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File: 177 KB, 742x742, 1698358382564382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15840957 No.15840957 [Reply] [Original]

If 100 is always the average then how can the average IQ be dropping?
And in that case how can we even begin to quantity changes in average IQ over a population over time?

>> No.15840970

Model with 0 being population avarage and negative numbers would have far better inpact then having 100 in the middle.

People with negative IQ up down to -0.20 would know that negative number as intelligence suck, and they could do something about it like commiting suicide or whatever.

>> No.15840971

They forgot to tell you that 100 isn't 50% percentile.

>> No.15841038

Apart form the fact that IQ is bullshit, they're just comparing results to earlier years. Same way the Flynn effect was discovered.

>> No.15841046

100 is not always the average. 100 is the new average every time IQ tests are renormed. If the average IQ is dropping that means the average IQ is lower now than it was the last time it was renormed.

>> No.15841048

This question is a good example for the statement "IQs are dropping".

>> No.15841435

>How does a statement like "IQs are dropping in the US" make sense?

It is the PC woke way of saying that the White percentage of the population is decreasing.

>> No.15841458

IQ is objectively not bullshit

>> No.15841514
File: 157 KB, 1112x602, IMG_3662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intredasting. surely it’s technology that’s responsible for mean iq dropping and not the dum dums flooding in.

>> No.15841697

>comparing results to earlier years
How, do the questions not change? What metric do they use to compare

>> No.15841701

Oh, this makes sense. How often are they renormed? Whenever we need to hide something?

>> No.15841826

What would the purpose of renorming IQ points be? Isn't it more helpful to be able to compare across a longer period of time without having the factor in the renorming?

>> No.15841981

I don't know how often they renorm but it's to adjust for the Flynn effect. That way you don't have to adjust IQ threshold values to define who's intellectually impaired, you just readjust the mean. So for a while you could have been just kinda dumb and then a renorm would have made you retarded, but now it's going the other way and people who would have been considered retarded when I was a kid are soon going to be just kinda dumb.

>> No.15841983

I feel like adjusting the definition thresholds would be way simpler and would obfuscate the meaning historical values way less.

>> No.15841989 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1024x703, map-usa-average-iq-us-state-1024x703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can the average IQ be dropping?
massive hordes of shitskin immigrants. the average iq in mexico 86. import 20 million of those and let them breed like rabbits and the average iq will rapidly drop.
california is currently the lowest iq state because of this. used to be home of nearly all major technological development, but it isn't anymore, all because of shitskin immigration.

>> No.15842020

>I feel like adjusting the definition thresholds would be way simpler
I take it you don't have much experience with bureaucracy.

>> No.15842038

why not both? Dysgenics effect anyone exposed to it. Selecting for stupid people will breed stupid people regardless of race

>> No.15842251

I disagree

>> No.15842296

Understanding the process will probably help you understand how IQs can be compared between places and times. First, create an IQ test and administer to representative population. The average score is 100 and the distribution should be a bell curve. Next, administer the same test to the population you want to compare it too. That can be another representative group from a different time, or a representative group from some other demographic that's being compared to your representative group from the first test. Finally, you compare the results and make conclusions of which group got mogged on.

>> No.15843108
