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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 283 KB, 1280x873, SCIENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15828599 No.15828599[STICKY]  [Reply] [Original]

The current sticky is long dead and needs to be replaced. Please use this thread as a place to discuss the links and material that should be included in a new sticky. If there is some link or resource that you find yourself posting regularly to answer common questions, please post it here.

/sci/ is not the career advice board, so please do not include material about degree choice or progression.

>> No.15828607

Khan academy for all the people asking "How to learn math I haven't taken anything beyond basic algebra"

>> No.15828614

Good set of Cambridge lecture notes for an undergraduate course in mathematics

>> No.15828618

Links to free courses, eg Stanford Algorithms on coursera, Harvard CS50, MIT Opencourseware

>> No.15828620
File: 1.36 MB, 1140x4777, official mg curriculum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15828638

It would be a sin not to include
"Schizophrenia in contemporary mathematics" by Errett Bishop.

>> No.15828644 [DELETED] 

total nigger death of course

>> No.15828653

I unironically believe that its time to delete this board, we already have /x/

>> No.15828661

The new wiki

Useful math resources:
Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Uchicago mathematics bibliography
Wolfram mathworld

Useful physics resources:
The Feynman lectures on physics
Landau and Lifshitz

>> No.15828663 [DELETED] 

>Landau and Lifshitz
fake kike shit

also total nigger death


>> No.15828680

this totally isn't gonna die in the next 5 years

>> No.15828694 [DELETED] 

Consider this, total nigger death.

>> No.15828698

For philosophy:
Or just ban/move it altogether, since there's already /lit/ and /his/

>> No.15828750

can the old sticky be deleted so we only have one, please?

>> No.15828762


>> No.15828776
File: 184 KB, 850x768, dyuhxyovimp01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eigenchris is a good reference for physics

his GR/tensor series is great and his current spinnor series is quite interesting too (currently on clifford/grassman algebra interpretation of spinnors)

>> No.15828778


>> No.15828779 [DELETED] 

Of course, I can provide information and guidance on degree choice and career progression in scientific or technical fields. Here are some key points to consider:

Degree Choices:

Bachelor's Degree: Your undergraduate degree is the foundation of your scientific or technical career. When choosing a degree, consider your interests and long-term career goals. Common options include:
Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Ideal for many scientific and technical careers.
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng. or B.S. in Engineering): For engineering fields.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.): Some fields, like computer science, offer B.A. degrees.

Specialization: Be specific about your field of interest. Whether it's biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, engineering, or any other area, focus on what excites you the most.

Internships and Research: Seek internships, co-op programs, or research opportunities during your undergraduate years to gain practical experience.

Career Progression:

Advanced Degrees: Depending on your career goals, you may need a graduate degree:
Master's Degree (M.S., M.Eng.): Can lead to more specialized roles or management positions.
Doctorate (Ph.D.): Typically required for research, academia, and some high-level positions.

Professional Certifications: Some fields require or strongly recommend certifications. For example, in information technology, certifications like CompTIA, Cisco, or CISSP can be valuable.

Networking: Build a professional network by attending conferences, joining relevant organizations, and connecting with peers and mentors in your field.

Continuing Education: Stay updated with the latest developments in your field through workshops, seminars, online courses, and professional development opportunities.

Job Experience: Gain practical experience in your field, which is often more valuable than degrees or certifications.

>> No.15828783

>do not include material about degree choice/progression
gay. https://sciencecareergeneral.neocities.org/

>> No.15828795
File: 395 KB, 798x1200, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im nominating this for the new sticky image.

>> No.15828807

phenotype witten is our best meme ever

>> No.15828815


>> No.15828839


>> No.15828841

from my bookmarks

/sci/ sticky
Sticky v1 link: sciguide.tk (deleted as of july 2016)
Sticky v1 backup: web.archive.org/web/20110623043852/http://www.sciguide.tk:80/
Sticky v2 link: sites.google.com/site/scienceandmathguide (dead as of august 2023)
Sticky v2 backup: web.archive.org/web/20230730023024/https://sites.google.com/site/scienceandmathguide/
wiki v1: 4chan-science.fandom.com/wiki//sci/_wiki
wiki v1 backup: https://web.archive.org/web/20230126095122/https://4chan-science.fandom.com/wiki//sci/_wiki

>> No.15828875

The Comprehensive Guide to Pisslocks vol. 1 and 2 by /sfg/ scholars is mandatory.

>> No.15828898

We need to add rules against low effort AI spam

>> No.15828905


>> No.15828910


>> No.15828916

There are already rules about that, what we actually need is low effort AI mods that act on the rules.

>> No.15828967
File: 994 KB, 1817x2901, 1698157897859284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829030
File: 21 KB, 365x474, 1603227428819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the shit from sqt can just be stickied
pic rel for the image. I studied math, but all I study are bugs now.
we should probably have a religion and philosophy board. There's too much schizo overflow on /sci/ and /his/ about religion. Unironically we can't live without the schizoposting because schizos and undergrads make up most of our traffic.
And while I'm at it I hope a mod see that we need a game development board.
no meme charts... that being said the only thing in the sticky should be basic mathematics by serge meme

>> No.15829062

>we should probably have a religion and philosophy board. There's too much schizo overflow on /sci/ and /his/ about religion.
philosophy is /his/ and the only reason /sci/ has philosophy posters is because philosophy anons come here and need to choose between Nietsche and Heidegger /his/ versus mathematical logic Wittgenstein/Russell/Bool/ZFC type threads that legitimately belong on /sci/. obviously there is a conundrum here depending on your approach to philosophy.

for religion threads, that’s already been banned on /sci/ for ages, but /x/ is the thread for “supernatural” so that is the default board for them.

however I would argue that /sci/ could DEFINITELY split off social sciences from math/physics/chem/astronomy/biology/engineering. like /socsci/ and /hardstem/ would work

>> No.15829137

Definitely add this https://libgen.is/
And this https://sci-hub.se/

>> No.15829144

>russia site meant to subvert american publishing industry
>israeli site meant to subvert american publishing industry
i wonder what the US publishing industry thinks about the ukraine and gaza wars….

