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15842247 No.15842247 [Reply] [Original]

In biology, people are divided into three categories: males, females, and people of indeterminate gender.

In society, people are divided only into men and women.

So there are people who, while not biologically male or female, are still men and women.

This leds scientists to the conclusion that being male or female is not the same as being men or women.

So why is it so difficult for society to accept this discovery? It faces denial on a level that the discovery of evolution previously faced.

>> No.15842248

you clearly don't know a thing about biology nor society

>> No.15842257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15842288

>Basic science: There are only 2 sexes
>Advanced science: Sex is a spectrum with a plethora of variants

>> No.15842364

The only thing on the spectrum here is you.

>> No.15842368

>People are in three categories: Male, female, intersex
>Socially we would still call an intersex person male or female
>Therefore men can be women and women can be men.

You are a retard. We refer to an intersex person as male or female based upon their outward appearance because that's how we refer to EVERYONE. When you see someone with breasts, you think female, when you see a beard you think male. Why? Because, in a typical person (i.e. 99% of the population) these characteristics are directly indicative of their sexual genetics.
As you have pointed out, there are some rare and atypical cases resulting from genetic malformations and mutations that can cause individuals to have the outward appearance of a male or female, but their genetics do not match. This is called an EXCEPTION.
These people are almost always infertile. Why? because their reproductive biology is messed up. It is in error. This does not mean that Mike, with his perfectly functional XY Chromosomes, is a woman. His genetics clearly indicate that he is a man, he will have all of the physical characteristics of a man. Him putting on a dress and a wig doesn't make him a woman, cutting off his genitals doesn't make him a woman. He will always have an xy chromosome, which is the definition of male.

>> No.15842373

The ultimate biological definition of male and female is a gametic one, in the rare case of someone who is intersex, sex is delineated by the size of their gametes. Larger gametes = Female, smaller gametes = male because that's what fundamental even more so than chromosomes.

>> No.15842492

Only correct answer I've seen on this topic

>> No.15842495

So, infertile people with no gametes are...?

>> No.15842502

In that case it would the size of the sex cells that they would have produced.

>> No.15842518

Sex is not a spectrum, it's binary.

Or if you want to argue it's a spectrum what is the variable ?

Stop mindlessly repeating shit without thinking

We can't accept it because it's obviously nonsense , you're talking about intersex people like they are the trannies they aren't.

You're just using it as a justification for your stupid nonsense.

>> No.15842520

I can't believe how often I see this argument made , it's so fucking stupid , no one thought people were so stupid they needed to explain that a medical condition or mutilation changes anything about someone's sex .

Honestly get a gun a shoot yourself for being so dumb

>> No.15842523

>the sex cells that they would have produced
If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bicycle

>> No.15842529 [DELETED] 

Women with Turner Syndrome are still women, since they would still produce eggs.

>> No.15842530

Women with Turner Syndrome are still women, since they would produce eggs if they could.

>> No.15842533

>they would produce eggs if they could.
And if they could shoot lasers from their eyes, they would.

>> No.15842540

They still have the tissues that would produce eggs, and in the absence of said tissues in other intersex people the size of sex cells can be inferred genetically.
Stop being obtuse.

>> No.15842541

I’m actually okay with allowing congenitally infertile people who cannot and have never produced any gametes from identifying as nonbinary and/or transgender.
Nobody else though.

>> No.15842544

In Biology there are only male and female humans, the rest are malformed or afflicted with disease.
In Society there are only men and women, the rest have a mental illness.

>> No.15842764

Kys redditor. You were already shown to be wrong in the other two threads about this. You couldn’t even do something as simple as define what a woman is. Stop stinking up /sci/ and go back to your subreddits, and brag about how you owned the chuds.

>> No.15842765

I support OP if this is the amount of seething we get

>> No.15842772
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>> No.15844038

>haha we bully trannies
That has nothing to do with anything ITT and only shows what a lowlife you are.

>> No.15844587

Translation of RNA transcribed from DNA spliced from a Y chromosome = Male.

Else Female

>> No.15844592

>we want our objectively false beliefs to become normal
>wtf why are you bullying us

you should all kill yourselves

>> No.15845295
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