna stick rockets up your penis and why is it regulated anyway?

>> No.15848494


>> No.15848496
File: 81 KB, 590x900, 2023-11-09 10_33_34-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15848499



>> No.15848501

>believing troll accounts

>> No.15848504
File: 779 KB, 260x210, hop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15848506

So , PEOPLE, listen up ! Weather report

Monday 13th :
-Prob. or rain +95%
-Winds +21mph

Tuesday 14th:
-Pretty bad
-Cloudy 100%
-Partially rainy (20 - 30% prob.)
-20mph winds

Wednesday 15th:
-Partially cloudy
-12% prob. of rain
-15mph winds

Thursday 16th :
-Good / Pretty good
-Partially cloudy
-12% prob of rain
-13mph winds

Friday 17th:
-Pretty good (this could be the day)
-Partially cloudy
-7% rain chances
-11mph winds

>> No.15848507

15-17 it is

>> No.15848510

Get fucked Biden, seriously

>> No.15848515

two weeks

>> No.15848522

No license today, it's over

>> No.15848526

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15848528


>> No.15848539

why are people in the know like nsf and berger keeping quiet today?

>> No.15848542

yeah, its real quiet out there ...maybe too quiet

>> No.15848543

Next edition should be a licensed edition

>> No.15848548

If you think that's uncomfortably hot, get a load of this:

>> No.15848549

How many imagine dragons could fit into a starship?

>> No.15848555


>> No.15848559

NSF is traveling to texas and setting up (same as EDA)
berger is writing a big article

>> No.15848612

kek perfect

>> No.15848617

not fertile

>> No.15848843

That logo pin is too busy. I prefer the one from TNG