>> No.15829150

10mg olanzapine

>> No.15829190

this is exactly what a communist would say

>> No.15829227

Anna's archive

>> No.15829287

I have this saved in my bookmarks but never bothered to check it out
seems potentially not useless

>> No.15829316 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, proof_neverheardofit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God exists and that's a mathematical fact.
How many proofs do you need?
Sorry but fundamentally math is not science and we shouldn't be forced to exist around lesser races like physicists or fucking chemists.
Math and Religion board needs to be it's own thing.
>super natural
As a mathematician, not a grammarian, this fact must be accepted.
We mathematicians are divine scholars. The phyisical world is a consequence of us not the other way around. Thus we are infinitely superior to all hylics and all physical sciences.
/adv/ needs to overhauled to life and career advice
/math/ needs to be math and religion
/sci/ is science and engineering
/dev/ is game development
/his/ is history and philosophy
/x/ tumblr schizos
they made a fucking vtuber board

>> No.15829342 [DELETED] 

The sticky should contain vital information about how to identify NPCs on the board. Specifically, those who do not have experiences, qualia, or souls should be immediately labeled as less than human deterministic automata. I am a Human Being; I can make completely irrational decisions like responding to or acknowledging mods on 4chan. I can visualize anything mentally. I have free will. This is because I am a Human Being with a mind separate and distinct from my body.

My mind is not a physical process. My mind is not neurons. My mind is not some "state." My mind is not covered by any physicalist manifest of the world; my mind is a separate nonphysical entity that resides in the mental plane. How this connection between the mental and physical planes (which we refer to as sentience) happens is unknown. We do know that there exist two disjoint realities that together make up our identities as Human Beings.

If this is not self-evident to you or anyone on this board, you are not alive. You are a machine. You are less than human and probably less than many creatures. Here's some food for thought: if you're not sentient, not alive, and not having experiences, then why should we treat you as though you can feel pain? As if you could suffer in any way, mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually? My take is that NPCs and other deterministic automata are incapable of feeling pain in the same way that a tree does not hurt when chopped down or an internal combustion engine is not writhing in pain with every firing in a cylinder.

This needs to be known across all of >>>/sci/.

>> No.15829348 [DELETED] 

> my mind is a separate nonphysical entity that resides in the mental plane.

>> No.15829351 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Fractional_Distance__20230808.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Riemann hypothesis is false.

>> No.15829352 [DELETED] 
File: 3.19 MB, 3689x2457, TIMESAND___ZetaMedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829356 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 3400x3044, TIMESAND___QDRH762aFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829358 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1042x1258, TIMESAND___VERYquickRH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829359 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 477x297, TIMESAND___RHNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829361 [DELETED] 
File: 407 KB, 762x781, TIMESAND___HeckinCuteValid3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15829362 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 250x248, 142223426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't comprehend having a mind because I am an NPC so therefore it is paranormal

>> No.15829369 [DELETED] 
File: 827 KB, 2740x2000, TIMESAND___StringTheory2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829373 [DELETED] 
File: 3.01 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Sixty-Six_Theses__v4-20230726.pdf_compressed.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15829374

Definitely make it a trove of kmowledge so vast that it makes taking a college loan look silly

>> No.15829380 [DELETED] 

> posts a soijak to make his argument
>makes no argument of his own
>calls others NPCs

i think you constitute the epitome of an NPC at this point since your post—due to its utter vacuity—could easily have been written by ChatGPT or Seychelles anon.

you are literally trying to argue in favor of a separate “plane” of existence outside the physical universe. full stop

this is not only completely nonscientific but it also goes against almost every single strain of western philosophical thought since the beginning of modern era and even since the Christian era. this is New Age bullshit that was invented by 1970s aging hippies and it is literally embarrassing that anyone would believe in weed+LSD-addled bullshit like this

>> No.15829382
File: 189 KB, 361x203, Screenshot 2023-08-27 082527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829387 [DELETED] 

You have not addressed my argument or my counter-rebuttal. You instead resort to ad hominem attacks, red herrings, non sequiturs, appeals to tradition, appeals to authority, and Texas sharpshooter arguments. Your deterministic programming yields these results; you are unable to think for yourself because there is no "you." It would be insane to personify an NPC the same way it would be insane to personify a brick wall.

Because you are unable to comprehend my statement (the existence of the mind which resides in the mental plane), I conclude that you are nothing more than a pile of skin. You are not alive, you are not Human, and you are less than Human.

>> No.15829395 [DELETED] 

An intuitionist doesn't need an argument you retard. Math exists because it can be constructed in the mind. It's that simple.

>> No.15829398 [DELETED] 

anyone who has a “mental plane” or “astral plane” idea in their mind that they actually take seriously…. such a person must be so bereft of any intellectual capacity and literary tradition and scientific empirical knowledge that it’s hopeless. i mean even if you have convinced yourself that you are above other human beings in terms of how non-NPC you are you should be ashamed of how intellectually stunted you are to believe in nonsense like a “mental plane”. it’s as if you are some fundamentalist Pentecostal christian “speaking in tongues” but instead of being in a congregation it’s just you there typing bullshit in the internet anonymously

>> No.15829408 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 600x800, 21311324142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15829410 [DELETED] 

from hitomic reasoning real numbers cannot exist in a hitomi field because they're impossible to construct inside of a hitomic field
The easiest way to demonstrate it is the the hitomic law of reduction: h + 1 = h (the inductionless property)
Also this doesn't contradict real fields or Archimedean fields either since Hitomi's number is not a real number. Which further alludes to the fact that you can't construct real numbers in a hitomi field.
>inb4 hitomi analysis isn't real because I just can't accept this made up number that I can't comprehend because I'm a hylic
ever since I became an intuitionist I've been right all the time.
I know enoch was clearly a platonist that thought numbers were divine aspects, but intuitionists and platonism are very similar.

