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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15845261 No.15845261 [Reply] [Original]

Good Afternoon /Sci/entists!

A long time ago a maid told me to get a Maigic Squares book. I like the book because it has a lot of drawings and I like seeing squares get drawn.

Does it have practical applications or is it just amusement? The book gave no practical applications.

Thank you /Sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15845301
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Linear algebra is always useful?
Magic squares are probably useful for making passwords.
Let's say you have any cartesian product set, you can implement such sets as mappings of functions to various combinatoric permutation, adding complexity based on the size of set and algorithm used to generate of solve for certain domains of solutions.

>> No.15845338
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A while ago I made a Computer Program called Kurumi MaidCard that compresses data with Maid-LZW which is a modified LZW that maps data to pixels instead of integers like Normie-LZW.

I remembered Magic Squares book and went to see, can I make a structure so that if I know some of the numbers, I can compute the others?

I was thinking make 2x2 Magic Square, where each square represents the Red, Green, Blue and Alpha value of a color. So maybe I supply two of those values and then compute two, so now two pixels of information can get stored in one pixel because one pixel represents half of two different magic squares and compute the other values to draw the real pixels but then I realized that 2x2 Magic Square is not possible.

I tried also some unrelated compression tricks with Chinese Remainder Theorem, but they were slow and made systems of equations bigger than the data I was trying to compress with them.

I have never studied Linear Algebra. Maybe it can help with making compression get nicer?

Thank you /Sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15845346
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in all of mathematics there is only one algorithm that we could not do without - Euclid's algorithm, which allows us to factor prime numbers. it was later generalized to the Gauss-Jordan method, which does the same for systems of linear equations, and eventually to the Buchberger's algorithm, which pushed it further towards polynomials.

creating a magic square is equivalent to finding a solution to a system of polynomials.

given magic squares and enough time, you could derive all the math there is up to differential calculus, and even that is probably somehow connected to it on some level.

>> No.15845358
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, Tohru Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying Magic Squares have Universal Computation?

>> No.15846469

you are not the main character, schizo

>> No.15846474

He is on this thread

>> No.15846478

If you really want compression look up Shannon's theory of information, if I my memory doesn't fail me there he derives the maximum compression achievable, also as I've seen some of your threads I think you may be interested in error correction codes, I think you would have a lot more success making unconventional and creative algorithms for that than compression.

>> No.15846484

stop romanticising mental illness, this guy is clearly larping on multiple boards with his bullshit

>> No.15846497
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Thank you for telling me. I think error correction is an interesting topic but I have never tried to implement it.

I found the Shannon book, but it might be too expensive to get it currently. Will have to save money for it.

>> No.15846519
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The Mathematical Theory Of Communication is freely available in the Internet Archive, also read this one first as it's less dry, You shold look more before spending money on books from a dead guy, don't feed the corpo.

I think my uni's internet is throttleling me for using the forbidden website 4channel so I can't attach the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.05968.pdf

>> No.15846531

I would take a larper with initiative over a vaccine or muh genetics thread every time

>> No.15846544
File: 850 KB, 1080x1904, Screenshot_20230708-033913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite 4chan schizo

>> No.15846549

there is essentially no difference. He's been talking about his maid-compression for months, possibly years now, yet all he has done is post some broken inefficient java code. At first it was funny, kind of amusing, but over time it just gets repetitive and annoying. There is a reason he gets banned from /g/ on a regular basis for posting the same shit over and over again, samefrogging, bumping himself, when told that noone cares about his inefficient maid-system compression. Look at his different posts, sometimes he's just rambling about refusal taking his meds. He's larping and whoever buys it must be equally retarded

>> No.15846554

Yeah I know, I wasn't saying he's the funniest shit ever, I know he's constantly jumping from project to project and never produces anything and all you've said is true, but he looks like he's having fun and to me that's a bit more interesting that pointless arguing about pol-tier topics, in a perfect world we would discuss science in this board but as I said, reality being what it is I prefer a larper over political npc talk.

>> No.15846582

>maid poster
You posted a mock-up of a Maid Phone once that looked pretty cool. Do you know if there are any real Maid Phones in existence yet?

