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15830615 No.15830615 [Reply] [Original]

>The highest speed is 300000km/s
This sucks, we can't explore the universe with such a low speed

>> No.15830617
File: 26 KB, 174x189, Miguel_Alcubierre•01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*warps spacetime in ur path*
nothin personnel kid

>> No.15830627

Maybe FTL is easy as fuck once our tech is at that level. We just need to focus on what's achievable right here right now.

>> No.15830642

You can't do that

>> No.15830644

It's impossible anon

>> No.15830735

Probably, humans thought like this>>15830644
about other advancements before they got there.

>> No.15830750

yeah we can but only at personal level not group level. as a single individual you can just exit 3D between departure and arrival at your destination. from your point of view it's an instant.
also humans don't make much sense in colonizing the UNIVERSE. in that they won't keep in touch with eachother. we'd have a hell of a time only 2-10 ly away, let alone other galaxies and shit like that.
speed of light doesn't really matter if you don't want to hop around the universe like a retarded fucking lifeform.

>> No.15830761
File: 149 KB, 1080x608, atheist religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh soience fiction movie fantasy life

>> No.15830796

Yeah, distances are so huge that getting out of this solar system seems pretty hopeless.

>> No.15830912

this argument is so dumb even neil tyson refuted it.

>> No.15830940

If you could astral project you can teleport yourself to another galaxy in less then 30 seconds. Schizo consciousness chads can't stop winning.

>> No.15830942

Spoiler: there's nothing out there but minerals anyway. No ayyys. No fantastic wonders of the universe. Just rocks.

>> No.15830943

>atheist religion
dude I heckin love science, it's gonna make star trek real!!!

>> No.15830978 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 225x225, ayy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, the cool kids de-entangle their saucers from spacetime and entangle them directly in the place they want to go. No need to do expensive stupid shit.

>> No.15830984

it's the egg of Columbus

Wright brother's
nuff said

>> No.15830996

Just extend human lifespan, niggers.

>> No.15830999 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1024x1024, la.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one of you apes tries to live more than 127 and all of you will get fried alive.

>> No.15831000

>we can't explore the universe with such a low speed
Says who?
It just takes longer but that's fine why are you in such a rush?

>> No.15831019

and no bureaucrat faggots

>> No.15831034

What if you were to modify the permittivity and permeability of the vacuum to artificially raise the speed of light in your region of space so you're never technically going faster than c

>> No.15831117
File: 310 KB, 1705x1485, EventHorizon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just create a singularity in your basement and then you can go wherever you want,

>> No.15831130

people 2000 years ago
>pEoPlE WilL fLy AnD sHieTt.
>an iron bird just flew over my cave, amirite

>> No.15831157

source on this?

>> No.15831501

Andrew Basiago here, you can move faster than light with Tesla teleportation. Time travelling? No biggie. I also met Obama on Mars. Yup.

>> No.15833138

Really makes you think

>> No.15833185

>warps spacetime
Give me a gram of spacetime which can be warped and then we can start talking

>> No.15833329
File: 89 KB, 1165x680, Already done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got broken 23 years ago.

>> No.15833372

I know a guy who actually looks and talks like this.

>> No.15833806


>> No.15834250

Why do religious people viciously hate the idea of space exploration.

>> No.15834297
File: 208 KB, 1080x776, Screenshot_20231101-175004-568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15834304

Gonna die soon...

>> No.15834305

But he was better than you

>> No.15834311

If you travel at close to the speed of light, length contraction will reduce the distance. The amount of time you'd expect will pass for everyone else but less will pass for you. So it is "possible' if you could somehow reach that kind of speed. But grandpa won't be alive anymore when you get there, lol

>> No.15834353
File: 23 KB, 253x216, 194876786091283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, in the entire universe, it's just rocks. Earth is the only planet that has life. 100% makes sense.

>> No.15834363

Exactly this. OP doesn't understande relativity. You would be anywhere in an instant. So yeah you can explore the whole visible universe with the light speed. Just not many places because you are only a poor mortal. You are limited with your moments. Speed of movement is infinite. Also accelerating
and deccelerting to light speed at g would take you about 2 years) so in 100 years you could visit 50 places.

>> No.15834378
File: 439 KB, 640x480, 1628009612154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, where is this matter with negative mass?

>> No.15834395

I don't think you quite understand it either. Anything with mass CANNOT travel at the speed of light. You can get close, but the closer you get the more energy you need to keep accelerating. The effective mass of your spacecraft will increase and your acceleration will slow as a result. If you had ridiculously powerful throttleable engines then I guess you could keep your acceleration exactly at 1 G, but practically, you will run out of fuel long before you get close.

>> No.15834416

Why would that happen? Speed is relative, I'm not moving at all

>> No.15834422

He didn't rly say anything contradicting that
idk bro read a textbook
>it just does, ok?

>> No.15834444

If anything moves faster imagine what the galaxy would be like if it rotates faster than light, there'd be alot of steppenwolf planets out there then because they get thrown out of their solar system

>> No.15834523

just use the speedforce, fool

>> No.15834533

You interpret the Bible as a sort of statue, whereas I interpret the bible as a series of abstractions which contains the anti thesis to the exact meaning of that statue. What does the statue mean?

I'm aware that the Sun is infected with something greater than anti matter and is bubbling up in something more advanced than a anti matter 'cold' shell.

I'm pretty sure my current chest infection is my own doing.

Not much else to say. All the knowledge is on that statue.

>> No.15835438
File: 736 KB, 1080x2960, Screenshot_20231102-085912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad someone remembers my nigga LiJun Wang. This was swept under the rug rather quickly, despite his followup after the news broke that says the effect is indeed real and should be investigated. There are potentially "other" applications

>> No.15835666

there is absolutely nothing out there worth visiting
even if c wasn't a limit we would have zero reason to physically send something out much further than the nearest few star systems