>> No.15829416 [DELETED] 

grammar is irrelevant
we're mathematicians and humans not grammarians and dictionaries
try explaining quantum physics to an ant... I have better things to do.
>all races are da same n shiet
ant be wildin'

>> No.15829424 [DELETED] 

Is this GPT-Seychelles again? i thought i was talking to real people but these responses seem so pre-programmed it’s probably not… goddamn i now realize the primary tactic of bots is to accuse people of being NPCs.

>> No.15829426

I'm not him, I didn't call you an NPC I called you a hylic.

>> No.15829428 [DELETED] 

lowest IQ take, honestly just sad now. Sorry dude, didn't mean to break you. But maybe just don't talk about things you don't understand.
Think about it like this, there is something really cool in a box but you can't ever open it. Actually that's a pretty common fact mathematicians can even prove to be the case. I can tell you're not really into rigorous studies. Physicist I assume? Wait don't tell me you're an engineer. Ah a classic case of lost engineer. Yeah sometimes "smart cookies" walk into the wrong rooms and think they fit in. It's alright pal, the engineering room is back that way.
I'm sorry but it's just a fact of nature of that you'll never get it. You're a mentally impaired animal. Like a puppy born without a leg, you're just gonna struggle around the big dogs.
I hope my dumbed down speech gets the point across.

>> No.15829429 [DELETED] 

sorry anon. you’re not a bot. i don’t even know what a hylic is and when I saw your post here >>15829316
i lol’d and thought it was an ironic post. anyhow sorry i ignored you. my reply would generally be that you seem to think math proves God? that’s a pretty big stretch imho and i tend to laugh at people who make that argument, especially since I take the view that math is a human construct and even if God does exist, math wouldn’t be the way to prove his existence

anyhow sorry for grouping you with that other douchebag not anon. you are fine.

>> No.15829431

is there an argument here? i can’t find one. anyhow this is tiring, and you seem to be about as entertaining as ChatGPT so we can end it here

>> No.15829432

Math cannot ever be understood fully by empiricists, such a single minded view might as well be blindness.

>> No.15829433 [DELETED] 

Whatever, helps you sleep at night, you baboon.
Just keep with the entertaining and cute tricks, and your antics will remain amusing.
No one likes a monkey that can't behave.

>> No.15829474

wish you luck /sci/.
doing this in 2023. Many anons on other boards would agree that it's kind of problematic, specifically on this board

>> No.15829504
File: 520 KB, 500x311, thread-derailed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15829508

>make a thread about what /sci/ is about
>get what /sci/ is about
rancor achieved, just leave the sticky how it is. Changing it would only elevate the schizo massively. Schizos don't like change, I wouldn't poke the bear.
Just update some wiki links, put in annas archive and some other book sources

>> No.15829515

Have you seen the quality of threads on this board? Just delete the whole thing.

>> No.15829520

there should be a good non-meme beginner to intermediate chart, so people stop asking and spamming low effort bait like

>> No.15829538

and this is one of the least shit boards
fuck it, nuke all of 4chins

>> No.15829545
File: 272 KB, 1000x1024, 1698645074282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever is in the new sticky, the OP image needs to include Kurisu
Practically the face of the board at this point

>> No.15829612
File: 44 KB, 640x631, 1539733862435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it should be scientist rel

>> No.15829620
File: 64 KB, 480x640, great & shatner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

links to wikipedia, google & factcheck.org should be be in the sticky. and a picture of fauci and greta

>> No.15829659

god I wish I was this phenodiverse

>> No.15829740
File: 97 KB, 835x899, cat falling off table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate phenotype...

>> No.15829951

I also echo requests for the rules to be enforced. For a science board almost all the posts are strongly anti-science, full of people opposed and averse to evidence, and completely head-up-ass /x/tards or /pol/tards.

I am not referring to cases of people simply being dumb. I don't care about people just being dumb, or different perspectives, or misunderstanding a bait post about statistics and probability. There's tons of trolling narcissists, political posts merely reworded to superficially skirt a narrow letter-of-law interpretation of the rules, and just outright /x/ posting.

You've had tons of people request you enforce the actual rules over the years. You've had a lot of people, and good contributors, leave the site over your not doing so. If you don't give a shit to police the place step down and let someone up who actually does want to do so.

>> No.15829966

Ban the ~5 schizos that make up about half of all the posts and have zero interest in actually discussing science

>> No.15829976

/ourgirl/ Aлeкcáндpa is from Kasakhstan you pleb.

>> No.15829990
File: 55 KB, 1381x358, truncatedyaxistraffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long they'll let the anti-science people shit all over the science board. Past few years has been atrocious. Right now posting average seems to be trending the lowest on 4stats record. Heck, if you gave a shit you could take a sampling average of random threads and probably show a distribution of anti-science to science posts continue to skew toward anti-science.

Probably whoever refuses to actually run it will sit on his throne like a necromancer corpse king jealously gripping the reins right up until 4chan itself goes under. Or they close the board. You see that a lot and it's one of the factors in how shit gets ruined. Some jackass in charge of "his baby" won't pull his head out of his ass because he's "right" in his opinions including after the place completely closes.