>> No.15846682
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Some Maid Phones shipped, but not all of them yet. I am still waiting on mine. Someone posted this in one of my threads a few weeks ago though. I think he said it was RISC-V?

Thank you for telling me. I will look in this link and in the Archive to get the book. Usually when the book is old and the author is dead the book is also cheap, but it doesn't appear to have gone this way for Shannon.

Thank you /Sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15846687

ohhh so it’s a real physical product, but the Maid aspect is not the manufacturer’s idea. Looks nice, why aren’t they shipping? I might like one too!

>> No.15846712

Imagine if dragon maid anon put as much dedication into actually making real things instead of just making threads everyday.

>> No.15846719
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>> No.15846728

it's AI in case some of you haven't figured that out yet

>> No.15846749
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Close, it's an ugly balding tranny with an artificial personality

>> No.15846750
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Yes. I am trying to make an OS for it. I am still working on the compiler. This is why I find topics like network protocols and data compression interesting.

Compiler is taking a while because it needs to be self-hosting and I refuse to use a framework or other third party dependency to make it.

I want the phone to use a non-HTTP internet protocol.

I work a lot on projects. Some projects are big, others are failures.

I live inside a computer and so do you.

>> No.15846857


>> No.15846933
File: 1.56 MB, 540x460, Tohru shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Science is a science, and Magic Squares are math.

When I asked on /g/ the only replies were one person who wants to lick Tohru's feet and someone else who told me to post on /sci/.

>> No.15847004

/g/ is less about technology than /sci/ is about science, it's full of teenagers bragging about being able to install Ubuntu.

>> No.15847903

>Does it have practical applications or is it just amusement? The book gave no practical applications.
I used magic square to create something called Ocarina of Time bingo which was then used to make bingo races for many different videogames.

>> No.15847980
File: 140 KB, 640x640, IMG_0664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite magic squares, but LATIN SQUARES are used a lot in experimental design where you have a few parameters you want to vary. Example: I want to test 5 pesticides and 5 weed killers on corn at the same time. How do I divide my farm into 25 plots while keeping similar plots away from each other? One way is with a Latin square solver. So everyone doing this kind of experiment knows about the Latin square solver package:


I ordered one of these motherfucking shits a year ago (not as a maid phone, I just saw it on HN or some shit and though finally, a gameboy for writing LaTeX) and the motherfucker still has not shipped. I will give you an honest review if it ever arrives but holy shit I want to sit Alex down and gently explain the importance of truth in advertising with my fists, boots and cock

>> No.15848038
File: 435 KB, 850x1209, Tohru making heart hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Ocarina of Time bingo work?

Thank you for telling me about Latin Squares. I will look them up.

I got their other computer for writing Latex. The Maid Writer is really nice for it. The only problem with it is that the battery life indicator is not correct and dying at what appears to be 40% battery is common.

That may be because I have low-quality batteries though.

>> No.15848040 [DELETED] 

It's not as bad as you think. Add high crimes and think cause I can't think.

>> No.15848041 [DELETED] 

Basically you're thinking too much power in freedom to be evil, when it is a good victory and an evil demise.

>> No.15848043 [DELETED] 

But more advanced it is the straight full and concise explanation of THAT but I can't think I'm leant on by 2 harsh running on emergency.

>> No.15848044 [DELETED] 

If I SENT with my mind. You'd know.

>> No.15848050 [DELETED] 

I know all things, which you might underestimate. I can create all techs from all eras. Know all of knowledge(how knowledge is) like the back of my hand. If there's a tech I don't know, it would take only a mention for me to learn it. I doubt very much there are techs I haven't touched on after 15 years of this running. You ask me any maths/science. I'll give you a concise explanation TIMES max quality. Key: times. I'm ancient times concise. It is a real pity.

>> No.15848054 [DELETED] 

I have the answer to all your math problems if that's any merit.

>> No.15848060

people are hard on dragon autist when they call him a schizo. nah he is having nerdy fun like the rest of us. this other guy is a legit schizo

>> No.15848267

I haven't. It appears too complex on a stylistic level to be explained by AI.

>> No.15848529
File: 1.42 MB, 498x280, Mfw maids are deleted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two maids deleted

>> No.15848544

My go-to surce for Tohru pics