It just fucking sucks the kind of egoism that ruins a place like this. Fucking board has been intolerable for the past few years but heaven forbid whatever jackass has his head up his ass at the top ever admit he's wrong and step down or start doing his fucking job. That goes for whoever counts as "the top" assuming, for sake of good faith, that maybe what few jannies we do have are hand-tied by some further upper level jackass. Whatever the case the point is the jackass responsible needs to fuck off.

>> No.15829995 [DELETED] 

>especially since I take the view that math is a human construct

>> No.15830009

whenever I report threads they eventually get deleted but it does take a while

>> No.15830032

Wolfram alpha

>> No.15830034

Kiwin was here

>> No.15830037

pseud post

>> No.15830123


>> No.15830137

>whenever I report threads they eventually get deleted but it does take a while
900 antiscience antivaxxer "muh global warmin debooooonked" threads and a fucking janny just deleted one of the few math threads while none of the trolls, anti-science, or off topic posts have been touched yet.

Fucking hell these jannies are retarded. fuck the sticky fuck "hey guys only give us what we ask for" >>15828599
hey fucktard how about enforcing the rules and NOT over-aggressively deleting people's genuine ACTUAL science/math related questions?

What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?

>> No.15830148

the entire site is a shithole and the name of the board is only a suggestion for shitposting topics. seriousposting on any 4chan board is a folly

>> No.15830155


Made by an glorious anon

>> No.15830166

Every website is a shithole. That does not address any criticism whatever as to reasons this place is. If you don't care then get out of the way and stop being part of the problem.

>> No.15830175

Oh okay, you want me to address the reasons as to why? Sure pal, this website is a shit hole because "staff" doesn't give a rat's fuck about maintaining board quality despite there being several boards dedicated to containing low quality posters. Because 4chan was never good, it's safe to assume that it will never be good and that shitposting here is expected. People who take the site and its boards seriously are confused and misguided. Unless staff do their fucking jobs and MOP IT UP, the status quo on this site is going to be shitposting.

You're confusing me not caring about the quality of the site and me recognizing that nothing is going to change. Again; 4chan has never been good. Get your fucking head out of your ass.

>> No.15830180

I feel like /lit/ is way higher quality than /sci/, though I don't know how much of it is moderation and how much of it is just low quality posters not going there

>> No.15830183

I think fewer people from >>>/pol/ and other containment zones are even aware of >>>/lit/ and if you keep mentioning it here it'll get shitted up as much as this board.

>> No.15830188


>> No.15830190
File: 524 KB, 998x1163, mewhenimsleeping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like /lit/ is way higher quality than /sci/
I can't believe /lit/ is still seething about it to this day.
If you didn't want to be embarrassed by serious logicians then don't come to /sci/

>> No.15830193

This. People who inhabit >>>/lit/ are low quality people because they misunderstand the field of mathematics. They are deterministic automata; they believe all of reality boils down to physics (reductionist philosophy), but they fail to neglect that all physics comes from mathematics which is both concrete (physical) and abstract (mental), just like how our Human Identities are physical (body/brain) and mental (mind).

>> No.15830201

Posting in a sticky

>> No.15830216

How about do something about the atrocious quality of the mods these days. You retards trying to deflect from it with "p-please do my job for me so we can take all the credit" can fuck yourselves. Do something about:
>trolls spreading misinformation everywhere
>/pol/shit around every corner
>jannies abusing their power
...And I might just consider bestowing some valuable additions to a new sticky. Until then, fuck off and continue shitposting without your tags on like you always do.

>> No.15830258

you should stop using this board if you hate it here so much. why torment yourself?

>> No.15830292

you are a nigger
let's just not improve anything at all because according to you tourists it's 'supposed' to be the backwater of the internet

>> No.15830313

>all physics comes from mathematics
You are so much of a pseud I can't even find a meme lame enough to counter this on a level you'd understand.

>> No.15830314

The issue with misinformation is that it's difficult to detect. Otherwise the internet wouldn't be full of it. I'm not talking about the obvious shit threads of course.

>> No.15830332

My complaint about the worthless jannies not enforcing the rules earlier explicitly avoided that to avoid any defenses about "ambiguity" for exactly that reason.

Fact is at minimum it's near effortless to remove the obvious anti-science, political, and /x/ posters. Easy enough to remove the habitual obvious trolls just insulting people or living to feed their own narcissim. Do that and the board is near fucking tolerable.

Until then I'm with >>15830216 on the part where helping the jannies fix the sticky can go fuck itself.

>> No.15830336

>ad hom in place of a logical, sound argument against the idea that mathematics is at the root of physics

>> No.15830348

can we recommend "The Bell Curve" by Charles Murray in the new sticky? We always have misinformed people making threads about how race isn't real and I think this could send them on the right track quicker.

>> No.15830374

That book isn't even relevant to that claim. "Real" biologically in a cognitive phenotype determinism sense so-called "race realists" masturbate about is not demonstrated by correlation either way, and the cognitive effect sizes on SNPS unique to or common only within "racial" subdivisions are mere unicorns among an ocean of similarly proportioned ones. Though quite annoyingly most people rejecting that "realist" claim are about as ignorant as the rest of you are so it's a lose/lose no matter what. You morons will both keep screaming at one another no matter which way the data falls.

>> No.15830395

That's just your biased interpretation. I suggest giving the data a hard honest look.

>> No.15830409

>That's just your biased interpretation.
Basic math is biased? Either there are "racially exclusive" SNPs strong enough in effect or of such high quantity enough to come close to explaining more than a couple IQ points or there aren't. Far as I've ever seen there aren't. That is the honest look. Plus the most human-derived parts of the brain species wise have been the strongest conserved. I could go on but it'd be beating a dead horse. This is just banal any bachelor's of relevant population genetics or human evo bio would know.

But either way "the bell curve" just isn't relevant at all lol

>> No.15830411
File: 151 KB, 464x452, 1698694026758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frog website though

>> No.15830413

Anything by Nicolas Bourbaki shouldn't be missing

>> No.15830418
File: 232 KB, 1488x1488, T*W*U*M .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel for new sticky pic plz

>> No.15830420

Argue me on why there's not teapot orbiting Pluto. Yes, this is how blinded you are.

>> No.15830445

I may be talking to a wall here but in case I aren't I suggest you look at this more broadly. If a racial trait is real it will persist even when we control for the environment. The cleanest data here come from studies of twins separated at birth and from adoption studies. Unfortunately the data here strongly disagrees with the case you're trying to make. You don't need to look at genes to establish that dogs and wolves differ cognitively (even though they are the same species since they can breed)

>> No.15830457

How can you be so certain there isn't?

>> No.15830463

>I may be talking to a wall here but in case I aren't I suggest you look at this more broadly.
I have. The cleanest data is the population genetics data. Twin adoption/separation studies suffer from quite a lot of biases, such lack of controlling for dropout rates, highly similar socioeconomic status, etc. To the extent the reactive norm of the phenotype may change by something in an organisms relevant phenotypic "environment", whether prior to conception and such related or post-conception, for complex phenotypes we're pretty in the dark. Most research on this I think is with diseases and most diseases occur spontaneously at population level for example.
>Unfortunately the data here strongly disagrees with the case you're trying to make.
The data I'm referencing, heritability associations with the actual genetics people have and variants exclusive to within populations, absolutely trumps it. If there's a hard genetic determinism and "real" sizeable difference it must show up at population level and with very strong effects, either from large effect sizes of few alleles or a gigantic relevant difference of alleles. That is necessarily required.

But, as stated, the human species derived brain functions are the most conserved. So on two levels your examples are superseded, pop genetics and human evo bio. Even if we pretended twin studies had no issues at all, then you've got a truly massive discrepancy you've somehow got to explain... without ability to explain it with standard additive effects.

Here's the issue: If it's explicable only by alternate means, like interactive effects, or just any "non-additive" thing not passed on by the germline? That also contradicts your inference from twin studies. So it has to be additive effects, and the effect sizes/quantities just aren't there. You aren't listening. It is literally "not possible" and if by other means were possible you'd still be wrong.

>> No.15830467

Why did the sticky linked to Google by the way? Curious.

>> No.15830496

all the furfags already left this place for somewhere that they can actually discuss math and science.

>> No.15830548
File: 41 KB, 480x622, 1441945435670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna bet?

>> No.15830607

>post evidence
>n-not that evidence!
It's honestly pathetic how illogical you people get when the discussion turns to something you don't consider socially acceptable. Seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with you that makes you behave this way?

>> No.15830608
File: 427 KB, 895x1445, strunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ isn't higher quality, but the average poster there is better at writing which makes posts seem better. Consequently, I propose pic related be added to the recommended reading in order to improve the quality of writing on /sci/

>> No.15830656
File: 107 KB, 590x666, juan maldacena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks your path

>> No.15830678

>It's honestly pathetic how illogical you people get when the discussion turns to something you don't consider socially acceptable. Seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with you that makes you behave this way?
uh well I don't know what's wrong with me. The kind of wrong thing that makes me patiently explain to trolls why things don't work like the trolling claims in case someone actually cared to know? Don't know there's a name for that. "Give-too-many-shits-itis" I guess?

>> No.15830703

This board is split between different notions of science. Do you want links like https://wattsupwiththat.com/ or https://skepticalscience.com/? Both? We need to know what kind of /sci/ the moderation wishes to foster in order to produce a new sticky.

>> No.15830712

I'm not sure I would qualify regurgitating government-mandated slop as a "notion of science."

>> No.15830713
File: 44 KB, 480x410, 1623079522785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can vouch for Elements of Style. My thesis advisor bought me a copy of Strunk and White after reading the first draft of what later became my first first-author publication.

>> No.15830725

>there should be a good non-meme beginner to intermediate chart
>no meme charts
It's the only chart made by an actual professor.

>> No.15830788
File: 3.01 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Sixty-Six_Theses__v4-20230726.pdf_compressed.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15830790
File: 1.23 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Fractional_Distance__20230808.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15830791
File: 742 KB, 1x1, TT_book.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15830794
File: 1.36 MB, 1x1, TheWeatherVane__PAPER__20231028.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15830904

no. twum is a forced meme and not even funny. i support total twumfag death.

>> No.15830906


Estimated IQ: 235

>> No.15830915

being a professor doesn't make you not a retard, in fact I'd say it guarantees it

>> No.15830955

It is naive to exclude scientific careers from /sci/

This is not a topic that can be discussed on /adv/ because it is way to special. Also it is pretty obvious that scientific careers belong to scientific world. Nowadays it is nearly impossible to become a scientist without orienting in "industry". It would be bad to disallow that.

I think the problem is you get numb to it and can't draw a line after some time. Can mods comment on this?

Also not a single mention of sfg yet, and our beloved schizos.

>> No.15830962

I think concocting some challenge questions for a given subject could be cool, like a reasonably solvable gauntlet to help someone gauge their own understanding

>> No.15831035

>I also echo requests for the rules to be enforced. For a science board almost all the posts are strongly anti-science, full of people opposed and averse to evidence, and completely head-up-ass /x/tards or /pol/tards.
Sure there are blatant bait threads and borderline on-topic threads that were clearly made with a political agenda, but 99% of threads at any given time are related to some /sci/ area. The problem is less that there are people re-posting /pol/ threads, but rather that there ends up being literally dozens of poor quality threads on politically adjacent topics.

Mods should implement a rule or at least a bolded statement in the sticky against creating threads on topics which already have a thread. Obviously in practice this would have to be flexibly applied (personally, I would heavily factor in thread quality based on somewhat objective metrics, i.e. sources cited, novelty, importance), but deleting low quality threads on stuff like vaccines when there's already 7 other threads on the subject would immensely improve the board's quality.

>> No.15831050

Dr. Twum is not a "forced meme", its very popular. It only upsets you because you don't make an effort to look like a scientist. Appearances count, its very presumptuous of you to think that you're some sort of special case who will get to be a scientists without making an effort to look like one. All of the other scientists go to the effort and you will eventually have to also, might as well start developing better habits now, before its too late, otherwise NGMI

>> No.15831054
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, NASA faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads on politically adjacent topics.
science is political, you're lying if you're saying it isn't. science forms the basis of policy, often its very bad science that does so. politicians are who fund science, often its very bad politicians who do so and demand bad science in return for the gibes they are providing.
why do you think spacex launched for a penny what it takes nasa a dollar to launch? its because of politics, nasa is supposedly a scientific organization, but the two topics are intrinsically intertwined because science is government funded and therefore political.
do you really think nasa spends fortunes on stuff like picrel because they think its good for their primary mission?

>> No.15831060
File: 56 KB, 850x400, 1688431962704427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

politics surrounding science isn't science
there is nothing scientific about politics
by your own metrics, everything is political, but you don't see people posting /pol/ and /x/ shit on /a/.

>> No.15831067

I don't use /x/ because I'm not a schizo like you are and I don't use /a/ because I'm not a faggot like you are. If you're an aficionado of either of those boards then you don't belong here.

>> No.15831070

>politics surrounding science isn't science
The impositions of bad politics on scientists are important for a scientific board to discuss. It's absurd to restrict discussion of things that have a direct impact on your work environment.

>> No.15831071

I don't use /x/, it was a pointer to the schizophrenic religious fanatics residing in this shithole
>didn't deny using /pol/
go back retard

>> No.15831072

>The impositions of bad politics on scientists are important for a scientific board to discuss.
Why? And no it isn't.
Politics in the politics board, scientific discussion in the science board.
You are a nigger and you should go back to your waterhole.
I'll help

>> No.15831074

>didn't shit on /pol/
I will continue to shitpost relentlessly until all /pol/ are gone back to their containment cave.

>> No.15831076

Why is something that impacts the scientific job market, scientific funding, whether scientific results will be published, and hiring for science graduates not important to scientists? Beats me.

>> No.15831078

It doesn't discuss science, it discusses politics, simple as.
Now go back

>> No.15831082

So basically, you would spam /pol/ shit on those boards if you use them. That is, you admit to spamming /pol/ shit on every board you use even when it's off topic. You must have a mental illness or something, since I genuinely can't imagine being this arrogant and acting like you have the moral high ground. There is a dedicated board for politics, in which you can talk with other people who also want to discuss politics. If you want to talk about politics then use that board.

>> No.15831085

>You must have a mental illness or something
Says the person spamming this thread with psychotic rants about the /pol/ boogeyman, accusing every poster of being a /pol/ spy.

>> No.15831110

It is obvious pol astroturfed propaganda

>> No.15831112

>accusing every poster of being a /pol/ spy.
/pol/ has some fairly good science threads from time to time, when its relative to their topics.
curiously nobody ever screeches insane paranoid rants about the /sci/ boogeyman over there.
also curious that the people who screech about /pol/ on this board never screech about it when left leaning political arguments are being made on /sci/

>> No.15831125

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.15831141

>left leaning political arguments are being made on /sci/

>> No.15831178 [DELETED] 

It's quite interesting isn't it?

>> No.15831281

>this thread
>this post
Mods are off their meds again. Also /psych/ general.

>> No.15831327

This. Khan Academy me me learn up to college beginner maths, i recommend it to everyone.
Also, everyone, libgen is dead everyone in academia is using annasarchive nowadays

>> No.15831329

after all, as my professor said, PhD means "permanent head damage"

>> No.15831336

happens incessantly

>> No.15831401

The link frequently dies and you can't edit a sticky

>> No.15831417

The reality is that mods are simply behind in the AI arms race and by default on the losing side for many reasons. The are several spambots posting here but there's no AI moderator that automatically bans them. Mods have to be paid and jannies are usually powered by cheetos and hotpockets which also cost money while schizos are permanently highly motivated to shit up the place. Furthermore even the concept of tight moderation sort of goes against the principles of the site, i'd prefer if threads were just moved to pol instead of deleted majority of the time for instance. The fact of the matter is that without an AI moderator or compromising on the principles of the site you can't win you can merely attempt to make using the site tolerable. Partially that's just the result of society changing, there's fewer places on the internet for schizos so they congregate here. Partially it's years of inaction that makes them feel home here.
I'd propose 2 radical solutions. First would be AI based thread moving, mostly to pol, x and b. Mods would train it by moving garbage to where it belongs and then the AI would do it and prevent the OP from making new threads for a while.
The second would be to instead of banning the bot or the schizos that just returns in 2 seconds, ban the "innocent" who reply to those threads. It won't help to get rid of the bots but it might train the people who participate legitimately to stop replying which ought to help. The downside of that is that it might just accelerate the downfall of the board.

A thread that's about politics related to science isn't science but politics, just take it to pol. Issue with nasa? That's pol. Problem with a paper that was published by nasa? That's sci, but of course that never actually happens.

>> No.15831422

>The reality is that mods are simply behind in the AI arms race and by default on the losing side for many reasons. The are several spambots posting here but there's no AI moderator that automatically bans them. Mods have to be paid and jannies are usually powered by cheetos and hotpockets which also cost money while schizos are permanently highly motivated to shit up the place. Furthermore even the concept of tight moderation sort of goes against the principles of the site, i'd prefer if threads were just moved to pol instead of deleted majority of the time for instance. The fact of the matter is that without an AI moderator or compromising on the principles of the site you can't win you can merely attempt to make using the site tolerable. Partially that's just the result of society changing, there's fewer places on the internet for schizos so they congregate here. Partially it's years of inaction that makes them feel home here.
>I'd propose 2 radical solutions. First would be AI based thread moving, mostly to pol, x and b. Mods would train it by moving garbage to where it belongs and then the AI would do it and prevent the OP from making new threads for a while.
>The second would be to instead of banning the bot or the schizos that just returns in 2 seconds, ban the "innocent" who reply to those threads. It won't help to get rid of the bots but it might train the people who participate legitimately to stop replying which ought to help. The downside of that is that it might just accelerate the downfall of the board.
Holy shit what an awful idea.

>> No.15831426

It's a practical idea because wishing for more mods just won't happen.

>> No.15831427

It would be very practical if your intention is to ruin discourse on 4chan for good.

>> No.15831431

There's fundamentally no discourse happening on the threads that ought to just be dumped to pol en mass and you can in fact discuss things there as well. There's also no discourse happening on the threads that has been posted by a bot literally hundreds or even thousands of times now. In fact to add to the second idea, mods ought to post bait themselves from time to time and then just ban everyone who participates. If you think it's worth keeping the board around just because it offers great "discourse" where bots argue with bots in a thread that was made by a bot then I don't know what to say.

>> No.15831432
File: 25 KB, 200x240, 766-1678722301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm for it because it drives home the point that pol and x are trash cans and that's funny to me

>> No.15831438

Nobody trusts what you think is or isn't bait or "trash."

>> No.15831444

>noooo don't remove the spam I post
Yes this should target the threads you make

One thing I don't even understand is why don't pol spammers just post in pol. When I talk about pol topics I want to do it in pol because it's much better there.

>> No.15831457

Neither links you provided are for beginners or learners
there is no but, this is like using some local newspaper as an example of literary classic

>> No.15831470

I agree, and /scg/ is one of the most constructive generals around, also comfy.

>> No.15831540

What are you smoking? Skeptical Science is a long-standing website specifically intended to provide laymen and non-specialists evidenced explanations of common climate science misunderstandings (https://skepticalscience.com/argument.php?f=taxonomy).). In that way, it is the perfect resource for a beginner/learner looking to challenge their own preconceptions and build a basic understanding of mainstream climate science. Similarly, Watts Up With That positions itself as the antipode, providing layman-accessible but evidenced arguments for AGW skepticism. Can you name a better resource for either?

>> No.15831551

It would be an immense improvement if links to Nature were no longer flagged as spam. This is /sci/ after all, and links to scientific journals should not be considered spam.

>> No.15831560

WRT to moving threads to /pol/, it stands to reason that threads started with a news article should be moved unless a link to the paper is provided as well. This would improve the quality of discourse on the board without meaningfully prohibiting users.

>> No.15831566
File: 38 KB, 539x630, 1698121731902806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15831630
File: 208 KB, 909x909, 1697446121029277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15831755

Some food for thought:
>Like the philosophers, radicals, slaves, and horseshoe makers who two hundred years ago challenged the stagnant rule of monarchies, colonisers, and the Catholic church, we need new ideas, new forums for intellectual inquiry, and new political revolutions that challenge and oust old ideas and the old order.

I hope you guys realise that as fora go, 4ch is the only thing remaining that answers this call. That is the depth of the problems we face. Look at the other places like *dit, the various *exchange and the like, it is all full of the people that cause the problems in the first place. Slashdot was peak community once - until bad mods destroyed it, leaving only the idiocrats there. This site too will remain or fall with the moderations.

>> No.15831898
File: 1.28 MB, 2120x1641, pax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

text on the whiteboard should be 'read the sticky'.

>> No.15832024

Yes, this site says so many links are spam now, it's absolutely terrible.

>> No.15832031
File: 194 KB, 1080x1091, 1697916346538887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15832043

please just put this board out of its misery

>> No.15832058

Fucking board is nothing but:
Vaxx threads
IQ threads
"You should be able to solve it" (homework threads)
global warming threads
a few generals (glorified chatroom)
"new Kurzgesagt just dropped"

>> No.15832068

>"You should be able to solve it"
these are the only good threads on here alongside /mg/, and 80% of them aren't homework threads but obscure debate bait

>> No.15832100

Is there a reason why annasarchive is superior to libgen?

>> No.15832174

>/pol/ has some fairly good science threads from time to time, when its relative to their topics.

>> No.15832218

>philosophers, radicals, slaves, and horseshoe makers who two hundred years ago challenged the stagnant rule of monarchies, colonisers, and the Catholic church
George Washington was a major plantation owner as well as a slave owner and a colonist, Lafayette was a French aristocrat and Royalist. He helped reestablish the monarchy in France in the era following Napoleon.

>> No.15832259

It's the usual "muh everyman exceptionalism" from people who are desperate to feel special about their mundane lives. "my imaginary idea of some cultural hero bob means I'm fighting the good fight! I'm the hero too! I'm special!" meanwhile these people overwhelmingly can't do high school math. Nevermind bother putting in the effort to even understand what they read. The notion they've got to do more than assume they understand is heresy.

You see this all of the time if someone bothers to explain something more in-depth than a high school level, such as here >>15830463. Rather than think "Well shit, maybe I don't understand this as well as I thought", you get "lol ur a brick wall" and "ur illogical". I'd say it's trolling, and it very well may be in this particular case, but you have seemingly genuine conversations like that in real life.

>> No.15832278 [DELETED] 

The sticky should say "KILL ALL NIGGERS" haha. And have pictures of dead nigger babies. Just a suggestion!!

>> No.15832294

The only real advantage is that it has all of the borrowable books from archive.org on there which includes a lot of obscure ones that aren't on libgen. Some people prefer the UI since it includes the book cover in search results.

I don't think it's really a good idea to link either one in the sticky since the URLs of those type of sites change so often that they'll end up as dead links pretty soon - especially considering that the current sticky hasnt been updated in 10 years so it's clear the mods wouldnt care enough to fix it.

>> No.15832304

>You see this all of the time if someone bothers to explain something more in-depth than a high school level, such as here >>15830463. Rather than think "Well shit, maybe I don't understand this as well as I thought", you get "lol ur a brick wall" and "ur illogical". I'd say it's trolling, and it very well may be in this particular case, but you have seemingly genuine conversations like that in real life.
You seem incredibly upset that someone disagrees with your infantile and politically motivated misunderstanding of population genetics.

>> No.15832305

lol you wish you could upset me

>> No.15832310

I don't, really, although I seem to have done unintentionally by correctly judging your mood.

>> No.15832311
File: 49 KB, 720x480, sticky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sticky up for 2 days? I miss pre-2008 4chin.

>> No.15832314

nah. This is funny to me though,
>I don't
yet you're so desperate to keep trying lol

>> No.15832321


>> No.15832322

>read it in her voice
i need to go back, bros

>> No.15832445

/sci/'s #1 issue is relentless spam drowning out legitimate threads and driving away contributors. Dealing with that would improve the board far more than updating the sticky

>> No.15832449

This. It's impossible to talk about anything interesting under the deluge of corporate and government shilling.

>> No.15832463

>/sci/'s #1 issue is relentless spam drowning out legitimate threads and driving away contributors. Dealing with that would improve the board far more than updating the sticky
I would amend your complaint as "relentless anti-science spam" to be precise about it. The real issue isn't whether people post dumb shit, unless it does get spammy, the real issue is relentless posting of blatantly off topic and anti-science dumb shit.

More likely we'll get something done focusing on "will you please do the bare fucking minimum or let someone in charge who will?" than something more specific.

>> No.15832472

just make a captcha where you need to solve high school/college freshman level math problems
i really want this because it can be a bit fun

>> No.15832474

Mathchan is a dead gay forum and you should go back.

>> No.15832484

Logic puzzles might be a better alternative than mere calculation. For two reasons, (1) you can use or look up a calculator for your examples, and (2) challenging people to properly solve logic may force their brains to start using it. I know I am being extremely optimistic about (2).

But I really doubt, given how little effort is put into janitorial work, that they're going to put any effort at all into something like that. It'd be a fucking miracle.

>> No.15832546

Guys, I used chat gpt to help research something and now all the top journals are publishing information regarding what I talked to it about.

OK, maybe it is a coincidence but now the chat gpt won't stop asking me questions. Wtf is thus

>> No.15832597

holy moly
fucking happening
I was here

Put supermemo and anki in the new sticky resources

>> No.15832620

You are amazing. Why did the sticky die?

>> No.15832717

I nominate this!

>> No.15832950
File: 19 KB, 339x382, Christopher Langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the new sticky image

>> No.15832992

/sci/ is a God affirming board.

>> No.15833114
File: 2 KB, 222x227, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vote for it !!

>> No.15833122

voting for it

>> No.15833126
File: 45 KB, 638x711, 1696363718971980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15833196
File: 153 KB, 460x305, 1671808829635218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15833199

that pic should definitely be in the sticky to remind the retards here to not take schizos seriously

>> No.15833208
File: 683 KB, 860x532, 1681373026295984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Siegel. Introduction to String Field Theory
Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians by Deligne, Etinghof, Freed, Jeffreys, Kazhdan, Morgan, Morrison, and Witten Vol 1+2
Siegel Fields4.pdf
Polchinski's book
Edward Witten Schwartz
Mirror Symmetry (good starting point)
Polyakov. Gauge Fields and Strings
Zwiebach. First Course in String Theory
Becker Becker Schwarz
Dirichlet Branes and Mirror Symmetry
The original Goddard, Goldstone, Rebbi, Thorn paper
Susskind’s lectures on youtube

>Important Conference Websites
Relevant JUST conference websites:

>> No.15833224

I vote for this

>> No.15833336

what the kitty doing up there

>> No.15833361
File: 480 KB, 800x1200, 1696314572331059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15833422

i like it because i look like that

>> No.15833570

Definetly yes ! Let's remember a good genius.

Rest in peace Grothendieck

>> No.15833600

werks for me

>> No.15833603

imo the best place to learn math is reading research papers
cause the math there is actual practical applications and you can see how it was developed and read books for parts you don't understand

>> No.15833604

regular math books and khan academy is boring mental masturbation
it's way more interesting seeing real math doing real work not theoretical goboldigook

>> No.15833802


>> No.15833803

Filter is fixed to allow Nature articles.

>> No.15833842

That starting image is shit.
I get that 4chan's /sci/ has always and will always be shit but that image is really shit, at least use something that doesn't have a human face

>> No.15833978

For the would-be mathematicians, engineers and scientists, I would
recommend for the sticky the Handbook of Mathematics (6th ed.) as
a good reference--even up to grad school.


>> No.15834040

you've removed a barrier that formerly used to occasionally prevent low iqs from posting.

>> No.15834047

seethe more cant into superstrings

>> No.15834051
File: 47 KB, 828x564, 1698343417455665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine.

>> No.15834061

Phenotypelet detected

>> No.15834735
File: 1.87 MB, 2870x2870, 1680816443882565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did you do
you retard

>> No.15834752
File: 70 KB, 720x672, 1597040014340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I don't get how people who have browsed here longer than 6 months could desire to want these stupid faggots.
>giving the slightest hint of a shit about board quality